The Good-For-Nothing Demon King's Road To Killing Gods

Chapter 36 The Demon King And The Princess

The helicopter landed on the top floor of the building with the four characters "Zhao Heavy Industry" on it, and a man and a woman stood aside to greet him.

A middle-aged man who looked somewhat similar to Zhao Li adjusted his glasses, and behind him stood a young female secretary in business attire.

"The S-class in the academy is really curious." The middle-aged man stared in the direction of the helicopter.

The cabin door opened and two men and two women stepped out of the plane.

The young female secretary frowned and looked at Zhao Li, who was said to be the strongest freshman recruited by the college this year.

A foreign man wearing a beige suit and sunglasses walked in the front. He opened his arms and gave the middle-aged man who greeted him a big hug. When it was the female secretary's turn, she conjured a rose with her bare hands. handed it to her.

Behind the foreign man was a man with ordinary clothes and messy hair. Perhaps because he had just woken up, he looked confused. Next to him was a silver-haired girl with silver hair and an expressionless face.

"Hello, my name is Wednesday, and I am the captain of this operation." Wednesday greeted the two of them enthusiastically, taking the lead in emphasizing his status as captain.

The middle-aged man smiled kindly and introduced himself: "I've heard of you for a long time. I'm Zhao Jie, the current head of the East China Branch of the Executive Department."

"Don't listen to that foreign devil's nonsense. He is just the captain today." Xu Qinghuan felt a little relieved. He took a nap on the plane. Several other people admired his sleep quality, even in such a loud situation. You can fall asleep even if you are lying down.

"My name is Xu Qinghuan, and I am tomorrow's captain." Xu Qinghuan rubbed his eyes.

"Xia Yi, is the captain of the day after tomorrow." Xia Yi is not far behind.

Zhao Jie did not want to delve into the issue of job assignments in this team, and said to the three of them: "My sister must have introduced the specific tasks to the three of them on the way here."

"Calling your job title when working." Zhao Li frowned and interrupted Zhao Jie.

Zhao Jie smiled awkwardly: "Deputy Minister Zhao." Then he introduced the secretary beside him, "This is my secretary, Li Qiu, who is also the person in charge of this mission. If you have any questions, you can go to her directly." .”

Li Qiuchong nodded to the three of them: "Li Qiu, an 18th-level student."

"Okay, okay, stop talking nonsense and let's eat first." Xu Qinghuan interrupted impatiently. He was most annoyed by these hypocritical polite words.

Under Zhao Jie's eyes, Li Qiu took the three of them to the elevator.

"Brother Zhou, how did you do the magic trick of making little flowers?"

"A magician never reveals his magic."


Looking at the three people leaving, only Zhao Jie and Zhao Li were left on the rooftop.

"Send someone to keep an eye on the three of them and take them to play for a while. We can delay them as long as we can." Zhao Jie lit a cigarette.

"You don't believe them?" Zhao Li frowned.

Zhao Jie smiled bitterly and said: "You don't know the college's attitude towards this matter. Even the vice-principal personally called me and forced me to execute the mission target quickly. What do you think the execution team they sent is here to do? "

Zhao Li said: "We also have Principal Long. If necessary, I can..."

He blew out the smoke and sighed: "My silly sister, the transaction between the academy and the Samurai God Society is not a secret among the major families. It is even supported by some families. Even the principal keeps it secret. The attitude of acquiescence. The principal is a madman, and he can even make a deal with the devil for revenge!"

"Can't you really guess whose order Wang Weiyu and the others are following? This is the academy's shady secret. If you insist on finding out, it's like slapping the academy in the face! Is it really worth it for a dead man? "

Zhao Li lowered her head: "I just think that he shouldn't die inexplicably and be infamy after his death." Her insistence put great pressure on her brother, the patriarch of the family, and even put the family on the opposite side of the college. .

"So we must move quickly! Catch Li Pei before the people sent by the college." Zhao Jie stamped out the cigarette butt. "We have searched for Li Pei's whereabouts. Three elite teams from abroad have been transferred back and are on the way. On the way to capture Li Pei."

"We only need to capture Li Pei, then pass the credit for the interrogation on to the commissioner sent by the academy, and finally beautify the testimony, which can not only clear Wang Weiyu's name, but also avoid revealing the secrets of the academy, this way the academy will also say It can't do anything to us." Zhao Jie smiled proudly.

Zhao Li did not expect that her brother, who put the interests of the family first in everything, would go to such an extent for his own affairs, and looked at Zhao Jie in disbelief.

"After all, he is also my classmate." Zhao Jie put his arm around Zhao Li's shoulders and said, "Besides, he almost became my brother-in-law."

Xu Qinghuan never thought that traveling on public funds would be so satisfying.

At this moment, he was sitting with his legs crossed in the KTV's luxurious box. Next to him were three or four hot and beautiful princesses. On the table were rows of expensive foreign wines.

