"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!" Xu Qinghuan shouted.

Even he knew that D was definitely not a good comment.

"How could I be a D! I must at least have an SSR card. How could it be a D card that no one wants!" Xu Qinghuan couldn't believe it. He actually didn't care about his own rating. After all, the blood of gods flows in his body. It's not a glorious thing for him, but Xia Yi is obviously just a human warrior, so why can she be rated S?

“There’s something wrong with your school’s testing!”

"Impossible." Lin Yue shook his head. "The world's divine bloodline testing is a standard. It has a rigorous and harsh testing process and method, and there has never been any mistakes." Even though he said this, Lin Yue felt guilty. Although Xu Qinghuan looked like an ordinary person, he saw it with his own eyes when he took the monster knight's sword forcefully at the dock. He had fought against the monster knight and knew how terrifying its power was. There was no way he could withstand that blow.

"D?" Shen Delu was also surprised. A rating of D means that the person being tested is an ordinary person. Why would the college be willing to recruit an ordinary person?

"Give me the card and let me try it again." Xu Qinghuan said, grabbing the student ID card and swiping it on the turnstile again.

No matter how many times he tried, the result remained the same.

"Stop making trouble and let's go." Lin Yue said.

"Is it possible that the student ID card is wrong? This one is not mine." Xu Qinghuan looked at his photo and name on the student ID card and deceived himself.

"What do you think?" Lin Yue asked.

Shen Delu suddenly put his arm around Xu Qinghuan's shoulders and comforted him: "Brother Xu, don't be discouraged. Although there have only been two S-class students in the history of the academy, no, there are three S-class students including Xia Yi. But looking at the entire In the history of the academy, you are the only one in Class D. From this point of view, you are unprecedented and very awesome."

"Why are there so few D-levels?" Xu Qinghuan asked.

Shen Delu laughed loudly: "Because Class D represents ordinary humans, and the academy has never admitted ordinary people."

Lin Yuechong said to the gloating Shen Delu: "You, a student who is about to be expelled from the school, are still in the mood to laugh at others."

Shen Delu smiled awkwardly.

Shen Delu sent the three people out of the train station.

This train station was built by the college and is also the bottom station of the train. Ordinary people don't even know that there is such a station, let alone buying tickets to come here.

The parking lot outside was full of luxury cars that were rare to see in real life. The people who arrived at the station with Xu Qinghuan and Xia Yi turned out to be students from the Night Watch Academy. Most of them had already driven away, and there were only a few left. The boys and girls were chatting with each other about their summer vacation experiences.

This summer vacation, two major events happened in the avatar circle that this group of students talked about most. First, Lin Yue killed the A-level monster Black Demon Dog to prove his strength, and also showed the new power of Night Watch Academy to the avatar organizations around the world. The style of a generation of young people. Second, a mysterious god has resurrected in Linjiang City, China. Although his strength has only returned to the level of a demigod shortly after his recovery, even so, his power is beyond what ordinary people can imagine. Such a god actually died on the night he appeared. Defeated by a silver-haired girl, it is said that golden blood covered her hands.

Although Lin Yue's deeds were extraordinary, they were nothing compared to the fact that the gods were defeated. Everyone in the school was talking about the silver-haired girl, and there were even rumors that the girl was about to join the school, which made countless students excited and wanted to see her true appearance.

"Remember to keep your student ID cards." Shen Delu handed the student ID cards to the three of them, specifically instructing Xu Qinghuan and Xia Yi.

"It's not a rare thing." Xu Qinghuan didn't care about the student ID card in his hand, and threw the embarrassing thing into the trash can.

"It is not only a student ID card, but also a credit card with a limit of 100,000 yuan issued by Zhang Academy to prevent poor students like me from starving to death." Shen Delu said calmly.

"I didn't tell you earlier!" Xu Qinghuan turned over the trash can.

The men and women outside the station couldn't help but look away when they saw Lin Yue leaving the station.

Lin Yue is also a well-known figure in the college. Not to mention her slim waist and long and beautiful legs. She is also the only daughter of Vice Principal Lin. She is an A-level genius who joined the executive department for missions in the second semester of her sophomore year. She is the first to appear. The mission was to kill the A-level monster Black Demon Dog. However, Lin Yue was usually indifferent to everyone. He had very few friends in school, so no one dared to go up and say hello.

Soon someone noticed the girl wearing a hat following Lin Yue, mainly because the girl's silver hair was too dazzling.

