Tokyo, early morning.

Xu Qinghuan opened the door and stood in the corridor looking at the scattered vehicles and pedestrians passing by on the street. Only then did he confirm that he had really left the Kingdom of Darkness.

This is a common two-story apartment in Japan. It is mainly made of wooden structure. The door directly faces the corridor. Most of the male and female protagonists in Japanese comics live in such apartments because the rent is low and fits the personality.

Izayoiyuki restored this room one to one in the Kingdom of Darkness, and set the "door" connecting the two worlds as the door of this room.

Xu Qinghuan carries the magatama called the key by Izayoi Yue in his pocket. He can return to the two worlds through this door at any time.

He returned to the room again. When Izayoi left, he had cleaned the room he had messed up. Even the game console was put back into the box and placed on the coffee table. Next to it was a stack of yen and A note with an address written in Japanese.

Xu Qinghuan walked down the stairs with the game console, stood on the roadside and took a taxi. He handed the note with the agreed address to the driver and urged the driver to drive faster.

He rejected Izayoyoyuki's request. Are you kidding me? What does all this trouble have to do with him? He is the Demon King, not some wish-making lamp from Aladdin. If it weren't for the silver-haired and paralyzed hero, this little Tokyo might have been destroyed by him.

Killing the Yamata no Orochi curled up in the abyss is not difficult for him, but it also consumes a lot of his own magic power. Although Xia Yi is a "power bank" that can transform at any time to provide him with magic power, he doesn't know. Why did Xu Qinghuan resist that force in her heart?

He noticed that Xia Yi would suffer the burning backlash from the holy sword while releasing the power of the devil. Xu Qinghuan, the former hero and current demon king, is the person who knows the Holy Sword best, and the person who knows the pain best, even though Xia Yi is trying his best to suppress and hide the pain.

Thinking of this, Xu Qinghuan, who was in the back seat of the taxi, felt a little upset.

Women are really creatures that are not to be trifled with. He just saved her life when she was young, and said some big words in front of her that even he couldn't bear to hear now. This girl suddenly really believed it. Taking what he said back then as the truth, he became a brave man and chased after himself.

Xu Qinghuan let out a long sigh.

In his memory, when he was young and frivolous, he fought with the sword Tianya. With his strength, he went from an ordinary village boy to a brave man admired by thousands of people. Along the way, he rescued not only 1,000 but also 800 young and beautiful girls, including many. The beautiful lady who secretly flirts with you and wants to marry you. After all, everyone is doing everything possible to survive in troubled times. What can be more secure than marrying a young and handsome brave man who has entered the demon clan to kill the demon king alone? It's a pity that I was so focused on the great cause of protecting mankind that I didn't care about those little loves.

Not to mention how it ended later, the previous paragraph can be regarded as my highlight experience, right? When I have time in the future, I will write this experience into an online novel. I will be able to earn a million dollars a month soon. I will lie at home every day to collect money.

But damn, there happened to be a silver-haired girl with facial paralysis. She took the childish remarks that she regarded as black history as dogma in her heart, and damn she kept saying them all day long. Seeing her reminded me of that time that I couldn't bear to look back on. past events. This is just like when you were young and loved the popular non-mainstream culture, dressing up in weird looks and speaking non-mainstream languages ​​all day long, but people will eventually grow up. When you grow up, you bury the past and become You are a normal adult, and suddenly a fan girl you met in the non-mainstream period appears. She was deeply influenced by you back then, and now she dresses up in weird ways and says the same things you said back then.

When you see her, it's like you saw yourself as an idiot before, but it's all your fault that she became like this. What can you do? What can I do! Of course, he pretended not to know her and covered up that period of history.

Xu Qinghuan had a headache.

bakery! I get angry when I talk about this! I have been thinking about going back and opening a bakery all day long! At that time, I sold the brave armor blessed by the church to finance the bakery you opened. During the decisive battle with the devil, the inferior leather armor pinched my flesh, causing me to be stabbed by him. Do you know? Now you won so much money by betting on me without taking any cents from me.

It's a pity that Xu Qinghuan can't talk about these things.

He recognized Xia Yi when they first met, how could he not recognize her? The appearance of this unfortunate girl has not changed much, especially the expression that has been paralyzed for thousands of years and the silver hair that reaches her waist.

He had mixed feelings at that moment.

In such troubled times, the silver-haired girl not only survived but also became a powerful hero. Unfortunately, being a hero is not a good job, and the working time is usually relatively short.

Why didn't we recognize each other at that time? Why don't you say that my sister is my brother? Your savior is also an old man in the field. In fact, I didn’t mean to let you go. I remember promising you to inspect the operation of the bakery I invested in you after you came back victorious from killing the devil. But brother, I had to go because the situation was special. It will only cause trouble for you. Seeing that you have developed into such a good brother, I am really happy for you from the bottom of my heart. Take the holy sword back quickly.


