A young man in ragged clothes and gray face was walking aimlessly on the street, his eyes sometimes confused and sometimes fierce.

He couldn't remember his name or where he was.

"Confidentiality team, have all the surrounding residents evacuated?" On the street, on the roof of a six-story house, a man in a black combat uniform whispered to the headset and asked, while aiming through the sniper rifle in his hand. The mirror observes the mission target in the distance.

"Everyone has been evacuated, and the surveillance of nearby neighborhoods has been put under our control."

After receiving the confirmed answer, the man did not relax. The battlefield had been cleared, and what awaited them was a dangerous battle.

"Once again, the mission target must be captured alive!" the man said seriously.

At this time, there were 5 combat teams lurking in the entire street, with a total of 15 people. They were all experienced experts from the East China Department. If it was just a normal siege mission, there would be no need for them to be dispatched together, but the mission they received was to capture the target alive. , catching a dead ghost alive makes the task much more difficult. After all, no one knows what level this ghost's bloodline has reached.

They are well aware of the danger of this target, and if they are not careful, they will die on the spot like their colleagues who participated in the round-up before.

"Do it!" The man's gun fired. After a special upgrade, it could shoot a bullet that penetrated a 5 cm steel plate straight into the target's calf. The next moment, it penetrated the target's calf, dripping with blood.

As expected of a strengthened body, if an ordinary person received this shot, his calf would be blown away directly, while the target would only be punched with a big hole.

Black figures in combat uniforms rushed out from all directions, holding swords and approaching the target.

Li Pei knelt down on one knee and let out a shrill scream. His brown pupils instantly turned red, his hands and feet grew terrifying claws, and his scales broke through the skin of his limbs, and the wounds healed quickly. He hunched over on all fours and roared as he charged towards the surrounding hunters.

In an instant, he transformed from an ordinary young man into a ferocious and bloodthirsty beast.

The man who was the captain put away his sniper rifle, pulled out the long knife from his waist, and jumped down from the sixth floor.

The target that reacted moved extremely fast, and the sniper rifle had lost its effectiveness and was far less useful than the sword.

Gunshots rang out, and a girl in the combat team was holding two Desert Eagles. These modified weapons were loaded with large-caliber bullets and had huge recoil. It was hard to imagine that the person holding them was a girl.

The girl's name is Yu Wen, with a B-level bloodline. Her bloodline is not very outstanding, but she possesses the famous spell called Eye of Death. The flow of time around her body slows down when she is in this state, which helps her to better aim and react to the target. It's simply It is a spell created for fighting.

Bullets poured out, and most of them were dodged by Li Pei, who moved like a beast. Only one shot hit his right arm, but the damage caused by the Desert Eagle was far less than that of a sniper rifle, not to mention that Li Pei was covered with Scale Armor, this blow did not cause substantial damage.

Li Pei knocked away the enemy in his way with one claw, then turned to look at Yu Wen in the distance.

Of course Yu Wen realized what this meant. She quickly changed her ammunition while retreating, and the bullets poured out again. This time she aimed at the parts of Li Pei's body that were not covered by the armor. Unfortunately, Li Pei's speed was too fast. Quickly, he broke through the crowd and used his left arm to protect his head while running. The bullet either missed or hit the scales on his left arm.

The terrifying figure arrived in an instant, and the strong pressure prevented Yu Wen from moving, but she was an experienced warrior after all. She threw away her empty guns and drew out the long knife from her waist.

Yu Wen smiled bitterly, knowing that he should have confessed here today. She got an impressive perfect score in the shooting class, but she barely passed the melee class. She got the score when she acted coquettishly to the teacher and made the teacher relent.

In the past, she would always joke to her classmates who were practicing swordsmanship, saying that times have changed and who still uses swords. Now, facing the evil ghost with strengthened bloodline, he realizes the importance of sword.

Even so, at the last moment of her life, she had to maintain the dignity and dignity of the night watchmen. Since she couldn't escape, she would draw her sword and kill the enemy!

