In a simply decorated room, the house is not large, with a bed and a sofa, a white carpet under the coffee table, and a large TV hanging on the wall.

A slovenly man wearing short-sleeved pants and short pants was sitting cross-legged on the floor, holding a game controller in his hand and staring at the TV screen intently.

On the screen was a little man holding a sword in his left hand and a shield in his right hand. He was hiding behind a stone and shooting a group of pig-headed monsters in the distance with bows and arrows.

He is already roughly familiar with the gameplay of this game. He can use a bow and arrow to hide in the distance and shoot obscenely, no matter what kind of powerful B monster it is, he can slowly kill it, but this obscene way of playing is obviously not in line with the style of the Demon King.

Is it heroic to injure someone with an arrow in the back? Men need to do it with real swords!

He paid the price for his reckless behavior. He didn't expect these ridiculous-looking pig-headed monsters to be so difficult to deal with. In the end, Xu Qinghuan was unable to fight with four hands, and the blood-red English DIE appeared on the screen.

"Don't die! Don't die, Great Demon King Link. Our great plan to conquer the world is not over yet. How can we fall here so easily, you bastard!"

Xu Qinghuan put down the game controller in annoyance and lay down facing the sofa, like a ridiculous ostrich.

After a while, Xu Qinghuan picked up the controller again and started the game.

The TV screen displayed red death prompts again and again.

"Damn it!"

Xu Qinghuan took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it. The successive failures made him a little dejected. This damn game company actually made the great devil so weak that he couldn't even defeat a few pig-headed soldiers.

The room door was pushed open.

"You're not allowed to smoke in my place."

Wearing a luxurious black and gold kimono, Izaiyuki Ye pushed open the door and walked in. She had a standard princess cut hairstyle and exquisite makeup. She looked like an idol star who was about to go on stage for a concert. She was holding a large plastic bag in each hand. It ruined her overall style.

Liuyueye put down the bag and waved his finger, and the cigarette in Xu Qinghuan's hand disappeared.

Xu Qinghuan was not angry and ran to the door to rummage through the bag.

"Let me see what delicious food you brought."

The bag contained some common ingredients such as beef, tofu, and mushrooms. It looked like they had been bought in the supermarket not long ago, and they were still carrying the cool air from the quick-freezer.

"Are you going to eat hot pot? It's tasteful! But it's missing the star ingredient in the hot pot world, fat belly, beef, fat sheep, Xiaojun liver." Xu Qinghuan flipped through another bag, which contained a small pot and induction cooker.

Xu Qinghuan frowned: "Not a mandarin duck pot? I've already said that I can eat spicy food, but you may not be able to accept it."

"Let's have sukiyaki for lunch." On the 16th day of the month, he took off his shoes, put them away, and walked into the house.

"Noon? Come on, there's no such thing as noon here." Xu Qinghuan pointed to the dark night sky outside the window, "I've been talking about it for more than ten hours, and it hasn't been bright yet."

"There is no day in the land of night." She was washing her hands by the pool on a 16-month night.

That night, Izayo Yeyue did not really kill Xu Qinghuan. Xu Qinghuan stepped into her trap while the two were walking and chatting on the street, and unknowingly followed her to the Kingdom of the Night.

Izayoi's original intention was to imprison Xu Qinghuan here, but Xu Qinghuan followed her without any resistance. Her indifferent expression surprised her, and she seemed to be turning against the guests.

The Kingdom of Night is no different from the normal world. Even the street buildings are exactly the same. The difference is that this place is as its name suggests. It is always dark. The round moon hangs high in the sky. There is no one in the whole world except the two of them. other people.

Izayoiyue brought Xu Qinghuan back to her residence. Xu Qinghuan thought that as the queen of this world, her residence would naturally be a luxurious palace worthy of her status, but unexpectedly it turned out to be a low-cost apartment common in Japan.

Xu Qinghuan originally thought that this room was a specially designed prison for him, but he thought that the girl was still too innocent to even set up a prison like this, but it was much better than the house he rented before.

It wasn't until he walked into the house and saw the clothes in the closet and a lot of comics on the cabinet that he was sure that this was indeed Izayoiyuki's own residence.

"Sukiyaki? No! I can't get used to eating that bland stuff." Xu Qinghuan shook his head.

