Nakano District in Tokyo is known as a commuter market because of its large number of railways. The population density here is extremely high and the residences are densely packed. Unlike the bustling high-rise buildings in the city center, most of the buildings here are low-rise buildings. Rent in Tokyo is expensive, and many of them are empty. Working-class people who buy a house will choose to rent a low-cost apartment here and take more than an hour to commute by subway.

A long two-story apartment building.

Xu Qinghuan walked in the front, leading Shen Delu and Lin Yue upstairs.

"Brother Xu is really capable. He already owns his own house within a few days of coming to Japan." Shen Delu flattered him guiltily. On the way here, he recalled what Xu Qinghuan meant when they first met and said he was not wearing clothes. As a younger brother, he not only failed to understand the boss's meaning at the first time and solve the boss's problem, but also made trouble and called Lin Yue over. .

"This is not my home, it's... it's a friend's home. I'm just staying here." Xu Qinghuan explained.

Lin Yue just followed him until the end without saying a word.

Since the college ice cellar incident, she had rarely spoken to Xu Qinghuan and was avoiding him intentionally or unintentionally. After knowing Xu Qinghuan's true identity, many things made sense. The most embarrassing thing was that he told the truth from the beginning, but he didn't believe it and took him for interrogation.

Remembering how many times she had asked Xu Qinghuan for information about the Demon King, Lin Yue became even more confused.

It’s still incredible to think about it now.

Xu Qinghuan led the two of them to the door of an apartment in the middle of the second floor.

"I'll show you the territory I just conquered." Xu Qinghuan said while digging in his pockets at the door.

He took out a lot of things from his pocket, including a wallet, a cell phone, and chewing gum, except for the magatama he had always kept in his pocket.

"When did I buy chewing gum?" Xu Qinghuan looked at the chewing gum in his hand in surprise, opened the package and put it in his mouth, then handed the rest to Shen Delu and Lin Yue, "Do you want to eat it?"

Shen Delu shook his head and reminded: "Brother Xu, could it be because you changed your clothes?"

Xu Qinghuan reacted to this reminder.

Because he was afraid of losing it, he put the magatama in the lining pocket of his original down jacket, but the down jacket had been burned, and the suit he was wearing now was stolen from the enemy.

"It's over, it's over." Xu Qinghuan frowned.

"It's okay, Brother Xu, I have some knowledge in unlocking, leave it to me." With that said, Shen Delu stepped forward and fiddled with the door lock, "I need a piece of iron wire and a flashlight."

"Where can I find wire for you in the middle of the night?" Xu Qinghuan said.

Shen Delu said in surprise: "It's open!"

He opened the door easily.

"This door is unlocked!"

Xu Qinghuan's expression turned ugly when he heard this. He clearly remembered that he closed the door before leaving. How could his memory be so bad now? This made him wonder whether the door to Xia Yi's house was locked or not.

The three of them walked into the house in the dark.

The room was dark, Xu Qinghuan snapped his fingers proudly, but there was no response.

Without Magatama, he lost control of the Kingdom of Night.

Still with sharp eyes, he turned on the switch on the wall of the entrance.

This is a small room, and you can see the whole thing clearly from the entrance.

On the right hand side of the door is the bathroom, and further inside is the bed and sofa against the wall. The large LCD TV hanging on the wall opposite the sofa is also out of place with the old-fashioned furniture. There is also a refrigerator, a sink, and a small console with an induction cooker. Makes up the kitchen. The only bright spot is that the balcony has good lighting, and a small table can be used as a place to eat.

Although Shen Delu could imagine the general appearance of the room when he was outside, Xu Qinghuan kept saying that he wanted to show him the territory he had just built, which made Shen Delu think that there was something special inside, but he didn't know that it was just a rental house with a common layout in Japan.

He has begun to suspect that the original owner of this house was killed by Xu Qinghuan and took over the place, calling it the newly acquired territory.

Shen Delu looked at it for a long time but couldn't think of words to praise it. After holding it in for a long time, he only said: "It's very warm."

"The owner of this room is a girl." Lin Yue, who had been silent, suddenly spoke.

"Oh?" Shen Delu smelled a different smell and looked at Xu Qinghuan with an expression that said, "I understand."

"How do you know?" Xu Qinghuan asked curiously, and then said to Shen Delu: "Don't look at me with such a dead look. My relationship with her is innocent. She is your brother's romantic partner."

"What the hell? My brother's iron tree is blooming?" Shen Delu was shocked.