Under the blessing of the Eye of Death, her consciousness was extremely clear, but her movements could not keep up with her consciousness. She ducked dangerously sideways to avoid Li Pei's claws. Just when she was thankful, she suddenly noticed that Li Pei's neck was not covered with scales. !

In today's dangerous battles, it may be difficult for others to be able to instantly discover the enemy's weaknesses and make judgments, but for Yu Wen who is in the eyes of death state, it does operate normally.

Maybe he is quite talented with swords.

This is her last chance. As long as she cuts off the target's head, she can survive. Even if it is just delayed for a while, she can persist until her teammates arrive.

When the blade was about to hit the target's neck, Yu Wen suddenly realized that the mission this time was to capture the target alive. If this knife really killed him, everyone's previous efforts and sacrifices would have been in vain. The blade instantly deflected and struck Li Pei's head. On the right arm, the blade collided with the scales, and sparks flashed out, making a harsh sound.

Li Pei was angered by the prey's counterattack, and his bloodthirsty animality took over all his rationality, and he swung his right claw towards Yu Wen.

All movements slowed down in Yu Wen's eyes. Unfortunately, she could only watch the sharp claws swinging towards her. The full blow she just made also completely exposed her body to Li Pei's attack range. Although she was conscious, It was fast but too slow, and it was impossible to dodge the blow.

Alas, I didn’t expect to die here.

Yu Wen turned his face to the side as much as possible, hoping that the terrifying claws would not scratch his face and that his body would not look too ugly.

A strong push suddenly came from the left side of his body, and Yu Wen fell to the side without realizing what happened.

"Run, silly!" A familiar voice suddenly came from his ears, urgent and trembling.

Yu Wen's body seemed to be picked up and dragged forward. Looking at the familiar face of the man beside him, Yu Wen reacted and staggered away immediately.

"Old Zhou, you have to be the one at such a critical moment! My aunt owes you my life..." Yu Wen celebrated the rest of his life and walked very fast with his long legs.

Suddenly she realized something was wrong. She was the worst in the team in the physical fitness test, but she could run faster than the captain.

She looked back.

The man fell to the ground at some point, sweating profusely while holding the shocking fracture in his right arm, and blood dripped all over the floor.

"Old...Old Zhou, you...where are your hands." Yu Wen was shocked on the spot. She was clearly a brave girl who cared about her own appearance in the face of imminent death, but now she looked like a frightened heroine.

The world seemed to slow down again and became silent. She stood there helplessly, like a little girl who had made a mistake, unable to believe the facts in front of her.

When Yu Wen was fighting before, she didn't notice that the captain closest to her, Zhou Ran, was rushing over desperately. When she accepted death calmly, he saved her at the cost of an arm.

The rest of the combat team has arrived, slashing with red eyes and wielding swords.

"Damn it, you don't know how to help me...I told you that I shouldn't have recruited a heartless little guy like you into the team in the first place." Zhou Ran, who was temporarily out of danger, struggled to hold up his body with his left hand and got up from the ground. , an ugly smile squeezed out of his blood-covered face.

Zhou Ran, an A-level student, is an outstanding graduate of the academy. He is thoughtful and calm, and his swordsmanship is even more genius. In his sophomore year, he tied with the professor who is known as the contemporary swordsman. His parents were both ordinary people, a rare wild genius. When he graduated, everyone thought he would stay in the executive department of the college, but he resolutely chose to go to the East China branch. Even Minister Sun of the executive department personally persuaded him to stay. , but in the end he came to the East China branch.

When Zhou Ran came to the East China Branch, his performance was worthy of his reputation as a genius. Within half a year, he was promoted to the captain of the team. Within two years, he led the team to raise the rating from C to A. He is known as the ace of the East China Branch and serves as the fifth team leader this time. The captain of the team's joint operations. What's commendable is that he is a rare genius with a gentle personality and a perfect captain. Members of other groups desperately want to join his team, but he just recruited Yu Wen, who is ordinary in all aspects.

"Fuck! Fuck!" Yu Wen's face showed an unprecedented ferocity and anger. She fiercely took out the spare pistols on both sides of her thighs and quickly changed the ammunition.

