The Good-For-Nothing Demon King's Road To Killing Gods

Chapter 4: Meeting Again After Waking Up

In the evening, Xu Qinghuan sat boredly on the bench behind the cashier, waiting for get off work to come off work. There were no customers in the store.

"Xu Qinghuan! How many times have I told you! The shelves need to be wiped down frequently. Look at how much dust they have collected!" A greasy middle-aged man in work clothes cursed at Xu Qinghuan.

A girl working a summer job at a convenience store looked sympathetically at Xu Qinghuan.

Xu Qinghuan was helpless, suppressing his anger, and responded with a smile on his face: "Wipe it right away, wipe it right away." After saying that, he got up to get the rag. He was able to transform from an unknown demon soldier into a demon king who almost conquered the entire world in just a few years. Not only did he rely on his strong personal strength, but his adaptable character also played a vital role.

"Store manager, Brother Xu has been busy with the checkout all day. It's my job to organize the shelves. I'll do it." The girl defended Xu Qinghuan and took a rag to wipe the shelves.

The store manager immediately changed his face and smiled kindly: "Xiaoyu is really sensible. Sure enough, people still need to study more." Then he turned to Xu Qinghuan and yelled: "Look at others before they look at you! You are such a big person. If you spend all your time eating and waiting to die, you won’t even be able to find a wife in the future, what kind of woman can blindly fall in love with you?”

The door of the convenience store was suddenly pushed open, and the three of them subconsciously shouted welcome at the same time.

A girl wearing simple black clothes and black trousers walked in. The store manager stared at the girl with wide eyes.

Beautiful, so beautiful!

The girl's simple clothes can't hide her graceful figure, especially her straight and slender legs. Her delicate facial features without makeup are as good as any female star on TV. The parts not covered by clothes are shockingly white. Skin, beauties of this level are especially rare in this small city.

Xu Qinghuan glanced at the girl and thought she looked familiar, so she didn't pay attention, and continued to clean the shelves with her colleague named Xiaoyu.

Xiaoyu pushed Xu Qinghuan's shoulder and whispered: "Brother Xu, what a beauty!"

Xu Qinghuan said indifferently.

The store manager immediately came forward and said with a smile: "What do you want to buy, beautiful lady?"

"I'm looking for someone." Lin Yue looked around the store, and finally her eyes fell on Xu Qinghuan, who was wiping the shelves.

Lin Yue walked step by step towards Xu Qinghuan who was busy in the store manager and Xiaoyu's shocked eyes.

"Are you free?" Lin Yue asked.

"Hello, what do you need?" Xu Qinghuan turned around and asked with a smile.

Lin Yue listened to the familiar voice of the man in front of her and carefully observed his appearance, convinced that this was the man who suddenly broke in last night. "There are some things I want to ask about last night."

As soon as these words came out, the other two people on the field were struck by lightning, and they were so shocked that they froze in place.

"I'm at work, so I'm not free now." Xu Qinghuan shrugged, "Besides, it's not convenient to talk about such things here."

The two men on the field were struck by lightning again.

Lin Yue raised an eyebrow and asked, "How long until you get off work?" Obviously the man in front of him knew something.

Xu Qinghuan looked at the clock on the wall and said, "I get off work in 45 minutes."

"Okay." Lin Yue, who was usually surrounded by stars, had never been treated like this by others, but now she had to ask for help, so she had to find a place to sit down in the restaurant for customers to eat.

Xiaoyu looked excited. From time to time, she peeked at Lin Yue who was sitting next to her. She lowered her voice and asked Xu Qinghuan next to her: "How did you meet that beautiful sister?"

"It's not that we know each other. I saved her life last night. She probably came here to repay my kindness because she admired my heroic appearance." Xu Qinghuan smiled.

"Tsk, bragging." Xiaoyu looked unbelieving.

"I told you that in my last job, I was a very powerful demon king."

"It's not serious, I'll ignore you." Xiaoyu curled her lips, obviously thinking that Xu Qinghuan was making a joke and didn't want to tell her.

Xu Qinghuan didn't take it seriously and turned to look at Lin Yue: "Hey! It's not appropriate for you to sit in a convenience store without buying everything."

Lin Yue frowned, stood up with an ugly face, picked something at random and walked to the cashier to pay.

The store manager enthusiastically ran to the cashier to pay for the rare and beautiful girl in front of him.

