In the VIP room on the top floor of the hotel, an old man with gray hair and a tailored suit was sitting on the sofa in the living room, playing with the tea set leisurely.

The old man is not tall, but he is not light. He looks round and does not have the majesty of the person in charge of the admissions office of the Night Watch Society. He looks amiable and approachable.

There was a knock on the door outside the house, and the person guarding the door said respectfully: "Director Li, they are here."

"Please come in quickly!" Director Li replied quickly.

The college attaches great importance to the silver-haired girl in the information. No, it should be that the eyes of all the divine organizations in the world are focused on this girl. The principal and vice-principal warned me many times before I came that this enrollment is of great importance. , if you don’t succeed, you can just retire.

Two figures pushed open the door and entered.

"Hello, hello, I am the director of admissions at Night Watch College. My surname is Li. You can call me Director Li." Director Li greeted him warmly.

As Director Li spoke, he looked at the girl in front of him. She was wearing simple white short-sleeves and hot pants, and a pair of cheap sandals. Her cold face looked tired, but for the long silver hair that matched the information. , he could never connect the girl in front of him with the hero who faced the demigod monster alone.

Xia Yi nodded expressionlessly as a greeting.

"My name is Xia Yi."

Director Li was not embarrassed and took back his hand. He has been working in admissions for more than 20 years and has met all kinds of students. It is normal for a genius to have a weird temper.

"Your Night Watch Academy is very insincere. People from the God-Serving Society took the initiative to find us and offered us a high price to invite us to join."

A male voice came from behind Xia Yi. Only then did Director Li notice that there was a young man entering the room with Xia Yi. The young man was wearing childish short-sleeves and black pants with Donald Duck printed on them. His hair was messy, his beard was unkempt, and he looked haggard. He also had two dark circles under his eyes, looking like he hadn't slept for several days.

Director Li said with a smile: "This should be Xu Qinghuan."

Xu Qinghuan casually put on her flip-flops and crossed the two of them, lying comfortably on the boss's chair behind the long table.

"Tell me about it, give me a reason to choose you." Xu Qinghuan narrowed his eyes slightly and placed his hands behind his head. It seemed that he was the interviewer.

He made it clear that he wanted to mess up the interview.

Looking at Xu Qinghuan who was mainly anti-customer, Director Li did not show any displeasure. While waiting for the two of them to go upstairs, he received news from Wu Yu and found out that there was a difficult boy involved in this interview. However, the boy had a close relationship with Xia Yi, and Director Li did not dare to neglect him.

"It seems that you are not from the other world, or you don't understand the other world." Director Li smiled and poured two cups of tea and handed them to Xia Yi and Xu Qinghuan.

"The other world?" Xu Qinghuan became interested.

"It is the real world. We call the world of ordinary people the outside world, and the world of gods as the inner world."

Xu Qinghuan asked curiously: "How can you tell?"

Director Li took a sip of tea slowly and was already very sure about this enrollment.

Xia Yi suddenly interrupted: "First, tell me what the real world is like."

"You don't know either?" Director Li looked at Xia Yi in surprise. He was mainly responsible for recruiting students across the country to find those who had not yet awakened or had just awakened. These people are basically born in ordinary families, their parents and relatives are ordinary people, and they are no different from ordinary people when they are born. As they grow older, their bloodline awakens, and they feel fear and panic when facing their own unknown power. At this time, the people in the admissions department will We will come to your door and lead them into the real world.

Generally speaking, the later the bloodline is awakened, the lower the purity of the bloodline and the weaker the power. Most of the outstanding descendants of some God-born families have awakened at a young age. Normally, if the bloodline has not been awakened before the age of eighteen, there will be no chance in this life, so after learning that his enrollment target this time is twenty. When she was a 2-year-old girl, Director Li naturally thought that Xia Yi's parents must also be divine descendants. After all, Xia Yi's strength was so terrifying. Although it was possible for ordinary people to give birth to children with divine descendants' blood, they could not give birth to children with such outstanding blood. The probability is theoretically impossible. Unexpectedly, Xia Yi doesn't even understand the real world.

"Lin Yue told me a little bit, but I still don't understand much." Xia Yi said lightly.

"The real world, the world where gods and legendary monsters exist!" After speaking, Director Li glanced at Xu Qinghuan's reaction. In his mind, this young man should be an ordinary person. It was difficult for him to accept such a thing that subverted the world view. It's also normal to have overreactions.

Unexpectedly, Xu Qinghuan on the side didn't even raise his eyelids, and urged impatiently: "We all know this, let's talk about some practical information, and I said that I should just agree to their service to the gods just now!"

Director Li took a sip of tea and said slowly: "Do you know why I said you don't understand the real world? If you did, you wouldn't mention the three words Samurai God Society in front of me, the night watchman."

