Today is the most chaotic day in the Fujiwara Building.

Compared with the collegiate system commonly used by other adivine organizations in the world, the Demons are more like an orderly company.

The evil ghosts control the underworld in Japan. Times have changed, and the Japanese underworld no longer wants to fight and kill like before, but has started doing business. Different gangs still have conflicts over territory and business matters. If there is friction, the bosses of both sides will ask the evil ghosts for instructions, and the evil ghosts will send people to make adjustments. In return, all the yakuza in Japan must pay tribute to the evil ghosts.

The headquarters of the Demons is located in the Fujiwara Building. The 23rd to 25th floors belong to the offices of the Executive Department of the Demons. The 23rd floor is filled with young operators who answer calls from all over the country. Due to the Samurai God Society The rise of the evil spirits has taken away some of the territory of the evil ghosts, and their work is much less than before.

On the twenty-fourth floor are team leaders responsible for each area. Each team leader manages dozens of team members who are working on the front line. Most of these team leaders are middle-aged people from the Wushe family. In their forties, they finally took a back seat and entered the office, dawdling around waiting for retirement. The evil ghosts received a large amount of retirement money, which was enough for them to have a worry-free life for the rest of their lives. There were also some wild gods who came from ordinary backgrounds and rose to the rank of team leader through their own efforts. .

In the last century, the Gosaku family under the leadership of Fujiwara Chiba established the Demons. Due to the need for manpower to grow the organization, they began to recruit some ordinary people. Now, the number of ordinary people in the Demons far exceeds the gods. After all, We can't let the noble gods take care of those trivial matters, right?

There are also three, six or nine levels of divine descendants. Japan pays great attention to family origin. Among them, the highest status is the Fujiwara family, which is independent of the Gosho family, followed by the Konoe family and Kujo who were known as the upper families in ancient times. family, then the Takaji family, the Ichijo family, the Nijo family of the next three families, and finally some wild divine descendants who were born ordinary but awakened the divine blood.

Members of the Fujiwara family can be promoted to team leaders when they are in their twenties, and ministers when they are thirty, and are in charge of many fat jobs. The other children of the Gosho family are also similar, but their promotion speed will be slower.

Those wild divines with no background can enjoy high status just by working hard and getting into the position of team leader before retiring. As for the ordinary humans who are rushing to the front line, don't even think about it.

The status is clear and the order is so orderly that it makes people despair.

The entire building, whether it was the medical department of the executive department or some logistics and other departments, everyone was in chaos.

Because Fujiwara Chiba died, the five heads of the Gosho family just sent some people to the Samurai God Society's territory to look for trouble. After all, Principal Long of the Night Watch Academy lived there, and they had to make a show of it.

On the top floor of the Fujiwara Building, where Fujiwara Chiba once hosted countless meetings, the former family heads were quarreling over the Fujiwara family's territory and their positions among the demons.

They rushed to the Fujiwara Imperial Palace in the early morning and confirmed the death of Chiba Fujiwara, and immediately rushed to the Fujiwara Building with manpower.

After Chiba Fujiwara dies, how will the Fujiwara family’s territory and business be distributed? Who should take the position of master? Among the evil demons, which family should hold the top job position held by the Fujiwara family members?

As Fujiwara Chiba said, no one in this world is irreplaceable. No one mourned his death. People were scrambling to carve up his wealth and power, like vultures fighting for a corpse, fearing that if they were too late, they would lose a bite.

"I thought the Takaji family had made a lot of money controlling the port these years, so they wouldn't want to grab this little bit of territory again, right?" the tall and fierce-looking head of the Kujo family said sarcastically.

"The Kujo family controls Japan's casinos and customs industry. Aren't they here to compete with a woman's family like mine?" the middle-aged woman from the Takashi family shot back.

"You two are not enough! Why didn't I see you jumping around like this when my territory was snatched by the Samurai God Society!" The middle-aged man in kimono, the head of the Nijo family, said angrily.

