The Good-For-Nothing Demon King's Road To Killing Gods

Chapter 41 Watching My Brother Perform

Li Pei was wearing a black feather cloak, and his face was a strange and familiar mask, which was exactly the same as the mysterious man who attacked Xu Qinghuan and Xia Yi.

Everyone in the executive department present was also aware of the danger. The energy surge in Li Pei's body was much stronger than before. He stood there, full of solemnity and majesty.

"What kind of evolutionary medicine has the Samurai God Society researched? It can actually enable people to have such great power!" Someone whispered.

Everyone in the execution department could not help but feel fear, but they did not flinch. They took up their weapons and were ready to fight at any time.

Different from the combat team that received the mission of capturing alive and only carried cold weapons, this group of people received the mission of decapitation and came to support, so they carried many powerful thermal weapons, including howitzers, Gatling sniper rifles, etc., in the sky outside the house There were even two armed helicopters circling.

"Everyone evacuate! Hurry!" Xia Yi shouted, with a rare nervousness showing on her usually calm face. She grabbed her right hand in the air, and a gorgeous and shining golden sword appeared in her hand.

Human weapons are certainly effective in dealing with monsters, but they cannot kill gods. These people will only sacrifice their lives in vain here.

Everyone in the execution department looked at Zhao Li. Although their bloodline was not as good as that of the Proud Ones of the combat team, they were still elites who had experienced hundreds of battles. The monster was right in front of them. How could there be any reason to retreat?

"Leave it to us to deal with it, hurry up!" Xia Yi said coldly to Zhao Li.

Among everyone present, only Zhao Li was qualified to see the confidential video of Xia Yi's duel with the god. Li Pei's changes reminded her of the god in the video.

"Retreat!" Zhao Li shouted to the team members.

All personnel obeyed the order, put away their weapons and drove away.

"It's really great that you're not dead." Xu Qinghuan slowly turned around, "Do you know how afraid I was that you would die like that?"

His body began to change, his eyes were red, his expression was ferocious with excitement, and a strange black energy was emitting from his body.

The war was about to break out. Li Pei, who was wearing a mask, stood on the spot, with lightning lingering in his hand and crackling incessantly.

Xu Qinghuan bent down fiercely to make a surprise attack, and at the same time grabbed his right hand from the ground with quick movements.

Li Pei retreated and floated in mid-air, with several spears formed by thunder and lightning condensing around him.

The distance between the two suddenly shortened. Xu Qinghuan waved his right hand fiercely, scattering dirt and dust towards Li Pei, and at the same time, his footsteps turned sharply and ran towards Xia Yi.

"Fuck him!" Xu Qinghuan shouted.

Li Pei was stunned. He didn't expect his enemy to be so cruel. He raised his right hand to cover the dust.

Xia Yi held the sword and instantly flashed in front of Li Pei. The long sword in his hand was shining with golden light and stabbed at Li Pei. Behind him was a pair of transparent wings flowing with golden light.

Xia Yi is well aware of the power of the enemy. In order to avoid the situation last time, she activated the strongest form that magic power can maintain - the two-winged angel. The difference from last time is that she did not use magic power to turn into armor. Use your sword with all your strength to defeat the enemy in the shortest possible time and reduce unnecessary casualties.

Xu Qinghuan hurriedly groped for the weapon on the ground.

At this moment, he was extremely angry.

As soon as he absorbed a bit of everyone's fear and turned it into a little bit of magic power, Xia Yi drove them away. What could he do? Licking your face and begging people not to leave and then staying there in fear for a while?

"What are you looking for, Brother Xu?" A familiar voice sounded from the shadows.

Xu Qinghuan turned around sharply and saw that Wednesday had not evacuated. He rushed over to hold Wednesday as if he had found a savior.

There is no magic reaction in the body at all.

"Why aren't you afraid?" Xu Qinghuan looked at Wednesday in surprise, and saw him smiling and taking a sip of champagne from the Maybach, acting elegantly.

"You're looking down on me, aren't you? My hometown is notoriously chaotic. It's common for one to be hacked to death by an enemy after leaving home. I've long been indifferent to life and death." Wednesday took out a wine glass from somewhere and poured it again. The glass of champagne was handed to Xu Qinghuan and she said with a smile: "It's a relief."

