It's been a week since that night.

After Xu Qinghuan left that night, many reinforcements came from the Night Watch Academy to rescue the trapped humans. Miraculously, under such a disaster, the trapped humans living in the center of the thunder and lightning storm had no casualties, even minor injuries. According to the judgment of experienced experts from the academy, it should be some kind of magical spell that saved the lives of all humans present. Such a bold conjecture was questioned by everyone. Only Wu Yu, the captain of the seventh team of the execution department, did not believe this statement. suspect.

The men in black from the college took control of the scene. In order to prevent the secrets of the gods from being leaked, they conducted hypnosis treatments on all citizens who might have witnessed the scene, checked their electronic devices, and deleted all relevant videos taken.

The local government officially stated that the incident was caused by lightning turbulence caused by a malfunctioning lightning rod. The local media received instructions from above and were not allowed to report any news about the incident.

The silver-haired girl stood at the door of an old building. The house was three stories high, and each floor was divided into several rooms for rent.

She had been standing here for a long time, and finally made up her mind and knocked on the door.

"Come on, come on, why do you always forget to bring your key? I've been opening the door for you all day long!" A middle-aged woman's cursing voice came from inside the house.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw a beautiful strange girl standing outside, and he immediately put on a smile.

"Girl, rent a house?" The landlord looked at the girl in front of her. She was less than twenty, with silver hair, and a rare good appearance and body. A girl like this would generally not consider renting in a place like hers.

"I'm looking for someone." Xia Yi said lightly,

"Oh? Who are you looking for?" The tenant woman looked puzzled. Most of the tenants who rent here have little money. How can they have a relationship with such a woman?

"First in, first in." The charterer still warmly welcomed Xia Yi in.

"I'm looking for Xu Qinghuan, does he live here?"

"Xu Qinghuan? Yes, he is on the second floor now." The landlord looked suspicious and couldn't believe that the boy who rented the second floor and was three months behind on rent could actually know such a beautiful girl.

Xia Yi felt relieved when she heard that Xu Qinghuan was upstairs at the moment. After Xu Qinghuan left that day, she had been worried about whether the demon king who had regained his strength would return to his old career. Unfortunately, her body could no longer trace the demon king's aura at that time. She kept paying attention to the news for the next few days, and nothing major happened. After he almost recovered, he got Xu Qinghuan's address with the help of the bald store manager.

There are four rooms on the first floor of the house, with a public pool in the middle and a public bathroom on the other side. At this time, a middle-aged man was washing up in front of the pool with his shirt off. His eyes widened when he looked at the beautiful girl who walked in. Immediately, he was frightened by Xia Yi's gaze again, and he only dared to sneak a few glances.

The environment couldn't be called dirty, but it certainly wasn't good either.

Xia Yi looked around and couldn't believe that the Demon King actually lived in a place like this.

The charterer enthusiastically led Xia Yi up the stairs.

"Girl, what is your relationship with him? Are you his girlfriend?"

Xia Yi shook his head, thought for a moment, and said, "Friends."

The charterer was even happier when she heard this and immediately asked: "Girl, how old are you this year? Looking at you, I guess you are still studying, right? Do you have a partner? My eldest son happens to be about the same age as you, and he is handsome and handsome enough to match you. Very."

Xia Yi ignored the charterer's questions and just followed her upstairs, keeping her eyes on the surrounding environment.

"This Xu Qinghuan used to work in a convenience store. Wasn't there an accident in the west of the city a few days ago? It is said that the place where he worked was destroyed, and he stayed in his room all day long. That is because I have a kind heart and want to give others this kind of thing. Tenants who were owed three months' rent have long since been evicted."

"Girl, you know, there was a power outage in the west of the city a few days ago, and there was thunder all the time, which scared us to death."

The charterer took Xia Yi to the door of a room on the second floor.

"We're here." As she said this, she knocked hard on the door and shouted at the top of her voice: "Xu Qinghuan! Your friend is here to find you! Wake up!"

"Who is it?" A man's sleepy voice came from inside, followed by the sound of shuffling footsteps.

"Who is it!" The door was opened, and Xu Qinghuan, who had just woken up, was shirtless and wearing large pants, with messy hair.

"Ah!" Xu Qinghuan screamed subconsciously, covering her naked upper body with both hands, and then immediately closed the door.

Xia Yi looked calm and said to the charterer: "He and I still have some things to talk about."

"Okay, okay, let's talk first." The charterer understood and walked downstairs.

The door was opened again, and Xu Qinghuan had already put on white short-sleeved clothes full of wrinkles.

"My Lady, what are you here for? Why, are you here to arrest me and send me to prison?" Xu Qinghuan said angrily.

Xia Yi was not angry either, and remained expressionless.

"Let me see you."

Xia Yi's words made Xu Qinghuan a little confused.

"Today is the girl's funeral."

Xu Qinghuan lowered his head, his long bangs covering his face and making his expression unclear.

"I thought you might want to go."

Xu Qinghuan returned to the house and lit a cigarette.

Xia Yi also followed in. The room was not big, only big enough for a bed, a wardrobe and a table with an old desktop computer. The ashtray on the table was full of cigarette butts, and the smell of cigarette smoke filled the air.