"I don't care how much money you make, as long as the positions of the two ministers belong to my family!" The head of the family, a short and thin middle-aged man, stood aside with his hands folded on his chest.

The old man who had been sitting silently aside slapped the table angrily and yelled: "That's enough, now the enemy is here! Our elders are dead, and we are carving up the Fujiwara family's territory here without thinking about how to avenge our elders!"

The old man is the head of the Konoe family. Although he looks much older than the others, the five heads of the family present are actually about the same age. If they can become the heads of their respective families, their bloodline is naturally very good. The divine blood allows them to Just looks young.

"That's nice to say. The Konoe family came the most, what? Do you want to rob it? Or do you want to kill all the other family heads here and take it for yourself?" The Kujo family head didn't give any face.

The status of the Konoe family is higher than that of the next three families. Of those present, only the head of the Kujo family whose status is equal to him dared not give him face.

There was chaos in the conference room.

These high-ranking people who have been in high positions for a long time and have gathered together for their own interests are now quarreling over their interests.

There was a rapid knock on the door of the conference room. Fujiwara Chiba's former secretary, Ms. Tsukina, ignored the owners of the room and knocked twice and pushed the door open.

"The secretary of the Fujiwara family is so ignorant of the rules?" The head of the Kujo family frowned and was about to reprimand him.

When Fujiwara Chiba was alive, these family heads were respectful to Tsukina, who was the personal secretary of the patriarch. Now that he is dead, it is really a waste of time.

Yuena's expression was panicked: "Dear family heads, someone has invaded the building."

The five family heads couldn't believe their ears for a moment.

Where is this place? Fujiwara Building! Although the name may be changed soon, this is still the headquarters of the evil ghosts. Not to mention the tight security in the building itself, the team leaders and ministers with excellent bloodlines have experienced countless battles and risen through the ranks. , not to mention that the five family heads brought all the elites they could bring with them for today's matter.

Who wants to die after eating the heart of a bear and the gall of a leopard?

"Catch the intruder and lock him up first. You can just send someone to interrogate him. Do you want me to teach you about interrogating people and killing them? We still have important things to talk about. Let's go out." The head of the Kujo family waved his hand impatiently. Tsukina leaves.

Tsukina stood still.

"Things are not as simple as you think. The leader of the intruder gave all the family heads five minutes to rush to see him."

"Where are the people in the execution department? Are they too old to even pull out their swords?" the head of the Konoe clan said angrily.

Yuena took a deep breath: "Everyone has been knocked down. The intruder is now in the office of the director of the executive department on the 25th floor." She lowered her head and looked at her watch, "The man said he would only give parents five minutes. There are still three minutes left, otherwise no one will be able to leave this building alive today."

On the twenty-fifth floor, in the spacious office of the head of the execution department.

"Look, I told you it was very simple." Xu Qinghuan lay on the boss's chair behind the desk, grabbed a piece of watermelon from the fruit plate on the table and put it into his mouth.

The man who was kneeling on the ground and beaten into a pig's head hid his head in his chest tremblingly, not daring to raise his head to look at Xu Qinghuan on the chair.

"Brother Xu is still so powerful and domineering!" Shen Delu excitedly stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and took a selfie. He could be said to have done something unprecedented and unprecedented. He planned to publicize it when he returned to school and publish his experience in a book. After making a fortune, I already thought about the book cover and used this selfie.

"Send a message to Xia Yi and tell her that we have successfully penetrated into the lair of evil ghosts and will go to the God-Serving Society in a while." Xu Qinghuan put her feet up on the desk, feeling proud.

"Let's take a photo." Shen Delu walked to Xu Qinghuan, bent down and raised his mobile phone. Seeing Lin Yue still standing aside, he waved to her, "Come quickly."

Only then did Lin Yue react and leaned over.