Xu Qinghuan was extremely shocked at this moment. Facing the elegant and calm Wednesday, he suddenly felt a rare sense of shame.

"Foreign devil, look." Xu Qinghuan pointed to the inseparable Li Pei who was fighting with the winged Xia Yi in the abandoned building, "Have you seen him?"

"I saw it." Wednesday nodded.

"He is God! You know God, right?"

"I understand fairly well." Wednesday nodded, his expression unchanged.

Xu Qinghuan looked at Wednesday with shocked eyes again.

Damn it, this foreign devil is either really stupid or he is so confident because of his ability!

"I damn near forgot, are you also S-level?" Xu Qinghuan's heart ignited hope again.

"That's not true." Zhou held his chest up and raised his head.

"Then why are you standing here? Come on!" Xu Qinghuan kicked Wednesday.

Wednesday hugged Xu Qinghuan's shoulders and said with a silly smile: "Relax, brother Xu, I have heard about it for a long time. Classmate Xia Yi has defeated this man in black. We have to believe classmate Xia Yi, she It can be done. When things work out this time, I will definitely apply to the college leaders to praise her for her achievements this time!"

Xu Qinghuan said happily, no wonder you didn't panic. So you were pointing at Xia Yi? It's a pity that you don't know that in her current state, there is a high probability that she will not be able to deal with the man in black.

Xu Qinghuan made up a reason casually: "We are two grown men! It's not shameful to rely on a woman to work hard outside!" He didn't want to say that Xia Yi was not good in front of outsiders. If Xia Yi was not good, how could he, the person who was defeated by Xia Yi, Not even more shameless.

Xia Yi's figure was hit hard and fell to the ground. Li Pei, who was floating in the air, waved the thunder spear in his hand and shot at Xia Yi. Although Xia Yi dodged it, he was still in a panic.

"Are you scared now?" Xu Qinghuan asked.

"A bit." Wednesday looked a little ugly.

Xu Qinghuan cursed angrily: "Are you afraid? Are you afraid of your ****! I can't feel your fear at all, brother! We are all going to die here!"

Zhou Zhou asked doubtfully: "Why do you always care about me so much? Are you afraid?" Looking at Xu Qinghuan who looked depressed, he comforted him again, "It is a very honorable thing to give your heart for a great cause. All mortals are destined to die, brother. Let's be open-minded, maybe the academy can erect a monument for us after we die."

Xu Qinghuan talked for a while, but didn't know how to explain it, so he made up a lie: "Brother, my spell is to absorb other people's fear and turn it into strength. The more people are afraid of me, the stronger they become. It's a pity that normal people are fooled." Xia Yi drove away, leaving you alone, a lunatic who can see through life and death."

"So that's it." Wednesday smiled.

Li Peixiayi and Li Peixia were fighting fiercely in the air, while the two fools on the ground chatted one after another.

Looking at Xia Yi who was gradually falling into the leeward position in the air, Xu Qinghuan tightened her grip on the steel pipe she had just stood on the ground.

"Foreign devils, go out and call them back. Tell them that Xia Yi was beaten to death and tell them to come quickly. You must describe it in a scary way to scare them."

No matter what, I can't let this damn god go today.

Before Xu Qinghuan finished speaking, he was stopped by Zhou Zhou. He drank the wine in one gulp, threw the glass to the ground casually, and said proudly: "Brother Xu, you can rest assured to watch my brother here." Performance."

After saying that, Wednesday lifted up his suit and pulled out a short blade from his back, struck a handsome pose, stepped into the air with his right foot.

"I fucking knew you were hiding..."

Before Xu Qinghuan finished speaking, Li Pei kicked him back to the ground on Wednesday, raising a lot of dust.

Wednesday coughed up blood and got up from the ground in embarrassment: "I'd better go find support."

As Wednesday walked, he dusted off his suit and straightened his appearance.

"Hurry the fuck up!"

Xu Qinghuan kicked Zhou Zhou's butt angrily.

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