In a five-star hotel.

"Teacher, teacher!" Li Yi knocked on Principal Long's door hastily.

He just learned a piece of news, news that shocked the rest of the world.

Fujiwara Chiba is dead.

As soon as this news came out, divine organizations around the world became excited.

Everyone knows that the Night Watch Academy is carrying out attacks on the Samurai God Society all over the world in name only, but in fact it is aimed at eradicating evil spirits. Principal Long of the Night Watch Academy even found a naive reason to go to Japan for negotiations. Just when everyone was looking forward to the outcome of this negotiation, the leader of the evil demons and the ruler of the world in Japan actually died. No matter whether he died of old age, illness or an attack, he was dead, and he died at the most unlucky time. .

The death of Fujiwara Chiba left no room for peace talks in this war that was already on the verge of breaking out.

This is also the reason why Fujiwara Chiba is unwilling to take a chance on Principal Long until the last moment. The identities of the two are sensitive to me, and no matter who dies, the other person cannot be separated.

Needless to say, at this moment, Principal Long, who is in Japan, is in a predicament. The evil ghosts are bound to launch a crazy and violent revenge, regardless of the consequences and the cost. Maybe at this moment, the evil ghosts are already fully armed on the way here.

The cell phone in Li Yi's pocket kept ringing, and the top management of the college kept calling. The executive department formulated several plans to evacuate the two of them, and all the teams were urgently recalled from all over the world to enter a wartime state.

Seeing that there was still no movement in the room, Li Yi was afraid that something had happened to Principal Long. When he was about to kick the heavy door open, the door was opened.

The strong smell of smoke hit my face.

"Come in." Principal Long said calmly, then turned back to the room and sat down on the chair by the window.

He looked tired and spoke calmly, as if he didn't know what earth-shattering events were happening outside.

"Teacher, we have to evacuate Japan quickly. Fujiwara Chiba is dead." Li Yi stood aside and urged.

"Take a seat first." Principal Long smoked lightly, obviously knowing the news a long time ago.

Li Yi sat aside and then noticed that the ashtray on the table had long been filled with cigarette butts. The appearance of Principal Long opposite him had not changed, but Li Yi felt that he had aged a lot and had lost his usual look. He was usually He looked like a middle-aged man in his forties who always had a gentle smile, but now he looked like an old man whose years had passed away.

The list that Principal Zhang Long had been carrying on weekdays was now spread out on the table, with Fujiwara Chiba's conspicuous name marked with a horizontal bar.

The two were silent.

Li Yi was anxiously waiting for Principal Long's order.

"Li Yi, do you know how long I have been waiting for this day?" Principal Long puffed out cigarettes and looked at the high-rise buildings outside the window. His eyes were no longer firm and bright as before, but became old and turbid.

Without waiting for Li Yi to answer, Principal Long seemed to be talking to himself: "Day and night, I think about torturing him and killing him with my own hands. I have planned carefully for many years to achieve this goal. Let him make progress step by step. I will give him The trap was set, and many people died for it.”

Principal Long put out his cigarette butt and smiled bitterly at Li Yi: "An ordinary person like me has devoted all his efforts to planning, but now it seems so ridiculous."

He sighed.

"You don't understand this feeling, maybe Kurasuke should understand."

Principal Long stretched his body and regained his energy as if he had been reborn.

"I have made arrangements for the academy. The plane will land at the Nagasaki airport in about an hour. It is Kurasuke's territory and the evil spirits cannot infiltrate in a short time. Kurasuke is your friend and he will help you. left."

"Teacher, don't you plan to leave? Fujiwara Chiba is already dead, and the Samurai God Society is under your control again. It is only a matter of time before the Wushe family is destroyed." Li Yi asked in confusion.

"Yes, Fujiwara Chiba is dead. The demons lost this war. I can escort the principal to leave Japan safely, and I will leave the rest to you."

The door was pushed open, and a well-dressed middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes walked in carrying a wooden box.

"Cangsuke?" Li Yi recognized the man.

"Ayi, Principal Long and I need some private space." Hanyu Kusuke smiled.

"You should go back to your room first." Principal Long nodded towards Li Yi.

Li Yi had to leave the room when he saw this, and smelled a faint smell of blood when he passed by Hanyu Kurasuke.

