"Why are you back again! Where is Xia Yi?"

Shen Mengyu opened the door and got out of the car despite the heavy rain. He immediately looked around to observe the situation. He saw nothing unusual and looked at Takako in front of him with a serious expression.

It was too strange for Takako to appear here alone at this moment, and Xia Yi, who was supposed to escape with her, was nowhere to be seen.

Shen Mengyu had already prepared for the worst. This Amaterasu had been disguised from the beginning and was lurking beside his group. Xia Yi might have been subdued by him.

"Answer my question!" The only weapon Shen Mengyu brought on this trip, Budu Yuhun, had been returned to Takako when they parted, and was in the wooden box held by Takako in his arms.

At this time, Shen Mengyu looked at Guizi with a stern expression. He deliberately kept a distance from Takako, and his muscular body under the black coat was ready to kill in a violent manner at any time.

Guizi only thought that Shen Mengyu's prepared look was very funny, and couldn't help but burst out laughing, holding an umbrella and standing there without saying a word.

Gui Zi suddenly took a step towards Shen Mengyu.

Shen Mengyu's hands turned into dark blue dragon claws at some point, and his eyes turned into a sacred and solemn green light, and his whole body exuded a chilling aura.

Many thoughts and conjectures ran through his mind. According to his investigation, he deduced that Tsukuyomi would only appear and take control of the body at night, but in front of Takako, he exuded the unique temperament of Tsukuyomi, especially the look on his face. A sly smile, naughty and nimble, like a little fox.

Guizi completely ignored the hostility emanating from him and walked towards Chen Mengyu step by step until he stood in front of him.

Shen Mengyu just watched all this indifferently, and in the state of Divine Monarch Meng Zhang, he gained an absolute advantage in the close combat.

"You're stupid, you don't hold an umbrella in such a heavy rain."

Guizi leaned closer to Shen Mengyu again, and the umbrella in his hand was just enough to cover the two of them.

Under the pouring rain, on the highway with no cars in front or behind, in front of an old Toyota car emitting white smoke, the two people stood quietly under a black umbrella.

Shen Mengyu never holds an umbrella, just like the cool protagonist in comics.

"Why are you here?" Shen Mengyu asked.

Takako's height is not considered short, and she can be said to be the tallest girl among Japanese girls, but Shen Mengyu is still more than half a head taller than her. The two of them are very close to each other face to face. In addition, Shen Mengyu's stern look makes it difficult to say that His words were quite condescending, which made Takako feel uncomfortable.

"Tch, your brother is much more lovable than you."

Dissatisfied, Guizi thrust the umbrella into Shen Mengyu's hand, rolled up his sleeves and tried to open the hood of the car.

Shen Mengyu had determined that the girl in front of her was Izayoi Yue. As for the reason why she woke up during the day, it was most likely because the strange heavy rain blocked the sun.

Izayoi opened the hood, bent down to check the situation, and kept smacking his lips.

"Do you know anything about cars? You can also buy this classic car." Izayo Yeyue tried to check the condition of the car, completely exposing the weakness of the back to Chen Mengyu.

Seeing that the car could not be repaired, Izayoi covered the hood, stretched out her hand outside the umbrella and washed the oil on her hands with rainwater.

"You were ripped off by the car seller. Even without the rain, this shabby car wouldn't have been able to drive very far." Izayoi Yue, whose hands were wet, searched for something to wipe her hands with for a long time, so she reached out and put her hand on Shen Mengyu's coat. Rubbed it on.

"Do you know anything about cars?" Shen Mengyu wondered, and then realized that her thoughts had been led astray by this girl.

"That's not true!" Izayoiyuki blinked proudly, "Have you heard of Fujiwara Takumi? I was the one who invented the bending method for drainage ditches!"

Shen Mengyu didn't want to waste time with her on this issue and asked, "Where is my brother?"

"Don't worry, he is very safe, with Xu Qinghuan." Liu Yeyue stood on tiptoe and reached out to touch Shen Mengyu's messy wet hair, but Shen Mengyu blocked it with her arms.

"Look at you, you look like a puppy that got caught in the rain." Izayoiyuki said with a smile.

"You haven't answered my initial question yet." Shen Mengyu said.

"You are much more boring than I thought." Izayo Yeyue sighed, "Xia Yi ran to find Xu Qinghuan. Don't worry, I don't have the ability to kidnap her. The two of them are more scary than the other. As for why I came here..."

