The Good-For-Nothing Demon King's Road To Killing Gods

Chapter 5: I Am The Devil Who Conquers The World

At this moment, Xu Qinghuan completely lost his appetite, and the potato chips were thrown aside.

"Is that woman holding a shining golden sword?"

Lin Yue looked at Xu Qinghuan in surprise: "How did you know?"

Xu Qinghuan's hands and feet were cold, as if struck by lightning.

This damn brave man actually came to this world!

"Where is she now?" Xu Qinghuan could not suppress the fear on his face.

"I don't know. Our people have also looked for her, but there is no news yet." Lin Yue said with some regret. She also wanted to meet this female compatriot who could convince Wu Yudu.

Xu Qinghuan breathed a sigh of relief, sat on the car seat, and thought of solutions rapidly.

escape! You have to escape immediately! The brave men of the church have special abilities and are extremely sensitive to the power of their own demon king. It is estimated that he attracted the attention of the brave men last night when he activated his magic power. Having lost his magic power, he has no chance of winning against the hero. The top priority is to find a way to restore his magic power.

Lin Yue looked at Xu Qinghuan who reacted strangely, with sharp eyes, and asked: "You are not really the devil that the girl said, are you?"

"How is that possible? Hahaha, you believe me. I'm really bragging." Xu Qinghuan was not good at lying and had an exaggerated expression. "Okay, okay, I'm leaving. No need to send me off. Let's just say goodbye." After saying that, he stretched out his hand and went to drive. Lin Yue locked the door instantly.

Lin Yue stared at Xu Qinghuan expressionlessly and restarted the car.

"Where are you taking me! Hey! Hey!" Xu Qinghuan shouted like a frightened rabbit.

"Get off the car! Let me get off the car!" Xu Qinghuan couldn't open the door and wanted to grab the steering wheel.

Lin Yue silently showed the dagger in her hand, and Xu Qinghuan had no choice but to sit calmly.

"Of course I have a way to make you tell the truth."

It started to rain heavily. On the elevated road, a red Ferrari shuttled among the sporadic vehicles on the road, splashing water on the ground.

The car arrived at a sparsely populated container terminal. The entire terminal was dark, as if it had been abandoned for a long time.

The car stopped at the entrance of a warehouse. The rolling shutter door of the warehouse was ajar, revealing a faint light. A large truck towing a container was parked at the door. Four men in raincoats were guarding the front and back of the truck, and their faces could not be seen clearly.

"I am a law-abiding citizen! You are breaking the law!"

"I'm going to ask a lawyer to sue you!"

Xu Qinghuan was dragged out of the car by Lin Yue while cursing.

A tall man among the four came over.

"Lin Yue, an 18th-level student of the academy and the seventh team of the execution department, has explained it to your captain."

Lin Yue held Xu Qinghuan and said to the man in the raincoat.

The four men around him all looked surprised when they heard this. They had obviously heard about Lin Yue's single-handed killing of the black demon dog last night.

The tall man took the initiative to help Lin Yue pull up the rolling shutter door, and Lin Yue pushed the struggling Xu Qinghuan into the warehouse.

The four men resumed formation and guarded the truck.

The lights in the warehouse were so harsh that Xu Qinghuan couldn't open his eyes for a while.

The facilities in the warehouse are simple, with a yellow light bulb on the top for lighting. A slovenly man in his forties is sitting behind the desk, picking his feet and staring at the computer screen attentively.

Lin Yue frowned slightly, obviously dissatisfied with the working atmosphere of the college's confidentiality team stationed in this city.

The man poked his head out from behind the screen and quickly turned off the video playing on the screen.

"Lin Yue, right? Hello, hello." The man greeted Lin Yue with a smile on his face, and enthusiastically took out two plastic benches from the side for the two of them to sit down.

The man smiled and extended his right hand to Lin Yue: "Level 02 Information Engineering Department, leader of the college's confidentiality team in this city, Wang Weiyu."

Lin Yue glanced at the man who called himself Wang Weiyu and disliked the man's hand that had just picked his foot, but did not shake it.

Wang Weiyu didn't feel embarrassed and glanced at Xu Qinghuan: "This is the witness last night, right?"

Lin Yue forced Xu Qinghuan to the bench: "Well, he must be a divine descendant. He witnessed what happened last night and still behaved normally. He kept talking about things."

