An old Honda car drives on the highway.

Dynamic Japanese pop songs were playing in the car. Izayoiyuki swayed her body and head to the music, humming along, like an ordinary girl looking forward to traveling.

Shen Mengyu drove the car silently. His black coat was soaked through. He took it off and put it on the back seat of the car, revealing the black sweater underneath.

He is not in the mood to listen to music at all.

The principal's plan has already begun, but the very nervous girl beside him refuses to listen and insists on stepping into the trap that has been set.

However, her identity was that of a god, so Shen Mengyu naturally became suspicious of her motives.

What is she planning?

"Why do you always have such a black face?" Izayoi Yeyue poked Shen Mengyu on the shoulder.

Shen Mengyu ignored her and just drove on her own.

"Although you and your brother look similar, he is much more interesting than you." Izayoi Yue saw that Shen Mengyu ignored her and was not angry. She opened the mirror on the passenger side and trimmed her hair.

"Yeah." Shen Mengyu nodded.

"Aren't you jealous of your brother?" Izayo Yeyue turned to look at Shen Mengyu.

"Of course." Shen Mengyu said coldly.

Izayoi Yue showed a surprised expression and said with a smile: "So magnanimous?"

"I envy him very much." Shen Mengyu said.

"Understood." Izayoi Yeyue nodded, "You two are obviously brothers. He can be loved by everyone without doing anything, live the life he wants, and just sit there and be a loser, but you No choice."

"He is my younger brother. Jealousy will not make me wish for his death." Shen Mengyu turned her head and looked directly into Izayoi Yeyue's eyes.

Izayo Yeyue was stunned for a moment, then realized what Shen Mengyu's words meant, and frowned: "Please, I don't want my sister to die either, okay!"

"Then why do you still go to Gao Tianyuan, knowing that this is a trap." Shen Mengyu turned his head and looked straight ahead.

"I told you the reason from the beginning. If you don't believe me, there's nothing I can do about it." Izayoiyuki shrugged.

"What is the pet you are talking about?" Shen Mengyu asked.

The reason why he was willing to talk to Izayoiyuki was to get more useful information, or maybe it was for other reasons.

"A dark and ugly guy." Izayoyezuki crossed his arms over his chest and replied angrily.

There was a brief silence in the car, and Shen Mengyu was thinking about what the pet in Izayoi Yeyue's mouth was.

"What if your brother wants to kill you?" Izayoi Yeyue suddenly said, staring at Shen Mengyu's face with interest, obviously very curious about the answer to the question.

"Impossible." Shen Mengyu didn't even look back.

"What if, what if." Izayo Yeyue poked Shen Mengyu's arm, like a girl in love asking her boyfriend unreasonable questions.

"Then he must have his reasons." Shen Mengyu replied.

"So? What would you do?"

"Delu is too timid to do such bloody things." Shen Mengyu finally turned to look at Izayoe Yue, "If he needs my death, I will not let him leave a shadow."

"Why? All this is obviously unfair to you! Are you still willing to give up your life?" Izayoye Yue looked angry, quite sympathetic to Shen Mengyu's feelings.

"He had a girl he liked and would talk to me about it every time we met. He also had some good friends. The one named Xu Qinghuan was one of them. There was also a girl named Wang Xichao. Unfortunately, he died."

"He has someone he likes and that person also likes him. He has friends. He will feel sad because of his friend's death. Similarly, his friends will also care about his safety."

Shen Mengyu said lightly.

"There are people in this world who care about him and there are people he cares about. His life is more meaningful than mine."

Due to year-round tasks, Shen Mengyu and Shen Delu could not see each other several times a year. Occasionally, when he had a few days of free time, he would go to the academy to find his troubled brother.

Whenever I see my younger brother, he always chatters in front of me about how much money I have saved. I met a girlfriend online and will get married after graduation. Then my brother must be the best man. The college has recruited a D-level student this year, a guy named Xu Qinghuan. He's pretty good and very loyal. His roommate in the same dormitory as Xu Qinghuan is a guy named Wang Xichao, and he has a good relationship with me. Brother, can you help me find out about his father?

Although they didn't see each other often, Shen Mengyu still did a lot of things behind his back for his younger brother.

For example, Shen Delu has never thought about why there are always some part-timers with more money and less work in the college who find him. Also, when he worked part-time in the college before, he always met some senior students who laughed at him. One day, I received "care" from the elites of the execution department. From then on, when I met Shen Delu, he eagerly stepped forward to help.

What left Shen Mengyu speechless the most was the girl his brother said he was in love with. After his investigation, he found out that she was a fraudster in Myanmar. She was a foot-picking man. Shen Mengyu used his short vacation time to go to Myanmar. Picked up that scam den.

He was worried that his younger brother would be sad if he knew the truth, but he didn't know how to solve this kind of problem. He knew nothing about love between men and women, so he had to hire a young girl with similar conditions in China to chat with his younger brother based on the female identity he made up based on the liar. He also held a job fair and finally selected a girl whose father was ill and whose family was short of money.

I thought that one day this boy would get tired of this farce and end it like this. Who knew that the two of them had been chatting for four years, until later the girl no longer wanted Shen Mengyu's money and really fell in love with Shen Delu.

He naturally knew something about Wang Xichao's father, and had gone to Principal Long about it. The principal's answer was to wait a little longer, and the reputations of those heroes would be rectified.

He never tired of understanding and participating in his younger brother's life, as if his own life would become interesting for a short time.

After hearing Shen Mengyu's answer, Izayo Yeyue remained silent.

"It sounds like you are very dissatisfied with your life." Izayoyoyuki said calmly as he looked out the car window.

"I just think it's meaningless." Shen Mengyu turned to look at Izayoi Yeyue, who was leaning quietly against the car window, "What about you?"

"I don't know." Izayoyuki shook her head.

Silence again.

"Hey, if you were about to die, what would you most like to do before you die?" Izayoi Yeyue looked away from the car window and turned to Chen Mengyu.

Shen Mengyu didn't answer immediately. It wasn't that he didn't want to talk to Izayoi Yeyue, but that he was thinking seriously.

"I don't know." Chen Mengyu thought for a long time before shaking her head.

"It's so boring." Izayoiyuki was obviously very dissatisfied with the answer, and said to himself: "If I was going to die, I would like to hold a concert."

"Aren't you already an idol?" Shen Mengyu was curious about Izayoi Yeyue's words.

"Stop talking." Izayoi Yue covered her ears, "I want to be the best in everything I do, and I am not willing to just be an underground idol!"

"The concert I want to hold must be at the most beautiful place in Japan. It must be big and the audience must be at least tens of thousands. The quality of the supporting fans must be high. Have you seen Hanazawa Kana's Love Cycle? , I..." Izayoi Yue Balabala kept talking.

Shen Mengyu glanced at Izayoi Yue in the passenger seat. It seemed that she had thought about this idea for a long time, not just on a whim. She was very excited when describing her dream concert.

Gods are actually no different from humans.

He suddenly thought like this.

The car quickly drove off the highway and arrived at Toru County in Yamanashi Prefecture. Through the heavy rain, we could already see Mount Fuji in the distance.

The lane gradually narrows and vehicles can be seen passing by on the road.

Unknowingly, they were getting closer and closer to Mount Fuji. There was a lake at the foot of the mountain. According to the signs, they had reached Lake Kawaguchi.

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