After Li Qiu took the three of them to have a meal at a five-star hotel, Xia Yi and Wednesday returned to the arranged room. Only Xu Qinghuan had nothing to do. He had squinted once on the plane during the day, and his energy at this time was perfect. Wang Sheng came to Li Qiu and asked him if there were any fun activities that he could arrange. Li Qiu took him to a luxuriously decorated KTV with a look of disdain. As soon as he entered the door, rows of girls with exquisite makeup and hot figures bowed to greet him, which made Xu Qing happy. Somewhat at home.

As soon as Li Qiu entered, the bald owner of the KTV came out to greet him in person, with a flattering look on his face. The girls naturally understood Xu Qinghuan's distinguished status when they saw the dress, not to mention that before Li Qiu left, he told Xu Qinghuan to have a carnival tonight. All the expenses tonight would be paid for by Zhao Heavy Industries. The girls entertained her even more enthusiastically and pounced on Xu Qinghuan one after another.

Xu Qinghuan once went to Ktv team building under the leadership of the bald store manager. The bald store manager was famous for increasing the cohesion among the team. In order to save money, they went to an old-decorated store. Even the drinks were hidden in Xu Qinghuan’s bag. The equipment was so old that some new songs were not recorded, and the microphones worked sometimes. At that time, Xu Qinghuan was still curious as to why anyone would like to come to such a boring place, but now he has seen the beauty of this place.

In the past, Xu Qinghuan always complained when watching anime that the devil was always portrayed as a lecher who kidnapped princesses, which damaged his reputation. As a devil, he never approached women and only thought about conquering the world. Now, When I really met the princess from KTV, I felt it was too late to meet her. These girls who are princesses by profession are not only beautiful but also considerate. As soon as he puts his eyes on it, the girls rush to light it for him with lighters. When he wants to drink, the girls pass the wine glasses to him.

This is the life a devil king should live! Instead of bowing down to others in convenience stores just to eat, or attending those boring classes at school.

The private room was bustling with laughter and laughter. Even when Xu Qinghuan was sleepy after drinking too much and wanted to leave, several girls secretly expressed that they could go back to the hotel with him.

Xu Qinghuan said heartily, look what a woman this is, how considerate she is, she even sent her back to the hotel when she saw that she had drunk too much. She was not like that brave man with facial paralysis, who would probably die without even looking at her.

Xu Qinghuan made up his mind that one day when he returns to his original world, he must open a KTV store like this and recruit the most beautiful girls in the city to become princesses.

In this way, Xu Qinghuan walked on the road with a dozen girls, attracting passers-by to watch. The envious and jealous eyes of passers-by made Xu Qinghuan even more proud.

The hotel is only across the road from the KTV.

Xu Qinghuan led the girls into the splendid hotel lobby, and immediately attracted the attention of the front desk. A front desk girl who had just started working stopped Xu Qinghuan and his group and said tremblingly, "What are you doing in the room with so many people?" ? We are a regular five-star hotel. If you are too arrogant, it will have bad influence. Besides, can your body really bear it?

Another receptionist hurriedly ran to remind his colleagues that this distinguished guest was brought by Secretary Li and was assigned the most luxurious presidential suite. We have no control over the affairs of rich people.

Finally Xu Qinghuan got on the elevator.

The drunk Xu Qinghuan swiped his card to open the door, and was about to say goodbye to the girls. Unexpectedly, several quick and agile people had already rushed into his room. Xu Qinghuan was so frightened that he suddenly woke up and said, "Who do you think I am? Although I am a bad person." I have done a lot but I have never been frivolous towards women.

Xu Qinghuan pulled the girl out of the room and shouted to everyone that girls' happy time is always short. I had a great time tonight. Let's go home and sleep. It's so late.

The girls finally caught a big and distinguished fish, so how could they let it go so easily? There are indeed too many of us, and Mr. Xu will definitely not be able to catch it no matter how strong he is. In addition, under the influence of alcohol, they started fighting at the door of the room, arguing about who was qualified to enter Mr. Xu's room tonight.

When Xu Qinghuan saw this, he thought they were refusing to leave because they wanted money. He scolded Li Qiu in his heart. It was agreed that all the expenses would be paid by the branch, but in the end, he had to pay for them himself.

He took out a wad of change from his pocket, including one hundred and fifty, most of which were five-yuan notes, and a lot of one-yuan coins. He drunkenly handed out money to the girls, and he handed it out after he couldn't count it in his hand. There were only a few coins left after a few people had passed. Just when Xia Yi heard the movement at the door and opened the door to check, Xu Qinghuan rushed forward to borrow money. Unexpectedly, Xia Yi just glanced at him and closed the door.

The girls in the aisle thought that the relationship between the two was unusual, so they stopped asking for trouble and left on their own.

With the belief that he would never default on a debt, Xu Qinghuan knocked on the door next door. He remembered that Wednesday's room was arranged next door. This foreign devil always looked like a disgusting capitalist. Maybe he could borrow a few hundred yuan from him. No need to pay it back.

Xu Qinghuan was soon the only person left in the corridor, tapping the door of Wednesday's room lonelyly, but no one answered.

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