"You are illegally detaining me!" Xu Qinghuan was filled with indignation.

"The body of the black demon dog hasn't been transported back yet?" Lin Yue frowned. The truck outside the door clearly contained the corpse of the black demon dog. She heard from Zhao Ying that the body was transported back by the local security team early this morning. Now go there It took nearly 20 hours and it still hasn’t been shipped out.

Wang Weiyu's face froze and he smiled: "The people in the research department of the college are anxious to ask for it. Land transportation is too slow, so we are going to use water transportation. The college happens to have a boat not far from here. We were originally scheduled to arrive at noon, but I heard that the sea is not peaceful. It took some time." As he said that, he looked at his watch and said, "It should be here soon."

Lin Yue nodded and stood aside.

Wang Weiyu took another stool and sat in front of Xu Qinghuan.

"What are you doing! What do you want to do!" Xu Qinghuan looked nervous, not knowing what this wretched middle-aged man wanted to do.

"Don't be nervous, relax, relax." Wang Weiyu said with a smile and patted Xu Qinghuan on the shoulder.

The pupils of Wang Weiyu's small eyes turned into a strange lavender color at some point.

Xu Qinghuan really calmed down and sat on the bench obediently with a smile on his face.

Spell: Eyes of the Mirror.

Wang Weiyu looked a little proud when he saw this. His spell can see through the psychology of other people. Although it is not combative, it is very suitable for the work of the secrecy team. It can distinguish the true and false of other people's words. After graduation, he relied on this spell to successfully become a secret in his hometown. group work.

"What's your name?" Wang Weiyu said softly.

"Xu Qinghuan."

"how old are you?"


"What did you see last night?"

Xu Qinghuan still looked good, and raised his hand to point to Lin Yue on the other side: "Last night on my way home, she knocked me unconscious. When I woke up, I saw a tall, handsome man with horns on his head killing a man. A big dog said something to her, and the handsome guy left, and then I ran away too.”

Wang Weiyu and Lin Yue looked at each other.

Lin Yue pulled Wang Weiyu aside and asked in a low voice: "Are you sure what he said is true?"

"Of course, I have never failed." Wang Weiyu said proudly.

Lin Yue took another look at Xu Qinghuan, who was sitting on the bench with a silly expression. She leaned into Wang Weiyu's ear and whispered something.

Wang Weiyu sat back on the bench.

"Who are you anyway?"

"Xu Qinghuan."

"Aren't you afraid of seeing a monster like that last night?"

"I am also a god, so I am mentally prepared." Xu Qinghuan spoke nonsense without blinking.

"Why do you say you are the devil!"

"I'm not mentally normal. I've watched too many anime and thought the man with horns on his head last night was powerful and handsome, so I imagined myself to be him." Xu Qinghuan answered honestly.

Wang Weiyu turned his head and glanced at Lin Yue. Lin Yue nodded to him. It was obvious that this answer convinced her.

Wang Weiyu's expression became relaxed and he asked the last question: "Have you told anyone about last night?"

Xu Qinghuan shook his head.

Wang Weiyu breathed a sigh of relief. This saved him a lot of trouble in his work. He sat back in his office chair and lit a cigarette comfortably.

"I also heard about what happened last night. According to what this little brother said, two unidentified gods with terrifying powers suddenly appeared. One can easily defeat your captain Wu Yu, and the other can easily kill Hei A quasi-A-level monster like a demon dog." Wang Weiyu looked content, as if the matter had nothing to do with him.

"I will report this matter to the headquarters. I don't know about the girl and I can't judge, but the man with horns on his head that this person mentioned is most likely a 'ghost' who used the monster serum to evolve himself." Lin Yueruo said something. think.

"Ghost? According to what this boy said, the devil killed the black demon dog and saved you."

"Otherwise? How to explain the horns on his head and his ability to kill the black demon dog with one strike?"

Wang Weiyu smiled: "Compared to him, I am more curious about the girl who defeated Wu Yu."

Xu Qinghuan sat on the bench and listened to the conversation between the two people who did not shy away from his conversation. Although he did not understand what the two people said, he could also tell that what they said was a secret that would never be revealed to outsiders. He felt panicked and worried. He was murdered and silenced, and his face pretended to be calm after being hypnotized.

