"I said you can't think about it again? Doesn't it matter where you go to school? That man named Su is so sincere!"

On the roadside, Xu Qinghuan persuaded Xia Yi earnestly.

"There is nothing to consider. I promised Lin Yue first. If there is still no news from Night Watch Academy after a while, I will also consider that man's invitation." Xia Yi took out her mobile phone from her pocket and checked the chat history with Lin Yue. , what is strange is that Lin Yue replied a few days ago that the college's admissions department had sent someone, and then ignored Xia Yi's messages.

Xia Yi still didn’t know that her and Xu Qinghuan’s mobile phones had been blocked from all news from the outside world. At this moment, the task of finding the two of them had been classified as S-level by the academy. After all, Xia Yi was a demigod-level person. Her belonging caused With all the divine organizations around the world competing for her, Lin Yue, who was on a mission on the other side of the earth, was almost called back by the head of the execution department to join the mission to find Xia Yi.

Hearing this, Xu Qinghuan's eyes shone with surprise.

"Seriously, it's a deal! If it takes half a month...a week...three days, if no one from the academy contacts us within three days, we'll go find that man like Su!"

Xia Yi nodded, and Xu Qinghuan was already thinking about asking the man how much he wanted.

Would one million be too greedy? Five hundred thousand, maybe, the kind that gives you cash on the spot.

Just as Xu Qinghuan was thinking about the days after getting rich, a figure from behind quickly rushed towards the two of them.

Xia Yi sensed the danger coming, turned around and kicked the person who came. The person's reaction was also very fast, and when he was about to be kicked, he used a difficult waist movement to avoid it.

"I am my own person!" the visitor explained hurriedly.

When they saw the man's appearance clearly, Xu Qinghuan and Xia Yi were stunned for a moment.

"It's you!" they both said in unison.

Wu Yu stared at Xia Yi in surprise, and then looked at the strange boy next to Xia Yi in confusion.

"Have we met?" Wu Yu asked doubtfully.

That night Wu Yu had fought against Xu Qinghuan in the demon king state, but Xu Qinghuan had returned to human form at this moment, and he did not recognize it.

Xu Qinghuan did not answer Wu Yu's question, but asked directly: "You are not from the Night Watch Academy, are you?"

Wu Yu nodded.

Xu Qinghuan froze on the spot as if struck by lightning.

Wu Yu held on to the street lamp and gasped: "Finally we found you. We have searched the whole city in the past two days and tried various ways to contact you, but we couldn't contact you."

"Why are you looking for us?" Xu Qinghuan asked knowingly.

"To be precise, I'm looking for you." Wu Yu looked at Xia Yi, "People from the college's admissions department have arrived."

A black Mercedes-Benz business car was speeding on the road.

"Wu Yu, the seventh detachment of the execution department, reports that the target has been found. Repeat, the target has been found."

Wu Yu sat in the passenger seat and finished reporting the situation, looking relieved.

As the only person present at the college that night, Xia Yi, the Akira God, had disappeared. The college leaders who learned about the situation immediately became furious when they learned that Wu Yu had let go of such a powerful human killer, saying that no matter what, He also had to find the silver-haired girl, otherwise he would stay in Linjiang City and not have to come back.

In the past few days, with the help of the college's information department, he had turned Linjiang City upside down and couldn't find any news about the silver-haired girl. It was as if someone had deliberately covered up all the information about the two of them. He was already discouraged. Frustrated, he found the two of them on the street.

Xu Qinghuan and Xia Yi were sitting in the back seat of the car, looking unhappy.

"How much can your college give us? Let me tell you, someone from the Samurai God Society just came to us and said that if we join them, we can pay whatever price we want." Xu Qinghuan crossed his arms.

"Samurai God Society? It turns out they were responsible." Wu Yu was thoughtful when he heard the familiar name.

"Our college will cover all of Xia Yi's school expenses and provide generous scholarships every year."

"What about me?" Xu Qinghuan asked quickly.

Wu Yu frowned. This seemingly ordinary young man was not mentioned in the tasks assigned above.

"You are a friend of classmate Xia Yi. We will also help you arrange an interview. If you pass the interview, you can apply for admission."

"Did you see it! Did you see it? This is obviously looking down on me! You even arranged an interview for me, making it look like I was begging you to let me in." Xu Qinghuan pushed Xia Yi's shoulder and fanned the flames: "How can this be looked down upon? I'm obviously slapping you in the face!"

Seeing Xia Yi ignoring him, Xu Qinghuan became even more noisy.

"Stop the car! We won't go to your shabby place. The Samurai God Association over there is begging us to come and guide you!"

Wu Yu frowned. On the one hand, he was dissatisfied with the young man in the back seat talking about Samurai God. On the other hand, he seemed to have a good relationship with Xia Yi, so he might not really affect Xia Yi's decision.

"Don't worry about him." Xia Yi said calmly, "But he and I are together and cannot be separated."

Wu Yu looked at the ordinary and even a bit annoying young man in surprise, and then nodded to Xia Yi: "Understood."

Unexpectedly, the two of them are actually in a relationship. It seems that God has given you extraordinary abilities and will definitely take away your eye for finding men.

The car stopped at the gate of the only five-star hotel in the city.


The three of them got out of the car and the driver led them to the hotel.

"Classmate Xia Yi, please wait a moment." Wu Yu called to Xia Yi, then pointed at Xu Qinghuan and said to the driver: "Take him in to find the professor first."

The driver nodded and made a greeting gesture to Xu Qinghuan.

"Exactly." Xu Qinghuan walked into the hotel under the leadership of the driver.

Wu Yu lit a cigarette and stood with Xia Yi at the gate.

"I would like to ask who was the man who defeated the monster that night. It looks like he knows you." Even now, when mentioning that monster-like man, Wu Yu couldn't help but tremble in his heart. That man looked like a demon. The powerful power made Wu Yu, the arrogant A-level specialist, feel desperate for the first time.

"We know each other." Xia Yi nodded.

"Is he the guy called Demon King you were looking for before? He looks very dangerous." Wu Yu looked serious. After all, the potential threat of a person with such power is also huge.

"Dangerous?" Xia Yi glanced at Xu Qinghuan, who was trapped in the revolving door of the hotel and was cursing, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, "It's quite dangerous."

"Where is he now?" Wu Yu asked the question he was most concerned about. All the gods all over the world thought that the silver-haired girl defeated the demigod-level monster alone. Only Wu Yu who was present knew that it was the terrifying monster-like man who killed the god. The academy valued that man far more than Xia Yi.

"Just left." Xia Yi replied.

Wu Yu was startled and looked around cautiously. The man was actually watching him without him noticing. What on earth did he want to do? He stared at Xia Yi in front of him again. The gap between him and this woman was indeed more than a tiny bit. She could actually sense that someone was watching but he knew nothing about it.

"Let's go."

Xia Yi strode into the hotel door, and Wu Yu quickly followed.

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