On a sparsely populated train platform, an old green train enters the station. It is hard to imagine that this kind of green train is still carrying people in this era.

A man and a woman walked off the train side by side.

The man wore a white short-sleeved shirt with Winnie the Pooh printed on it, black trousers on the lower body, and a pair of sandals on his feet. His bangs past his eyebrows looked listless. He was holding a big red plastic bag in his hand, which probably contained clothes and the like. thing.

Completely opposite to the ordinary man, the silver-haired girl next to him attracted the attention of everyone around him.

The girl is of medium height. She wears Mickey Mouse's white short-sleeved upper body like the man. She wears simple denim hot pants on the lower body, which makes her legs look white and long. In order to cover up her dazzling silver hair, she specially wore a black baseball cap and held a pink in her hand. Small colored suitcase.

Xu Qinghuan looked around and looked at every pedestrian around him.

There was not the huge crowd of people expected, which made him a little angry.

"I told you that we should join the Samurai God Society, but this Night Watch Academy doesn't pay attention to us at all. There is no one to greet us." Xu Qinghuan complained.

Xia Yi ignored Xu Qinghuan and just stood there.

Before coming, Director Li made a special phone call to Xia Yi and said that he had arranged a response person at the platform. The passengers who got off the bus with them had already left the station one after another, leaving only the two of them standing there stupidly.

Xu Qinghuan was really impatient with waiting, and said angrily to Xia Yi: "It doesn't matter if the Night Watch Academy doesn't take me seriously, but it dares to leave you here. If I were you, I couldn't bear it! How about we go back? ? I'll call the people from the Samurai God Association right now?" He looked like a villain.

Xia Yi glanced at Xu Qinghuan, who put away the mobile phone he had just taken out angrily.

"Just kidding, just kidding."

The two waited for a while, while Xu Qinghuan studied the cement pillars of the platform and groped with his hands on the cement pillars.

"What are you doing?" Xia Yi was a little curious.

"Have you never seen Harry Potter?" Xu Qinghuan replied without looking back.

"No." Xia Yi shook his head.

"Xiao Xia, it's not your brother Xu who tells you that you must develop your moral, intellectual, physical, artistic and cultural skills in an all-round way. You can't stop studying just because you are good at it." Xu Qinghuan took a few steps back, about three or four meters away from the pillar.

He turned his head and said to Shay in a conspicuous manner: "Harry Potter is a novel in which platform nine and three-quarters leading to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is behind the partition wall."

"So?" Xia Yi asked.

"I have always suspected that Harry Potter is actually a documentary novel. In fact, magic also exists in this world, but Muggles don't know it. From a technical point of view, it is not difficult, as long as you use a blindfold, it doesn't even take a moment. A more complicated space magic." Xu Qinghuan made a sprinting gesture, "Just take a look, this is the power of knowledge!"

His speed was so fast that almost as soon as he finished speaking, his whole body hit the concrete pillar firmly, and then he fell to the ground in a sprawling position.

Xia Yi's eyes twitched, feeling speechless at this idiot. It seems that there is no need to wait for him to find a way to return to the original world and take Xu Qinghuan to face trial. This not-so-smart devil will most likely kill him before that happens.

"Sorry, I was delayed for a while on the way."

A tall woman wearing a beige floral dress ran over.

"We meet again. I am Lin Yue, the specialist responsible for receiving your admission."

Lin Yue smiled and greeted Xia Yi, but Xia Yi keenly noticed that something was wrong with Lin Yue. Her face was pale and bloodless, and there was a faint smell of blood in the air.

"Do you know how long we have been waiting! Do the people in your college have no sense of time? In my... In our hometown, if anyone dared to make me wait, I would have sent him to hell!" Xu Qing climbed up from the ground happily! He got up, wiped the nosebleed, and explained specifically: "I just bumped into the wall and got it, not because of you!"

Xu Qinghuan said this for a reason. The pure and simple floral dress could not hide Lin Yue's hot figure, and the exposed skin was white and glowing.

Lin Yue had nothing to say, after all, he was the first to arrive late.

"I'll treat you to dinner."

"That's okay." Xu Qinghuan replied with satisfaction.

Xia Yi keenly noticed that there was faint blood seeping from the clothes on Lin Yue's back.

The young male ticket inspector in uniform greeted Lin Yue warmly, and when he saw a man and a woman following Lin Yue, he joked: "Hey, the freshmen of this class are so awesome, the college actually arranged for Miss Lin to pick them up. "

Lin Yue looked at the male ticket inspector in confusion: "Shen Delu, why are you here?"

Shen Delu has delicate facial features and soft facial lines, which makes her look like a boy or girl. He is a well-known weirdo in the academy. He has an excellent pedigree. He was rated A-level like Lin Yue when he was admitted. It is said that he is the eldest grandson of the Shen family of the old divine clan. He should have been the star of the academy. But he always skipped school to work part-time. As long as he was given money, Mr. Shen would also help his classmates run errands, deliver food, walk the dog and other tasks. As time went by, no one mentioned his life experience again. After all, the Shen family was regarded as a divine clan with a profound foundation in the whole world, and the future heir could not be a poor student who was worried about money.

