On the grassland by the lake, young men and women in colorful clothes danced to the music, and the air was filled with the smell of alcohol and perfume.

The Student Union holds a cocktail party every month at the end of each month. The location is random and depends on the wishes of the Student Union President. The current student union president, Lu Lin, is too lazy to travel around the world, so during his term, most of the receptions were held in the student union building or the playground by the lake.

Every day on this day, young girls will put on the most expensive dresses, the most exquisite makeup and the highest high heels, and boys will put on well-fitting suits and style their hair. Members from all over the world will spend this day Find a way to come back and attend this cocktail party.

The assets of the student union are as strong as those of the Fortune 500 listed companies. Most of these young people come from major clans. They represent not themselves but the families behind them. The conversations between them are not just between boys and girls. Flirting and gossip among students are more about confrontation and cooperation between clans.

The girl who took off her high heels danced barefoot on the grass with her male partner, and the boy who drank too much took the saxophone from the band member's hand and played "Hotel California" for everyone.

"Don't just focus on one thing! I've made the whole steak for you!" Shen Delu, who was wearing a black suit and tie, lowered his voice to remind Xu Qinghuan who was devouring the food next to him.

The student union's monthly cocktail party is extremely strict on who can be invited. A list of invitees will be made based on bloodline rating, student union position, clan background, etc. Xu Qinghuan has not stopped talking after following Shen Delu into the reception. Fortunately, these senior students On weekdays, I mostly intern at college branches around the world, so I have no doubts about Xu Qinghuan, an unfamiliar character.

"I know, I know, go get me a glass of champagne." Xu Qinghuan urged.

Xu Qinghuan, who had eaten and drank enough, couldn't help but want to have a cigarette after the meal. When he touched his trouser pocket, he remembered that he was wearing Wang Xichao's clothes and the cigarette fell into the pants he changed into.

At this scene, Xu Qinghuan remembered Wednesday fondly. The foreign devil seemed to be able to take out a box of fine cigars from his pocket at any time. What was even more exaggerated was that he could even conjure champagne for you, and even had a wine glass.

Bored, Xu Qinghuan started walking around to see if he could find a like-minded smoker to borrow a cigarette.

Lu Lin, who was wearing a white casual suit, came forward to speak with a glass of wine. He first said a bunch of official words, such as thanking everyone for their hard work this month and which item the student union had achieved impressive results in. Xu Qinghuan was too lazy to do so. Listen, he picked up the cup on the table and poured himself a glass of red wine and drank it in one gulp.

"Then, the dance begins!" As Lu Lin finished his last words, the band accompaniment started playing and the crowd cheered.

The men and women found dance partners one after another, and Xu Qinghuan was inexplicably squeezed into the middle of the crowd.

"Xu Qinghuan? Why are you here?" came a familiar female voice.

Lin Yue was wearing a high-end black dress and a pair of black high heels. She was already tall and was even a little taller than Xu Qinghuan.

"Do you have a cigarette?" Seeing Xu Qinghuan, an old acquaintance, was like seeing a life-saving straw.

"I don't smoke." Lin Yue shrugged, "Just wait, I'll get you one."

Lu Lin walked through the crowds and walked towards Lin Yue.

Lin Yue greeted him and declined Lu Lin's invitation to dance.

Xu Qinghuan sat on the bench boredly. He had already eaten. This wine would make him feel a little bored. He was going to go back to the dormitory after seeing Shen Delu and saying hello to him.

Lin Yue, who was wearing a black dress, sat next to him and handed over a thin cigar.

Xu Qing was overjoyed. With this cigar, he could barely stay here for a while longer.

"Where did it come from?" Xu Qinghuan took the cigar and put it in his mouth.

Lin Yue pointed behind him casually and said, "I asked a suitor for it."

Xu Qinghuan touched his pocket for a long time and found that he had no fire. Lin Yue came up and snapped his fingers, and a small ball of blue flame bloomed from his fingertips.

"Awesome!" Xu Qinghuan stepped forward and lit the cigar.