Although his body has turned into an ordinary human due to the loss of magic power, his soul is still the powerful demon king of the past, so human hypnosis cannot affect him.

"I'm sorry, um... can I go home? I have an early shift tomorrow morning." Xu Qinghuan raised her hand to interrupt the conversation between the two.

Wang Weiyu slapped his forehead and almost forgot about this person. He walked up to Xu Qinghuan and handed him a cigarette.

Xu Qinghuan took it tremblingly, wondering if it was a cigarette.

Wang Weiyu lit the fire for him, his purple eyes appeared, and said: "You will fall asleep after smoking this cigarette. When you wake up tomorrow morning, you will forget everything that happened in the past two nights."

Xu Qinghuan pretended to be confused and smoked alone.

"I will arrange for someone to send him back later." Wang Weiyu said.

The rolling shutter door was suddenly opened, and a man in a raincoat walked in.

"Brother Wang, the ship has arrived."

Wang Weiyu frowned when he heard this and took out his mobile phone: "That shouldn't be the case. According to the procedure, the ship should contact me before arriving at the port."

He dialed the phone number of the academy specialist on board the ship, but after a few rings it said no one answered.

"Let's go and have a look." Wang Weiyu took his raincoat from the wall and walked out. Lin Yue glanced at Xu Qinghuan, who had already lowered his head and fell asleep, and followed him out.

It was dark night and it was pouring rain outside.

Wang Weiyu and his party stared at the dock in the distance that was about to dock, making preparations for the handover. Lin Yue, without a raincoat, was under the eaves of the warehouse.

"Wait a minute, something's not right." Wang Weiyu stopped his men who were about to unload the goods.

On the dark sea, the small container ship surprisingly did not turn on any lights, like a strange ghost ship slowly approaching.

Lin Yue's expression became frightened, and the crackling rainstorm in her ears was mixed with the faint screams of monsters.

As the small container ship approached, the dense and strange sounds in my ears became clearer.

"There's something wrong with that ship! Get ready for battle!" Lin Yue rushed into the heavy rain and shouted at the others. The four people in the confidentiality team looked at Wang Weiyu at a loss.

"Weapons! Where are you storing your weapons?" Lin Yue's voice became more and more impatient, and he quickly ran back to his car to look for something.

Wang Weiyu felt something was wrong. Seeing Lin Yue's appearance, he immediately arranged the task: "Xiao Li, go and move the goods. If you don't give me an order, keep driving. The further away the better!"

"Lao Zhang, Xiao Sun, Xiao Kong, you go and take out the weapon box!"

Although the four of them didn't know what was going on, seeing the solemn look on the normally carefree captain, they immediately started executing the order.

Wang Weiyu took out his mobile phone and reported the situation to the college.

That weird ship is about to dock.

Lin Yue retrieved her knife from the car. It was forged by the best knife forger master in the college's equipment department. The knife was made of extremely precious alchemy materials. She would only use it when performing important tasks. take it out.

Xu Qinghuan was looking for any other exits in the warehouse, unaware of what was happening outside. Suddenly there was a noise outside the house. He hurriedly lay on the table and pretended to be asleep. Three men hurried in and rummaged through the house.

The three members of the confidentiality team each ran out of the warehouse with a large box in their arms. Their team was just a city station that was not taken seriously by the college. Naturally, the equipment configuration was not as good as that of Lin Yue, who had participated in the operations of the executive department as a sophomore.

Wang Wei Yuliang opened the box. It was full of all kinds of firearms, weapons and knives, but none of them were as good as the latest technology-developed sniper rifle and the Japanese long knife that Lin Yue used when sniping the black demon dog. .

Several people familiarly equipped themselves with weapons, the truck turned on its lights and drove away in the rainy night.

The four people held weapons, extinguished all the lights, hid in the night, and waited for the cargo ship to dock in the distance.

"Boss, what should I do about the boy inside?" a team member reminded.

The truck had already gone away, and Lin Yue and Wang Weiyu remembered that there was an ordinary person who was hypnotized in the warehouse.

Lin Yue rushed back to the warehouse. At this time, the lights inside went out. She silently recited a spell and condensed a blue flame in her hand to illuminate it.

Xu Qinghuan and Lin Yue, who were looking for an exit in the darkness, looked at each other.

