The Good-For-Nothing Demon King's Road To Killing Gods

Chapter 13 Strange Things At The Convenience Store

Less than half a month had passed since the invasion of the dock monsters. On this day, Xu Qinghuan stood listlessly behind the cashier, mechanically saying welcome to the customers entering the store.

"What's wrong with Brother Qinghuan?" Xiaoyu, who was working a summer job to earn college tuition, stopped what she was doing and asked in confusion.

"You will understand when you grow up." Seeing Xu Qinghuan's uncharacteristic behavior, the obese middle-aged male store manager had an expression that I know he has experienced. Thinking of that Ferrari girl with a great figure and appearance, this guy actually went to this place. Such good luck makes me jealous to death.

But after all, he had climbed up a high branch, and the store manager did not dare to offend him, so he put on a smile and walked towards Xu Qinghuan.

"Qing Huan, you must be tired last night. Come and drink a bottle of water." The store manager handed over a bottle of Red Bull and opened it thoughtfully.

"Isn't this appropriate?" Xu Qinghuan looked at the uncharacteristic store manager in confusion, always feeling that there was a knife hidden in his smile.

"I'm treating you personally, drink it."

Xu Qinghuan took the drink suspiciously.

"Qing Huan, I'm a bit harsh on you on weekdays. Do you know why?"

Xu Qinghuan thought to herself, isn't it because you have accomplished nothing in middle age and are looking for a sense of superiority in me?

"Because I'm the most optimistic about you! The young man has a future and must be carefully trained. Look at how good you have been trained by me." The store manager patted Xu Qinghuan's back several times with his hand.

Xiaoyu was making faces at the store manager from behind, obviously disgusted by his shameless nonsense.

Xu Qinghuan almost laughed out loud.

"If you want wealth and honor, don't forget each other." The store manager's expression was sincere.

Just when Xu Qinghuan felt that he was being called a dog for no reason, the store door was pushed open.

"Welcome!" Xu Qinghuan shouted.

Dazzling silver long hair, white to reflective skin, a well-proportioned medium body, delicate and beautiful appearance, exuding a sense of indifference that avoids strangers. If I had to find something wrong with her, it would be that her breasts were a bit small.

As soon as the girl walked in, she immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The girl noticed Xu Qinghuan, who was cashing out in work clothes, with an imperceptible smile on his usually expressionless face.

Xu Qinghuan felt ridiculed and a little angry.

"Why are you laughing? Don't laugh!"

The others were surprised that this clerk would talk to such a beautiful girl like this.

Xia Yi ignored Xu Qinghuan, but the corners of her mouth still couldn't stop rising, and said: "When will I get off work and go online."

During these days, Xia Yi often came to Xu Qinghuan to surf the Internet, just like an Internet addicted girl.

"No, I slept too late last night. I'm sleepy." Xu Qinghuan rubbed his eyes and asked, "You slept so late last night, why are you so energetic?" He remembered that the two of them hung out in the Internet cafe until about three in the morning last night. Xia Yi is still so energetic.

Hearing this, the store manager who was eavesdropping not far away felt as if he was struck by lightning.

"why why……"

After waiting for about an hour, Xu Qinghuan changed clothes after get off work, and opened the store door with Xia Yi to leave. The store door was pushed open again, and Xiaoyu only showed her head, smiling brightly and waving to the two of them: "Qinghuan Oppa goodbye!"

Xu Qinghuan also smiled and waved: "Bye bye Xiaoyu-chan."

This is a bad joke between him and this girl. He always laughs at Xiaoyu for watching Korean dramas and being a little girl who fantasizes about unrealistic love. Xiaoyu laughs at him for being a middle-aged boy who was poisoned by Japanese comics. He always says that he It's the devil.

Xu Qinghuan and Xia Yi were walking on the way to the Internet cafe.

"I didn't expect you to actually work in a convenience store." Xia Yi seemed to be in a particularly good mood and talked more than usual.

"What's wrong? There is no distinction between high and low professions." Xu Qinghuan always felt that he was being laughed at and looked unhappy.

"Don't get scolded?"

"That's a small amount of scolding every day, and a big scolding every three days. My store manager, who is over thirty and still has no partner, looks for me every day to find trouble and a sense of accomplishment in me."

Xia Yi turned around and came face to face with Xu Qinghuan from behind: "I'm curious how you can hold it back?"

"It's good to make money, it's not shabby." Xu Qinghuan said calmly.

"Didn't you think about beating him? As far as I know, your magic power has been restored twice. Even if the magic power cannot last long, you can do whatever you want while the magic power is not gone, so you don't have to worry about money."

Xu Qinghuan looked astonished: "Who do you think I am? I am a demon king who is determined to conquer the world! No matter how miserable I am, I will not bully such low-level humans. Have you ever heard of the charming villain in any novel who just wants some money? Robbing ordinary people."

