Shen Mengyu drove the car on the highway again.

He didn't know what the consequences would be if he let Takako go, but after getting along with her for the past few days, he simply felt that such a girl shouldn't be a victim in a revenge plan.

He started preparing to go out when he received the mission order early in the morning. He specially bought this old car. Before carrying out the mission, he checked the map as usual and found a tram stop between Tokyo and Yamanashi Prefecture. He accidentally bought two tickets. .

Even after the car started, he was still determined to complete the mission and take Takako to the Kawaguchi Sengen Shrine in Toru County, Yamanashi Prefecture.

The red torii gate standing on the highest point of the hillside behind the shrine is called the Sky Torii Gate. It is said to be the closest place to the god, which is the entrance to Takamagahara.

It wasn't until he saw Takako giving the Tian Cong Yun Sword to Xia Yi with his own eyes that his thoughts began to waver.

What he said in the car was not only for Xia Yi but also for himself. He envied Xia Yi's purity and expected Xia Yi to give him an answer.

He said those words to tell Xia Yi and to remind himself that the principal's revenge would be at any cost, let alone the lives of innocent people. Deep down in his heart, he even vaguely hoped that Xia Yi would slash at him with his sword and block the progress of the principal's plan, or that the old car would break down on the road, or for some other reason. In this way, he could convince himself that he was not violating the mission and that the girl would have a way to survive.

In the comics I read when I was a child, the protagonist was always the righteous party. Although he would be laughed at by the villain and encounter many difficulties because of his insistence on justice, justice is justice. This is what those tacky villains cannot understand, and it is also the reason why the protagonist is The main character’s reasons.

Unfortunately, things backfired when he grew up, and he became a murderous knife, wielding the knife like a puppet to kill mission targets one after another.

Suddenly, he remembered the middle-aged man who protected his young daughter during the previous mission to eliminate the Samurai God Society's forces in Europe. The Japanese man was probably just an ordinary researcher at the Samurai God Society branch. The Chinese begged himself to spare his daughter's life.

During the mission, the order of total annihilation was clearly given. Shen Mengyu covered the girl's eyes and stabbed the girl's father into the heart with a knife.

The girl's screams and cries of terror and despair haunted him like a nightmare.

He could only deceive himself and comfort himself that he was killing for justice, and the sins he had committed would be washed away by the light of justice after his revenge was successful.

When I was a child, I wanted to be the protagonist in the comics and a partner of justice, but when I grew up, I became an annoying supporting character.

The rain outside the car was getting heavier and heavier, but Shen Mengyu was in a good mood. For the first time, she turned on the radio and listened to a song.

For the first time, he felt that he had come alive, done something meaningful, and was promoted from a supporting role to a protagonist.

He didn't know how the principal would punish him later. He wasn't prepared to lie and didn't care. The family sent him to the execution department, and the execution department trained him into a sharp weapon. His only value was killing people. If anyone in the world would shed a few tears at his funeral, it would probably be his stupid brother. Bar.

I really envy him.

There were plumes of white smoke rising from under the hood of the car, and the accelerator stopped responding.

This damn car would have broken down sooner or later, but it just stalled at this moment.

Shen Mengyu used the last bit of inertia to park the car in the emergency lane.

He was an expert in vehicle maintenance, but he had no intention of getting out of the car in the rain to check. He put down his chair and lay on the driver's seat, quietly looking at the heavy rain outside the car window.

This was a rare time for him to be lazy.

If he doesn't arrive at his destination before 1 p.m., Principal Long will soon find that he has lost contact. Perhaps he has already discovered that members of the Samurai God Society and the executive branch hidden in Japan are already on their way to arrest him.

As for Xia Yi, she should have already taken Takako on the tram.

There was a reason why he chose to send them to the Kofu Tram Station. He had done some research and found that there were many lines at the Kofu Tram Station, which could connect them to various cities in Japan. It was very convenient to escape wherever they wanted, or Xia Yi didn't have to escape at all. Except for herself lying in the car, no one in Japan could be her opponent.

And her friend, the man named Xu Qinghuan, should also be looking for her.

It's great that when you are being hunted, there will be one person in the world who is worried about your safety and will rush to save you regardless.

What is the meaning of my life?