Just as Xu Qinghuan was about to say something, Lin Yue rushed forward vigorously, grabbed him, and forcibly pulled him out of the warehouse.

Lin Yue was now soaked to the skin. Her originally loose clothes clung to her body, outlining her graceful figure. Her movements were rough, and her soft body was close to Xu Qinghuan.

Under the moonlight, the girl's messy hair stuck to her face, and her beautiful face showed determination.

Xu Qinghuan stared at the girl's face blankly, not knowing what she was going to do.

Lin Yue pulled Xu Qinghuan to her Ferrari at the door, opened the driver's door and stuffed Xu Qinghuan in without any explanation.

The rain was so loud that Lin Yue had to shout: "Will it open?"

"No... no, I don't have a driver's license." Xu Qinghuan replied at a loss, not sure what the girl who kidnapped her wanted to do.

Lin Yue looked into the distance. The strange cargo ship had docked at the dock, and the strange screams of the monster in his ears became louder and louder.

The situation was urgent and there was no time to pay attention to the difference between men and women. Lin Yue threw the knife into the car, pushed Xu Qinghuan towards the passenger seat, and got into the driver's seat.

"Come right back!" Lin Yue shouted to Wang Weiyu and the others.

The car door slammed shut, and Lin Yue stepped on the accelerator. The roar of the engine was deafening. This expensive sports car exerted its maximum performance and splashed water all the way.

"Insert the key here, step on the brake, and press the red button on the steering wheel to start. The left is the brake and the right is the accelerator." Lin Yue explained to Xu Qinghuan very fast. She now regretted going out today. This car was too troublesome to operate, and I was worried that the boy next to me who didn't look very smart wouldn't be able to learn it in a short time.

Xu Qinghuan was in a state of confusion the whole time, listening to Lin Yue's words quietly.

The car had already driven a long way, and Lin Yue braked suddenly. She and Xu Qinghuan, who were not wearing seat belts, almost hit the windshield.

"Just keep driving and don't look back!" Lin Yue opened the car door and jumped out. Her breathing was rapid, and she was about to go to a cruel battlefield.

She leaned down outside the car, took back the knife in the car, stared at Xu Qinghuan and said seriously: "Tonight, remember not to tell anyone, you will be in trouble." After saying that, she pulled out the long knife and put it away. Throwing the sheath on the ground, he turned back with the knife.

"Hey! Don't leave..."

Xu Qinghuan looked at Lin Yue's retreating back, and he vaguely guessed that something dangerous had happened.

He no longer thinks about it, what does the life and death of human beings have to do with him?

He silently got out of the car, sat in the driver's seat, became familiar with the operation of the vehicle according to Lin Yue's words, and drove away the expensive sports car in a crooked manner.

"If you are really rich, you are not afraid that I will drive away the car and sell it."

"Strange woman."

"This car could be worth a lot of money if sold."

As expected of a demon king, he quickly mastered the driving skills.

Xu Qinghuan inadvertently looked out the car window. On the dark sea, a cargo ship docked at the dock, and densely packed twisted and weird figures rushed out of the ship, roaring and screaming.

Xu Qinghuan turned around as if he hadn't seen him and concentrated on driving.

"It's none of my business. It's none of my business." He muttered indifferently, and he didn't know who he was talking to.

In the rain, the red Ferrari made a handsome drift and suddenly turned around.

"Damn! What a strange woman!" Xu Qinghuan cursed and stepped on the accelerator, driving to the warehouse according to the route in memory.

Why? Why do these humble, cunning and insidious humans save themselves, strangers, twice in a row? Why run back when you can obviously drive away with him?

Xu Qinghuan opened the car window, stepped on the accelerator, and yelled crazily in the rainy night.

"I am the devil who conquers the world. I don't need a mere human to save me!"

What Xu Qinghuan didn't notice was that as a human being, it was logically impossible for him to see clearly what was happening in the distance through the thick rain curtain on such a dark night.

At the same time, on the other side of the city, in an Internet cafe.

"Assist to protect me and protect me!"

"Can you play?"

The silver-haired girl in pajamas angrily took off her headphones and was about to greet her teammates and family when her expression suddenly changed.

"It happened again."

The silver-haired girl opened the door of the Internet cafe and walked into the rainy night.

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