I remember that after the operation in Yinhai ended, Wednesday generously said that the success of the operation was inseparable from his contribution as the captain. In order to commend all outstanding team members, he would treat you to a restaurant for a good meal. He always eats hot pot on weekdays. I also wanted to experience exotic flavors, so on Wednesday I took Xu Qinghuan, Xia Yi and Wang Xichao to the most expensive Japanese restaurant in Yinhai.

As soon as Xu Qinghuan sat down, he felt uncomfortable with the surrounding environment. Japanese songs were playing in the private room. He had to take off his shoes when entering the door. There was not even a chair and he had to sit cross-legged. When the food was served, he was even more shocked. He said that Japan is full of barbarians. The food they eat is raw. I will never go to Japan in my life.

Wednesday put a piece of salmon in his mouth and said with a look of enjoyment, Brother Xu, don't say it too early, maybe one day the executive department will send you to Japan to save the beautiful girls in distress. Xu Qinghuan stood up and pointed at Wednesday's nose and said angrily, "You foreign devil, don't be slanderous. I have never had such an idea and I have never watched those wonderful Japanese films and TV shows."

The only thing he liked during that meal was the sukiyaki.

"You have no choice. The nearby supermarket doesn't have the hot pot you mentioned." Izayoyoyuki began to wash the ingredients.

"Then you can just change it. Isn't this whole world created by illusion?" Xu Qinghuan lay on the sofa boredly, pressing the TV remote control to change channels.

Izayoi Yue remained silent.

"The broken TV can't even watch the Spring Festival Gala." Xu Qinghuan put down the remote control helplessly and looked at Izayoi Yue curiously: "I can feel that this is not the original appearance of this world."

Izayoiyuki remained silent and patiently cut the carrots with a knife.

"You're such an interesting girl, do you usually play house with yourself like this?" Xu Qinghuan stood on the balcony, sticking her head out of the window to admire the night view outside, "I have to say that your illusion is quite realistic. "

"I've never had hot pot, so I can't change it." Izayo Yeyue was annoyed by Xu Qinghuan's nagging.

Her secret was exposed by Xu Qinghuan, and the entire Kingdom of Night was an illusion created by her divine order to cover up the original ruins.

The two of them sat face to face at the small round table, and the small pot on the table was bubbling.

"You didn't kill me, but you brought me here. Could it be that you took a fancy to me and wanted me to live here with you?" Xu Qinghuan took a piece of beef and put it in his mouth, "I'm telling you, I'm a little bit sincere to you. It doesn’t mean anything. Of course, it’s not your problem.” He swallowed the beef, “Of course it’s not my problem. I have a more ambitious goal than women. You are lonely and lonely here. If you find someone to accompany you, you should go catch Shen Mengyu, I have always thought that you two are a good match."

"Who says I didn't kill you?" Shiliuyueye put down his chopsticks, "This is the Kingdom of Darkness..."

The environment around the two people changed. One second they were eating hot pot in a low-cost apartment, and the next second they were in an open space. The floor beneath them turned into muddy and wet land, and the food in the pot turned into disgusting insects. The soup turned into a green viscous liquid. Xu Qinghuan looked around. The high-rise buildings before had turned into ruins. The ruins were full of human corpses with festered skin.

"It is also the land of underworld." Izayoyuki said slowly.

Xu Qinghuan's expression was indifferent when he saw the corpses and ruins, but his expression changed drastically when he saw the food on the table.

"Change back quickly! Change back quickly! It's so disgusting!"

The environment returns to normal.

Xu Qinghuan breathed a sigh of relief, but no longer wanted to move his chopsticks.

"I said I wanted to kill you, but I didn't say I had to do it myself." Shiliuyueye also lost her appetite and put down her chopsticks. Just now she canceled the illusion and allowed Xu Qinghuan to see the true face of the world, which was really hurting the enemy. An act that costs one thousand and damages eight hundred.

"You haven't noticed that I've been walking in front of you since we met."

"so what?"

"I'm leading you to the road to hell. Once you get here, you can't get out. Your body has probably been cremated now."

Xu Qinghuan's expression was angry.

Shiliu Yueye smiled proudly. The man opposite him had always looked familiar and annoying. Now he finally realized his danger, which made Shiliu Yueye very satisfied.

This stinky man actually dares to treat this place as his own home and smokes in the room! How can it be done without treatment?

"So I came to your house as a guest, and you entertained the guests with bugs?"

Xu Qinghuan was extremely angry. The scene in the pot just now made him feel sick to his stomach. The look of him about to vomit from time to time made his anger a bit funny.

"Hey, the point should be that you're dead and can't come back, right?" Izayoyuki frowned.

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