"But sometimes I really get angry and want to slap that bitch to death." As he said that, he began to imitate the store manager's tone: "Xu Qinghuan, how many times have I told you to clean the shelves frequently! Xu Qinghuan, what if I'm like You've accomplished nothing, it's better to die, Xu Qinghuan..."

"I'm so annoyed." Xu Qinghuan complained.

Xia Yi silently stared at Xu Qinghuan who kept complaining, not knowing what he was thinking.

"But he also had a bad mouth. I was living on the street with no food, no ID card, and couldn't find any real job. Thanks to that piece of shit, he recruited me to work in a convenience store. Food and lodging were included, and he rented a house. You found it for me, so if you are scolded, be scolded, at least you can have enough to eat." Xu Qinghuan suddenly looked at Xia Yi, "In our demon clan, repaying kindness with revenge is something that demons look down upon. Unlike you humans, it is such a despicable thing. It can all be done.”

Xia Yi shrugged, turned around and continued walking.

This made Xu Qinghuan a little surprised: "Don't refute?"

"No refutation."

Xu Qinghuan was somewhat impressed by this brave man. He had belittled human beings in front of her many times, but she never defended her own kind.

Looking at the silver-haired girl walking alone in front of him, Xu Qinghuan suddenly asked curiously: "What about you? What are you doing?"

"Pastry chef at a cake shop."

"Hey, it's still a technical job! You tell me, this is fate. The brave man who defeated the devil actually made cakes in a cake shop. Who would believe it? If your Pope knew that the brave man who regarded him as the hope of mankind escaped here to give people Make a cake, and the little old man will be pissed to death!" Xu Qinghuan was a little proud and pushed Xia Yi's shoulder teasingly, "Where is your holy sword that claims to be able to cut off everything in the world? You can't use it to spread butter, right?"

Xu Qinghuan was really a little carried away.

"Before I was selected as a brave man by the church, I was a pastry chef." Xia Yi suddenly stopped, causing Xu Qinghuan to almost bump into her. She raised her head and stared at Xu Qinghuan, and said lightly: "In other words To put it bluntly, you were defeated miserably by an ordinary human pastry chef." After saying that, he walked forward.

Xu Qinghuan was choked and speechless. He never expected that the brave man who defeated him would have this past, and he followed Xia Yi dejectedly.

It was already late at night when the two came out of the Internet cafe.

"I asked you, Crayon, if you could stop using Teemo as an assistant. It's hard for me to have a good gaming experience with you like this."

Xia Yi remained silent and didn't speak.

Their homes were in the same direction, so they were on the same road, so they walked one behind the other, except this time Xu Qinghuan was in front, and Xia Yi followed dejectedly.

"He's both good and fun-loving." Xu Qinghuan was cursing in front of him, and suddenly touched his body and felt that something was missing.

"It's over. It's all your fault for dragging me out to surf the Internet. I left my keys in the store." Xu Qinghuan then remembered that his keys were in a plastic bag with work clothes. He rushed to go online after get off work in the afternoon and left them in the locker room.

Home and the convenience store were in opposite directions, which meant that he had to walk an unjust path. Xu Qinghuan, who was in the late stage of lazy cancer, cried out incessantly.

"It's all your fault. It's all your fault. You dragged me online and I forgot to bring my keys. You cheated on me when playing games. I spent money and got angry." Xu Qinghuan kept nagging on the road.

"Wait here for me to get it for you!" Xia Yi was annoyed by her thoughts, so she turned around and ran to the convenience store.

When Xu Qinghuan heard this, he said coquettishly: "That's right! I can be regarded as the first demon king who can make a brave man run errands."

Xia Yi stopped and turned back angrily.

"Get it yourself, I'm going home."

Looking at Xia Yi's back gradually walking away, Xu Qinghuan shouted: "I will work night shift tomorrow and get off work at 10 o'clock!"

All the shops on the street were closed, and Xu Qinghuan felt happy for some reason as she was walking back to the convenience store alone.

When approaching the convenience store, Xu Qinghuan noticed something unusual.

The night shift rule for convenience store employees is to get off work at 22:00, but the annoying store manager usually stays until two or three in the morning to get off work in order to increase sales. Sometimes he even lives in the store when it is late. For this reason, Xu Qinghuan also works with other Colleagues often laugh at the store manager, saying that he is alone and probably has nothing to do when he goes home.

It was only 10:30 in the evening, and the rolling shutter door outside the convenience store had already been closed, and the blinds that had not been closed all year round were also closed at this time, but the bright lights inside were vaguely visible.

Xu Qinghuan stepped forward to open the rolling shutter door and found that it was locked. He was about to knock on the door, but his hand stopped again.

"This old man wouldn't bring a woman back to the store to do bad things!" Xu Qinghuan thought in her heart.

So he went to the window on the other side and looked into the shop through the cracks in the blinds with a funny gesture.

The scene inside made Xu Qinghuan furious.

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