Just as he was lying on his seat with his eyes closed, thinking wildly, waiting for the principal's pursuers, there was a sudden knock on the passenger window.

He opened his eyes suddenly and reached for the weapon at his waist.

The sound of the heavy rain disrupted his hearing, or maybe it was because the radio was so loud that he didn't even notice anyone approaching.

Because there are few cars on the highway during heavy rain, who would brave the heavy rain and run to the emergency lane to knock on their car window?

"It's you!" Shen Mengyu looked at the person standing outside the car holding an umbrella in surprise.

"Where are we going?" Takako was pulled by Xia Yi and ran through the ticket gate and stood in the waiting hall.

Xia Yi lowered his head and glanced at their tickets. Shen Mengyu bought the pass for the two of them from the Japan Railway Company. The ticket did not have a disembarking station written on it, which meant that with this ticket they could take the train to any train station on the Shinkansen line.

"Go to Xu Qinghuan and the others first." Xia Yi said and took out her mobile phone from her pocket. She didn't care about the college or who could find her through the mobile phone, as long as she defeated them all.

The phone finally restored the network, and a long list of WeChat messages and phone calls from Shen Delu popped up.

She immediately called back and it showed that the other party could not be reached.

The first few messages Shen Delu sent had a relaxed tone, saying that Xu Qinghuan was also looking for him, and he was so worried that he almost cried.

The tone of the next few messages became serious, as if aware of the danger.

Of course Xia Yi didn't believe Shen Delu's words, but it proved that Xu Qinghuan should also be aware of the crisis.

There was something strange about this sudden rainstorm, and she felt that the elements around her were becoming restless.

Xia Yi's pupils were emitting golden light, and he looked in the direction where the elements invisible to the naked eye gathered. A huge black vortex formed by the elements was gathering in the sky above Tokyo.

She was vaguely aware that there was a mysterious power hidden behind this turbulent flow of elements.

She was very familiar with this situation. Powerful monsters often needed to consume a large amount of energy to revive, which would lead to turbulent flow of natural abnormal elements.

"Where did Shen Mengyu go? Why wasn't he with us?" Guizi asked.

Hearing this, Xia Yi immediately turned to stare at Guizi, and the holy sword shining with holy light appeared out of thin air in his right hand.

"Who are you!"

Izayoi Tsukimi's identity was discovered by Xia Yi, and she no longer hid it. She smiled and said, "Aren't you helping my sister find me?"

"You and Takako share the same body?" Xia Yi reacted.

The surrounding environment changed, and the crowd waiting for the bus disappeared without a trace, leaving only the two of them in the entire hall.

Izayoye Yue nodded, she opened the wooden box in her hand and said with a smile: "Tian Cong Yun Sword? Where did you find it?"

Before rushing to catch the car, Xia Yi dragged the suitcase with one hand and Takako with the other. Naturally, Takako held the wooden box containing Budu Yuhun and Tiancong Yunjian.

"What do you want to do?" Xia Yi asked.

Ever since she summoned the holy sword, she had noticed that the silver bracelet on her wrist was resisting her own power. She calmly gathered all her magic power in her arm, trying to break through the restriction of the silver bracelet.

Izayoi Yue noticed Xia Yi's abnormality and said with a bright smile: "Hahaha, that guy Xu Qinghuan lost a hundred yuan to me."

She put the Tiancongyun sword back into the wooden box to show that she was not hostile. She walked to Xia Yi and stretched out her palm. The restraint on Xia Yi's wrist suddenly disappeared, and the silver bracelet turned into a white magatama and fell to Izayoi. Moon's palm.

"I told him a long time ago that you would definitely wear it, but he still didn't believe it." Izayoiyuki stuffed the magatama into his pocket.

Seeing this, Xia Yi put away the holy sword.

"You met him again later?"

"I've seen him before, and he even beat him up." Izayoeyuki nodded, "You have to find him quickly, he's not in a good condition right now."

The surrounding environment changed back to what it was before. The noisy voices and crowded crowds brought Xia Yi back to reality.

The Izayoi moon has disappeared.

In the emergency lane of the highway.

"Are you going to let me stand outside the car in the rain?"

Izayoi Yeyue, who was holding an umbrella, cursed angrily at Shen Mengyu in the car.

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