There was a violent knock on the door of the dormitory.

"Who is it?" Xu Qinghuan climbed down from the upper bunk impatiently.

The knock on the door was urgent, not like Wang Xichao's.

Opening the door, a feminine-looking man hugged Xu Qinghuan.

"Brother, you are really my brother!"

Xu Qinghuan pushed the person away with a look of disgust on his face and asked in confusion: "Brother Shen, why are you here?"

Shen Delu sat down on Xu Qinghuan's lower bunk, picked up the snacks on the table and started eating.

"That duel between you and Zhang Hao was so cool!" Shen Delu gave Xu Qinghuan a thumbs up while eating. The look of him gobbling up the food made Xu Qinghuan wonder how many days this workaholic had not eaten.

"How did you know?"

"It has been spread in school for a long time! I just opened a handicap in the forum and made a small profit of 10,000 yuan!" Shen Delu said proudly.

As soon as he heard about money, Xu Qinghuan's eyes lit up and he immediately sat next to Shen Delu: "There is such a thing!"

"Yeah, originally I never gambled, I just opened a hand, but Xia Yi beat you and won, so I tried to follow a little bit." Shen Delu smiled guiltily. In fact, he originally played a game. Hao, after seeing Xia Yi's comment, he immediately regretted it and suppressed Xu Qinghuan.

"You can't tell, Brother Xu, he is indeed the man Xia Yi likes!" Shen Delu winked at him and gave him a thumbs up.

Xu Qinghuan had no time to care about his own gossip, so he quickly asked: "You said Xia Yi was also suppressed?"

"Yes, she suppressed 100,000 yuan and made a lot of money."

Xu Qinghuan was so angry that Xia Yi took the advantage of fighting with him outside, right? No wonder the facially paralyzed woman smiled so happily.

Shen Delu didn't notice that Xu Qinghuan's expression was wrong, and said to himself: "Brother Xu, next time something like this happens, let me know in advance. It's not easy to make money. I'll arrange a few opponents for you, and win a few in a row first." times, and then deliberately lose when the odds are the highest, so we can make a lot of money from him, this is what those who play football and boxing matches do."

Xu Qinghuan on the side had already dialed Xia Yi's number.

The call is connected.

"How can you, as a brave man, gamble? Is this how your church teaches you? You won so much money with me and now you are pretending to be stupid like me?" Xu Qinghuan said viciously.

"Not knowing the outcome is gambling, knowing the outcome is investment." Xia Yi said calmly.

"Can you be more shameless?"

"I learn it from you."

"I don't care, you have to give me some points, right?"

"No." Xia Yi simply refused and hung up the phone.

Xu Qinghuan looked at the incompetence and rage of the newly bought mobile phone, and then looked at Shen Delu beside him. Shen Delu was so scared that he looked at her.

"Brother Shen, are you embarrassed about making so much money?" Xu Qing smiled happily and patted Shen Delu on the shoulder.

Shen Delu couldn't believe this and immediately expressed regret: "Brother, although I made a lot of money this time, I spent it all."

"Who are you lying to? I don't care, a 50-50 split is not excessive, right?" Xu Qinghuan grabbed Shen Delu's collar.

"It's true. As you know, having a girlfriend is very expensive." Shen Delu explained with an innocent look on his face.

"You still have a girlfriend?" Xu Qinghuan asked in surprise.

Xia Yi, Wang Xichao and Shen Delu were the only three people who had good relations with him in the college. Wang Xichao was out doing physical training every day, and Shen Delu wanted to work 23 hours a day, and rarely saw other people.

How can such a person have a girlfriend?

Speaking of this, Shen Delu became unusually shy: "We've been talking for two years."

"Which class are you in? Show me around another day."

Shen Delu had a feminine appearance and could be considered handsome, but his picky personality made Xu Qinghuan curious about what kind of woman could fall in love with him.

"We met online and we agreed to get married when she graduates."

"Online dating?"

"What's online dating? What we call soul mates!" Shen Delu argued hurriedly.

"Why do you have to spend money on online dating? You don't have to go out to eat or watch movies!" Xu Qinghuan felt that she had been deceived.

"Her family situation is not very good, and her father is also sick."

"Oh, that's it. Then you have to help her. I still have some remuneration from the execution department last time. How about..."

Shen Delu interrupted him and shook his head in refusal: "No, no, her father's illness is almost cured."

"That's good."

Xu Qinghuan sat on the bed and held his chin with one hand, thinking about how he could deduct some money from Xia Yi.

"Brother Xu, although I don't have much money, I can treat you to a big dinner!" Shen Delu suddenly remembered.

"How to eat? What to eat? When?" Xu Qinghuan became excited.

"The student union will hold a cocktail party at nine o'clock tonight. I work part-time as a waiter there. I can smuggle you in. The food at the cocktail party hosted by the rich young men in the student union will definitely be good!" Shen Delu was full of confidence.

"Okay! Let's go!" Xu Qinghuan jumped out of bed.

Shen Delu stopped him and said a little embarrassedly: "You can't get in if you dress like this. You have to dress decently."

"It's not easy to be decent." Xu Qinghuan opened his wardrobe, "I have white short-sleeved black short-sleeved floral short-sleeved shirts, and several pairs of pants. Which one is not all decent?"

"We have different understandings of decency." Shen Delu smiled awkwardly, "Are there any suits?"

Xu Qinghuan was a little dissatisfied and frowned: "Why, the suit is more decent than my short-sleeved shirt?"

Shen Delu shook his head quickly: "I don't think so, but you also know that the people in the student union are all vulgar people."

Xu Qinghuan thought for a while, then ran to the other side and rummaged through Wang Xichao's wardrobe.

"I remember that Xiao Wang brought a lot of suits when he came back last time. He said he bought them for him on Wednesday. When I get the chance, I will go and rip off the foreigners."

"What do you think of this one?" Xu Qinghuan pulled out a set of black clothes.

"Awesome!" Shen Delu gave a thumbs up.

Xu Qinghuan and Wang Xichao have similar body shapes, and the suit tailored for Wang Xichao fits him very well.

Then he randomly found a pair of Wang Xichao's leather shoes and put them on.

"Let's go! Defeat the student union!" Xu Qinghuan was full of confidence.

Looking at the clock, it was already half past eight, and the two of them left the dormitory together.

"By the way, Brother Shen, do you know if there is a spell that can make people see invisible things?"

"I've never heard of this, what's wrong?"

"I bought a gourd baby online. I picked one out of seven and shipped it randomly. I was unlucky and the merchant sent me a six-year-old baby. It is invisible. I don't know where it went. I looked for it all afternoon."

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