"Demon King? Hero?"

Twelve Moon Night couldn't believe her ears. If the strength displayed by the man in front of her wasn't so terrifying, she would have regarded him as a lunatic who had just escaped from a mental hospital.

"Yes! Don't you have a lot of comics and anime about me in Japan? But I have to clarify one thing again. The reason why I don't steal the princess is not because there is a problem with my sexual orientation. I just don't steal the princess. I'm a coward. I understand that it’s not sweet.”

During that time, Shen Delu asked him every day how many princesses he had snatched, and whether the princesses were good-looking or not.

Xu Qinghuan drank more than a dozen cans of beer and was already starting to get a little drunk.

Junyue Ye's brain was thinking rapidly, and after thinking for a long time, he still couldn't figure out which mythical god the Demon King Hero was.

"This bracelet of yours is quite interesting, but I don't know if it's worth it if it's broken like this." Xu Qinghuan raised his wrist. The silver bracelet on his wrist had many obvious cracks on its surface. It must have been from what was inside his body just now. Caused by the impact of demonic power.

"This is magatama, my magatama." Shiliuyueye said sadly.

"No, no, no." Xu Qinghuan shook his index finger, "This is mine, you gave it to me."

After saying that, he reacted.

"Then the bracelet you gave to Xia Yi belongs to your sister?"

Shiliyueye nodded and said, "Have you heard of Yata Qiong Magatama?"

Xu Qinghuan shook his head.

Shiliyue Yexin said that your brother didn't know anything and was just getting involved in all this. However, under the pressure of Xu Qinghuan, he patiently explained: "My sister Amaterasu has a total of three artifacts, Tiancong Yunjian, Eight. There are actually two Yatagama Magatama and Yatagama Magatama, the Yang Jade and the Yin Jade, which represent the identity of the ruler of Takamagahara and the Kingdom of Night, and are also the key to Takamagahara and the Kingdom of Night."

Twelve Moon Night reached out and removed the illusion cast on the silver bracelet, revealing its original appearance.

The bracelet emitted a gentle white light and turned into a small black magatama and slipped from Xu Qinghuan's wrist. Liuyueye reached out to pick it up, but Xu Qinghuan, who had quick eyes and quick hands, stopped him and snatched it away.

"This is my thing now." Xu Qinghuan said with a rogue smile.

Twelve Moon Night had no choice but to smile and nodded knowingly.

"Then how come your sister's is also in your hands? You gave it to Xia Yi." Xu Qinghuan asked.

"I picked it up by accident."

Xu Qinghuan's face turned cold.

Shiliyueye laughed twice and said wisely: "She stole it. She always puts things around in a daze. I took them away when I saw them."

Xu Qinghuan burst out laughing: "Xia Yi has collected stolen goods. If I call the police, she will be arrested and interrogated at the police station."

Thinking of Xia Yi being put into a police car in handcuffs, Xu Qinghuan became inexplicably happy.

This is too embarrassing.

Xu Qinghuan thought for a while: "According to what you say, I am now the master of the Kingdom of Darkness? Then Xia Yi is also the master of Gao Tianyuan?"

On a sixteen-month night, she suppressed the anger in her heart and did not dare to express it.

"By the way, what is Gao Tianyuan? Which is more powerful, the Kingdom of Darkness or Gao Tianyuan?" Xu Qinghuan asked an idiot question.

"Gaotianyuan was originally a place where the gods stayed..."

"Understood!" Xu Qinghuan interrupted, "The Kingdom of Night is equivalent to the Heavenly Court, where the Jade Emperor lives. Then I am the Lord of Hell. Where are the ghosts under me? Why haven't I seen any ghosts? Is it possible that I only have one subordinate, that little snake with many heads?"

"The Kingdom of Night is not the underworld!" Izayoiyuki said angrily. The various idiotic remarks of the man in front of her finally made her unable to hold back her anger. "This used to be a beautiful place!"

"Didn't you say that this is both the Kingdom of Night and the Kingdom of Underworld?" Xu Qinghuan ignored the girl's anger. How could an adult feel sorry for a child?

The expression on June Night was gloomy: "This place used to be beautiful, and the dead souls rested here."

She waved silently, and the two of them were at the cliff again.

The monster under the abyss felt the familiar aura and could only roar silently. The red light and terrifying body in the darkness were vaguely visible.

"The Kingdom of Night and the Kingdom of Underworld are connected. After people die, their souls will come to the Kingdom of Night."

On the 16th month night, I pointed to the endless opposite bank.

"There was originally a bridge here that allowed the dead to lead to the Land of Underworld on the other side."