The man named Shen Delu smiled: "Uncle Zhou retired and the college couldn't recruit ticket inspectors for a while, so I just came to work and study." Shen Delu tilted his head and looked curiously at Xia Yi behind Lin Yue, "This beautiful school girl What do you call it?"

Lin Yue turned around and introduced to Xia Yi and Xu Qinghuan: "His name is Shen Delu. He is also a student of the college and is in the same grade as me."

"Xia Yi." Xia Yi nodded to Shen Delu expressionlessly as a greeting.

"Hello, hello, welcome to school." Shen Delu looked at Xu Qinghuan, "What do you call this handsome guy with extraordinary majesty and heroic appearance?"

Xu Qinghuan, who was not very happy at first, immediately smiled proudly after being praised like this.

"My name is Xu Qinghuan. I think you are a discerning person, brother. If you encounter trouble in the future, call me by name and I will protect you."

Shen Delu's smile became even brighter, and he put his arm around Xu Qinghuan's shoulders familiarly.

"In the future, I have to rely on Brother Xu to take care of my little brother."

"No, no, it's just a trivial matter. I've met several people from your college, but you are the best at it."

"They are too blind to recognize true heroes. It is a blessing for those old men to have a young talent like Brother Xu join the academy. I wonder what interests and hobbies Brother Xu has in his daily life? There is a new club near the academy. I will tell you The female technician there is in great shape..."

"Tell me the details!"

Lin Yue coughed twice and interrupted the conversation between the two. If they didn't interrupt these two idiots, they would almost have to sacrifice their lives to form a sworn alliance in Taoyuan. It seemed that Xu Qinghuan was the eldest brother and Shen Delu was the second brother.

"Look, I forgot about business!" Shen Delu patted his forehead, "Show me your student ID."

Lin Yue took out three student ID cards from his pocket and handed them over, "This is mine, these two are theirs."


Shen Delu took the student ID card and placed the one with Lin Yue on the turnstile.

The LCD screen on the turnstile displayed "Lin Yue, studying in Grade 20, rated A."

Lin Yue passed the turnstile.

Shen Delu took out another student ID card: "Next, it's the turn of the beautiful junior Xia Yi."

Shen Delu and Lin Yue stared at the screen.

Although Shen Delu is weird, he is not stupid. He must not be an ordinary person to have Lin Yue come to receive the new students. Xia Yi's silver hair made him guess from the beginning that the girl in front of him was the one who was fighting against the demi-god-level god alone. He was able to escape intact, with no arms or legs missing.

What kind of rating would the academy give to such a character?

"Xia Yi, a freshman in level 22, rated: S."


Shen Delu showed an exaggerated expression: "S level! Xia Yi, your junior sister is actually S level."

Even Lin Yue on the side was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

"S-level? Is it amazing?" Xu Qinghuan was confused. He didn't understand what this rating did, but it seemed that Xia Yi had achieved good results, which made Xu Qinghuan a little unhappy.

Shen Delu explained: "Before freshmen enter the school, the college will conduct a ancestry test, which means testing the freshmen's blood samples to analyze the proportion of divine blood in the blood."

"In other words, the higher the proportion of divine blood, the higher the rating?" Xu Qinghuan asked.

Shen Delu shook his head: "Not entirely. There is a limit to the proportion of divine blood that the human body can withstand. Exceeding this limit will be defined as extremely dangerous and will be imprisoned and observed for life."

Lin Yue, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke and added: "Theoretically, the most perfect bloodline purity is 50%. It has unparalleled power while still maintaining human sanity, which is S level."

After all, Lin Yue had never seen Xia Yi take action with her own eyes. She was in a coma that night at the dock, and she was not present that night when the mysterious man in black robe appeared. She had always been skeptical before. After all, it was impossible for humans to challenge demigods alone. It's too unrealistic and feels like it's exaggerated. Now that I have seen Xia Yi's rating with my own eyes, I was shocked and at the same time my arrogance disappeared without a trace.

Xu Qinghuan looked at Xia Yi doubtfully, and Xia Yi shrugged and said that she didn't know either.

"In the nearly 100 years since the academy was founded, only two people have been rated S-level." Shen Delu gave Xia Yi a thumbs-up, "The future of the school girls is bright!"

"You idiot, look at mine!" Xu Qinghuan couldn't wait any longer. Although he didn't know what was wrong with the rating system of this rotten academy, Xu Qinghuan knew who Xia Yi was, but how could there be anything so-called about her? She has the blood of gods, but since she, a brave man, is S-class, no matter what, she, the devil, cannot be worse than her.

"Oh, I almost forgot Brother Xu." Shen Delu took out Xu Qinghuan's student ID card and swiped it on the turnstile.

"Xu Qinghuan, freshman in grade 22, grade: D."

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