The head of the Kujo clan had veins popping out on his forehead, and he stared fiercely at the boy lying on the chair in front of him, idle.

How could anyone in Japan dare to talk to me like this!

Just as he was about to reach out to pull out the sword at his waist, his wrist was suddenly held by someone. He turned his head in surprise and looked at the head of the Takashi family who stopped him. The charming woman shook her head at him.

Just now, the five family heads, led by secretary Yue Na, took the elevator to the twenty-fifth floor.

The smell of gunpowder in the air and the corpses on the ground proved that what Secretary Tsukina said was true. Someone actually invaded the Fujiwara Building and destroyed this base camp of evil spirits that gathered countless elites with overwhelming force.

These corpses looked shocked before they died, as if they couldn't believe they had died like this.

The head of the Takashi family squatted down to check the cause of death of those people. There were no obvious external injuries, but the internal organs were severely damaged. Everyone's heart seemed to have been crushed in an instant.

Chiba Fujiwara died. Nowadays, these people in the building can be said to be the only remaining elites among the demons. They come from various families. They were dazzling geniuses when they were young. They are old acquaintances with the family heads and have gone through countless battles before they can become The front liners climbed up to this building step by step and had their own offices, but without exception, they died easily today. They were unable to fight back before they died. Some people did not even have time to draw the sword from their waist.

The five family heads were stunned. What kind of creature could do all this? Could it be that the Night Watch Academy really supports a god? Is this Principal Long’s trump card?

It is natural to think of the death of Fujiwara Chiba. Just as suddenly, the intruder broke in and killed the target neatly, as easily as squeezing an ant to death.

Several residents looked at each other and said nothing. The death of these people made the evil ghosts lose the qualification to start a war with the Night Watch Academy.

They lost, and a huge sense of fear and powerlessness enveloped them. At the same time, they were curious about what kind of person was waiting for them in that office.

They have even lost the qualification to be angry.

After all, they were people who were accustomed to seeing death return from the battlefield. The five family heads suppressed the fear in their hearts, straightened their expressions, and followed Yue Na to open the door of the office.

What was waiting for them in the office was not a ghost.

A man with medium-length hair and a feminine appearance was taking a selfie with his mobile phone in front of the floor-to-ceiling window. A tall, beautiful woman stood aside blankly. The leader should be a man lying on the boss's chair behind the desk, wearing a suit that didn't fit well. , with messy hair and a delicate face, was eating watermelon on the table.

The five family heads exchanged looks with confused expressions.

Among them, the head of the Konoe family, who had the highest status, was the first to speak respectfully: "May I ask what you are here for?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a plastic fork hit the head of the Konoe clan straight in the head.

Although the head of the Konoe family is old, his body is still flexible with the blessing of divine blood. The first time he noticed the hidden weapon thrown by the opponent, he subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but at that moment, his soul felt like being hit by a thousand tons. , the soles of his feet also seemed to be filled with lead, and he was about to kneel down when his knees became weak. Fortunately, the two family heads beside him reacted quickly and supported him.

"Speak Chinese." Xu Qinghuan wiped his mouth with his sleeve and said calmly.

The head of the Kujo family, who was always known for his fiery temper, could no longer bear such humiliation. He reached out and was about to draw his sword, but the head of the Takashi family stopped him.

The head of the Takashi family stepped forward. She was the only woman among the group of people. Men couldn't help but let a woman do such humiliating things.

"My Lord, Nobuko Takaji, is there a reason for the visit of the three distinguished guests?" Nobuko Takaji's Chinese is very standard but a bit difficult to pronounce, as if she is acting in a costume drama.

Shen Delu subconsciously stood behind Xu Qinghuan. The five in front of him were the heads of the Wushe family who had dominated Japan for many years. He was afraid that he would be affected if a fight broke out.

Lin Yue glanced at the five people coldly.

"I'm just here to ask you, do you know where the boy named Baqi from the Samurai God Society is?" Xu Qinghuan didn't even look at the people in Wu She's family. He took Shen Delu's cell phone and checked the photos just now. Frowning, he was obviously dissatisfied with the way the photo looked at him.

"Are you here to see Lord Yamaki from the Samurai God Association?" Nobuko Takaji didn't expect that the purpose of the visitor was so simple.

"There is no need for you to repeat my question and answer me." Xu Qinghuan sounded a little impatient. He fiddled with his phone without raising his head, trying to make his other eye bigger in the photo.

The five family heads looked at each other, and finally Nobuko Takaji came out to answer: "We have only recently learned that Yamata-sama's true identity is Hanyu Kurasuke of the Hanyu family. If you have anything to do with him, the evil spirits are willing to guide you."

