The Good-For-Nothing Demon King's Road To Killing Gods

Chapter 20 The Guilty Must Be Punished

The bloody bones pierced the skin on Xu Qinghuan's back, stretching out a pair of huge bone wings.

Xu Qinghuan flapped his wings and rushed towards the mysterious man in mid-air, so fast that he left countless afterimages in the air, forming a black light.

He alone is like a thousand troops!

The mysterious man thought that the young man in front of him did not know when his strength had increased to such a terrifying level. Just by being able to block the spear with the divine order, he was no longer his opponent now.

But since the day he was born, he has been an extremely noble god. When has he ever been threatened like this?

The mysterious man spread his hands, and his figure quickly rose into the sky. The sky was once again covered with dark clouds, and thunder roared. Countless rays of light appeared behind him, and the light was condensed with spears formed by thunder.

A strange-looking black long sword appeared in Xu Qinghuan's hand at some point, with black and red flames blazing from the sword's blade.

Xia Yi on the ground recognized the sword, the legendary weapon of the Demon King.

He swung his sword to cut off all attacks. The powerful and miraculous thunder spears were vulnerable to his sword. In an instant, he was in front of the mysterious man.

The mysterious man was shocked, but he was still ready for close combat. As soon as Xu Qinghuan arrived, the tip of his spear was already pierced.

Xu Qinghuan refused to hide, and was pierced through the heart by a spear. He held the gun body with his left hand while grinning. The spear shattered and disappeared, and the wound on his chest was instantly repaired.

This was his punishment for avoiding that damn lightning.

The magic sword in his hand disappeared, and he pulled his right hand forward. A huge black hand wrapped around the mysterious man's body and pulled him in front of Xu Qinghuan.

Xu Qinghuan held the mysterious man's collar with his left hand, and punched the mysterious man hard in the face with his right hand. Golden blood splashed out, and Xu Qinghuan punched him one after another as if he was venting his anger.

The mysterious man did not care about any fighting skills at this moment. Any skills were useless in the face of such a powerful force. He also punched back. Xu Qinghuan did not defend or dodge, exchanging fists with him.

The two most powerful men were fighting like beasts in the sky.

Xia Yi was not idle either, rescuing trapped humans one by one from the ruins.

"The battle is over?" A man's voice came from behind, it was Wu Yu who had just arrived.

Xia Yi also recognized him, pointed to the sky, and said: "It's still going on, but it should be over soon."

Wu Yu looked in the direction of her finger. In the very high sky, two lights and shadows lit up from time to time, and he could not see the specific appearance.

Wu Yu thought of the figure who controlled thunder in mid-air and was at least a demigod. How could someone fight him to such an extent! Could it be that he is also a demigod?

Just as he was thinking, the two light spots in the sky were falling rapidly and hit the ground heavily.

The streets collapsed and the ground began to shake a second time.

The dust dispersed, and the mysterious man in black robe and mask fell to the ground. He completely lost his previous majesty. His body was covered with wounds and he was in a miserable state. Next to him stood a monster-looking Xu Qinghuan.

The high gods were shot down.

Wu Yu looked at Xu Qinghuan in shock, with one long and one short devil horn on his head, a huge bone wing with a strange shape on his back, and his whole body covered with cyan scales. Fear filled his whole body.

Wu Yu asked: "Is this the guy named Demon King you are looking for?"

Xia Yi was noncommittal and stared at the monster not far away.

Xu Qinghuan's right hand was burning with black and red flames. He walked to the mysterious man and suddenly stopped. He turned to Xia Yi and asked: "Batman, should I send him to the police station?"

Xia Yi was stunned and understood the ridicule in Xu Qinghuan's words.

Xu Qinghuan looked down at the mysterious man lying on the ground unable to resist, and stepped on the mysterious man's head and body with his feet. Black and red flames were burning all over his body, as if the devil crawled out of hell just now and wanted to use the fire of hell. Burning all over the world.

He absorbed the fear of half of the people in the city, and with his current strength, he could use countless methods to kill the mysterious man lying on the ground, but he only used fists and kicks, and nothing could vent the devil more than this barbaric method. anger.

The body of the mysterious man was broken, restored, and broken again.

Xu Qinghuan cursed angrily in a language that only Xia Yi could understand.

"I obviously promised that girl that she wouldn't die!"

"How dare you go against the king's wishes!"

After an unknown number of steps, the mysterious man's body gradually cracked and became transparent, and finally exploded, turning into a golden liquid.

Xia Yi looked at the out-of-control Demon King and couldn't predict what he would do next. The Demon King's strength far exceeded that of himself who couldn't even summon the Holy Sword at this moment. If he lost control, he would be far more harmful than the mysterious man. .

On the side, Wu Yu pulled out a long knife from his back. There was a faint electric light lingering on the knife, which seemed a bit ridiculous compared to the thunder and lightning summoned by the mysterious man before. He could not tell whether the devil-like man in front of him was an enemy or a friend.

Xia Yi and Wu Yu were ready to fight at any time, although they seemed so weak.

Xu Qinghuan froze on the spot, and the strange aura on his body gradually subsided. He reached out and touched his pocket. This action startled Wu Yu who was not far away.

