"In other words, you are playing two roles to trick me?" Xu Qinghuan's face darkened, "Do you know the consequences of deceiving me?"

Sixteen Moon Night just looked into the abyss blankly.

"My sister is dying, her spirit is about to dissipate, and I am the only one in the world who can save her."

"I absorbed her soul and kept it in my body." Twelve Moon Night smiled bitterly, "My body and her soul are in perfect harmony, but they are like fire and water. She is devouring my soul. I used it for nourishment, and the speed of recovery was beyond my expectation. My life was passing by little by little, and I gradually lost control of my body."

"I don't have much time left. I can't repair that bridge. My long and boring life is about to come to an end, so I closed the door to the Kingdom of Darkness. It's better for those departed souls to wander around in the world than to be trapped by Baqi. It’s much better after the big snake swallowed it. Let my sister solve these problems after she recovers. After all, I gave my body to her and she will help me deal with the aftermath. This is fair, right?”

Xu Qinghuan looked at the thin girl beside him, and suddenly felt that his job in the convenience store was indeed incomparable to what she was doing. If he was not happy, he could resign and find another job, but what about her?

With great ability comes great responsibility.

He suddenly remembered a classic line from the Spider-Man movie.

"I decided to use the remaining time to make up for the life I had lost, but I found it too difficult. I had no relatives or friends, and I didn't know what life was like. Later, the comic industry emerged, and I discovered that those in comics The characters' lives are so colorful and enviable, so I started to imitate them. I have been a football player, a basketball player, and even tried to learn to be a ninja. I owned a small boat and drove it out to sea and encountered tsunamis and heavy rains. I worked as a private detective and saved up money to buy a small shop and named it Wan Shi Wu, although the business was not good and it closed down soon."

Sixteen Moon Night proudly took out the small pink book in her arms. After opening it, she wrote down one after another the things she wanted to do. These things were weird and weird, and even normal humans would have no chance to do them in their lifetime. Most of them had already been done. After ticking the box, she opened it page by page, and everything on it was written about this girl's life.

"Until two years ago, my sister's spirit awakened and took control of her body for the first time. My naive sister thought it was human faith that revived her, and I had to hide in the Kingdom of Darkness. I originally wanted to control my body. The power was completely given to her, but one day a man wearing a mask and calling himself Lord Yamaki came to the Kingdom of Darkness."

"Even my sister can't enter the Kingdom of Darkness without my permission, let alone ordinary humans. They can't even find the entrance to the Kingdom of Darkness."

"It's interesting." Xu Qinghuan became interested.

"In so many years, I have only allowed my brother Susana to enter the Land of the Night." Izayoyoyuki frowned slightly, obviously the identity of that person puzzled her.

"I suspect that he is Susano. He exudes a familiar aura, but something is not right. If he is really a human born from Susano, I can recognize him at a glance regardless of whether the soul of Susano is awakened in his body, and from his Judging from his appearance and voice, he should be a middle-aged man. Humans parasitized by gods cannot live to such an old age."

"He came to me specifically. After all, besides me, the only one in the Kingdom of Darkness is this monster under our feet. He said that he has a way to solve my problem. He just needs to find a body that can perfectly bear the soul and transfer his soul to it. By devouring and occupying his body, I can survive.”

"How could I not know this method? But as I said before, the human body cannot even withstand the high concentration of divine blood, let alone the divine soul. It may take thousands of years for a human like this to appear in the world. Or is there even a human like this? No one is sure, this is just a theoretical method."

"He told me that he has found such a person, and that he will come to Japan soon." Twelve Moon Night said quietly.

"Chen Mengyu? You actually targeted him so early." Xu Qinghuan was a little surprised. It seems that the people behind the scenes have been planning for a long time.

"What is this human being who is about to be fortunate enough to be possessed by a god? That man brought a lot of information about him. It can be said that the person who knows him best in the world is me."

"Wow, this feeling of having another person silently paying attention to you is such a blessing. I suddenly feel a little envious of Shen Mengyu." Xu Qing said with a smile.

"Under the sunlight during the day, my sister's soul will become more powerful, so I usually come out to take control of my body again after the moon comes out at night."

"It's Takako during the day, and you at night?" Xu Qinghuan summarized.

Izayukiye nodded and added: "Not absolutely. That day you came to Japan. I really wanted to see what the man I had only seen in photos looked like. I had studied him for so long. I can finally see it with my own eyes.”

"You were led to the bar where I sang. The next day I found a reason to approach you deliberately just to take a look at him." Shiliuyueye smiled, "Although I can only stay here for a few days. It’s worth resting in the Kingdom of Darkness, but it’s worth it.”