As he spoke, the atmosphere in the room suddenly turned cold. Director Li was still a kind old man a moment ago, but now his whole body was exuding strong pressure.

This is the incantation he is proud of - divine authority. The divine power in the domain skyrockets. When unleashed with full force, it can even make a god with excellent physical fitness kneel on the ground and become unable to move. It was hard to imagine that a civilian worker like him had such a high-level combat spell.

Director Li was a little angry when Xu Qinghuan repeatedly mentioned that damn God of Samurai. He couldn't help but release his spell to show some color to the ignorant young man in front of him, and at the same time show the power of the academy in front of Xia Yi. However, considering the presence of Xia Yi next to him, he acted very carefully. At most, Xu Qinghuan could not move in the comfortable boss chair.

The room was silent. Director Li was secretly proud. When he was about to speak, he was interrupted by Xu Qinghuan.

"Old man, go on, you're fine, I have other things to do!"

Staying all night in the Internet cafe for several consecutive days made Xu Qinghuan already sleepy. Lying on the chair with squinted eyes was not a deliberate act, but he was really sleepy. From Xu Qinghuan's perspective, the fat old man in front of him suddenly stopped inexplicably in the middle of his words. I thought he was going to do something to pave the way for the next words, but who knew that he really sat there and stopped moving. Xu Qinghuan was very impatient.

Seeing the lively Xu Qinghuan in front of him who was not affected by his spell at all, Director Li was so surprised that he almost lost his grip on the teacup in his hand.

Director Li silently increased the power of the spell, beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

"Hey old man, are you asleep? I told you that I would have something to do in a while. If you keep doing this, I will leave!" Xu Qinghuan became anxious, stood up from the chair in a hurry, and said to Xia Yi beside him: "I've already told you that their Night Watch Academy is very unreliable, and the people in it are all weird."

Xia Yi, who was sitting on the sofa, turned her head to look at Xu Qinghuan expressionlessly, and Xu Qinghuan had no choice but to sit down angrily.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Director Li completely broke his guard. He had unleashed his divine power to the extreme. Even the zombie-like ghost attendant would be unable to lift his head under the pressure from his blood. The two people in front of him didn't even notice. There was no reaction. Even the girl who could stand alone against the demigods was not affected. Even the careless boy was still alive and kicking.

The full release of the divine power put a huge load on Director Li's body. He picked up the teacup and took a sip to cover up the abnormality in his body, while thinking rapidly in his mind.

The power of divine power comes from the suppression of blood. With Director Li's ability, even if the blood of people in the field is slightly higher than his own, it will still affect them.

There is only one possibility in the current situation. The blood purity of the two boys and girls beside him is much higher than his own.

"You haven't finished speaking yet."

Xia Yi, who had been sitting quietly, suddenly asked again, obviously dissatisfied with the old man's long silence. Although she was a brave man, it did not mean that she had good patience.

Director Li smiled awkwardly: "Sorry, I got distracted."

"In ancient times, the world was ruled by gods, and humans were their subjects."

Xu Qinghuan interrupted: "Is there really a Sun Wukong?" Relying on the fragmentary memories he got from Lin Yue's mind when he rescued him, he knew much more about the world than Xia Yi, but he only had a rough understanding. , Director Li's words suddenly reminded him of the monkey he admired very much.

"Um... Sun Wukong is just a novel written by Wu Chengen, a writer in the Ming Dynasty. It does not really exist." Director Li was speechless and held his forehead. This was the first time in his long enrollment career that a student had raised such a question.

"Where's the God of Wealth?" Xu Qinghuan asked expectantly, thinking that if there really is a God of Wealth, he must be captured.

Director Li shook his head, and in order to stop Xu Qinghuan from asking such childish questions, he immediately said: "The myths you mentioned are all folk myths, and they are different from the gods I mentioned."

"You can think of gods as high-level creatures that were first born in the world. They feed on faith and possess the power to change the rules of the world. Along with gods, there are also mythical monsters, and humans crawl at the feet of gods. Seeking refuge, the gods rewarded their blood to the bravest warriors among humans. Human beings bathed in the divine blood inherited the power of the gods and shouldered the responsibility of guarding their tribe." Speaking of this, Director Wang patted his chest proudly, "Also It’s us, the Night’s Watch.”

"Then you won't be guarding during the day?" Xu Qinghuan said bad words.

Director Li had a headache, but he still replied seriously: "In the past, monsters mostly attacked at night, so I gave it this name."

Xia Yi asked: "So to put it simply, you are followers of God, resisting monsters and protecting humans?"

"That's half true, we're actually fending off monsters."

Director Li's fat and funny look suddenly became imposing.

"But we are not followers of God. We seek God and then kill Him!"

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