Xu Qinghuan was lying on the back seat of the Maybach, sighing at the beauty of living with money.

Come to think of it, Xu Qinghuan has driven a Ferrari, so he shouldn't be so ignorant, but the massage function of the seat conquered him, and the perfect shock-absorbing effect of the Maybach made him feel like he was lying on a moving sofa. He crossed his legs and admired the beautiful scenery outside the window. In front of him was a beautiful driver introducing the precautions required for admission. Suddenly, he felt refreshed. He, Xu Qinghuan, had also lived the life of a rich man. Unfortunately, he was sitting next to him. It's not the passionate beauty with bulging front and back, but Xia Yi who is closing her eyes and saying nothing.

The car passed through the long mountain road and finally stopped in front of the rather impressive school gate.

This Maybach with license plate 001 attracted the attention of the surrounding crowd as soon as it appeared at the entrance of the college. Without any obstruction, the car drove straight into the college. Students passing by along the way turned back frequently because everyone knew that this car belonged to the principal. car.

The car passed through a forest road and stopped in front of a two-story cabin.

"This is your principal's office? It's not impressive at all." Xu Qinghuan was disappointed.

On the way here, Lin Yue told the news that the principal wanted to see them. Xu Qinghuan not only did not find it strange, but felt that it was natural. A person like him should be received with the highest standards wherever he goes.

"Let's go." Lin Yue motioned for the two of them to follow.

The three of them walked up the steps. Lin Yue knocked on the door. After getting a reply from inside, she opened the door and went in.

There is a unique cave inside the house. It is a small two-story bungalow with a small area. In the middle of the house is a wooden spiral staircase connecting the upper and lower floors. Bookcases are placed around it. Xu Qinghuan took a closer look and found that the bookcases were not only filled with books, but also some old photos and various items. A medal that knows what to commemorate.

Lin Yue and the two of them stood quietly in the entrance hall, and footsteps could be heard on the stairs.

Xu Qinghuan was a little impatient. Except for the bald manager of the convenience store and the landlady of the rental house, no one had ever been able to do this to him.

The man in a gray tunic suit walked slowly down the stairs. To Xu Qinghuan's surprise, the principal was not as old as he had imagined. He looked like a middle-aged man no more than forty years old, with an elegant appearance and a kind smile.

"Principal, this is Xia Yi." Lin Yue introduced. When it was Xu Qinghuan's turn, she hesitated, "This is Xia Yi's friend, Xu Qinghuan."

"Hello, please take a seat." The principal smiled and asked a few people to sit down.

"It's nothing, I'm going out." Lin Yue was about to leave.

"Thank you for your hard work. You performed very well in both actions." The principal praised.

Lin Yue nodded politely in response, and then left the room.

The principal took out a small iron box from his pocket, opened it and found hand-rolled cigarettes inside, and handed one to Xu Qinghuan.

"I heard that you smoke. The hand-rolled cigarettes are very strong. I don't know if you are a smoker or not."

Xu Qinghuan happily took the cigarette and had a much better impression of the principal.

The principal held a cigarette and looked at Xia Yi: "Is that okay?"

Xia Yi replied expressionlessly: "This is your house."

The two lit a fire and began to smoke.

"My surname is Long, and I am the principal of this school. First of all, I would like to welcome you two to join our school."

"On behalf of the executive department of the college, I would like to thank you both for your assistance in times of crisis."

"It's a trivial matter, not worth mentioning." Xu Qinghuan waved his hand proudly.

"But at the same time, I also have some questions." Principal Long changed the subject, and the originally harmonious and joyful atmosphere disappeared.

"Xia Yi, at a young age, you can deal with demigod-level figures on your own. For such an outstanding talent, we can't find any identity information about you." Principal Long stared at Xia Yi, his eyes as cold as knives.

"What do you want to say?" Xia Yi asked calmly.

The two looked at each other for a long time.

"I'm not interested in your identities or secrets. Because I know that our purpose is the same." Principal Long suddenly laughed.

This is a naked threat. What it means is that I know you are carrying secrets. I can ignore it as long as everyone has the same purpose. But if one day everyone's paths are different, I will not be merciless.

It's a pity that he threatened the wrong person. The two people sitting opposite him were one of the strongest human beings who symbolized courage, and the other was the devil who crawled out of the sea of ​​​​blood from the mountain of corpses.

"It's a pleasure to cooperate." Principal Long extended his hand.

Xia Yi stretched out her hand and shook it.

When the two left the principal's hut, the rain had stopped. Lin Yue was leaning on the car and waiting. She was a little surprised to see the two of them coming out. The two had only stayed in the hut for ten minutes at most.

"You principal is quite interesting." Xu Qinghuan sniffed the cigarette in his hand. He had never smoked such local cigarettes. Before leaving, he asked the principal for another one, and the principal generously gave him a box of cigarettes.

"At least the taste of cigarettes is the same as mine."

"Oh? What do you say?" Lin Yue asked curiously.

There are very few students who are qualified to be received by the principal in person. The impression of this principal who is so old that no one knows his true age among the students is that he is elegant and easy-going. Only those who really know the principal know that he is a war madman. In every war with God, he is determined to die and never retreats. In order to win, he can cooperate with any person or organization with value, except Japan. It is said that it may be because he participated in World War I and World War II. Under his leadership, the academy achieved successive victories in the war against gods and monsters. In the past few decades, China's Night Watch Academy has become one of the largest god-descendant organizations in the world.