"1, 2, 3 eggplants!" Shen Delu was about to press the shutter button, but Xu Qinghuan stopped him.

"Wait a minute!" Xu Qinghuan moved his chair back, "Show your face at the front. Let's take pictures."

"Hey, there's no more fruit. Go get some fruit." Xu Qinghuan ordered.

"Okay brother." Shen Delu heard this and was about to go out.

Xu Qinghuan said helplessly: "Who called you, I let him." Then he kicked the man kneeling on the ground.

When the man heard this, he immediately stood up with difficulty and walked towards the door as if he had been granted amnesty.

Lin Yue still couldn't believe what she had just experienced, it was too dreamy.

Xu Qinghuan led himself and Shen Delu, knocked down a few guards and broke into the hall on the first floor. After entering, he randomly grabbed someone and shouted that he wanted to see the leader here.

Is there anything to be messed with in the Fujiwara Building? The people who can come and go here are all the elites of the evil ghost community. This is probably the first time that he has encountered such a situation. He was confused and did not react for a while. Xu Qinghuan was too lazy to repeat what he just said and knocked the man unconscious directly.

Only then did everyone in the hall react and rushed towards the three of them, but were knocked down by Xu Qinghuan again.

Xu Qinghuan's way of asking for directions was also very simple and crude. He first caught an unlucky guy who wanted to take out a gun, and in front of the others, he burned the man to ashes with a black flame. People said that if I came here, they would call him down.

His majesty and terrifying strength made everyone no longer want to resist, and they all took out their phones to contact support and informed their colleagues upstairs.

The three of them waited patiently in the lobby, but what they were waiting for was countless people armed with guns and swords pouring out of the elevator and stairs. Xu Qinghuan sighed and said that these people really didn't shed tears until they saw the coffin, and they were instantly killed with a snap of their fingers. All of them, these people did not appear to have any external injuries, but in fact, without exception, their hearts burst.

Relying on the memories collected last night, Xu Qinghuan took the two of them in the elevator to the twenty-fifth floor, where the office of the head of the Evil Ghosts' Execution Department was located in his memory.

It's a pity that the person who was killed was a minor character, and the highest-ranking person who could know was the head of the execution department.

As soon as the elevator door opened, countless bullets were fired at the three people. When they were about to hit the three people, an invisible wall densely packed with bullets stopped them.

Another snap of fingers.

Then Xu Qinghuan found the office. The executive director was so frightened that he couldn't speak and knelt on the ground begging for his life.

Xu Qinghuan picked up the phone on the table and made a request. He asked the minister who was over fifty years old to call the highest-ranking person he knew over. He learned that the head of the Wushe family was having a meeting on the top floor of the company today, so Xu Qinghuan set up a meeting on the top floor of the company. A five-minute deadline was given.

From the time they walked into the building to the time they walked into this office, it took only five minutes, and a large part of that time was wasted in the elevator.

Lin Yue had seen Xu Qinghuan's strength. In the battle between him and Loki, both he and Loki were stronger than human imagination. But after all, it was a battle between the strongest. It still comes and goes.

Only now have I seen what true devastation is, what the absolute crushing of ordinary people by the strongest is. No, those who died are not ordinary humans. They are already the best among the gods. They are still like ants facing Xu Qinghuan. There is no resistance.

In front of him, he was just an ant that would die if he even thought about killing.

Lin Yue looked blankly at Xu Qinghuan, who was lying on the chair and playing with Shen Delu. He clearly wiped out the lives of nearly a hundred people in the first two minutes.

The fear from the inside out penetrates deep into the bones.

Can such a devil really be defeated?

Only at this moment did she fully understand what Xu Qinghuan had said before.

Do you care about the ants’ tricks?

She suddenly understood human beings' resistance to gods.

A creature that can kill you with just a thought. Whether you can survive depends entirely on its mood. How can such a creature and such a threat be allowed to survive in the world!

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