After the interview, Xia Yi and Xu Qinghuan refused Director Li's offer to send them a car home and walked on the road one after another.

"Actually, you have always suspected that the mysterious man was someone sent by your church, right?" Xu Qinghuan took out a cheap cigarette from his pocket and fumbled for a long time before finding a lighter and lighting it.

Xia Yi ignored him and walked alone.

"So you've been letting me hide my true identity."

Seeing that Xia Yi ignored him, Xu Qinghuan quickly stepped forward to stand side by side with Xia Yi, and then said: "Since you have a way to come to this world, it is not surprising that the Truth Church can send someone here."

The red light came on and the two stopped at the zebra crossing.

"What do you want to explain?" Xia Yi looked sideways at Xu Qinghuan, her expression still cold.

"You have actually been worried these days, what if that mysterious man is really sent here by the church? That man's goal is not like me, but more like he came specifically to kill you." Seeing that Xia Yi's thoughts have been guessed by him , Xu Qinghuan was obviously a little proud, with a bright smile on his face under the smoke.

"Do I need to worry?" Xia Yi said coldly.

"Yes, you are the strongest warrior in mankind. Even if your magic power has not been restored now, if you really want to run away, no one can stop you." Xu Qing exhaled a puff of smoke with enjoyment, "But this means that the church has abandoned you. A brave man who has accomplished his mission.”

"How did you guess it?" Xia Yi asked calmly.

Seeing Xia Yi admit it, Xu Qinghuan felt even happier.

"First point, you didn't kill me when we were at the dock that day. You were aware of the man's existence and had already begun to doubt his identity. The reason you didn't kill me is that the enemy of your enemy is your friend.

"Second point, you took the initiative to propose to Lin Yue to join their academy. On the one hand, you wanted to seek shelter among the gods, and more importantly, you wanted to find a way to restore your magic power. But even if you don't have the blessing of magic power, you can rely on your own swordsmanship. It is enough to kill me now, so you are not trying to deal with me, but to deal with someone more powerful."

"The third point is also the point that confirms all my previous conjectures. You are very concerned about the identity of the mysterious person. When the old man who enrolled students confirmed that the mysterious person is a god, your expression was obviously wrong."

Xu Qinghuan explained his reasoning process in detail like a detective catching a murderer, showing off his intelligence. After speaking, he raised his eyebrows at Xia Yi, with an expression that said, "Look, I'm smart."

"It's all wrong." Xia Yi's cold words instantly changed Xu Qinghuan's face.

"Hey! You are a brave man, don't lie just because of some personal grudges. What's wrong with what I said? I, Holmes, am still alive!" Xu Qinghuan was furious.

"First, the reason why I didn't kill you is not what you said."

"Why is that?" Xu Qinghuan asked.

"This is my business."

The green light turned on, Xia Yi took a step forward, and Xu Qinghuan followed.

"Second, I proposed to join the Night Watch Academy because I am a brave."

"Third, the reason why I care about the identity of the man in black is because he killed someone."

Xu Qinghuan was speechless. The explanation given by Xia Yi was simple and straightforward. He would not believe a word of these words if they were spoken by others, but they were in line with Xia Yi's stubborn character and identity as a brave man.

"I did wonder if that person was sent by the church, but I don't have the complicated psychological activities you guessed."

"Oh?" Xu Qinghuan was curious.

Xia Yi stopped, turned around, and spoke slowly: "I am a brave man of mankind, not a brave man of the church. I do not believe in gods. I only believe in the sword in my hand and the justice in my heart. If the church's actions destroy the justice in my heart, I will also He will draw his sword without hesitation."

"I watched the Batman movies and comics you mentioned when I went back and thought about them for a long time. There is actually no conflict between procedural justice and resultant justice. The existence of procedural justice itself is to avoid unfair results. Such scum It seems damning to me too, but he should be judged by the law of the land."

Xia Yi spoke word by word, with a serious and serious expression. He looked like an old man who was old-fashioned and serious. He had really thought about that matter for a long time.

"Of course, I am not a rigid person. If he does not receive the punishment he deserves, I will not hesitate to use the sword. After all, the bad guy cannot get the punishment he deserves, so what is the use of my sword?"

Xu Qinghuan was choked by Xia Yi's call. Although he felt it was reasonable, he did not want to lose because of his momentum.

"You humans are so annoying. We demons don't have such stinky rules!"

