Once you have someone you want to protect, you will feel that everything she does is dangerous. Even if that person is a brave man holding a holy sword, or a demon roaring at the world.

"Where are we going now?"

Shen Delu was sitting in the back row of the Rolls-Royce, sipping red wine with his legs crossed and a wine glass in hand, looking contented.

"Go to the Kingdom of Darkness." Xu Qinghuan frowned slightly, driving the vehicle on the road in the heavy rain.

With such heavy rain, there were few vehicles on the road.

"Are you looking for my sister-in-law?" Shen Delu was eager to try and regain his position on the game console.

"There's something wrong with the rain." Lin Yue looked out the car window. There was serious water accumulation on the road. The amount of precipitation had nearly paralyzed the city's drainage system. The speeding car set off an astonishing curtain of water.

"Elemental turbulence." Xu Qinghuan glanced at Lin Yue from the rearview mirror in the car, "There is a monster that is absorbing the elements of the entire Tokyo in an attempt to revive."

"What kind of monster can create such a momentum?" Lin Yue frowned upon hearing this.

"It should be the monster called Yamata no Orochi from the Kingdom of Darkness." Xu Qinghuan said lightly.

"Yama no Orochi!"

Lin Yue and Shen Delu said in unison.

"But it should be called Qiqi Orochi now, because I just chopped off its head two days ago." Xu Qinghuan said with a smile.

"Cow!" Shen Delu praised loudly.

Sure enough, with Brother Xu's magical powers retreating, the mission of this trip to Japan was extremely easy, and he had nothing to worry about.

"Have you seen Yamata no Orochi?" Lin Yue asked.

"In the Kingdom of Darkness." Xu Qinghuan replied.

The sudden elemental turbulence contained a familiar power that made Xu Qinghuan feel familiar. It was exactly the same as the smell emanating from the monster in the abyss of the Kingdom of Darkness.

"Then are we going to chop it down now?" Shen Delu was obviously excited. The content of his Japanese memoirs will be added to the exciting content. The enemies have risen from boring ordinary humans to legendary monsters. This trip to Japan It's really profitable.

"I have this plan."

Xu Qinghuan nodded.

He didn't understand why Yamata no Orochi suddenly started to act strangely. According to Tsukuyomi, since she closed the passage between the human world and the Kingdom of Night, human souls cannot enter the Kingdom of Darkness to serve as its nourishment. The progress of Gioroshi's recovery has stalled.

Either Tsukuyomi deceived him, or something unexpected happened.

The easiest way is to kill Yamata no Orochi in one go. His magic power has been consumed a lot these days, but it is not easy to kill a mere Yamata snake.

Xu Qinghuan was too lazy to think about it anymore. Such a trivial matter was not worthy of bothering him. A monster of that level was not even qualified to worship the Demon King.

What really made him irritated was that Xia Yi couldn't be contacted. He didn't know how the power of the paralyzed and poisonous brave man had recovered.

He suddenly regretted putting Xia Yi in danger. He should at least confirm whether she was wearing that damn bracelet and let her prepare in advance.

Even if I don't have her power bank, I still have other ways to restore my strength. I don't know what the idiot hero will do.

The Rolls-Royce parked in front of the simple apartment building. Xu Qinghuan opened the door and got out of the car with a fierce look on his face.

Kill Yamata no Orochi first, and then capture the principal.

Lin Yue and Shen Delu followed behind, and the umbrellas equipped in the Rolls-Royce came in handy at this time.

The black umbrella silenced the three of them, and they all thought of the friend they made jokes with.

The water on the road was up to my calves.

The three of them quickly went upstairs. Xu Qinghuan was about to reach out and open the door, but the door opened by itself. A middle-aged man in a suit was about to walk out of the house with a tired look. When he saw the three people outside the house, he was first surprised and then serious.

Several people looked at each other.

"Brother Xu, did we find the wrong house?" Shen Delu whispered in Xu Qinghuan's ear.

Xu Qinghuan ignored him, but felt that the man in front of him looked familiar.

"Xu Qinghuan?" the man said in standard Chinese.

"Kansuke Hanyu?" Xu Qinghuan remembered that the person in front of him was the man he saw in the photo on the table in the small office.

Hearing that the man opposite was Master Baqi from the Samurai God Association, Lin Yue couldn't help but clenched the umbrella in her hands with a heavy expression, while Shen Delu hid behind Xu Qinghuan.