Xu Qinghuan impatiently put the phone back into Shen Delu's hand. He was still not very skilled in the use of the beauty software, and the photos he had retouched were ugly.

"Are you their leader?" Xu Qinghuan first glanced at Ying Si Xinzi, and then glanced at the four men behind her.

Nobuko Takaji looked embarrassed, and then said: "Our leader, Fujiwara Chiba, was killed early this morning..."

"I know that." Xu Qinghuan interrupted, "Does that mean you are not their leader?"

Nobuko Takaji nodded.

"Are Japanese men dead? They only dare to hide behind women when something happens?" Xu Qinghuan asked lightly, "Is it because you can't understand Chinese?"

The remaining four masters all knew some Chinese. They looked ugly when they heard Xu Qinghuan's humiliation, but they didn't dare to get angry.

Kujo Koki could no longer hold back his anger, and with a swipe he drew his sword and pointed it at Xu Qinghuan.

"I am the head of the Kujo family, and this is Japan and the territory of the Goshaku family! You are not allowed to run wild here!"

After saying that, Kujo Hongyi raised his sword and rushed towards Xu Qinghuan, full of momentum and moving forward.

Xu Qinghuan raised his finger.

Blood splattered in the air, and an arm holding a long knife fell to the ground. Everyone present did not even react to what had happened. Kujo Koki fell to his knees with a painful expression.

His right arm holding the knife was neatly chopped off.

Xu Qinghuan waved his finger again.

Kujo Hongyi's wailing was heard again, and his left arm was neatly cut off.

Shen Delu was so frightened by this bloody scene that he turned his head and couldn't bear to look directly.

Xu Qinghuan didn't even look at Kujo Hongyi, who was kneeling on the ground without his arms, and stared at the other four people with cold eyes.

"Is he your friend?"

The fingers waved again.

Blood oozed from the thigh of Kujo Hongyi's left leg.

"You just watch your friends die?"

Xu Qinghuan frowned. He thought that these Japanese people would have some backbone, but he didn't expect to be so weak and watch his teammates being ravaged.

He traced the nine Hongyi fingers on the ground.

In the fear of everyone, Jiujo Hongyi's neck seemed to have been cut off by an extremely sharp blade, blood splashed from the artery, and his head fell to the ground and rolled for a while before stopping.

At this moment, the heads of the Wushe family fully understood the suffocating and desperate pressure. They originally thought that the other party would be scrupulous because of their status. They were not the little fish and shrimp that died outside.

They are the heads of the Wushe family, possessing astonishing power and power. For most of their lives, they have been the superiors that everyone respects and fears. They can easily decide the life and death of others with their words and deeds. They think they have the authority to hold power and power, and they regard themselves as noble and indifferent to the lives of others.

In the face of the real supreme power, the power, wealth, and lineage they thought they had seemed so ridiculous and vulnerable.

"Take me to find that guy named Hanyu Kurasuke."

Xu Qinghuan stood up from the chair and ordered coldly.

The four living family heads bowed respectfully and gave way as they were granted amnesty.

Xu Qinghuan greeted Lin Yue and Shen Delu to leave, and suddenly stopped at the door.

"Seriously, don't you think about helping him get revenge or something?" Xu Qinghuan pointed to the body on the ground in the house.

The four family heads were silent.

Xu Qinghuan shook his head boredly. Yue Nai, who was waiting outside the house, had been waiting for a long time. At the signal of Nobuko Takaji, she respectfully led the way for Xu Qinghuan and the others.

"Brother Xu is so handsome! This matter must be written in my future memoirs." Shen Delu followed up and flattered him, "I almost killed them all."

Xu Qinghuan said in surprise: "They have no grudges against me. You think of me as a murderer."

Hearing this, Shen Delu glanced at the corpses on the ground and complained, "Are you sure you're not?"

"I just want to ask for directions. These people want to kill me. Anyone who wants to kill me must die." Xu Qinghuan patted Shen Delu on the shoulder, "This is called self-defense. Xia Yi can't accuse me even if she knows it." What."

"Why are you so afraid of Xia Yi?" Lin Yue, who had been silent at the end, asked abruptly.

"What you said is not that I'm scared. Do you think that little girl Jianjie is really my opponent in a fight? I taught her all her swordsmanship!" Xu Qinghuan said with no shame.

But Xia Yi’s swordsmanship was really taught by him.

"Then why don't you just listen to her?" Shen Delu said.

Xu Qinghuan thought for a while and said, "How should I put it? Because they are indeed reasonable, and I am a reasonable devil."

He suddenly turned to look at Lin Yue.

"As human beings, you should burn incense and pray to Buddha every day to pray for the facially paralyzed woman not to die in an accident. Although I am reasonable, it will be very scary if I am not reasonable."

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