"Buy another pack of cigarettes." Xu Qinghuan leaned on the shelf and winked at Lin Yue.

"I don't smoke." Lin Yue replied coldly.

"I'll smoke it." Xu Qinghuan looked like he should take it for granted.

Lin Yue glared at Xu Qinghuan and suppressed her dissatisfaction.

"What are your most expensive cigarettes? Here are two!"

The store manager was shocked by the girl's generous move. He didn't want to believe that the beautiful girl in front of him really knew Xu Qinghuan, the loser in his eyes, but the current situation couldn't help him not believing it.

Lin Yue put two cigarettes on the cashier and said angrily: "Give this to him."

Then he sat back down in his seat with the bag in hand.

The store manager accidentally caught a glimpse of the red Ferrari key in Lin Yue's hand, and sighed inwardly at the unfairness of fate. Why didn't such a rich and beautiful daughter like him?

The fat store manager walked up to Xu Qinghuan and patted his shoulder: "Qinghuan, since there is a beautiful woman waiting for you, you should get off work early today."

Xu Qinghuan looked at this leader in surprise, who usually had no kind words for him. He didn't know why he suddenly changed his gender.

"I've always been very optimistic about you. Don't forget about your brother when you get rich in the future." The fat store manager leaned close to Xu Qinghuan's ear and glanced meaningfully at Lin Yue sitting beside him as he spoke.

Lin Yue sat on the chair and looked at the young man who was bowing his head to the store manager, wondering in his heart whether he had found the wrong person.

After waking up in the afternoon, with the help of people from the college's information department, she checked all the surveillance cameras around the place where the incident happened last night, and finally targeted the ordinary boy named Xu Qinghuan in front of her. Originally, in order to prevent secrets from being leaked, the confidentiality team wanted to send people to investigate Xu Qinghuan. If Xu Qinghuan really saw something last night, they would hypnotize him to forget it if necessary. Lin Yue took the initiative to take on the job.

Xu Qinghuan quickly changed his clothes, walked to Lin Yue carrying the plastic bag containing the changed work clothes.

"Thanks to you, I got off the early shift."

Lin Yue looked at the familiar plastic bag in the hands of the young man in front of her, and became even more convinced that he was the man from last night.

"Let's go, treat your savior to a meal." Xu Qinghuan opened the cigarettes Lin Yue just bought, walked out of the convenience store and lit one.

Lin Yue was stunned when she heard this, and followed Xu Qinghuan out of the door suspiciously.


Lin Yue took out her car keys, and a conspicuous red Ferrari sports car on the roadside turned on its lights. Pedestrians passing by looked at the two of them. The beauty and the sports car were naturally very attractive.

"Wow, the car is nice." Xu Qinghuan got into the passenger seat unceremoniously.

Lin Yue stepped on the accelerator, the engine made an exciting roar, and drove away in the envious eyes of passers-by.

Xu Qinghuan stuck his head out of the window like a child who had never seen the world. His face made by the wind looked a little funny, and the cigarette ashes in his hand flew around, falling on the car and Lin Yue's hair.

Lin Yue frowned, her patience was reaching its limit.

"I don't allow smoking in my car."

Xu Qinghuan saw Lin Yue looking like he was about to kill someone, and still replied disapprovingly: "Don't be too harsh on your savior's parents."

Lin Yue braked hard, causing Xu Qinghuan, who was not wearing a seat belt, to hit his face on the windshield.

"You're crazy! Do you know how to drive?" The frightened Xu Qinghuan was cursing, and his fragrant hair crossed his face. Lin Yue quickly turned sideways and snatched the unfinished cigarette in his hand. He was thrown out the window on his side of the car.

The vehicle starts again.

"How much do you know about last night?" Lin Yue asked.

"I know that you were almost bitten to death by that puppy. I picked up the knife on the ground and killed it." Xu Qinghuan put his hands behind his head and found a comfortable position, "This car just looks good. It’s really uncomfortable to get up.”

Lin Yue glanced at Xu Qinghuan with a complicated expression. She didn't believe that the annoying young boy working in a convenience store beside her could really kill monsters that were even her own. However, what the boy said was consistent with what Wu Yu said. .

"Tell me more details." Lin Yue found a place where no one was and stopped.

"You didn't even invite your savior to eat, why should I tell you!" Xu Qinghuan was a little dissatisfied. His last meal was instant noodles at 5 o'clock, and he was already hungry.