"He likes to smoke cheap cigarettes just like me."

Lin Yue took out a cigarette from the iron box in Xu Qinghuan's hand and said: "The principal's hand-rolled cigarettes use shredded tobacco shipped by air from Yunnan. Just one cigarette costs about four figures." Then he returned the cigarette. Xu Qinghuan.

Xu Qinghuan said to Xia Yi with an indignant look: "I have told you that the life of a capitalist is sinful!"

Behind the window on the second floor of the cabin, two pairs of eyes were watching the three people get into the car and leave.

"Very interesting." Principal Long sat on a mahogany chair with a fancy tea set in front of him.

Sitting on the other side of the table was a middle-aged man who looked about the same age as him. He was a gentle man and wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. However, he was the most feared person in the entire school - Vice Principal Lin. He was responsible for the daily affairs of the entire school. The "History and Development of World Gods" taught by him is a compulsory course for every student. Even the executive department that the college is proud of are mostly his cronies. There are many rumors in the school that Vice President Lin is the real leader of the school. of rumors.

Just now when Principal Long went downstairs to talk to Xu Qinghuan and the others, Vice Principal Lin was upstairs.

"The bloodline of the girl named Xia Yi is indeed amazing. We have conducted many tests on her serum samples. The blood in her body is extremely pure and extremely stable. It can be said that she is the most perfect descendant of the gods in the world. Body." Vice President Lin said word by word as if reporting work.

"Of course someone who can fight against demigods is excellent, but I'm more interested in the young man named Xu Qinghuan." Principal Long turned and pointed to Xu Qinghuan, who had lowered the window and stretched out his hand, with a silly smile on his face. It was said that he was driving in the car. You can have a different feeling by sticking your hands out of the window.

Vice Principal Lin frowned: "Xu Qinghuan? His bloodline rating is D. It can be said that there is no divine blood in his body at all. He is a completely ordinary person. He was able to enter the school because Xia Yi insisted on taking him. We even specially prepared it for him. He established a D-level pedigree evaluation."

"Eye." Principal Long touched his pocket and then remembered that the only cigarette he had on him was taken away by Xu Qinghuan. He raised his fingers and said to Vice Principal Lin: "Bring a cigarette."

Vice Principal Lin took out a whole pack of cigarettes and handed them to the principal.

The principal took it, lit one, frowned and said, "When will you stop smoking this kind of woman's cigarette?"

Vice President Lin was noncommittal.

"Have you found anything in the container?" Principal Long suddenly asked.

Vice Principal Lin was startled, and the hand holding the teacup stopped in the air, "Found it, in the ice cave of the college."

"You know me, I've always been disgusted with the Samurai God Society. It's not because of anything else, but mainly because they are led by Japanese people." Principal Long paused, "Those Japanese people always talk about righteousness, but they don't act What they did was despicable. They invaded you for the sake of righteousness, and betrayed you for the sake of righteousness. I always wonder what their righteousness is."

Principal Long smiled: "You have dealt with them a lot over the years. Do you know what their righteousness is?"

The more Vice Principal Lin heard, the more shocked he became. Over the years, he thought he had the authority of the school and acted in secret, but it turned out that it was all under the control of this principal.

Vice Principal Lin was thinking about what to say. Principal Long stood in front of the bookcase. On it was a large knife that looked quite old. The ring on the knife's head was tied with a dark red strip of cloth soaked in countless blood. He waved his hand and said: "Forget it, wait until I chop Fujiwara Chiba on the head and then ask him what their righteousness is."

Fujiwara Chiba, a figure of the same generation as the principal, is currently the head of the Fujiwara family in Japan, and is also the leader of the Japanese god-descendant organization, the Demons.

"Stop funding the Samurai God Society. Over the years, the college has secretly funded them for so long, but the perfect medicine for evolution has still not been successfully researched. The war is about to break out, and we have no time." Principal Long said back to his seat, Feng Qing Yun Dan sipped the tea and sighed: "After all these years, I still can't get used to drinking this stuff. I still prefer old Pu'er."

Vice Principal Lin stood motionless.

The principal, who usually works as a hands-off shopkeeper, revealed in a few words the secrets he had worked so hard on over the years. He suddenly felt ridiculous. It turned out that all of this was only possible with the tacit approval of the principal.

"If you have nothing to do, go back. I have a guest right now." Principal Long spit out two sips of tea and gave the order to expel the guest.

"Are there any guests?" Vice Principal Lin was confused.

Except for the principal's afternoon tea time at the end of the semester when outstanding students are awarded, the hut has never had so many people come to it in one day.

Principal Long said angrily: "We took someone's things, and it's not normal for people to come to us to ask for an explanation."

"Are the people from the Samurai God Association here?" Vice Principal Lin asked.

"Come on, let's go. I will give you permission to enter the lowest level of the cold storage and transfer the contents of the container into it. You can go there in person." Principal Long's expression was serious.


Shortly after Vice Principal Lin left.

A stylish convertible classic car stopped at the intersection with billowing exhaust fumes. A foreigner in a white suit jumped directly over the door and landed firmly on the ground.

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