Lin Yue asked her doubts: "Why are you here?"

"Shen Delu brought me here. He works as a part-time waiter here, and he just happened to bring me in to eat and drink." Facing Lin Yue, Xu Qinghuan did not shy away.

"As expected of you two." Lin Yue was not surprised.

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Xu Qinghuan blew out a smoke ring. His relationship with Lin Yue was not so good that Lin Yue would light a cigarette for him. He must be asking for himself when he is attentive to nothing.

Lin Yue, whose thoughts were revealed, was not embarrassed. She smiled and said, "You are still smart. Actually, there is nothing else." After saying that, she moved closer to Xu Qinghuan and asked in a low voice: "You have become the devil. Any news about that person recently?"

Xu Qinghuan almost laughed out loud, thinking that it's just such a small thing, why don't I just sit next to you.

"There's no news. I haven't seen him since that time."

"Oh, that's it." Lin Yue's expression was a little disappointed.

"Why are you looking for him? I can give you a message next time I meet him. After all, there is no one in the world who knows him better than me." Xu Qinghuan was confused.

"It's nothing, just take it slow. Next time you want to come back to eat and drink, just tell me and I'll bring you in." After saying that, Lin Yue stood up and left.

Before taking two steps, Lin Yue turned around again, hesitated for a moment and said, "Next time you see him, thank him for me. Thank him for saving me twice."

Xu Qinghuan made an OK gesture.

"Don't worry, I will definitely bring the words to you."

Young men and women were laughing and dancing, and the air was filled with restless hormones.

Xu Qinghuan waited for a while, but couldn't wait to see Shen Deluren, so he took out his mobile phone and sent him a WeChat message, got up and prepared to leave.

He suddenly found a familiar figure in the crowd, sitting alone on the grass, looking at the men and women in groups with an expressionless face.

Xia Yi was wearing a simple white long dress. This was her only dress. She passed by a street stall a long time ago. She felt sorry for the old woman who set up the stall, so she spent fifty yuan to buy it.

It was incompatible with the various high-end and luxurious skirts worn by the girls around her.

Unlike Xu Qinghuan, she was invited to this cocktail party.

It's not that there are no boys who want to invite her to dance with her. After all, she is beautiful and powerful. She is the S-class that attracts the most attention in the school. She is also regarded as the top human being by even the world-wide Goddess organization.

But when the boys plucked up the courage to come forward and invite her, they were scared off by her expression.

Beautiful, but cold.

"Oh my God, why is this beautiful young lady sitting here alone? Isn't it because no man is willing to dance with her?" came a strange male voice, and the sarcasm in his words was very obvious.

A familiar voice came, and Xia Yi looked up. It was Xu Qinghuan in a black suit.

Xia Yi smiled rarely.

The person who invited Xia Yi to the cocktail party was Lin Yue. Naturally, the student union wanted to win over a figure like Xia Yi, so they formed this mission with Lin Yue, who was still familiar with Xia Yi. Xia Yi once asked Lin Yue what kind of cocktail party this was. Although she had never seen pork, she had seen pigs running away many times. During her brave days, she had participated in many celebration cocktail parties. Men and women who were drunk after three rounds of drinking were always They would hold hands and dance, and only she, the strongest warrior of mankind, sat in a high position and watched it all.

Lin Yue said you'd better bring a male companion, so Xia Yi struggled for many days thinking about how to speak to Xu Qinghuan, and even practiced her opening remarks alone many times. When Xu Qinghuan called her in the evening, she happened to want to call Xu Qinghuan. Who knew that Xu Qinghuan started talking to her about money viciously, which really made her angry.

She had never been like this.

Xia Yi asked: "Why are you here?"

Xu Qinghuan held two wine glasses and a bottle of red wine, sat down next to Xia Yi, poured a glass for himself and Xia Yi and handed it over, and Xia Yi reached out to take it.

"Shen Delu brought me here to have some food."


"You came alone?"

"Yeah." Xia Yi nodded, lowered his head and took a sip of wine.

