Li Yi looked seriously at the young student in front of him. He had a chicken coop and long hair that almost covered his eyes. He was handsome but unshaven. He was wearing a childish short-sleeved shirt with Donald Duck printed on the chest. His lower body was in a loose trousers. He was wearing black pants, and the most outrageous thing was that he was wearing a pair of flip-flops on his feet, and his right foot was rubbing back and forth on his left calf.

How could such a person survive a battle that would make his favorite student Zhou Ran lose an arm? Probably cowering in the background and acting as a cheerleader.

The more Li Yi thought about it, the angrier he became. Was this the kind of person his beloved disciple Zhou Ran was fighting desperately to protect?

During the more than ten years of Li Yi's teaching career, students under his guidance can be found in every system of the college. Among them, the one he admires the most is Zhou Ran. It was because of Xi Cai that he defeated Zhou Ran in the last challenge and drew a draw. Sacrifice his own reputation to achieve Zhou Ran's swordsmanship. Hearing the bad news that Zhou Ran lost his arm in action some days ago, Li Yi immediately stopped school for two days and went to visit the East China branch. As soon as he got off the plane, he scolded Zhao Li and others who came to pick him up for being incompetent. He was full of anger and wanted to settle the score with Zhao Jie, until When he saw Zhou Ran lying on the hospital bed who had completed the limb surgery, he became taciturn.

"Get ready to start the exam." Li Yi threw a training sword towards Xu Qinghuan.

Xu Qinghuan took it.

The academy's training swords were originally wooden swords. After Li Yi taught, he strongly requested that they be changed to real swords. The reason was that the enemy would not use toys to play house with the students when fighting. The school directors were all opposed. The future of their clan I hope you are all studying in the academy, and your swords have no eyes. If you get injured somewhere during training, can you, Li Yi, bear the blame? Finally, with the support of Principal Long, all the weapons used for practice in the swordsmanship class were replaced with unbladed weapons.

"Everyone stop!" Li Yi walked towards the center and ordered in a deep voice.

All the students present stopped what they were doing.

"Choose an opponent from among them. If you win your mid-term exam, you will be deemed to have passed." Li Yi pointed to the weapon rack in the distance with his right hand. "The long sword is not easy to use. There are also Japanese swords and Western swords. Choose one that is comfortable. .The rules are that no spells are allowed, just sword fighting."

There are various sword blades placed on the weapon rack. As the current swordsman, Li Yi is proficient in all kinds of sword blades. He does not stick to any kind of swordsmanship when teaching students and teaches students according to their aptitude.

Xu Qing was filled with joy when she learned that her assessment was so simple.

"Professor Li, can I take the final exam together?"

Xu Qinghuan's bold response shocked all the students present. Professor Li is famous for his strictness in the school. Students usually feel like a mouse meeting a cat when they meet him. What's more, it is said that because of Professor Li's favorite student Zhou Ran He was seriously injured while performing an operation a few days ago, which caused Li Yi to be particularly strict in class during this period. Xu Qinghuan's remarks undoubtedly added fuel to the fire.

Li Yi sneered angrily. He had learned that Xu Qinghuan's bloodline was rated D, so he had been extra merciful in the exam. He didn't expect this kid to be so bold.

"Okay, as long as you can survive ten moves in my hands without losing, you won't have to take any further classes!"

Just when everyone thought Professor Li was just speaking out of anger, Xu Qinghuan actually agreed.


Wang Xichao hurriedly grabbed Xu Qinghuan.

"You're crazy! Do you know who Professor Li is? Hurry up and admit your mistake in choosing me as your opponent. I'll just lose to you."

Xu Qinghuan patted Wang Xichao on the shoulder and said nonchalantly: "Do you know who I am?"

As he spoke, Xu Qinghuan walked to the center with his sword in hand and stood opposite Li Yi.

"Professor Li is disrespectful to a D-level freshman. The student is willing to quarrel with this classmate Xu Qinghuan on behalf of the teacher."

A group of senior students walked in outside the hall door, and a tall man at the head smiled.

The boy looked familiar to Xu Qinghuan, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him before.

The sharp-eyed freshmen recognized that the tall man was Zhang Hao, a junior senior with a B-level bloodline and a core member of the student union.

Li Yi was obviously dissatisfied with someone interrupting his lecture, but after calming down, he realized that it was indeed inappropriate for him to make things difficult for a new student.

Zhang Hao walked through the crowd and bowed respectfully to Li Yi: "Student Zhang Hao was fortunate enough to be taught swordsmanship by his teacher."

Li Yiben couldn't remember this person. He taught too many students and only had impressions of geniuses. After Zhang Hao introduced himself, he had an impression. He had an average bloodline and swordsmanship, which should be more than enough to teach a new student.

"Okay, then it's up to you." Li Yi nodded and asked Xu Qinghuan: "What do you think?"

"I don't think so."

Xu Qinghuan refused directly.

Please tell me what your identity is? But it’s not like cats and dogs can challenge me to a duel, okay? In the past, those who could do it themselves had to be at least the Paladin level. I think you are the teacher who reluctantly agreed to relax with you. Are you looking down on me by just arbitrarily arranging a small role here?

