Zhang Hao was deeply humiliated. Because Xia Yi was present but did not dare to get angry, he could only sneer: "Okay, okay, I want to see who begs for mercy!"

Xia Yi sat back in the rest area.

After that night's action, she could feel the majestic demonic power in Xu Qinghuan's body, and she also knew that that power came from herself. During this period, she had been carefully observing Xu Qinghuan's behavior. There was nothing unusual except that the express delivery was a little too much. Xia Yi had secretly checked the express delivery, ranging from massage chairs and mobile phones to some strange toys and snacks, among which the most outrageous one The express delivery note states that seven Calabash Babies will be distributed randomly. It seems that the Demon King has no financial sense. If this continues, the remuneration he received this time will be squandered within a month.

"This is class. The private duel will be held after class. Now is the midterm exam." Li Yi spoke in a deep voice and glanced at Zhang Hao.

The concept of a duel is different from that of an exam. If a duel really starts, even Li Yi, as a professor, cannot intervene, and uncontrollable situations will inevitably occur. Li Yi, whose anger was gradually fading, was also ashamed of Zhang Hao, a senior student, for challenging the junior freshmen to a duel. The strong should draw swords against the stronger, and bullying the weak was nothing.

Xu Qinghuan's response made Li Yi somewhat impressed.

"Then it's just a test. If Mr. Xu can survive ten moves under my hands, you will win." Zhang Hao saw Li Yi's displeasure and quickly backed down.

"Whatever, let's start quickly." Xu Qinghuan said impatiently.

All the students voluntarily stepped aside to make a large space for the two of them. Some people took out their mobile phones and started shooting videos.

A post about this matter on the college's forum quickly hit the hot list. A person nicknamed Delu even opened a handicap. The odds of Xu Qinghuan's victory have reached 1 to 5.

A reply from a person named Xia Yi appeared under the post.

"I buy Xu Qinghuan for 100,000 yuan to win, where can I transfer the money?"

This reply made the post become popular again. No one dared to use Xia Yi's name in the college. Of course, someone immediately opened a new post to analyze the scandal between Xu Qinghuan and Xia Yi.

It's a pity that Xu Qinghuan on the court didn't know these things, otherwise he would definitely win the stud game on his own.

With Li Yi's order, the battle officially began.

Zhang Hao had a fierce look on his face. He used a Japanese sword that was best at slashing. He jumped forward and slashed hard. The blade was so sharp that the students watching could even hear the sound of it breaking through the air.

With one move, he will definitely end this battle within one move!

Xu Qinghuan stood still and did not dodge. Zhang Hao was overjoyed, thinking that he was indeed a loser who only relied on women!

Zhang Hao did indeed do it. The whole battle was indeed over in one move, but in another way.

Zhang Hao's Japanese sword broke immediately, and he himself fell to the ground in a strange posture.

The onlookers exclaimed and couldn't believe the scene in front of them.

Xu Qinghuan threw away the sword in his hand and said to Li Yi, who was watching the battle from a distance: "Did you pass the exam?"

Li Yi was also shocked, but he didn't show it. He just nodded and said, "You don't have to attend any of my classes this semester."

Unlike other ordinary students who looked confused, Li Yi could see that Xu Qinghuan did not rely on swordsmanship to win. In the battle just now, he drew his sword so fast that even Li Yi felt dizzy. It is not so much that Xu Qinghuan's swordsmanship is superb. His strength and speed are much higher than Zhang Hao.

How could such a person be classified as D? Sure enough, the execution department sent him on the mission for a reason, Li Yi thought to himself.

Xu Qinghuan turned around with satisfaction and prepared to leave.

This battle is not easy for him, after all, he may directly kill his opponent if he is not careful.

"How is it possible! How could my knife break? He cheated! He tampered with my knife!" Only then did Zhang Hao realize that he had lost, and he yelled crazily.

Indeed, cutting off Zhang Hao's Japanese sword with the long sword in his hand is not something that can be achieved by relying on strength.

"Stop talking! If you lose, you lose. Only the weak will find excuses!" Li Yi scolded.

Although all the practice swords in the kendo class are not edged, they are still made of special steel, so there can be no quality issues.

Xu Qinghuan waved to Wang Xichao proudly, and then winked at Xia Yi, who was sitting in the seat far away, with an expression that seemed to say, "Look, I didn't kill anyone."

A rare smile appeared on Xia Yi's face.

It's strange, why are you so happy when you obviously won the match against the facially paralyzed girl?

Xu Qinghuan was wondering when Wang Xichao's exclamation came to his ears.

The temperature around him dropped sharply, and Zhang Hao's eyes were bloodshot. He, who had always been arrogant and arrogant, could not accept that he was defeated by a D-level freshman in front of everyone. His hands formed transparent ice crystals and he rushed towards Xu Qinghuan, who had his back turned to him.

Spell: Ice Crystal, which can condense extremely hard ice crystals to cover the whole body. It is very practical in both attack and defense.

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Hao was behind Xu Qinghuan. A transparent ice pick formed in his hand and stabbed Xu Qinghuan's neck fiercely.

When Zhang Hao moved, Li Yi also moved, but he was too far away from the two of them and failed to stop Zhang Hao from the beginning.

The long sword in Li Yi's hand had arrived and directly cut off the ice pick in Zhang Hao's hand. Just when Li Yi wanted to reach out and grab Zhang Hao, he was shaken away by a powerful force, which came from Xu Qinghuan.

The next moment, Xu Qinghuan grabbed Zhang Hao's neck with one hand and lifted him up into the air.

Zhang Hao's limbs were restrained by an inexplicable force and he could not move. At this moment, his eyes had long lost the ferocity before and turned into panic.

He didn't know how Xu Qinghuan did it. He could even see Li Yi's movements but couldn't see Xu Qinghuan's. He lost inexplicably again.

The surrounding scenes changed, and the originally bright hall turned into a hellish appearance. The strong smell of blood came from the tip of the nose, and the temperature rose sharply. It was like being roasted on a flame, but I couldn't say a word.

He struggled to look around, and saw that what was pinching him was an ordinary boy, but a devil who looked like Satan in Western mythology. His blood-red eyes burning with flames stared at him coldly. Zhang Hao did not dare to look at him. , closed his eyes in fear.

"Xu Qinghuan!" A cold female voice suddenly sounded in Zhang Hao's ears.

The scene around him changed, and he returned to the kendo hall full of classmates.

"Just a little joke, a little joke." Faced with Xia Yi's scolding, Xu Qing put down Zhang Hao with a smile and patted his shoulder.

"No next time." Xu Qing said with a smile.

The smile on Xu Qinghuan's face looked extremely terrifying to Zhang Hao. He didn't feel that he was out of danger. The other party took his life in just a thought.

The surrounding students didn't know what happened. In their eyes, it only took two or three seconds for Xu Qinghuan to pick up Zhang Hao and then put him down. Some students even thought that Xu Qinghuan was really generous and easily let go of his attacker.

Only Zhang Hao knew what he had experienced.

"Professor Li, remember to give me full marks."

Xu Qinghuan greeted Li Yi with a smile on his face, and the students naturally retreated to a path to let him leave.

"You won't leave until class is over?" Wang Xichao whispered as he followed Xu Qinghuan.

Although Xu Qinghuan won, it was too arrogant for him to leave immediately before get out of class was over.

"I have something urgent to deal with."

"What's the matter?"

"I bought a gourd baby online, but the merchant said that the one he sent me was a six-year-old baby that can become invisible. I was so anxious when I arrived that I didn't close the door, fearing that it would run away."

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