Four people were crammed into the not-so-large room.

"You are Shen Delu."

Izayoi Yue sat cross-legged on the wooden floor and looked at Shen Delu seemingly casually.

"My brother mentioned me to you?" Shen Delu, who was also sitting on the floor, was a little surprised and thought that what Xu Qinghuan said was true. The two of them had already reached the point of introducing their families.

Izayoi Yeyue did not answer, but turned to look at Xu Qinghuan who was sitting on the sofa and watching TV.

"Didn't I say that you can instantly transform into a palace here if you want? This house is a bit small for the four of us.

"Well, it's complicated to say, but the main reason is that I feel it's cozy to live here." Xu Qinghuan said perfunctorily without looking back, pretending to be watching TV with a guilty conscience.

"Brother Xu lost his key."

Shen Delu took the words diligently, wanting to leave a good impression on his future sister-in-law.

"Did you lose the magatama?!" Izayoiyuki was shocked and angry when he heard this, and stood up suddenly. She thought Xu Qinghuan was unreliable, but she didn't expect it to be so unreliable.

"Hey, you gave that thing to me. Also, pay attention to the attitude of your words." Xu Qinghuan defended.

Seeing that the atmosphere was cold, Shen Delu, who was the instigator, quickly intervened. Although he didn't know what the key called Magatama was used for, it was probably a very important thing to see his future sister-in-law's reaction.

"It's just a key. It's a big deal if you lose it and find it again. It's a no-brainer."

Izayo Yeyue stared at Xu Qinghuan with a cold expression, and suddenly sat down calmly.

"Just throw it away."

She was not afraid of Xu Qinghuan, of course that was partly the reason. Judging from Xu Qinghuan's reaction, he didn't care about the magatama, and he just took the opportunity to get it back.

Xu Qinghuan really has no interest in being the master of the Kingdom of Night.

The atmosphere became harmonious.

Xu Qinghuan was minding his own business watching the TV. There was an old Japanese program called Super Transformation on it. This broken TV could only receive Japanese channels and had no subtitles. He couldn't understand other programs. This was the only one that was interesting. , always amused.

Shen Delu took Izai Yeyue and chatted about his brother's life. He was praising his brother to his future sister-in-law openly and secretly. However, Izai Yeyue seemed to be interested in Shen Mengyu's three-year-old Chengwen and five-year-old Chengwu who joined the executive department at the age of twelve. He wasn't too interested in heroic deeds, but asked about Shen Mengyu's embarrassing childhood stories from time to time.

At first, Shen Delu was a little afraid of Izayoi Yue's status as a god, and she spoke respectfully. After getting in touch with him, he found that his sister-in-law was no different from ordinary girls except that she was prettier, so he became bolder. Sometime later, the room was filled with the laughter of the two of them.

Lin Yue sat upright on the sofa, her eyes always falling on Shen Delu and Izayo Yeyue. She could not be as careless and careless as Shen Delu, and she was still very wary of the gods.

Izayo Yeyue carefully noticed that Lin Yue had been left out, so she took the initiative to pour water for Lin Yue and Shen Delu, and even pulled the two of them to show off the treasures they had collected - the piles of comics, game consoles and various gadgets.

She was just like an ordinary girl inviting friends to her home.

There was a lot of fun in the small room.

Shen Delu is very interested in Izayoi Yue's Famicom. When he was a child, he was obsessed with it for a long time. The adults in the family did not care about him and let him go. Shen Mengyu also likes game consoles, but unfortunately every day She had to undergo strict training and only had time to play with her younger brother after the training. When the adults at home found out, they would only sternly order Shen Mengyu to leave, leaving the disappointed Shen Delu alone in the room.

He didn't think this was the family's favor for him. His brother was a genius and he couldn't waste his time on this. Of course he, a hopeless loser, could do anything.

This kind of red and white machine connected to the TV was only interesting for two people to play, and Shen Delu quickly lost interest.

Shen Delu and Izayo Yeyue squeezed Xu Qinghuan to the side. They excitedly connected the game console to the TV and said they wanted to show off.

They first played a fighting game with rough graphics and childish movements that now seemed like it. Shen Delu, who had lost several times in a row, looked at Izayoi Yue with a happy face in surprise. He thought he was the little overlord of the red and white consoles, but he could lose to Theory. A god who does not eat the fireworks of the world.