"Silver hair! Look, the girl next to Senior Sister Lin Yue has silver hair!" A well-dressed girl leaning on the Ferrari exclaimed.

"It can't be that silver-haired girl who defeated a demigod! She actually came to our school!" The casually dressed boy on the other side agreed.

More and more people were paying attention to Xia Yi. The students talked happily about what they had heard about Xia Yi and kept looking in the direction of the three of them.

After bidding farewell to Shen Delu, Lin Yue led Xu Qinghuan and Xia Yi through the crowd towards a black Maybach in the center of the parking lot.

Only then did someone notice the Maybach with license plate 001, which aroused discussion among the students.

It's not that the price of this car is so expensive. This Maybach doesn't look very eye-catching in a parking lot full of luxury cars, but the license plate hanging on the front of the car represents the principal's exclusive car.

"As expected of the girl who defeated the gods, what a show! Senior sister Lin Yue received her personally and drove the principal's special car." A tall and thin boy said with emotion.

As the engine started, the Maybach made a deep and powerful roar and slowly left under the gaze of everyone.

Heavy rain fell from the sky, and the boys and girls hurriedly got into the car, started the vehicle, left the station, and drove towards the mountains.

The station that was originally bustling with Xia Yi's appearance suddenly became quiet, and an ordinary-looking boy ran into the station to take shelter from the rain.

It was the first time for the boy to come to this place. He had no car or umbrella, and he didn't even know the way to the college.

He was carrying a bag with all his belongings in it, and stood quietly looking at the pouring rain outside, not knowing what he was thinking.

The train arrived again, but this time only one male passenger got off. It was difficult for this passenger not to attract the attention of Shen Delu, who was pacing back and forth on the platform out of boredom.

He is so handsome, with a face as strong and handsome as an ancient Greek sculpture, with deep and charming eyes, one golden and one blue, and long golden hair hanging casually on both sides, which cannot be covered by a well-fitting white suit. A tall and strong body underneath.

Even Shen Delu, whose sexual orientation is female, couldn't help but fall into a trance.

"Hey, foreign friends." Shen Delu greeted him enthusiastically.

There are many foreign students in the school. Generally, the foreigners who come to study at Night Watch School come from established foreign divine families. The biggest advantage of these people is that they tip a lot of money.

The young man's shift was not in vain, so he caught a big fish!

Shen Delu received the foreign student attentively and took care of him with his not so fluent English.

"Just speak Mandarin, I can understand you." The foreign friend politely explained to Shen Delu in standard Mandarin.

Shen Delu thought to himself, China has become stronger, and these foreigners have begun to study Chinese.

"Brother, are you a freshman here to report?" Shen Delu asked nonsense, but in his mind he was thinking about helping this foreigner carry his luggage, so this tip would be considered safe.

But he looked around and found that this foreigner came empty-handed. How could there be any reason for a freshman report to bring nothing? After hesitating for a moment, he figured it out. After all, there is no way for a descendant of an old money family to carry his own luggage when he goes out in a foreign country. It is estimated that the housekeeper and maid have already prepared it for him.

"Yes, I am a freshman in grade 22, and my Chinese name is Wednesday." Wednesday took out his ID card, passport and other miscellaneous documents to prove his identity.

Shen Delu waved his hand: "You don't need this, just your student ID card."

On Wednesday, someone took out a student ID card, and Shen Delu took it and swiped it on the turnstile.

"What the hell!"

Shen Delu's exclamation echoed in the empty platform.

"What's wrong?" Wednesday asked in confusion.

"I actually met two S-class people in one day!"

The LCD display on the turnstile showed: Wednesday, Grade 22 freshman, rating: S.

Wednesday had already passed through the turnstile and left, leaving Shen Delu cursing: "What foreign devil! You didn't even give me a tip, I was just laughing for a long time."

"You are a freshman too."

A voice suddenly came from behind the young man who was waiting for the rain to stop. He turned around subconsciously, only to find that the standard Mandarin sentence actually came from the mouth of the handsome foreign guy in front of him.

The boy nodded.

Wednesday walked to the boy's side and watched the rain together.

"I have a car, let's go together." Wednesday said, an umbrella appeared in his hand.

The young man didn't want to trouble others, so he wanted to refuse, but found that the man had opened his umbrella and walked into the rain, and the young man's body followed him involuntarily.

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