"What should I do? Why would I want to go? What does the life and death of human beings have to do with me?" Xu Qinghuan replied coldly, the hand holding the cigarette trembling slightly, betraying his duplicity.

"I thought you were friends with her." Xia Yi didn't quite understand. Xu Qinghuan had clearly told himself that he had a good relationship with Xiaoyu, so why didn't he even want to go to the funeral.

"What does it have to do with you? Who do you think you are! How dare you interfere with my business! It's none of your business whether she and I are friends. You and I are definitely not friends anyway!"

The two fell into silence again.

"This is the address of the funeral. The time is at three o'clock this afternoon." Xia Yi threw down a piece of paper with the address, opened the door and left.

Xu Qinghuan picked up the wine bottle on the ground next to the bed and took a swig. He had been running away from what happened that night for the past few days. Every time he woke up from bed, he would check his phone, looking forward to news from Xiaoyu urging him to go to work.

Suburbs, cemetery.

A haggard woman looked sadly at the photo of her daughter on the tombstone in front of her. The daughter in the photo had a bright smile, like the bright sunshine.

Relatives and friends around her offered words of comfort, but the woman responded with strength.

Xu Qinghuan was wearing black trousers and short sleeves, carrying a snakeskin bag, and stopped to watch from a distance. He knew that people attending funerals in this world needed to wear black clothes, but unfortunately he had no money to buy a suit, so he could only find a black suit in the closet, with a Donald Duck pattern printed on the back of the short sleeves.

Xia Yi, wearing black short-sleeved shirts, appeared next to Xu Qinghuan at some point. Her silver hair was too dazzling and she wore a black baseball cap.

The two of them just looked at each other from a distance and didn't speak.

Xu Qinghuan spoke first: "I promised her that I would not let her die."

"But I broke my promise." His voice trembled slightly.

"So you originally wanted to escape, but in the end you came back and killed the mysterious man." Xia Yi did not expect that the Demon King would care so much about the death of a human girl.

Xu Qinghuan remained silent.

Xia Yi suddenly understood the abnormality of the devil next to him. He spent every moment in these days in regret. He had many opportunities to save the girl, such as when the mysterious man swung the damn lightning after recovering his strength. Just kill him, or for example, when he sensed the danger behind him, he did not choose to evade, but followed it hard. Anyway, with his strength at the time, he could recover quickly even if he was hit by lightning, or he fluttered his wings high from the beginning. Fei personally sent the girl home.

In his mind, it was not only the mysterious person who killed the girl, but also himself. He could punch the mysterious man to pieces, but what could he do to himself?

Regret is really an extremely painful emotion, and even the superior devil cannot escape it.

"Spider-Man." Xia Yi said out of nowhere.

Xu Qinghuan turned to look at her doubtfully.

"You said that I looked like Batman that day. After I went back, I deliberately made fun of superhero movies."

"After Spider-Man gained power, he had a conflict with a boss and chose to stand by while a robber robbed the boss. Unexpectedly, the robber later killed Spider-Man's uncle."

"There's something wrong with the brain." Xu Qinghuan looked like he was looking at a fool. After thinking for a while, he said: "It's true, but he is a good neighbor in Queens, New York. He is a famous superhero. He wants to save all innocent humans. I It’s the devil, as long as my friend lives.”

Xia Yi stared at Xu Qinghuan's side face. His expression was sad, not like a devil, but more like a human being.

The crowd dispersed in front of the tombstone, leaving only the woman standing.

Xu Qinghuan walked towards the woman with the snakeskin bag placed at his feet. Xia Yi didn't know what he was going to do, but suddenly noticed the snakeskin bag in his hand. It was so full that he didn't know what was inside. There were also things on the bag. Printed in big letters are the words urea.

The woman saw the strange boy walking towards her, carrying a big bag in his hand.

"You are Xiaoyu's colleague Xu Qinghuan, right?" the woman asked politely.

Xu Qinghuan was stunned. He didn't expect Xiaoyu's mother to know him.

"Yes." He nodded.

"Xiaoyu always told me about you and showed me your photos. She said that there was a boy where she worked and took good care of her." The woman smiled. Xiaoyu inherited most of her appearance from her mother, and her eyebrows and eyes were very similar.

Xu Qinghuan was heartbroken: "She is a great girl."

He paused for a while and then said: "Auntie, when I was at work that night, Xiaoyu said that she regretted having a fight with you before going out in the afternoon."

The woman's forced smile froze, and tears filled her eyes.

Xu Qinghuan handed over the snakeskin bag and said, "This is a little bit of my thoughts."

"What's in the bag?" Xia Yi and Xu Qinghuan walked side by side.

"Money, I blew up a bank on my way home that day and got some money." Xu Qinghuan said nonchalantly, "I have the responsibility to take care of my friends' families."

"This is robbery."

"Humanity should be grateful that with all this power I am just taking some money from their bank to spend."

The two were silent for a while.

"Did you leave some?" Xia Yi suddenly asked.

"Your ideas are dangerous, Batman."

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