In an abandoned industrial building, three figures were fighting fiercely from the air to the ground. They were moving so fast that everything they passed was in ruins.

Xu Qinghuan swung a steel pipe and hit Li Pei's shoulder hard. Li Pei took the blow forcefully, and the ground he stepped on collapsed instantly, which showed that Xu Qinghuan had used all his strength.

Li Pei's figure flashed, and he immediately stepped back to distance himself from the two of them.

Xu Qinghuan was panting heavily, his face and body covered with blood. It was obvious that this level of fighting was still very difficult for him who had not recovered his strength. Xia Yi beside him was in slightly better condition than him, but his pajamas were all stained. It's dust.

"Am I remembering it wrong or is he just that weak to begin with?" Xu Qinghuan wiped the blood from his forehead and panted.

It was really strange. The man in black robe who assassinated Xu Qinghuan and Xia Yi that night looked like a god with a thunderbolt in his hand. Even Xu Qinghuan had to admit that the man in black robe did have some strength, but the Li Pei in front of him was no longer the same as that night. Xu Qinghuan couldn't help but feel I wondered if I had recognized the wrong person.

"He has become weaker." The golden wings behind Xia Yi disappeared, and the holy sword in his hand shone brighter. It seemed that he was gathering magic power to prepare for a killing blow.

Xu Qinghuan looked at the place where he left on Wednesday and wondered: "I asked this foreign devil to call for support and he didn't come back for so long."

Li Pei launched a new round of fighting, wielding a spear made of blue-purple lightning in his hand, and attacking fiercely. Xu Qinghuan was naturally unable to fight head-on due to his current strength, so he could only hide behind Xia Yi and look for opportunities to swing the stew stick twice.

Night Watch Academy, in the kendo training ground.

Wang Xichao, who was soaked with sweat, waved the long knife in his hand and fought with the imaginary enemy in front of him.

He goes out early and comes back late every day, practicing all kinds of fighting skills desperately, and has become a diligent student in the eyes of teachers in various subjects. Unfortunately, due to his bloodline, his spell has not yet awakened, and his physical fitness has only been reduced by his continuous training. Barely up to the standard of a B-level student.

The harsh ringtone echoed in the practice hall. Wang Xichao, who was covered in sweat, hurriedly stopped and ran to the chair to pick up the phone.

The ringtone of his mobile phone is set to the loudest, and it is never muted even when sleeping or in class. He never misses an unknown call. Xu Qinghuan once laughed at him for being able to chat for a long time with a salesperson selling houses and insurance.

An unknown call appears on the phone screen.

"Hello?" Wang Xichao answered the phone.

"Are you ready for revenge?" came an inexplicable sentence from the other end of the phone.

Just when Wang Xichao was confused and wanted to ask more questions, the call had been hung up.

I received a text message on my phone and clicked on it to see a video.

In the video, a man wearing a mask and a black robe is fighting fiercely with two familiar figures. The three of them are flying through the unfinished building, and they can hear the faint sound of thunder.

The video was very blurry and the surrounding environment was very dark. Taking advantage of the bright light when the masked man summoned thunder, Wang Xichao recognized the other two people as Xu Qinghuan and Xia Yi.

Wang Xichao's breathing became rapid, his blood boiled all over, and he stared at the masked man in the video.

His level was not high enough and he had not seen the video of the mysterious man fighting Xia Yi taken by the Linjiang City execution team that night, but Xu Qinghuan once mentioned the mysterious man's appearance when chatting with him.

The god who killed his father appeared again. It turned out that Xu Qinghuan and Xia Yi were performing this mission this time.

Wang Xichao ran towards the door of the practice hall holding a long knife. Suddenly it started to rain heavily and thunder roared.

The anger made him lose his mind, and he slowly calmed down after being caught in the rain. He vaguely remembered that Xu Qinghuan sent him a message at night and said that he was in Yinhai City, just next to Linjiang City. When Wang Xichao was a child, his father took him there to travel. Looking at the sea, it was at least eight or nine hundred kilometers away from the college. It was already early in the morning, and there were no trains or planes.

He couldn't make it.

Angry and desperate, Wang Xichao fell to the ground.

In a daze, the sound of horses neighing and thunder suddenly came to his ears. He followed the sound and saw two beams of light at the end of the road. An American open-top antique sports car was driving towards him at high speed.

The convertible car suddenly stopped beside Wang Xichao, and the water curtain raised wet Wang Xichao again.

Wang Xichao knew this car. It was Wednesday's car and he had been in it on the day of the report.

The strange thing is that there is no one in the car at this time, and there is a black umbrella placed on the passenger seat.

The convertible's engine roared again, as if urging Wang Xichao to get in the car.

Without saying a word, Wang Xichao jumped into the driver's seat with a long knife. He does not have a driver's license, but his father once taught him how to drive the old Santana at home. Unfortunately, this car was made in the 1950s and 1960s, and the operation of this car is still very different from that of the Santana.

Just as he lowered his head to study how to put the car into gear, the engine of the sports car underneath him roared and rushed out like an arrow from the string. Wang Xichao's body was pinned to the seat.

It’s hard to imagine that such a classic car can achieve such acceleration. The performance of breaking 100 is enough to put all expensive sports cars known for their speed to shame.

Where will this car take me?

Wang Xichao held the steering wheel steady. He felt that he was not driving a car, but more like taming a unique BMW.

The speed of the car is getting faster and faster, until time stops, the surrounding scenery is distorted, and various colors gather and disperse, like a rainbow.

Wang Xichao regained consciousness. The unfinished building in the distance was exactly the same as the scene in the video, and purple thunder kept cutting through the dark night.

The lights on the other side are dense. If you look carefully, you can see the lights of rows of cars. There are branch elites holding various weapons around, and there are several helicopters circling in the sky.

There was a tall foreign man in a suit in the crowd, smiling and waving hello to Wang Xichao.

The team members of the branch discovered that an unknown car was approaching from the other side, and they all prepared for battle. Zhao Li was about to order someone to intercept it.

"Don't be excited, don't be excited, everything is under the control of the captain." Wednesday stopped Zhao Li with a bright smile.

"Relax, stay as far away from here as possible, and do a good job in evacuating the surrounding people. Don't come here."

After finishing speaking on Wednesday, he lit a cigar coolly, waved to everyone, and strolled towards the battlefield.

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