The Good-For-Nothing Demon King's Road To Killing Gods

Chapter 119 Two-Person Agent Team (2)

The ancestral home of the Fujiwara family is not the kind of house that most people imagine. It covers an area of ​​more than 50,000 square meters. The existing old imperial palace Kyoto Imperial Palace in Kyoto, Japan is only 110,000 square meters. In a sense, Fujiwara The ancestral residence is fully worthy of the title of Imperial Palace. Several generations of Guanbai lived here. They played a regent-like role and symbolized the power and status of the Fujiwara family. Most of the other existing Imperial Palaces have become tourist attractions. A tourist attraction, but this place is still the private residence of the Fujiwara family.

Gardens, rockeries, ponds, various halls, just living in such a standard place, the power of the Fujiwara family can be seen from the fact that the ancient emperor did not punish the Fujiwara family for the serious crime of rebellion.

Security issues in such a large area are naturally a top priority. Just like the ancient emperors had imperial guards, the Fujiwara Organization's ancestral home also has many bodyguards to protect it. These guards come from the descendants of the Fujiwara family and branch families, and have been carefully selected. , all excellent.

"Cheer up, everyone!"

In the Fujiwara ancestral house, a tall man in a black suit yelled at two men who were whispering on the patrol road.

When the two subordinates saw that the newly transferred vice-captain was here, they did not dare to neglect, and immediately stood up straight and prepared for the attack.

Seeing the vice-captain walking away, the two looked unconvinced.

"What the hell!"

"Understand, Vice Captain Uhe thinks that we are the shrine where he used to stay."

The two laughed softly.

Yu Hezhi, who hadn't gone far yet, pretended not to hear the two men's ridicule, but clenched his fists tighter.

He was born in the Fujiwara branch family, and his background was naturally not as good as that of his family. However, with his own efforts and excellent divine blood, he succeeded in becoming the captain of the Fujiwara family shrine at the age of forty. This job But it is much better than the previous job of killing demons on the front line. It is recognized as a golden job, because there is nothing to do on weekdays. It is just to gain qualifications. No one in Japan would have the idea of ​​​​the Fujiwara Shrine, and there is no such thing in the shrine. No matter what valuable thing it is, sending someone to guard it is just a matter of face.

After a few years of working, you can be promoted to an office in any department of the Evil Ghost Headquarters, and you can receive a large monthly pension when you retire.

But one night not long ago, there happened to be two lunatics. I don't know if they took the wrong medicine and kicked open the door of the shrine. The taller one kept shouting arrogantly, for fear of not attracting the attention of the guards. .

Naoichi Ugo, who was the captain of the shrine guard team at the time, was shocked at first, and then ecstatic. He didn't expect that he would have a piece of performance delivered to his door during his tenure. He thought to himself that it was lucky that he was transferred to the night shift, otherwise it would be the turn of Ryohei to pick up the advantage. .

Although this job is boring, Ugo Naoichi knows that none of his twenty-two subordinates are soft persimmons. Just when he was happy, his subordinates had already rushed towards the two men in black like hungry wolves, fearing that No credit can be given.

Life is like this sometimes, ups and downs happen in an instant, and the identities of hunter and prey are reversed in an instant.

The two men in black clothes and funny hoods from movies and TV shows knocked down all the team members almost instantly. The shorter one was kind enough to attack the legs of the team members to temporarily stop them. Losing the ability to move, that tall man really has no limits. He hits people in the face with every move he makes. Even Naoichi Ugawa, who was standing aside and had not yet reacted to the huge gap, was pulled over and slapped by him with such force. Even Naoichi Ugo, who was of excellent blood, fainted instantly.

During the fight, the two people seemed to be fighting among themselves, and Naoichi Uwai couldn't understand what they were saying.

Then the two people swaggeringly took away the Tianyu Yuzhan enshrined in the main hall, and then left swaggeringly through the main entrance.

Afterwards, Naoichi Ugawa truthfully wrote a report and reported it to the superior. He was scolded by his superiors and scolded him for lying. Everyone thought that Naoichi Ugawa led the team and neglected his duties, which led to the theft of the Tianyuyu Zhan. In the end, he made up such a ridiculous reason to deal with it. Superior.

After all, this is so unrealistic. Two unarmed people swaggered into the shrine at night and defeated 23 fully armed family elites with excellent bloodlines, including the captain? What about the liar? Make up lies and don't make up the truth.

Damn it, there was no surveillance installed in the shrine, because no one would have imagined that this would happen.

Fortunately, all that was lost was the ornament-like Tian Yu Yu Zhan. Naoichi Ugo's father also had some status in the branch family. In the end, the big thing turned into a trivial matter. After begging many people, he was only transferred to the Fujiwara ancestral house. The punishment for being the deputy captain of the team.

Yu Hezhi was walking on the path beside the pond. Even now when he thinks back to that night, he is still a little dreamy. He began to wonder if he was really mentally ill.

Just as he was thinking this, there was the sound of the wooden door collapsing behind him.

His body's instinct made him react instantly. He turned around and drew the sword from his waist.

Suddenly he froze.