"Yu Wen!" Zhou Ran wanted to step forward and grab Yu Wen. He knew what kind of temper this difficult girl was. She was a guy who dared to fight God with two guns when his temper got worse.

But he was too weak and bleeding too much made him dizzy and pale. Yu Wen had already rushed towards Li Pei, who was surrounded by everyone.

"Stop Yu Wen! Stop Yu Wen!" Zhou Ran yelled with all his strength. He knew very well how much Yu Wen weighed, but he was looking for death to confront that monster whose bloodline had been improved to an unknown extent!

The confidentiality team responsible for logistics and medical treatment had rushed to Zhou Ran's side, ignoring his shouts and evacuating him to a relatively safe place.

The ghost-turned-Li Pei was like a god of war possessing him. The combat team was afraid of harming his life, so they were hesitant to take action and fell into a bitter battle.

The gunfire started again, and the bullets accurately hit the weak spots on Li Pei's body that were not covered by scales.

The members of the execution team were overjoyed when they saw this. The monster in front of them had undergone very strict training. During the battle, it would smartly defend its weak points that were not covered by scales. At this moment, the weak points were hit by bullets, and Li Pei's movements were much slower.

If you continue like this, it won't take long to catch the target.

Some team members looked behind them curiously, wondering which sharpshooter had been sent to help out, and who was much better than Yu Wen, the old woman with two guns who claimed to be the one with the two guns.

The person who shot was Yu Wen.

The blessing of the Eye of Death has reached an unprecedented level.

Her figure was agile, jumping and rolling on the surrounding buildings, looking for Li Pei's weakness, and the gun hit the vital point. She fired and shouted angrily, venting her anger with the roaring gunfire.

"Did you know that my boss is a sword master at such a young age?"

"You fucking dare to make him lose his right hand! How will he hold a sword and show off his power in the future! How dare you! How dare you!"

"He is still so young. It will be difficult for him to find a wife after he becomes disabled!"

Yu Wen kept yelling angrily and mechanically reloaded and fired. Li Pei's body was hit everywhere by powerful bullets, blood spattered everywhere, and the divine blood had no time to repair the wounds all over his body. Finally, the whole person held his head in his hands to protect his body and lay on the ground.

The rest of the team had already dispersed, the target had lost the ability to resist, and the mission was successful.

Yu Wen still didn't stop. She stepped forward step by step. Only by pouring bullets on this damn monster could she vent her anger.

"Yu Wen! Stop it, Yu Wen!" The people around realized something was wrong. The scales on the monster's body had gradually faded away, and the repairing effect of the divine blood was getting weaker and weaker. If this continued, the target would die.

While Yu Wen was changing her ammunition, people gathered around and stopped her, only to realize that this usually heartless girl had tears streaming down her face for some unknown reason.

"Old Zhou, Old Zhou!" Yu Wen hurriedly ran towards Zhou Ran who was lying on the stretcher, carefully holding Zhou Ran's broken arm in his hand.

"They said they could pick him up." Yu Wen didn't have the same momentum as when he challenged the monster. His eyes were red and he spoke with a cry.

"Hurry up and take my hand!" Zhou Ran forced his body to smile and cursed. He knew that although Yu Wen was a night watchman, he was most afraid of these bloody things. One time he was watching the Saw movie and she saw him. Yu Wen Wen was so sick that he couldn't eat for three days.

"Send to the hospital quickly!" Yu Wen handed the severed arm to the medical colleague on the side.

"You said that if I am really disabled, how will I find a wife in the future?" Zhou Ran teased Yu Wen, obviously hearing what she just said.

Yu Wen admired Zhou Ran for being able to make a joke in this situation. Even though her face was full of tears, she was still amused: "You are trying to save me. At worst, my aunt will sacrifice herself."

On the rooftop not far away, a mysterious man in black robe was lying on a chair with his legs crossed and a goblet in hand, admiring the scene. He suddenly said to himself: "Just hold on a little longer."

The team member responsible for escorting Li Pei suddenly shouted in terror.

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