"The undead can go there to reincarnate and welcome their new life."

"Until my mother was defeated, my father sealed her in the Land of Underworld and cut off the bridge. From then on, humans on this land could not reincarnate. My sister, brother and I wanted to rebuild a bridge, so my father Create this terrible monster and send it to guard this place, we can’t defeat it.”

Xu Qinghuan sat on the edge of the cliff, picked up the stones on the ground and threw them into the abyss.

"Such a little snake, just a bit ugly, has made things difficult for you like this?" Xu Qinghuan chuckled, "We have many demons that are uglier than this guy. Have I ever told you that I My previous mount was a fire-breathing dragon?"

The monster in the abyss named Yamata no Orochi was not worthy of being summoned by the Demon King before.

Liuyueye glanced at Xu Qinghuan and said angrily: "It has been dead for thousands of years. I hope you can still say such things after it is resurrected."

"Dead? Isn't it still crawling there?" Xu Qinghuan didn't care.

"Although my father created this perfect monster, he also paid a great price. His divine power was weak. My sister and brother and I rushed into Gaotianyuan. My brother killed his father and inherited the ten fists. sword, and finally the younger brother killed Yamata no Orochi with the Ten Fist Sword."

"I know all this. The Ten Fist Sword split into three pieces, and your brother used the three fragments to create the Tian Yu Zhan, the Budo Mithun, and the Tian Cong Yun Sword made from the bones of the Yamata no Orochi."

"My sister's big mouth problem has not changed for thousands of years." Shiliyueye complained.

"Keep talking." Xu Qinghuan urged impatiently.

"After the death of Yamata no Orochi, my sister became the new owner of Takamagahara, guarding the remaining monsters and resurrected gods on this land. Everyone built a shrine for her and dedicated their faith."

Sixteen Moon Night smiled to himself: "And I came to the Kingdom of Darkness and was responsible for repairing the bridge leading to the Kingdom of Underworld and extraditing the departed souls to the Kingdom of Underworld."

"Amaterasu is admired by thousands of people and shines brightly. What about Tsukuyomi? He is just a god who is gradually forgotten."

"Then why don't you two take turns to change shifts?" Xu Qinghuan asked, "I was like this when I was working in a convenience store. People who have to work the night shift can't stand it, so they always work in shifts."

Sixteen Moon Night pointed at the piece of black magatama held by Xu Qinghuan in his left hand.

"This is Magatama's choice. Yangyu chose my sister, and Yinyu chose me. I would also like to go on strike for a few days to rest, but no one can do this job except me." Shiliuyue Ye said silently.

Xu Qinghuan stood up and looked at the other side, and said: "Then you are not doing a good job at this job. What about the bridge that has been built for so many years? There is not even a shadow. Are you slacking off?"

June Night shrugged and said, "Because I'm on strike."

"Susan found me more than a hundred years ago and talked about his plan to rescue my mother. In fact, I didn't care what he said at all. My sister has been leading my brother and me to earn a living since I became conscious. , begging for food from one family to the other, how could he have any feelings for a mother who has no impression of him? Going to a lot of trouble to save her? The war between her and her father was just to fight for the supreme throne. What good is the loser? pitiful?"

"But one thing he said is right." Shiliuyueye stood up, and the divine power around him surged and the environment changed.

Xu Qinghuan saw a girl in kimono working tirelessly to carry wood and build a simple wooden bridge to the opposite bank, day after day, year after year.

"Why can my sister live in Gaotian and be respected by all people, but I have to waste more than 6,000 years of my life building this broken bridge here?" Shiliuyue Ye said angrily.

"For more than six thousand years! I have guarded this place for mankind for more than six thousand years! I build this broken bridge every day, and I use my divine power every day to send the dead to the land of hell. Any kind of kindness should be enough!"

"It makes sense." Xu Qinghuan lit a cigarette and felt that the girl next to him was quite pitiful.

"Then I left the Kingdom of Darkness and went to Gao Tianyuan to return Magatama to her and tell her that I quit!"

"Be tough, I often wanted to do this when I used to work in a convenience store, but I tolerated it considering my rent and living expenses."

"Can you stop comparing your job at the convenience store to me?" Shiliyue Ye frowned.

"It's all work, so there's nothing noble or inferior about it." Xu Qinghuan waved his hand nonchalantly, "Continue."

"The road to Takamagahara will pass through the human world, beautiful clothes, big birds in the sky that can carry people, and four-wheeled monsters running on the ground. I have not been out of the Kingdom of Darkness for so many years, and I am attracted by these strange things. , Anyway, I have built the bridge to the Kingdom of the Underworld, and the Kingdom of Darkness can operate normally, so I will play in the human world for a few years."