Only Kurasuke Hanyu and Principal Ryu were left in the room.

"Principal Long, congratulations on your successful revenge." Hanyu Kusuke placed the wooden box in his hand on the table. When he opened it, he found the head of Chiba Fujiwara, with a peaceful face.

"Kurasuke, you are not willing to kill your enemy with your own hands, right?" Principal Long sneered.

Hanyu Kurasuke shrugged, with a nonchalant look on his face: "When I sold him the medicine of evolution, I gave up the opportunity to take revenge with my own hands. Alas, I should have killed that old guy for more money."

"You're not just here to offer Fujiwara's head, are you?" Principal Long picked up the head in the wooden box. "It seems that the medicine of evolution is indeed effective. This beast is much younger."

"Thanks to the divine blood you sent, a breakthrough was made in the research on the medicine of evolution." Kurasuke Hanyu said with a smile, "It's a pity that no matter how powerful humans are, they are just bigger ants in front of the weak gods. .”

"Tsukuyomi?" Principal Long put Fujiwara Chiba's head back into the box in disgust, took out a tissue and wiped his hands.

"You really can't hide anything from the principal." Hanyu Kusuke smiled respectfully.

"It's easy to guess." Principal Long lit a cigarette, sat on the sofa, and stared at Hanyu Kurasuke.

Hanyu Kurasuke introduced the current situation: "The demons are already on their way here, and the helicopter prepared for you and Ayi has arrived at the roof of the hotel."

"Send Li Yi off, I haven't finished my work yet." Principal Long waved his hand.

Of course Hanyu Kurasuke knew what Principal Ryu was referring to by the unfinished business.

"Kurasuke, your son should be nineteen years old this year."

"Yes." Hanyu Kurasuke's heart sank.

"How many years does he have left to live?"

The light of dawn pierced the darkness.

When she opened her eyes again on the night of June, she was already in chaotic darkness. The blood moon in the sky heralded her return to the Kingdom of Night.

She reached out and opened the door.

"I'm back."

Everything was as usual inside the house, pitch dark.

She stood at the entrance, tiredly groping for her slippers in the dark, when she suddenly realized something was wrong, and her body was startled and entered a fighting state.

There are three pairs of shoes placed in the entrance hall, a pair of leather shoes, a pair of men's sneakers and a pair of women's boots.

"Who!" Izayoiyuki shouted sharply, and at the same time turned on the switch of the light fixture on the wall.

Xu Qinghuan, who was wearing a suit, was lying on the sofa, and sitting next to him was a beautiful woman who was sleeping with her head on her hands and wrapped in a black coat.

There was a man lying on the floor next to the coffee table.

It seems that they are all friends of Xu Qinghuan.

Izayoi Yue was in a bad mood.

Xu Qinghuan turned over on the sofa to avoid the dazzling light. Lin Yue opened her eyes to see the person clearly, and nodded calmly as a greeting, but she still couldn't help feeling frightened.

In fact, she has not fallen asleep. What she is about to see is one of the main gods in Japanese mythology. There are still many shrines dedicated to her in this land. Being able to see the true form of the god with her own eyes is the work of countless believers and A theological student's dream.

Shen Delu was woken up. He stood up from the floor and bumped into the coffee table above his head. He held his head and wailed, "Is my sister-in-law back?!"

"Your sister-in-law?"

Izayo Yeyue looked at Shen Delu's familiar face in confusion.

The two brothers Shen Delu and Shen Mengyu look exactly the same, but their temperaments are completely different.

Almost instantly, Izayoyoyuki realized the identity of the man in front of her. Her expression turned cold, and her whole body exuded unstoppable murderous intent.

Lin Yue dragged Shen Delu behind him, holding the soul flame in his hand ready to go out.

Shen Delu also noticed something was wrong, and wondered whether Xu Qinghuan had lied about the military situation, but in fact, the godly girl in front of him had not developed to that stage with his brother? Otherwise, why would he get so angry just because of his sister-in-law? Hey, I can't find a girl, so I have to find a god with such a bad temper. He will have a hard time getting married in the future. While he was thinking this, he patted Xu Qinghuan, who was sleeping soundly on the sofa.

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