"Also, the Odin's weapon Gangnir you are looking for is indeed not stolen by my sister. I can prove it for her." Sixteenth Night smiled with eyes like crescent moons.

"Did you steal it!?" Xu Qinghuan stood up with a cry.

Shiliyueye shook his head.

"Baqi found me and asked me to go to China to retrieve Tian Yu Yu Zhan. He gave me a false identity and bought a round-trip ticket. I was afraid that I would forget, so I wrote the address on the note and put it in my pocket. That day The weather was bad at night and the dark clouds covered the moon. I thought about going a day later. Unexpectedly, the next day my sister saw the ticket and address in her pocket and ran to China to retrieve Tian Yu Yu Zhan. "

"When I woke up, I only had a Tianyu Yuzhan with me, and I gave it to Baqi."

"Oh." Xu Qinghuan sat down again.

The two were silent for a long time.

"Xu Jun." Liuyue Ye broke the silence.

"Huh?" Xu Qinghuan lay on the ground with pillows on his hands.

"I am willing to give up my plan to seize your friend. I only ask you to help me kill this Yamata no Orochi."

In the mall, a cheap store selling women's clothes.

"Beautiful! This dress is simply made for you, girl!" the middle-aged woman selling clothes praised.

She didn't expect that two such beautiful girls would patronize her shop.

Takako wore a white sweater underneath, a gray coat on the outside, and black pants and boots on the lower body. They were all simple styles, but they looked very good on her.

This kind of small shop has inexpensive clothes, pants and shoes.

Xia Yi just bought a down jacket and put it on and waited quietly.

Takako looked back and forth in front of the full-length mirror.

Xia Yi took out her pocket to pay, and Xu Qinghuan left a lot of cash for her.

Takako quickly waved her hand and said no. She rummaged through the pockets of the down jacket she had changed into. Her pockets were as good as those of Doraemon. There were a lot of change, plane tickets, notes and some strange objects in them.

Guizi counted the change but it was still not enough. Xia Yi stopped him and paid the money directly, saying that Brother Xu apologized for the previous misunderstanding, and these things were paid for by him.

Takako said that I will definitely repay him when I make money in the future, while carefully folding the rags found in the pockets of the old clothes and putting them back into the pockets of the new clothes.

"What's written on the note?" Xia Yi noticed the written note.

Takako unfolded the note awkwardly, and there was a crooked section of Japan on it.

"The bad guys who stole Tian Yu Yu Zhan live in: 601, Building 6, Sunshine Home, Linjiang City." Takako explained.

"I still have a question." Xu Qinghuan lay on the sofa again.

"What?" Sixteen Moon Night sat in front of the TV and played the game Xu Qinghuan bought. She controlled the villain to ride a white horse and shoot the ultimate arrow towards the BOSS in its final form in the distance. The protagonist and the princess were played on the screen. Meet animation.

"It stands to reason that your brother Susan's plan has been successful. Why did he die?" Xu Qinghuan asked.

"I have been investigating this matter for many years. He set foot on Chinese soil, and was eventually seriously injured and escaped. He dragged his body to Gaotianyuan, probably trying to pull out the sword he had inserted into my sister's body. Unfortunately, In the end, he couldn't hold on and died."

In the first class cabin, Shen Delu lay on the comfortable seat in fear and enjoyed the attentive service of the stewardess.

"It's really good to have money." Shen Delu said with emotion.

Lin Yue sat next to him, put on an eye mask and prepared to fall asleep.

Shen Delu said quickly: "Don't sleep yet. You haven't explained to me clearly what you are going to do in Japan! The execution department is really weird this time and didn't issue a mission statement. Besides, they are about to start a war with the Samurai God Society and kill me. What's the use of planting cannon fodder and sending them to Japan? But my brother Xu and sister Xia Yi can't make trouble with the little devils. Don't tell me that the college is really rich this time and has arranged a first-class flight."

"Don't you know how to count?" Lin Yue put on earplugs.

"I almost killed myself last time using Tianyan! I don't have the guts to calculate fate when it comes to Brother Xu and Sister Xia Yi."

What Shen Delu said was true. Destiny is such a mysterious thing. The stronger the person is, the greater the damage will be to him.

"It's Principal Long's order. Okay, I'm going to take a nap. Call me when the time comes." Lin Yue turned to the side.

Shen Delu turned on his phone in boredom and saw the chat interface in WeChat. "Conquering the World" had not replied to his WeChat message for 24 hours.

Could it be that something really happened to Xu Qinghuan?

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