"Gradually, I realized something was wrong. The streets were full of soldiers in military uniforms. Men were encouraged to put on military uniforms and embark on cruise ships leaving their hometowns. Women went abroad to become stepdaughters to earn money and remit it to China for military expenses. The whole country fell into madness. Out of control, the government said that as long as the war was won, the citizens would live a good life, and the soldiers swore allegiance to the emperor to win the war, and their ridiculous emperor claimed to be a descendant of Amaterasu."

"I carefully recalled what Susan said to me at that time. He wanted to resurrect the Yamata-no Orochi and use the power of the Yamata-no-Orochi to break the seal that imprisoned my mother. The Yamata-no-Orochi is a creature created by my father, so there is only the Yamata no Orochi. The serpent can break the seal set by my father.”

"Is the condition for resurrecting it the human soul?" Xu Qinghuan said, he had already made a rough guess.

Shiliyueye nodded.

"That guy is no longer the hero enshrined by humans. Maybe he never was. Only the souls of humans who died in the country will come to the Kingdom of Darkness. In other words, he launched a war that he knew he would lose. In the war, he needed too many souls to resurrect Yamata no Orochi, in other words, he sacrificed the entire Japan."

Xu Qinghuan fell silent.

"Starting a war for his own purposes, countless innocent people died. Such people really deserve to go to hell." Sixteenth Night said.

"I am in hell all the time." Xu Qinghuan put out the cigarette with a complicated expression.

"I returned to the Kingdom of Darkness and found that the bridge I had worked so hard to build had long been cut off. Countless souls fell into the abyss and were swallowed by the Yamata no Orochi. It has shown faint signs of recovery."

"It was too late to rebuild the bridge. I used my divine power to send batch after batch of undead souls to the other side until I was exhausted. I thought this would cover up my sins, but one day, the Kingdom of Darkness came. Killed countless undead, there have never been so many people, never before." Shiliyueye's eyes were shining with a guilty expression.

"Those undead souls include men and women, old people and infants. They are all burnt and cannot recognize their original appearance. I have been in charge of the Kingdom of Darkness for six thousand years. There has never been a war between humans on this land. Stop, but I have never had a precedent of so many undead who died tragically entering the Kingdom of Darkness at the same time, just like people in a city died at the same time."

"Little boy! Fatty!" Xu Qinghuan realized what happened that day in Shiliyueye's mouth.

"The bridge was destroyed. I was exhausted and had no time to recover. I couldn't extradite so many people at the same time. I could only watch them jump off the cliff and fall into the mouth of the monster." The girl lowered her head, her long Her bangs covered her face. Her expression was unclear, and her voice was low, like a prisoner who had committed an unforgivable sin confessing his crime.

"I saw some familiar faces among them, including friends I have known for several years, the kind-hearted grandmother who entertained me when I first arrived in the human world, and friends I watched grow from children to boys and girls. They were affected by that scene. He was so devastated by the disaster that he jumped off the cliff with an expressionless face."

"The Yamata no Orochi has devoured countless souls and has gradually begun to regain consciousness and strength. I am powerless to stop it. The only way I can think of is to close the door to the Kingdom of Darkness. After all, it is better for the undead to wander outside than to be swallowed up by monsters and disappear completely. .”

"I ran to Gao Tianyuan in a panic, closing my eyes and not daring to see the horrors of the outside world."

"I shouted outside Gaotianyuan. My sister once said that the sun and the moon will never meet. I can't enter without her permission."

"First I cursed outside, why didn't she take a look at the tragic situation happening in the outside world? The humans who worship her are suffering torture that they don't deserve. What on earth is she, the great and supreme Amaterasu, hiding in Takamagahara? What! Then I confessed and admitted that all this was because of me, and I was willing to give up everything, even eternal life, just to ask her to come forward to solve all this."

"In the end, my divine power was almost restored, and I exhausted all my strength and broke through the gate of Gao Tianyuan."

The words stopped abruptly, and the sixteen-month night fell into silence.

"Then what?" Xu Qinghuan asked.

"I saw my sister being nailed to death by Tian Yuzhan on the stone pillar of Takamagahara. At her feet lay the dead Susan, my younger brother." Twelve Moon Night sat down silently again.

"I know that the Sky Feather Slash is not enough to kill my sister, but it is Susana's weapon, and the person holding the sword is Susana. My sister is about to die, completely die, and her soul is about to dissipate."

"Then it stands to reason that she should be dead. Who is the noble son I saw?"

Liuyueye wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and looked at Xu Qinghuan with a forced smile: "It's me."

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