Hanyu Kurasuke turned his head and looked at the two people behind Xu Qinghuan. When he saw Shen Delu, their eyes met, and the fear deep in his soul swallowed him up.

Ever since Xu Qinghuan and his party arrived in Japan, his thoughts have been on Shen Mengyu, the man who possesses the power to summon the gods and perfect the body of the gods. It was not until he saw Shen Delu in front of him that he understood what Principal Long said: "Shen Mengyu" "Your body is not something others can care about" means.

Everyone felt that Xia Yi and Xu Qinghuan were the key roles in the principal's plan. Xia Yi's strength and achievements were too eye-catching, and Xu Qinghuan, who was close to her, should not be underestimated. She was sent to Japan at this time and made trouble. There was a big news, and he single-handedly killed Chiba Fujiwara, which made the Gosaku family, which was deeply entrenched in Japan, bow its head.

However, Hanyu Kusuke has always been vaguely confused. Principal Long has carefully prepared the revenge plan for so long. How could the key figures be two young people who suddenly appeared?

Never would I have imagined that the real trump card is him!

Damn old man! I have been deceiving myself from the beginning! He had already secretly prepared the ultimate trump card.

It's a pity that God is not as good as God, so he met the unawakened protagonist in his plan here!

Hanyu Kurasuke took out the ink-black magatama in his arms and emitted a strange black aura, and he retreated into the darkness.

The thick mist in the house surrounded the three people, the shrill roars of all ghosts could be heard in their ears, and the powerful suction pulled the three people into the house.

The next moment, the door automatically closed.

"What the hell is this!" Shen Delu exclaimed.

Underfoot is an endless scorched land, and the huge scarlet blood moon in the eternal night sky is particularly obvious.

"The real kingdom of night." Xu Qinghuan frowned and looked around.

He had seen the true face of the Kingdom of Night before, but this time it was different from the empty space before. Countless dead souls were wandering, heading to the same place.

In the story told by Tsukuyomi, in order to awaken the Yamata-no Orochi and use it to break the seal of the Land of Underworld, Susana cut off the bridge leading to the Land of Underworld. Countless souls jumped off the cliff and were swallowed by the Yamata-Orochi in the abyss. Became food for monsters.

So Tsukuyomi closed the passage between the human world and the Kingdom of Night, stopped this bloody sacrifice, and sought a way to completely kill the Yamata no Orochi.

Now it seems that Hanyu Kusuke has opened the entrance to the Kingdom of Darkness and restarted the sacrifice.

The one he used was the Yin Magatama he had lost.

"Yueyue! Yueyue!" Xu Qinghuan's angry voice echoed throughout the world.

The little girl with the pseudonym Izayoyozuki ran off to nowhere at this time. Logically speaking, she should stay in the Kingdom of Darkness. Even if humans get Magatama, they should never be her opponent.

In other words, he was deceived by a woman again!

Chen Mengyu curiously followed the traces of the undead to a cliff.

These undead souls include old people and children, men and women. They are all naked and jump off the cliff with dull expressions.

Shen Delu and Lin Yue were stunned by the sight before them. They had never seen so many people commit suicide collectively.

In a panic, the two tried to stop these people, but there were too many people and their strength was too small. Lin Yue was almost pulled into the abyss in the chaos.

Shen Delu stretched out his hand and grabbed the two people next to him, one was a young girl and the other was an old man. In line with the principle of "don't look at anything inappropriate", he turned his head and closed his eyes. He felt a light touch in his hand, and a miserable wailing came from his ears. When he opened his eyes again, The two people beside him just now had disappeared without a trace.

Shen Delu didn't know what happened, but Lin Yue saw it clearly.

When Shen Delu's body came into contact with the undead, it was like the scorching sun igniting them, turning them into fly ash and disappearing without a trace.

Red lights shone in the abyss. The two of them took a closer look and realized that it was a monster with seven snake heads. It was so huge that the abyss could no longer accommodate it. The oozing snake body was swimming in the darkness, and it was like a monster. He opened his mouth to devour the fallen souls.

Shen Delu was so frightened that he turned around and ran away.

"Run! What are you doing standing there in a daze?" Shen Delu did not forget to turn around and shout to Lin Yue.

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