Lin Yue took out the bag from the back seat and handed it to Xu Qinghuan. Inside were the snacks she had just bought at the convenience store.

"Let's finish chatting in the car first. As long as you tell me exactly what happened last night, you can eat whatever you want." Lin Yue was very curious about what happened last night and who killed the black demon dog with his own knife. , and how the wounds on his body healed.

"That's pretty much it." Xu Qinghuan opened a bag of potato chips and ate them, "Didn't you sneak attack me last night and knock me unconscious? When I woke up, I saw you lying on the ground covered in blood, so I killed the dog. ." Xu Qinghuan punched the air, "There was a lot of blood on that dog. I was afraid of staining my clothes, so I saw a knife on the ground. You should have dropped it, so I picked it up and inserted it into its head."

Xu Qinghuan vividly recounted his heroic deeds last night, dancing when he got excited, spewing potato chips all over the car, completely unaware of Lin Yue's gloomy face next to him.

A strong wind flew by, and Lin Yue held a dagger in her right hand and pressed it against Xu Qinghuan's neck.

"You can't even hide from this, and you still dare to say that you killed the black demon dog!" Lin Yue's face was gloomy, and the dagger in his hand would kill this young man who talked about running things at any time.

Xu Qinghuan didn't care and continued to eat his potato chips.

"You don't believe what I can do." Xu Qinghuan shrugged. The Demon King, who had crawled out of the dead countless times, was naturally calm and calm in the face of such a small scene.

Lin Yue put away the dagger, suppressed her anger, and asked: "Okay, even if you kill the black demon dog, how did I survive?"

"The injuries you suffered at that time can be said to be just one breath away from death. Fortunately, it was me who met me. I used my magic power to save your life with compassion." Xu Qinghuan smiled proudly at Lin Yue, "You're welcome. "

Lin Yue stared at Xu Qinghuan. His eyes were clear and bright, and he didn't look like he was lying. He was eating potato chips by himself.

"Magic power?" Lin Yue was confused.

"Yes, I used to be a demon king. I came to this world for some very complicated reasons."

Lin Yue looked angry.

"Devil, you know the Demon King? It's the kind in anime." Xu Qinghuan looked at Lin Yue with wide eyes and expectantly. He had told many people about his identity as the Demon King, but unfortunately everyone thought he was crazy. The girl in front of her obviously has a special identity and has special abilities. She might be able to trust herself.

"The Demon King and the Hero?" Lin Yue answered.

"Yes!" Xu Qinghuan clapped her thighs excitedly, as if she had found a confidant, "But I never snatched the princess away. I was focused on conquering the world at that time."

Lin Yue suddenly remembered that Zhao Ying said that a strange silver-haired girl appeared last night. She was so powerful that she was terrifying. He also asked them if they had seen the Demon King. After hearing this, Lin Yue just felt strange and didn't care. They all thought that the Demon King was just someone's code name. , now Xu Qinghuan mentioned the word devil again, and the two things were suddenly connected.

"Do you know a silver-haired girl?" Lin Yue asked.

"I don't know. I do know a person with silver hair, but he is not a woman." When asked this question, Xu Qinghuan's mind flashed to a figure in golden armor under the sun, and he was furious.

Xu Qinghuan lowered the window and lit another cigarette.

"A silver-haired girl appeared last night, and she seemed to be looking for the Demon King." Lin Yue lowered her head and thought about this series of events, completely unaware of Xu Qinghuan who was shaking with shock next to her.

Xu Qinghuan pretended to smile calmly, shook his head and said, "Impossible."

Seeing Lin Yue's serious expression, Xu Qinghuan's smile gradually disappeared and she became uncertain, saying: "No, no, it's impossible."

"What else did she say!" Xu Qinghuan's voice began to tremble and she stammered.

"I just asked them if they had seen an ugly person with a horn on his head. I don't know the rest." Lin Yue squinted at Xu Qinghuan and observed his reaction.

"Fart, it's obviously two horns!" Xu Qinghuan blurted out.

Lin Yue let out a long oh, and looked at Xu Qinghuan meaningfully: "She also said that one of her horns was chopped off by her."

Xu Qinghuan froze on the spot, the cigarette in his hand was not clamped securely and fell on his pants without even realizing it.

The brave man who swept across the demon army and killed the five generals of the demon army under his command was actually a woman!

The brave man actually followed!

Then the silver-haired girl who passed by me last night and asked him a question was the brave man himself!

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