Of course, Xu Qinghuan would definitely not say these words, after all, he did not want to fail the exam.

Xu Qinghuan's refusal caused a lot of discussion among the surrounding students.

"Isn't it much harder to defeat a teacher's ten moves than to defeat a senior? Is this person crazy?"

"What do you know? No matter how angry a teacher is, he won't really hurt his students. It's not necessarily true if it's a senior. He's still smart."

Li Yi's anger rose again.

What's the meaning? I'm already giving in to you if I don't take action. In your eyes, I'm not as good as a student, right?

Before Li Yi could speak, Zhang Hao spoke again: "Then this is not an exam. I challenge you to a duel personally."

The venue was once again in an uproar.

Gods value strength, and even the Night's Watch Academy, which has been an academy for many years, is no exception. It still maintains the tradition of private duels. The rules are no restrictions on spells and weapons. Of course, it is still an academy after all, and the bottom line is that no assassins are allowed.

"No answer." Xu Qinghuan refused neatly again.

Zhang Hao was so proud that he didn't think there was anything wrong with a senior senior student challenging a junior junior student to a duel.

The senior students who came with Zhang Hao laughed at him one after another.

"D-class is D-class."

"He's just a clown who relies on his teammates for glory."

"The Executive Department will actually issue the Sword Bearer Medal to such a person!"

Since Xia Yi was still there, they didn't dare to say that Xu Qinghuan relied on women to make ends meet.

Xu Qinghuan's good luck has made this group of senior students hate him for a long time. Why should they, the proud ones with excellent pedigrees, have to work hard to get the internship qualification of the Executive Department? This person actually won the Sword Bearer by relying on luck. medal? Why can this person actually win Xia Yi's favor when I can't even say a word to S-level Xia Yi?

After being reminded by the senior students, the students on the side realized that the boy who rarely showed up was actually Xia Yi's rumored boyfriend.

The male classmates gritted their teeth in jealousy, while the female classmates looked at Xu Qinghuan carefully and concluded that either Xia Yi had a problem with men's vision, or there must be something special about Xu Qinghuan.

There was a lot of discussion in the hall.

Xia Yi sat on the steps aside and watched quietly.

Although Xu Qinghuan was too lazy to argue with the ants, the harsh remarks made him upset.

"Shut up."

Xu Qinghuan's voice was not loud, but it fell clearly into the ears of everyone present. These words were like a divine decree that could not be disobeyed. Everyone was silent at the same time, and the hall fell into a strange silence for a while.

"Let's start our exams quickly. I'll have something to do later." Xu Qinghuan said to Li Yi calmly.

Li Yi laughed angrily and took out the sword from his waist, hoping to make this boy who didn't know the heights of heaven suffer some hardships.

Wang Xichao suddenly rushed to Xu Qinghuan and stopped him.

"I'm sorry, my eldest brother always makes little jokes. Please allow me to compete with him, teacher." Wang Xichao apologized frantically and was about to pull Xu Qinghuan aside.

"What are you doing?" Xu Qinghuan was confused.

"You're so nervous. Teacher Li has been in a bad mood these past few days and you're adding fuel to the fire. He's bound to kill him soon. The one named Zhang Hao is even more dangerous. You kicked him last time. I'm here to seek revenge this time!" Wang Xichao looked anxious.

"When did I kick him?"

"You forgot, that time at the student union."

"So that's it." Xu Qinghuan stopped, turned around and said to Zhang Hao.

"I regretted it." Xu Qinghuan raised his sword and pointed it at Zhang Hao.

"I accept your revenge."

Just as Wang Xichao was about to stop him, Xu Qinghuan held his shoulders and said softly: "I never refuse any revenge. I give every person seeking revenge the opportunity to kill me."

As the Demon King, Xu Qinghuan never refuses any revenge. No matter you are a peasant woman farming or a high-ranking knight, as long as you can avenge the grudge between you and him, the Demon King will always take time out of his busy schedule to come. If you are facing a fight with nothing, he will even bring you a few useful weapons for you to choose from.

But revenge comes at a price, and the Demon King shows no mercy to every avenger.

Death is not the most terrible thing for those who harbor hatred, but it is when they have no chance to kill their enemies.

Dying in a battle of revenge can be considered satisfactory. After all, many people don't even have this chance.

Xu Qinghuan walked up to Zhang Hao and said again: "As long as you can accept the price you are about to pay."

Zhang Hao laughed at Xu Qinghuan's bold words.

Everyone was in an uproar.

At this moment, Xia Yi, who had been silent in the distance, slowly stood up and walked towards Xu Qinghuan step by step under everyone's gaze.

Zhang Hao frowned when he saw this. After all, Xia Yi was still here, and making such a move at this time was obviously a warning to himself.

What a waste who only relies on women!

Zhang Hao's eyes became even fiercer.

Xia Yi walked up to Xu Qinghuan, and everyone held their breath not knowing what she was going to do.

Are you trying to intervene?

Wang Xichao was overjoyed when he saw this and thought to himself: Why did I forget Xia Yi? She would still be wary of Zhang Hao no matter what he did.

Under everyone's gaze, Xia Yi spoke slowly.

"No killing allowed."

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