Two figures broke through the door, and the two previous guards had fallen to the ground, not knowing whether to live or die.

A familiar scene.

Judging from their clothing, the two of them were very ordinary. The tall one was wearing a long black down jacket. The short one looked like she was a woman based on her figure and clothing. Looking at her neck, it didn’t work. The tall one was wearing a green ugly fish hood. , a short one wearing a cute Pikachu knitted hood.

"There is an enemy invasion at the small gate at the southwest pond!" Yu Hezhi shouted excitedly as soon as he turned on the combat headset, "I told you a long time ago that I didn't lie!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Pikachu had already dodged behind Naoichi Ugai and struck him in the neck with his sword.

Uhe Naoichi fainted because he was thankful that the fish didn't hit him.

The green fish said unhappily: "So you prepared for a long time in advance and just bought these two shabby hoods?"

Pikachu said: "I can't reveal my identity."

The green fish said angrily: "I mean why did you buy such an ugly headgear!"

Pikachu said: "There are only these two left at that stall. Time is urgent and I don't want to go shopping anymore."

"Then why do you wear Pikachu and I wear this stupid fish?" Xu Qinghuan asked under the hood.

"Because you are so handsome, Pikachu's hood will reveal your charming eyes and mouth, but cannot cover your handsome face at all." Izayoi said as he picked up the long knife left on the ground with his feet, and at the same time a He flipped over Xu Qinghuan with a light backflip, took the handle of the knife in the air, and used the back of the knife to deal with the sneak attack enemy behind him.

"It makes sense." Xu Qinghuan nodded, convinced by this perfect reason. He had to say that he always felt physically and mentally happy when communicating with Izayo Yeyue.

In the study, Chiba Fujiwara was looking at herself in the mirror with satisfaction. In just a few days after being injected with the medicine of evolution, the changes in her body were obvious, and the self in the mirror had regained some of her youthful look.

He walked to the bookshelf and opened the secret compartment, and opened the safe inside through the verification of retinal iris. In the safe was carefully stored the so-called perfect medicine of evolution that he bought from Lord Yamaki, that is, Hanyu Kurasuke.

He carefully took out the tube of potion. There was still more than half of the pure golden potion in the test tube.

Naturally, he, who was always cautious, could not directly inject a whole tube of evolution medicine into his body. He did not believe that Hanyu Kurasuke would sell such a treasure to himself so easily. Unfortunately, he had no choice, as Hanyu Kurasuke said. In that case, he had no choice. He was dying and could die at any time, so he couldn't help but inject a little medicine into his body that night.

The maid who was used as an experimental subject has been locked up by his order. He just visited the maid in the evening. Her mind was normal and her body had no adverse reactions. Her body's recovery speed was far faster than that of ordinary gods. He used The knife opened a huge gash on the naked maid's body, and the wound healed in front of his eyes at an alarming speed.

"The medicine of evolution can elevate ordinary humans to that level. What about myself who was the peak of the gods when I was young?"

Fujiwara Chiba excitedly used a needle to draw out the pure golden liquid in the test tube, then inserted it into his arm and slowly injected the medicine into his body.

As the medicine was injected, the pure golden liquid flowed along the blood vessels to the limbs and bones.

He knelt down on the ground with an expression of pain, and screamed hoarsely. The violent power in his body seemed to tear him apart, and his heart stopped beating for a while and then kept beating again.

I do not know how long it has been.

The wrinkles on his face were dissipating little by little, his rickety body became straighter, and the muscles that had atrophied for many years bulged. His body returned to its youthful state, and the strength in his body reached its peak.

Fujiwara Chiba slowly stood up, showing an expression of enjoyment, and laughed maniacally. He couldn't wait to kill the enemy who had been humiliating him these past few days.

He took off his upper body kimono, took off the sword hanging on the wall that had not been sheathed for many years, and admired his body in front of the mirror.

The broad and graceful muscle lines, the bear-like back, the whole body full of explosive muscles, and the eyes exuding boundless murderous aura.

Perfect! It's perfect!

The long-lost strength awakened the murderous heart in his body. He cut his arm with a knife, and dark golden hot blood flowed from the wound. He raised his arm and sucked the dripping blood obsessively. The wound healed in the blink of an eye. heal.

His senses became sensitive again, and the sound of clogs and high heels on the floor could be heard in his ears, and his steps were hurried.

The female secretary in kimono opened the study door in a panic, followed by an equally panicked middle-aged samurai guarding the door with a sword.

"Fujiwara-sama, two mysterious people broke into the Imperial Palace, and they are..." The female secretary noticed the change in Fujiwara Chiba, and her face was full of shock, "Fujiwara-sama, you..."

Fujiwara Chiba was still intoxicated with herself in the mirror and ignored it.

The samurai guarding the door saw that there was no movement in the house, so he had no choice but to remove his saber and push the door open.

"Master Fujiwara, if the situation is urgent, please move away..." Before the man could finish his words, a sharp blade cut off his head.

The warrior's head rolled to the ground, a look of disbelief on his face.

The female secretary, who had blood splattered all over her body, still tried her best to hold back the fear in her heart and not scream out.