"Aren't you also a human being?" Xia Yi stared at Xu Qinghuan.

Xu Qinghuan was stunned in place, as if the biggest secret in his heart had been discovered.

"How...what are you talking nonsense! I am the Demon King! How can a human being be the King of Demons?"

"I'm not interested in your business."

Xia Yi turned her head and walked towards home.

Looking at Xia Yi's thin back, Xu Qinghuan couldn't calm down. Xia Yi's thoughts were much deeper than he imagined.

Xia Yi suddenly turned around after taking a few steps.

"Xu Qinghuan."

Xu Qinghuan asked doubtfully: "What's wrong?"

"You are not the only one who feels guilty about what happened to that girl."

Xu Qinghuan stood on the side of the road in a daze for who knows how long. The traffic lights turned red, green, and red again. There was a huge crowd of people coming and going, and the world slowed down in his eyes.

"Send these two blood samples back to the college." Director Li sat on the chair, put the two blood test tubes with the names of Xu Qinghuan and Xia Yi into the suitcase, and handed them to Wu Yu beside him.

"How was the interview result?" Wu Yu asked.

"What else can I do? Thank God there was no problem during the blood test." Director Li stroked his chest, still in shock.

At the final stage of the interview, Director Li carefully made a request to draw the blood of Xu Qinghuan and Xia Yi. The reason given was that every student must undergo a blood test before enrolling to determine the purity and stability of the bloodline.

Xu Qinghuan and Xia Yi didn't care. They simply stretched out their arms to draw blood for Director Li. However, Director Li was hesitant to take action and was sweating profusely.

This is indeed a very dangerous thing. The Xu Qinghuan in front of him can ignore the pressure of his divine authority, which shows that the purity of his bloodline is much higher than his own. Not to mention Xia Yi on the other side, he is still alive and kicking against the demigod. characters. Director Li was really afraid that what was drawn from their veins was golden blood. After all, there had been precedents of gods disguising themselves as humans before.

When Xu Qinghuan and Xia Yi were conducting interviews in the room, there were at least five snipers targeting them in the building opposite. There were also two execution teams with excellent pedigrees and experienced battles led by Wu Yu on standby outside the door.

Xu Qinghuan didn't notice it, but Xia Yi didn't care.

"You said it was another man who defeated the mysterious man that night?" Director Li looked at the messages on Xia Yi and Xu Qinghuan that had come from Wu Yu's phone in the past few days on the table. It was like these two people appeared out of thin air. The college's short hands were unable to find out their past information.

"Yes, although Xia Yi is very strong, she was only tied with the man in black. When I arrived, Xia Yi had been seriously injured. A man was fighting with the mysterious man. It was not so much a fight as a fight. It’s better to say it’s a unilateral crushing.”

"Crushed?" Although he had learned about this in the report before, Director Li still found it unbelievable to hear Wu Yu say it in person. A god with such power could be crushed by someone.

"That man doesn't look like a human, but more like a devil. He has a pair of huge bone wings, is covered in scales, and has long horns on both sides of his head. He knows Xia Yi, and he should be the devil that Xia Yi mentioned before. According to Lin Yue, he should have been rescued by that man during the battle at the dock."

"Do you see what he looks like clearly? I can find a painter to draw him based on your description." Director Li asked.

Wu Yu shook his head and replied: "It was far away and the night was dark, so I couldn't see clearly."

In fact, with Wu Yu's eyesight, neither night nor distance were the real reasons. At that time, he was so frightened by the coercion that the evil man exuded unconsciously that he couldn't even raise his head, let alone look at his appearance. But this matter was too embarrassing for him, so he found an excuse to get over it.

"In other words, there is a monster with the power to crush demigods appearing next to us, and we know nothing about him. The only good thing is that so far he does not seem to be hostile to us, but has helped us. "Director Li's expression was solemn and thoughtful.

Wu Yu added: "Actually, there is some news. Lin Yue said that Xia Yi, Xu Qinghuan and that devilish man are from the same place, and the three of them know each other."

"Three people seem to have appeared out of thin air, and each of them has extraordinary strength." Director Li pondered for a long time and gave the order, "Don't spread this matter to anyone. You should set off immediately to send the blood samples back to the college for testing. We’ll have to wait until the results are enough to tell.”

Wu Yu nodded: "Understood."

Then he pushed open the door and walked out.

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