The smile on Izayo Yeyue's face disappeared, she looked at Shen Mengyu with a hint of sadness, and said, "Because a pet I have raised for many years is about to die."

Shen Mengyu obviously didn't understand Izayoi Yeyue's explanation, but the sadness on the face of the girl in front of her looked extremely sincere.

Izayoiyuki immediately returned to her lively look.

"Since this old car can't be driven, we can only take a ride to Takamagahara."

She pulled Shen Mengyu and walked to the white line of the emergency lane. She stretched out her head and extended her right hand with a thumbs up in an attempt to stop an oncoming car from behind.

Unfortunately, there were no cars on the highway at this time. Due to the heavy rain, the drivers had all driven into the service area to take refuge. They were really in dire straits now.

Shen Mengyu looked at Izayoi Yeyue next to her, and suddenly thought of a question, how did she find herself on this vast highway, alone and without a ride?


Shen Mengyu's cold voice came to Izayo Yeyue's ears, and she was dragged to the passenger door.

Because Shen Mengyu had been holding an umbrella to cover Izayoyue, she was completely soaked by the heavy rain.

Shen Mengyu opened the car door.

Izayo Yeyue watched in silence as Shen Mengyu got into the car, all wet. In order to avoid suspicion, this guy just grabbed the down jacket on his arm when he was dragging him.

Shen Mengyu closed the car door, threw the umbrella in her hand under the back seat, ran to the back of the car, opened the trunk and took out a set of tools.

He knew the condition of this car very well. This was a car that he had carefully selected for a long time. To be honest, it was beyond his expectation that the car could still drive here before breaking down despite his violent driving.

He opened the hood in the heavy rain, took out the tools and started repairing it.

Izayo Yeyue sat quietly in the passenger seat and looked at Shen Mengyu's busy figure outside the car.

After a while, Shen Mengyu opened the car door and sat in, throwing the toolbox into the back seat.

"The parts have aged too much and water has entered, but it should be able to survive until the next highway exit."

Shen Mengyu reached out and smoothed back the obstructive bangs on her forehead.

"Takumi, can you drive a manual car?" Shen Mengyu looked sideways at Izayoi Yue.

"Of course, do you think I'm joking with you?" Izayoyuki curled her lips.

"Don't go to Gao Tianyuan." After Shen Mengyu said that, he opened the door and left.

"Hey, hey, what do you mean?"

Izayoi Yue tried to hold Shen Mengyu, but the sleeves of her coat slipped away from her fingers.

Shen Mengyu closed the car door and walked in the heavy rain.

He didn't know whether what he did was right or wrong. From the moment he embarked on this path, he had no way to look back.

The principal's plan was to bring Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi back to Takamagahara. Although she didn't understand why, Shen Mengyu could imagine the ending that would greet them.

He let Takako go, and now he let Izayoi Yue go. This does not mean that he is siding with the gods, but he just hopes that a few innocent people will die in this revenge plan.

Or maybe it's because of my own selfishness.

"Hey hey hey! What are you doing!"

Izayoi Yeyue also chased out of the car and pulled Shen Mengyu.

"Since you know this is a plan against you and Amaterasu, why do you still go?" Shen Mengyu asked coldly.

Izayoyoyuki was stunned for a moment, then sneered: "Why, do you think I'm the same as those people you let go?"

"How do you know?" Shen Mengyu frowned.

How did this girl know her secret?

Izayoiyuki didn't know how to answer this question. You can't say that this girl has been paying attention to your every move these years.

"I am the omniscient and omnipotent Lord Tsukiyomi." Izayoi put her hands on her hips.

Just as Izayoi Yeyue said, Shen Mengyu did not kill the girl's father in the previous mission. The tip of the knife did pierce the middle-aged man's chest, but it was a little away from the heart.

There are many examples like this. He pretends to be indifferent and cold, but in fact he will always be soft-hearted and spare the lives of innocent people.

"This does not mean that I will be soft on you." Shen Mengyu said coldly.

It would be best if Izayoiyuki or Takako stayed away from here. If he insisted on getting involved, he would not be able to tell whether he was innocent or not.

All those who stand in the way must die and be chopped off one by one with swords.

"That's best, because I'm here to kill you too."

Izayoiyuki smiled and nodded.

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