"Today, I don't need the protection of this kind of waste." Chiba Fujiwara wiped the blood on the blade with enjoyment, "Continue."

The female secretary lowered her head and said tremblingly: "Two mysterious people, a man and a woman, broke into the palace. They are very powerful. The guards in the palace are no match. They... are still shouting... shouting..."

The female secretary did not dare to say any more.

Fujiwara Chiba frowned.

"Why can't you even speak?"

"They are still clamoring to see you, Mr. Fujiwara." The female secretary closed her eyes in fear.

Hearing this, Fujiwara Chiba smiled excitedly, and the smile was ferocious and twisted.

"Yue Na, do you know how many people's heads I have cut off with this knife?"

The female secretary named Yue Na did not dare to answer.

"One thousand one hundred and twenty-eight, six days and six nights." Chiba Fujiwara proudly showed off her achievements.

Seeing that the female secretary did not answer, Fujiwara Chiba lost interest and said coldly: "Tell those two people that I am waiting for them here."


As if she had been granted amnesty, the female secretary quickly retreated out. Perhaps she was so panicked that she forgot to close the door. Then she hurriedly turned back, closed the door, and disappeared as if she was running away.

"Have we been here before?" The green fish head looked at the guard lying on the ground, scratched his head and asked in confusion.

"How is that possible? I have a strong sense of direction." Pikachu retorted while waving his long knife to split the bullets fired from all directions, causing sparks to fly.

"We are obviously going in circles! Doesn't that door look familiar to you?" The green fish head pointed to the wooden planks scattered on the ground in the distance, which was the small door that Izayoi kicked open at the beginning.

"Impossible, you are wrong." Pikachu said harshly.

"You are so stubborn!" The green fish head ran over and picked up one of the relatively intact wooden boards, pointing to the shoe prints on it, "Aren't these your shoe prints!"

"How can you blame me? This ghost place is as big as a maze, and I've never been there before." Seeing the irrefutable evidence, Pikachu had no choice but to change the subject.

They walked all the way to deal with the guards who surrounded them, and finally returned to the starting point after going round and round.

The guards saw that Pikachu was no match for melee combat, so they hid in the distance and fired. Naturally, they knew that they could not kill the two intruders, and their original intention was to delay time.

"Is it handsome? Does it look like the hero in Sword Art Online slashing bullets?" Pikachu said proudly.

The green-headed fish shouted: "Can you stop showing off? Can't you see that the other side is stalling for time? Fujiwara Chiba will run out of the country if you keep playing like this! And I haven't watched the anime you mentioned."

"You were so smart and judged the battle situation so accurately! I almost let them fool me!" Pikachu praised.

"That's not true!" the green-headed fish said proudly.

The gunfire gradually stopped, leaving the two of them confused for a moment.

"What now?" Pikachu asked.

"Grab a hostage and let him lead the way. If not, kill him." Green Head Fish said decisively.

"It's not appropriate to kill. After all, my identity is here, and they are all..." Pikachu hesitated.

"Intimidation! Do you understand intimidation?" The green-headed fish was so angry.

"As expected of you, you really have a way!" Pikachu gave a thumbs up.

"Okay, okay, no matter how much you flatter me, I won't help you kill that Yamata-no-Orochi." The green-headed fish said impatiently.

The two of them were talking as they walked, and when they were about to catch an unlucky hostage and lead the way, a woman in business attire trotted towards them in high heels.

"It's her!" Greenhead Fish ordered.

"She's a beautiful girl." Pikachu couldn't bear it.

"In what era is it now that men and women are equal?" The green-headed fish slapped Pikachu and pushed Pikachu out.

"You two! Mr. Fujiwara is here to invite you." The female secretary seemed to have realized that the two of them were going to attack her, and shouted as she ran.

"What is she yelling about? Did she surrender?" The green-headed fish asked Pikachu as he couldn't understand Japanese.

"It's almost the same idea. Chiba Fujiwara asked us to talk." Pikachu translated.

"It's really troublesome! Can't we open an order and ask him to deliver the things we want?" The green-headed fish said dissatisfied.

"What a great idea, as expected of you." Pikachu turned around and gave the greenhead a thumbs up again.

Pikachu politely said to the female secretary: "Speak to Chiba Fujiwara and let him use the Amancongyun Sword and..."

Pikachu turned around and asked Greenhead: "How much do you want?"

The green-headed fish replied without hesitation: "All! All! I want cash, gold, antiques and art. Forget it, leave him a hundred dollars to save him from starving to death. After all, I only rob money but not my life."

Pikachu made a sign of acceptance, then turned around and continued to talk to the female secretary: "We want an Tian Cong Yun Sword and all his properties. Please pack them up and send them over. I'm too tired and won't go in."

The green-headed fish suddenly remembered something and shouted to Pikachu: "Remember to ask him to prepare a car. Taxi fare is very expensive at this late hour."

Pikachu didn't look back and just made an OK gesture.

"Prepare another car, and remember to match it with a driver. That's about it. You should go back and report it soon."

Yuena stared at these two lunatics in stunned silence, speechless.

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