The god seemed to be living a pretty boring life.

Unconvinced, Shen Delu played one game after another, and finally became convinced.

Shen Delu, who was focused on the game, didn't notice that the girl next to him would always stare at his face from time to time. Even if the character in the game was attacked by Shen Delu and received a few more big moves, he didn't care.

Without the TV, Xu Qinghuan smoked depressedly on the balcony.

"What did the principal say that persuaded you to come to Japan?"

Lin Yue walked to the balcony.

"Xiao Wang's gun is lost." Xu Qinghuan flicked the ash out of the window.

"Gangnir?" Lin Yue obviously didn't know about this and looked a little surprised. She thought to herself that you are really capable of throwing away anything.

"I admire Old Man Long's courage very much." Xu Qinghuan narrowed his eyes slightly and sighed.

"Why?" Lin Yue asked.

"He knows my identity, but he still dares to use me." Xu Qinghuan smiled, "This makes me curious about his purpose, which he wants to achieve even if he uses a devil."

"He is a person who survived that war, and everything he did was for revenge, which I appreciate very much."

"So I don't mind him using me as part of his revenge plan, but I don't know if he is ready to pay the price." Xu Qinghuan put out the cigarette butt and flicked it out the window.

"He just wanted revenge and didn't think about the danger..." Lin Yue noticed Xu Qinghuan's murderous intention and hurriedly defended Principal Long.

"Don't kid yourself, Lin Yue." Xu Qinghuan interrupted her with mocking eyes, "I'm too lazy to take care of the affairs between the academy and the Samurai God Society. After all, it's none of my business, but you can't realize it if you're involved in the incident. ?”

"But his deal with Wednesday killed my friend, he deserves to die." Xu Qinghuan's eyes became fierce, "The end justifies the means. I appreciate this kind of behavior, but it's a pity that he was on the wrong team and offended the wrong person, so he You have to pay the price.”

"I did not kill him directly but followed his plan to come to Japan. This is already his greatest reward."

In fact, there is another important reason why Xu Qinghuan did not say it out of face, and it was Xia Yi.

According to Xu Qinghuan's behavior, he wanted to simply kill the principal and tear the mouths of the talkative women on the college forum into pieces. Just as Xu Qinghuan was going out in a rage, Xia Yi stopped him.

Xia Yi said that everything must be based on evidence and the existing speculations are all our conjectures.

Xu Qinghuan said impatiently: Don't forget who I am.

Xia Yi said that just killing people cannot really clear the names of Wang Weiyu, Wang Xichao, Li Pei and others. Those people are just afraid that your power will not change their minds. I am still investigating this matter and have already gained some insights.

Xu Qinghuan said I don’t care what people think, so get out of the way or I’ll beat you too.

Xia Yi silently took out the holy sword.

Xu Qinghuan said, I think what you said makes sense. The evidence is indeed very important. I will let them live for a few more days to see what other mischief Old Man Long wants to do.

Li Pei, it took Xu Qinghuan a long time to remember who this person was. The member of Xiao Wang's father's team turned into a ghost under the control of Wednesday and was eventually killed by Xia Yi.

Unexpectedly, this brave man with facial paralysis could still remember the name of the eighteenth-line traveler and every ordinary person who died innocently.

The story of the contrast between the roaring devil and the protection of his friends is certainly fascinating. Unfortunately, not everyone will be his friend. Most people are just ordinary people who the devil doesn't care about. After disaster strikes, ordinary people will not care about him. No matter how much you crave, the devil will only look on with cold eyes.

The role of a brave man who pursues justice and justice is certainly cliché, but she is the only one who will extend a helping hand to ordinary people without distinction.

Lin Yue looked solemn. When she was in the taxi, she had already learned that Fujiwara Chiba, the head of the Wushe family, was dead. This meant that the principal's revenge was successful, and it also meant that Xu Qinghuan was about to attack the principal.

As if he could see Lin Yue's thoughts, Xu Qing said with a smile: "Don't worry, it's not yet time."

"At first I thought his target was Fujiwara Chiba, but now it seems that Principal Long's ambitions go beyond that."

If a mortal dares to wield his sword in revenge against the gods, what will be the outcome of this revenge?

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