"Aren't you bored sitting alone?" Xu Qinghuan was bold and bold. After finishing the drink, he poured himself another glass.

Xia Yi also imitated him and drank it all in one gulp. After a while of silence, she slowly spoke.

"People don't seem to like me."

Xu Qinghuan turned to look at Xia Yi with a puzzled expression.

Xia Yi seemed to be an average drinker, her face turned red after just one drink. She was looking up at the full moon in the sky. Under the moonlight, the girl's perfect profile gave Xu Qinghuan a rare special feeling.

Xu Qinghuan often mocked Xia Yi for being a brave man but not as popular as himself as a demon king, but he never took this seriously. After all, from a human aesthetic point of view, Xia Yi was impeccable in appearance and strength. He is powerful. Although his face is paralyzed, he is an extremely reassuring teammate. If I have to say his shortcomings, he is a bit poor at playing the game. He always likes to play with that disgusting mushroom dwarf.

Does she really feel unwelcome?

Thinking about it carefully, Xia Yi seems to be alone all the time. She really doesn't seem to have any friends around her. The dormitory she lives in in the school is also a luxurious single room for S-level students. She doesn't even have a roommate, and she always comes alone in class and after class. She went alone. She used to have dinner with her when she went to the cafeteria. But now she has Wang Xichao, an errand boy, to take her meals and rarely goes to the cafeteria.

People admired her beauty but were jealous of her strength.

Xu Qinghuan wanted to say some bad words to ridicule his mortal enemy, but he couldn't say it.

Xu Qinghuan didn't hate Xia Yi at all. Although she defeated him and made his plan to conquer the world go to waste, it was actually his own choice. In his eyes, Xia Yi was just a paranoid little girl with paranoid persistence. The axioms in my heart, although quite stupid, are hard to dislike.

Xu Qinghuan said: "After drinking this drink, let's go dance together."

At some point another man and woman squeezed into the happy crowd.

The man wore a custom-made black suit and danced gracefully and skillfully. The girl in the white dress danced stiffly and with unfamiliar steps, stepping on the man's feet from time to time.

It was difficult for the girl in the white dress not to attract the attention of the people around her, not because of her unsightly dancing, but because she was Xia Yi.

People were curious about what kind of man could invite Dongxiayi to dance with her.

Gorgeous fireworks were set off in the sky, which was the entertainment after the dance.

Xia Yi and Xu Qinghuan were lying side by side on the grass by the lake.

Xia Yi said softly: "Thank you, this is the first time someone has invited me to dance."

"Practice more when you go back. I borrowed my leather shoes from Xiao Wang. I don't know how to explain myself after you stepped on me like this." Xu Qinghuan complained.

"You dance very beautifully."

Hearing this, Xu Qinghuan immediately raised her nose and boasted: "That's not true. When I told you that I used to be a human, I went to high-end cocktail parties for the upper class. All the aristocratic ladies who wanted to dance with me came from The royal capital has reached the sea of ​​​​abyss! You have made a profit!"


"Do not believe?"

Xia Yi didn't answer.

Xu Qinghuan, who had drunk a little too much, sat up drunkenly, patted her chest and shouted: "Brother, I used to be a brave man! He was much better than you. You know that Princess Lacey, right? She was crying and shouting that she wanted to marry me. The king’s father came to intercede with me and asked me to marry her, but I refused!”

The alcohol made Xu Qinghuan a little dizzy and he lay back on the ground again.

"Dude, he became a hero when he was a human! Hey, he stopped being a human and became a demon. Guess what? He became the Demon King in just two years. Are you angry or not? This is called Where Are the Excellent People? All excellent!”

"Why don't you say anything?" Seeing that Xia Yi had been silent, Xu Qinghuan pushed her shoulder and walked closer to take a look, only to find that Xia Yi had already fallen asleep.

Xu Qinghuan carried Xia Yi and wandered back to the dormitory, only to realize that he didn't know where Xia Yi's dormitory was, so he carried Xia Yi back to his dormitory in anger.

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