The taxi took Xu Qinghuan to a remote house on the outskirts of the city. When he got out of the car, he saw Takako sitting in a daze on the doorstep.

"I am Dongguai, Dongyao." Xu Qinghuan walked up to Takako and exchanged the code. This was the code he had agreed with Izayoi Yue.

Takako didn't even look back, he just replied silently: "Dongguai, Dongguai, I am a cave demon."

"What tasks has the organization arranged for me this time?" Xu Qinghuan looked around vigilantly, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, and was about to light it when he realized that the lighter had been left at Shiliyue Ye's house.

The two of them talked in a low voice, like agents in contact, but there was no secret at all.

"The mission this time is very simple." Izaiyue Ye pointed to the house behind him, "The owner of this family is called Fujiwara Chiba. I heard from Yaqi that my sister's Amancongyun Sword was hidden in the basement by this guy. We will go in later and beat Fujiwara Chiba to force him to hand over the Amancongyun Sword, and then you can take the Amancongyun Sword back to the Kingdom of Darkness and wait for me."

"Wow, that's a bit exciting." Xu Qinghuan looked a little excited, "What is the false identity assigned to me? Chef? Gardener? Why didn't I see you wearing costumes and props? Where are the combat headphones? How can we keep in touch during the operation?"

Izayo Yeyue looked at Xu Qinghuan with an expression like "What are you talking about?"

"It's like this in movies, haven't you seen 007?"

"Brother, we two, we two, do we need it?" Izayo Yeyue pointed at Xu Qinghuan and then at herself.

Xu Qinghuan shook his head: "No, no, no, to be precise, you are the only one."

Izayoiyuki looked confused.

"As soon as I use my power, a follower will follow me." Xu Qinghuan explained helplessly.

"Xia Yi? Why are you afraid of her?" Izayoi Yeyue was puzzled.

"I'm not, I don't have it, don't talk nonsense!" Xu Qinghuan was anxious. Perhaps he realized that he was a little rude. He coughed twice and said: "It's just that if she is here, there will be a lot of troublesome rules, do you understand?"

"Okay, okay, stop talking." Liuyueye interrupted Xu Qinghuan's explanation, "I can do it alone, just follow me."

"Wait a minute!" Xu Qinghuan reacted and took Izayo Yeyue's arm, "No, didn't you agree to help me find the lair of the Samurai God Guild first? Why are you here to snatch the sword again?"

Izayoi Yue raised a finger: "First, because I don't know where the Samurai God Society's home base is."

Izayoi Yue raised a finger again: "Secondly, I don't have the contact information of Mr. Yaqi. He is the one who contacts me every time."

"You don't know anything about co-writing?" Xu Qinghuan was angry and annoyed.

Izayoiyuki shook his head.

"No, no, no, of course I brought you here for a reason. The owner of this family, Fujiwara Chiba, is the head of the demon community. He must know some information about the Samurai God Society. It makes sense, right?"

"It's barely fair."

"And the most important point is that you can go to the Samurai God Association anytime, but my aunt will soon run out of time. It's already past one in the morning, and the divine order I cast on Xia Yi and Shen Mengyu can only last a few seconds. Hours, I must rush back before dawn." With that said, Izayoiyuki was ready to break in.

"Have you become an errand boy with me?" Xu Qinghuan was obviously dissatisfied.

Izayoyoyuki sighed and put on another smile.

"How could it be? Everything we have done is to fulfill your purpose. Do you think that as long as I find all three swords and recast them into the Ten Fist Sword, you can kill Loki with the Ten Fist Sword?" , think about how hateful Loki is, he has been to Japan many years ago and already knows that Tian Yuyu can’t kill him, he is playing tricks on you, I don’t know about you, anyway, I can’t bear this matter to me.” The words of the moon on the 11th night of the twelfth night are true and sincere.

"Although I know you are lying to me, I have to say that you are really good at persuading people." Xu Qinghuan still stood where he was.

"And you think about it, that old guy Chiba Fujiwara has been in control of Japan for many, many years. There must be a lot of valuable things in the basement where he hides his treasures. It's okay for you to take them all. This old guy has a bad reputation. Very, we can be considered as robbing the rich and giving to the poor." Seeing that Xu Qinghuan was already shaken, Shiliyueye took the opportunity to add fuel to the fire, raised his right hand and swore: "I, Xiaoyue, am here to vouch for it, God knows it, you know it, I know it, I will definitely not let sister Xia Yi know."

"Why didn't you tell me such an important thing earlier! My favorite thing in life is to fight against these capitalists who are greedy for wealth and have no mercy!"

Before Izayoi Yue could react, Xu Qinghuan had already started knocking on the door.

"Silly, what are you doing! Start taking action!"

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