Xu Qinghuan approached step by step, and the three robbers backed away in panic, unable to retreat.

The store manager was lying on the ground with his hand on the wound on his thigh. He was not sure whether the familiar yet strange boy was a friend or an enemy. He did not even dare to look directly at Xu Qinghuan. Unlike when he faced the three robbers, this fear came from his soul. Deep down, there is no reason, just like nature.

Xu Qinghuan kicked away the bald man who had previously pressed his knee against his back, and then followed up and kicked the bald man in the knee. The howl and the sound of cracking bones resounded throughout the store, and the bald man's calf He was kicked to pieces, split into two pieces, and fell to his knees. Xu Qinghuan stepped on his wound with an expressionless face, enjoying the bald man's wails and fear. Xu Qinghuan didn't give up. She pulled his arms and put a little force on the elbows with both hands. Amidst the bald man's wails, his arms gradually twisted and deformed, and finally hung feebly in the air.

The short-haired man and the wretched man on the other side were trembling all over. They were so frightened by the cruel methods of the young man in front of them that their legs and feet became weak. They knelt on the ground and began to cry and beg for mercy.

"I have always been fair. Those who make mistakes deserve to have their arms and legs amputated." Xu Qinghuan held the bald man who was as limp as mud with one hand, looked at the other two people expressionlessly, and smiled slightly: " There is no such thing as being able to get away with making mistakes."

Although the devil is laughing, he scares the world to the point of kneeling down in worship.

Xu Qinghuan walked slowly to the side of the short-haired man, broke his hands and feet, and threw the bald man to the ground.

He kicked the two robbers in the face crazily and cursed: "Do you know, I hate it when people hit me in the face?" The frightened man huddled in the corner had his liver and gallbladder broken.

Fear, this delightful fear.

The magic power increased again.

Xu Qinghuan smiled and took the last puff of his cigarette, then flicked the cigarette butt on the short-haired man and stamped it out with his foot. The two robbers at his feet had fainted but were not dead. He did not want to take advantage of these people, so he deliberately controlled his strength when he struck.

The events of three consecutive nights were connected together, and these wonderful three wonderful times returned at just the right time. He finally understood the source of his power in this world.

Human fear and despair, this is his power! On the first night, Lin Yue's fear before facing death awakened the power in her body. On the second night, the secret team and Lin Yue's fear when facing the monster group were absorbed by herself who was driving. Because the number of people increased, she Although there are five humans present tonight, they are all ordinary humans, so his strength has only recovered a little, but it is more than enough to crush these ants.

The more people there are and the more powerful the fear exuded, the more magic power can be restored to oneself. The deeper the fear, the deeper the despair, the stronger one is. However, the magic power derived from fear cannot last forever, so one needs a constant supply. of fear to replenish and sustain.

Xu Qinghuan suddenly smiled, planning a plan to conquer the world in his mind.

A nasty smell kept approaching.

That damn Brave Game is so bad, but his nose is as sharp as a dog's.

He was not going to delay any longer and kicked the two unconscious people on the ground awake. Such scum did not deserve to die in a comfortable way in their sleep.

Xu Qinghuan used magic power to force the two of them to open their eyes wide, letting them watch his hands slowly insert into their chests, the skin was cut open by the sharp knife-like hands, and the ribs protecting the heart were broken. Xu Qinghuan held their hearts, Their limbs were broken and they could not struggle. Their expressions were distorted in pain, and red veins bulged on their faces. As Xu Qinghuan's hands exerted force, blood splashed from their chests, and the two of them died.

Xu Qinghuan took out his blood-stained hands and turned to look at the short and wretched man huddled in the corner.

Xu Qinghuan deliberately killed him last. He was the most hateful among the three. He wanted to torture him, but unfortunately the brave man's breath was getting closer and closer, and he was almost too late.

He stared at the wretched man, and in just one step he crossed a distance of more than ten meters and came to the wretched man, leaving an illusory black shadow behind him.

"Please... don't kill me." The wretched man was frightened and begged for mercy feebly.

"Do you know? Compared to the two of them, I hate you the most." Xu Qinghuan smiled cruelly and broke off his hands and feet. The wretched man's mouth was covered by Xu Qinghuan's hands, making him unable to scream. The pain made his whole body tremble violently.

Xu Qinghuan stopped smiling and was about to torture again when he suddenly saw Xiaoyu huddled aside. Her clothes were disheveled and she was leaning against the wall with her hands and knees folded. She had a look of horror on her face. When she saw Xu Qinghuan looking at her, she immediately buried her head in the wall. My knees and whole body were shaking, as if I had seen a ghost.

What kind of look is that? Fear, disgust, avoidance.

Xu Qinghuan turned around and looked at the store manager lying on the ground. The store manager felt his gaze and closed his eyes tightly in fear, hoping that he could faint at this time.

Xu Qinghuan suddenly felt a little lost for no reason, and his hand that was about to kill stopped in the air.

Just when he was stunned, the rolling shutter door was broken open by a dazzling golden light, and the sharp sword energy came straight towards Xu Qinghuan. The store manager and Xiaoyu were blinded by the impact of this powerful force. Xu Qinghuan directly With the wretched man's body in front of him, the golden sword energy stopped instantly.

The light dissipated, and Xia Yi pointed at Xu Qinghuan with the holy sword.

Xia Yi glanced around the store and saw two bodies lying on the ground, and the walls and floor were covered in blood. She frowned and stared at Xu Qinghuan coldly.

"Let him go."

Xu Qinghuan raised his eyebrows, showing a rare toughness in front of a brave man. "He's dead, and Jesus can't keep him, I said so." He suddenly said such a bad joke.

"Yes... these three people robbed and wanted to kill people!" Xiaoyu rushed out at some point. She suppressed the fear in her heart and held Xia Yi's hand.

"Yes, yes, comrade police, these three grandsons wanted to kill people even though they were robbing. If Qing Huan hadn't arrived in time, Xiaoyu would have almost been..." The store manager who had been lying on the ground also stood up with difficulty to defend Xu Qinghuan. , but he may have lost too much blood and his vision was blurred, so he mistook Xia Yi who suddenly rushed in as a policeman.

"This is considered legitimate defense!" Xiaoyu added.

Xu Qinghuan looked in surprise at the two people who were too scared to look at him before, but now defended him, and felt warm in his heart.

Xia Yi's eyes turned into holy gold, her face was firm, and she unleashed her brave power to form turbulent air currents all over her body, and her long silver hair danced like a waterfall.

As an ordinary person, Xiaoyu was shaken away and fainted. Xia Yi caught the fainted Xiaoyu and gently placed her on the ground.

The golden holy sword shined brighter, pointing directly at Xu Qinghuan.

Xia Yi's voice was solemn and sacred, and her whole body exuded a holy light. The girl showed amazing strength. At this moment, she was no longer the Internet-addicted girl who only wanted to go to the Internet cafe. She was like an angel descending into the world, with both beauty and strength.

"For the last time, let him go."

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