In the convenience store, Xiaoyu, a girl working during the summer vacation, fainted on the ground. The usually arrogant store manager was squatting on the ground with his head in his hands, looking panicked.

The gap in the blinds was too small. Xu Qinghuan could only see a fierce-looking bald man rummaging for cash behind the cashier. There was also a short-haired man wearing black short-sleeves with tattoos on his hands looking menacingly next to the store manager. There was also a short man with a wretched face. The long-haired man was about to touch Xiaoyu's young body with his hands. All three of them had bright daggers in their hands.

Xu Qinghuan was so angry that he didn't have time to think about it and immediately smashed the window with his hand. But the quality of the damn glass was so good that even though he had a human body and smashed it several times with his hand, it still didn't move.

He stepped back and sprinted, hitting the window with his shoulder and shouting: "Help! It's been robbed!"

Unfortunately, it was midnight and all the shops on the street were closed. There was a figure in the distance and ran away immediately after hearing Xu Qinghuan's cry.

"Damn, you're such a coward!"

Xu Qinghuan's movements attracted the attention of the robbers inside, and the store manager panicked and yelled at Xu Qinghuan to run.

Just when he hit it for the second time, the window shattered, and a lot of broken glass penetrated his right arm, dripping with blood. He fell heavily to the ground, and the glass on his right shoulder penetrated deeper. The bald man who had been waiting aside He and the short-haired man immediately rushed towards him, one of them put his knee on his back, preventing him from getting up, and the other controlled his hands so that he could not resist.

Xu Qinghuan was tightly controlled like an animal just waiting to be slaughtered. As a Demon King, he had never been treated like this before. Unfortunately, he was just an ordinary person now. Under the uniform of two grown men, his efforts to resist were in vain.

Upon seeing this, the store manager wanted to rush over to help, but a wretched little man on the side stabbed his thigh with a knife, causing him to stumble to the ground.

"Be honest with me!" The short man stepped on the store manager's body and walked towards Xu Qinghuan. "Damn, you are ruining my good deeds!" He kicked Xu Qinghuan hard in the face. Xu Qinghuan almost fainted from the pain of the blow. Blood flowed.

"I, I am the store manager. I will give you all the money. I still have money in my bank card. I will give it to you. I will never call the police. Please take the money and leave. I will never call the police!" The store manager covered his injured leg. He begged, with a lot of tears and snot on his face.

Xu Qinghuan was stunned by the kick, the sound in his ears became weak, and his limbs were tightly suppressed. No matter how he resisted, it had no effect. He received countless punches and kicks on his body, and the severe pain made him unable to exert any strength.

Xiaoyu, who was in a coma, was also awakened by the movement and looked around in horror.

"Brother Qinghuan!"

She wanted to step forward to help but was stopped by the wretched little man. She screamed but the man covered her mouth.

Xiaoyu struggled with all her strength, but the man couldn't succeed for a while. The knife on Xiaoyu's neck scratched her skin and blood flowed.

The wretched man was also a little panicked at the moment. After all, he didn't want to cause any harm to anyone.

"Be honest! If you move again, I will kill you all!" The wretched man saw that the girl next to him was acquainted with the young man who rushed in, and tried to threaten.

Unexpectedly, the threat actually worked, and the girl gradually stopped resisting.

"As long as I obey, you will leave." Xiaoyu asked tremblingly.

The wretched man was not as tall as Xiaoyu. He roughly pressed Xiaoyu's head on his shoulder and said in her ear with a wretched expression: "Yes, as long as you are honest, you can both survive."

The unique fragrance of the girl and the unstoppable trembling of her body due to fear brought great pleasure and satisfaction to his perverted psychology.

His hands were dirty and his smile was ferocious and obscene.

"It's your turn." He smiled proudly at the other two accomplices who had restrained Xu Qinghuan, and he was about to walk to the dressing room with Xiaoyu in his arms.

Xiaoyu's face showed despair.

Xu Qinghuan struggled to raise his head. His vision was blurred, and he could vaguely see the girl. The girl who would bring him breakfast, the girl who would stand up to speak for him when he was scolded by the store manager, and the girl who worked during the summer vacation in order to reduce the pressure on his parents. A girl who earns tuition.

Why destroy such a beautiful girl? why? Obviously, the notorious devil himself can't bear such a beautiful girl to be harmed. Why, why do you damn kind want to destroy her!

How dare you, such despicable, disgusting and twisted maggots, step on my head!

A strange black aura floated out from Xiaoyu and the store manager, and converged on Xu Qinghuan, who was pinned down by the robber and unable to move.

Ruoyouruowu's magic power gathered in his body.

With two "bangs", the two robbers who were originally pressing on Xu Qinghuan fell heavily to the ground before they could realize what was going on.

"What's the sound?" The wretched man ran out to check before he could take off his pants, only to feel his eyes go dark.

The next moment, he was lifted up in the air by a force that was too powerful to resist. In front of him was the boy who had been bullied by them before. But at this moment, he was a different person, as if he was a beast crawling out of hell. Damn evil ghost!

Just looking at each other made the wretched man wet his pants.

Xu Qinghuan lifted the wretched man in the air with his right hand, stretched out his left hand in the air, and slowly made a fist.

Following Xu Qinghuan's movements, the wretched man felt unbearable pain there, as if he was being held by an invisible big hand. The wretched man looked horrified, already guessing what would happen next.

Xu Qinghuan's delicate face was bleeding with blood, and there were countless footprints on her body and back. He was grinning like a proud devil, staring into the wretched man's eyes excitedly, clenching his hands fiercely, and the wretched man's shrill screams were heard throughout the store, which was so painful that he regretted being born.

This maggot's despair, fear and pain made Xu Qinghuan feel happy. More than just pleasure, it was simply super refreshing, great!

The wretched man was thrown to the ground by Xu Qinghuan like garbage. His two companions did not understand what happened and rushed towards Xu Qinghuan with daggers in their hands.

The situation was reversed in an instant. The store manager who was lying on the ground had not yet reacted. He just shouted: "Be careful!"

The next moment, the two robbers felt severe pain in their chests, and several ribs were broken.

Xu Qinghuan walked over to the two men who were lying on the ground with a grin. There was blood flowing on his face and shoulders, but the blood seemed to make him even more excited.

The devil goes crazy when he sees blood, whether it is someone else's or his own.

Only then did they realize that the body of the ferocious young man in front of them had undergone strange changes, which was completely beyond their ability to deal with.

The two robbers ignored the pain in their bodies and rushed towards the door in fear as if they had seen a ghost. Unfortunately, they had locked the rolling shutter door in advance. They hurriedly opened the lock and kept shouting as they watched Xu Qinghuan approaching them step by step. Release the fear in your heart.

Xu Qinghuan felt that his magic power was increasing instead of decreasing.

When the lock of the rolling shutter door was opened, the robber seemed to see hope and wanted to pull up the rolling shutter door and escape. Unfortunately, a white and well-jointed hand held down the rolling shutter door that was about to be opened. There was still blood on his hand.

Xu Qinghuan pulled down the rolling shutter door, and the roar fell on everyone in the store. Even the store manager and Xiaoyu couldn't help but feel fear. They were not sure whether this devil-like young man was an enemy or a friend.

Xu Qinghuan slowly turned around, and the two people beside him were so frightened that they backed away.

"In view of what is going to happen next, I feel a little sympathy for you." Xu Qinghuan lit a cigarette as if no one else was watching, his voice was not loud but it hit everyone's heart.

"However, trash like you don't deserve sympathy." Xu Qinghuan exhaled a puff of smoke with enjoyment.

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