He took out a box of cheap cigarettes with few remaining and lit one. At this time, all the power supplies on the street were damaged, and the holy sword that could have been used for lighting also disappeared. He turned his back to the two of them and stood in the moonlight. Swallowing clouds and puffing out mist.

There was sudden movement in the ruins, and a short figure crawled out, congratulating himself on surviving the catastrophe, breathing heavily for the rare air.

Xia Yi recognized that the man was the robber Xu Qinghuan had tried to kill before. Probably due to the influence of Xu Qinghuan's magic power, all the injuries on his body recovered as before.

Xu Qinghuan's face turned cold, he turned around and raised his right hand. The wretched man in the distance was pulled in front of Xu Qinghuan by an irresistible force, so fast that Wu Yu and Xia Yi on the side couldn't react in time.

The expression of the wretched man was frozen, whether because of fear or something else, his body was stiff and unable to move in mid-air, and Xu Qinghuan pinched his neck.

He closed his eyes tightly, not daring to look directly at the monster-like Xu Qinghuan, wishing he had died under the rubble just now.

Black-red flames spread from Xu Qinghuan's hands to the wretched man's body, shrouding his entire body and disappearing into ashes in endless terror and despair.

At the same time, Xia Yi arrived with a dim holy sword in his hand. When Wu Yu saw this, he also rushed towards Xu Qinghuan with a long sword in his hand.

Although he couldn't figure out the current situation, he could still feel that the monster-like man in front of him was a great threat.

Xu Qinghuan lightly blocked the weapons of the two men and knocked them away.

Xu Qinghuan looked at Xia Yi who fell to the ground, with a ferocious face with no expression.

"I know a guy who used to be as annoying as you. Fortunately, he became a little smarter later."

“If bad people go unpunished, who will believe in the glory of God?”

Xu Qinghuan said to himself. He slowly walked towards the two of them. Wu Yu picked up the long knife that had fallen aside in a panic. The devil-like man in front of him was far more powerful than any monster he had dealt with before. No, take those The monsters were an insult to his strength compared to him.

Wu Yu suppressed his fear, clenched his weapon and stood up. At this moment, he could only place his hope on the mysterious silver-haired girl next to him who had shown the same power, but the girl was staring at the approaching man in astonishment. The man showed no intention of resisting.

Xu Qinghuan walked straight past the two of them and walked towards the ruins.

Wu Yu breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had a brush with death. He was glad that the man did not seem to be hostile, and then he despised his own thoughts. As a night watchman who shoulders the responsibility of protecting human beings, he must face any creature that threatens human beings. At any time, one should be determined to die.

Xu Qinghuan recited Gu'ao's strict spell. Wu Yu felt like he was facing a formidable enemy, but Xia Yi knew what the devil was going to do.

The scattered pieces of flesh and body were condensed and pieced together, and the blood returned to the body, pieced together to piece together the complete body of a girl.

Wu Yu was stunned by such a miracle. He was shaking all over and could not even speak.

Xia Yi knew that even the Demon King could not resurrect the dead. Such magic consumes very much mana. She and the Demon King were both people who crawled out of the sea of ​​​​blood from the corpse mountain. Logically speaking, the Demon King would not waste his magic power to do such a useless thing. Meaningful things.

The girl's body recovered as before, with no wounds on her body. She even had the smile she had before her death on her face, and she lay on the ground as if she was asleep.

Xu Qinghuan turned his back and smoked.

Xia Yi silently found a set of clothes from the ruins and stepped forward to put them on the naked girl lying on the ground.

It was a set of men's clothes. Xiaoyu looked fat in it, and her jeans were a little too long.

Xu Qinghuan picked up Xiaoyu with one hand, crossed Xia Yi, walked to the ruins of the convenience store, moved away the rubble, and dug out a pink electric car.

He reached out and took out a key from his pocket. It was Xiaoyu's key. When he was carrying Xiaoyu, the key slipped from her pocket and was put into his pocket casually.

If only I could have remembered at that time and let the girl escape on an electric bicycle, she would not have died.

"Let's go, I'll take you home."

Under the gaze of the two people, Xu Qinghuan put Xiaoyu in front of him and disappeared into the night on an electric bicycle. The demonic features on his body gradually disappeared, as if he was just an ordinary teenager rushing home from work at night with his girlfriend. Behind him The disasters and ruins have nothing to do with him.

Xia Yi froze on the spot, staring at the direction where Xu Qinghuan disappeared for a long time.

What Xu Qinghuan just said was a sentence from the church's holy book. Xia Yi was once forced by the church's elders to recite the contents of the holy book. The reason was that as a brave man selected by the church, he must be familiar with the contents of the holy book. Unfortunately, she was not born to read. After reading it for a long time, I still can’t remember a single word. I only remember this sentence.

All sinners deserve the punishment they deserve, otherwise no one would believe in the glory of God.

Does the devil also read the church's holy book?

All the questions from before came to mind for a moment. How could the Demon King, as a demon, have healing magic? It stands to reason that the appearance of a demon does not require magic power to maintain it. Why does Xu Qinghuan, a demon king, appear in human form when his magic power is exhausted?

Also, there was the familiar feeling of deja vu that made me unable to get rid of the killer's familiarity when I first saw him in his true colors that night.

The girl froze on the spot, her not-so-smart mind thinking about doubts that she was too lazy to think about.

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