Xu Qinghuan thought for a while: "You can say that the two of them are quite a match."

"You have a brother?" Lin Yue was confused.

When Shen Delu entered school, his pedigree rating was A and he had the surname Shen. Rumors abounded that he came from the Shen family. The main reason was that the Shen family was the most mysterious among the major clans. Unlike other clans that occupied one area and established a branch, the branch was ostensibly affiliated to The academy headquarters is actually the private property of the clan. The Shen family rarely shows its strength in the world of gods, but it is still one of the few forces that cannot be ignored.

Thanks to Shen Delu's hard work while in school, the rumors were disproven.

Only Lin Yue, who had been classmates with Shen Delu for almost four years, knew his true identity. Her father, Vice Principal Lin, had told her more than once that Shen Delu was the next head of the Shen family, and had also told her to Don't be on bad terms with Shen Delu.

Never heard of him having an older brother.

"Of course!" Shen Delu looked arrogant, "My brother Shen Mengyu is the same S-class as Xia Yi! He was promoted to captain of the first team of the Night Watch two years ago! And he is the youngest captain in history, better than Professor Li Yi He was two years younger at the time.”

Speaking of his brother, Shen Delu couldn't hide his pride and pride.

S level! Captain of the first team of the execution department!

Lin Yue was shocked. Because she knew Shen Delu's identity, she did not doubt the authenticity of Shen Delu's words. It was normal for the younger generation of the Shen family to have such a character. The Night Watch team is ranked according to its strength. The smaller the number, the stronger the strength. Only a few people, including the principal, know the identities of the top three team members. It is normal that I have not heard of them.

She was shocked that the younger generation of the Shen family clearly had such a figure, how could they appoint Shen Delu in front of them as the next head of the family.

Shen Delu asked with a look on his face: "Tell me about my sister-in-law's name. How did they meet? How far have they gotten along? She looks... well, she must be beautiful. My brother is a slut. YanGou.”

"It's called Izayoiyuki."

"Still a Japanese girl! He always said that I was disobedient and made the elders in the family half mad, but he immediately broke the news." Shen Delu walked around the small room with a bright smile, "Oh, it's my first time here, sister-in-law." I didn’t bring any fruit or anything at home, it’s so rude, so rude.”

"As for the fact that they know each other, I'm still a matchmaker." Xu Qinghuan opened the potato chips on the table.

"Tell me more about it." Shen Delu sat next to Xu Qinghuan, looking curious and ready to listen to the story.

"Do you know about Japanese underground idols?" Xu Qinghuan asked.

Shen Delu nodded and said, "I know."

"She is your sister-in-law."

Shen Delu said in surprise: "He is actually a star!"

"The day I first arrived in Japan, I drank too much, went to see her show, and spent 5 million yen to bid for the right to be a peer, and then the two of them fell in love." Xu Qinghuan chewed potato chips, "The two of them If this thing is done, don’t forget to reimburse me the 5 million.”

"Romantic! So romantic!" Shen Delu jumped up from the sofa.

"Hey, that's not right." Shen Delu frowned and looked at Xu Qinghuan, "You live at my sister-in-law's house, then where does my sister-in-law live?"

"She lives in a hotel with your brother and will come back at dawn." Xu Qinghuan replied.

Shen Delu's smile became even brighter, he clapped his hands happily and said, "Perfect! I can't wait to meet my future sister-in-law."

"Your sister-in-law's identity is a bit mysterious."

Lin Yue on the balcony suddenly said something faintly.

"That's for sure. The person who can conquer my brother is definitely not an ordinary person." Shen Delu said.

Lin Yue pointed out the window.

"Why don't you come over and take a look before deciding whether to recognize this sister-in-law."

"Inexplicable." Shen Delu walked to Lin Yue and looked at the night sky in the direction of her finger.

A blood moon hung in the night sky.

Shen Delu's expression turned frightened.

"Where is this place? Who is the Izayoi Yue you are talking about?" Lin Yue asked Xu Qinghuan who was sitting on the sofa eating potato chips in the room.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you." Xu Qinghuan poured the potato chip dregs into his mouth.

"This is the Kingdom of Night." Xu Qinghuan wiped his mouth and said to Shen Delu: "Izayoyue is your sister-in-law's stage name. Her real name is Tsukuyomi. You should have heard of Tsukuyomi, right?"

Lin Yue and Shen Delu were stunned on the spot.

Shen Delu stammered: "Is it the monthly reading I understand?"

"Judging from your reaction, it should be yes." Xu Qinghuan nodded.

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