Xu Qinghuan looked coldly at the god who was trampled under his feet. Xia Yi cut off the god's hands and feet so that he could not resist.

Xu Qinghuan bent down and stretched out his hand to remove the mask from his face.

The mask seemed to have grown on his face. Xu Qinghuan forcibly peeled it off, and a layer of bloody mask came off.

In the school, there is a luxurious boys' dormitory.

Wednesday was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed and his eyes closed. There was a palm-sized spider crawling on his right hand, with a faint thread connected to its tail.

"The attack is really cruel." Wednesday suddenly laughed.

As the mask was lifted, the bloody face under the mask was revealed in front of their eyes.

"Damn it, all your efforts were in vain." Xu Qinghuan threw away the face mask in his hand in disgust and cursed.

Suddenly the ground beneath his feet collapsed, and the surrounding scene turned into black ashes like a curtain on fire.

The dream world reveals its true form.

The ground was covered with viscous green liquid, and white spider silk as thick as an arm was everywhere, wrapping one mummy after another. From time to time, white giant eggs burst, and densely packed little spiders crawled out.

They were in a huge spider cave.

The monster that controlled their dreams finally appeared. It was a giant spider that was three or four stories tall.

At some point, the bodies of Xu Qinghuan and Xia Yi were wrapped in spider silk, and the giant spider crawled slowly toward its prey.

"It's really interesting that such a despicable thing dares to try to control my dream."

Xu Qinghuan effortlessly broke away from the arm-thick spider threads wrapped around his body and quietly observed the monster walking towards him.

"I'm really tired of these so-called gods who only hide in the dark and use despicable tricks." Xu Qinghuan turned to Xia Yi and said.

He has always hated people who play tricks and tricks.

The Demon King has always been open-minded and likes to have fair duels, using his absolute strength to crush his enemies into infinite despair.

The black sword light broke through the binding spider silk and headed straight for the giant spider in the distance.

Xia Yi floated in the air with her black wings spread out, watching coldly as the holy sword she threw split the giant spider in half.

This monster was really disgusting, and Xia Yi didn't want to get its blood.

Densely packed little spiders crawled out of the giant spider's corpse. They were said to be small spiders, but that was compared to the giant spider's behemoth corpse. In fact, each of these densely packed little spiders was about the size of an adult human.

Xia Yi stretched out his right hand in mid-air, and a black six-pointed magic circle emerged. A steady stream of black flames poured out from the magic circle like sea water, burning away all filth.

"This kind of magic is indeed better than a pure-blooded devil like you." Xu Qinghuan praised.

Before he could finish his words, a black sword light came in front of him. Xu Qinghuan was not prepared for this and had to evade in embarrassment.

"You're crazy!" Xu Qinghuan scolded.

Xia Yi held the holy sword in his hand and gave him no chance to react. He pursued again. Xu Qinghuan naturally did not dare to underestimate this brave man who had defeated him. He held his right hand in the void, and the ghostly Demon King's Sword appeared in his hand.

The battle between the two was extremely exciting, both using their strength and speed to the extreme.

Xia Yi's long black hair was fluttering, her eyes were red, and the golden light on the holy sword in her hand flickered weakly, and would be completely eroded by the black evil energy.

Xu Qinghuan had not experienced such a pleasant battle for a long time. Xia Yi's moves were not as smart and tricky as before, but became brutal and rough. The battle between the two had no skills and was all about strength and speed.

The two swords collided, and the violent aftermath rocked the entire dream world.

"Wonderful! Wonderful!"

Zhou Zhou, who closed his eyes tightly, looked pale, and pure golden blood flowed from his seven orifices, forcing himself to maintain the dream world. The spider on his right hand had died at some point, and lay quietly on his hand.

"Did I give you face?" Xu Qinghuan scolded.

Half of his left wing was cut off by Xia Yi, and he suffered varying degrees of injuries all over his body.

It's not that he really can't beat Xia Yi, especially since the holy sword in Xia Yi's hand was suppressed by her own demonic power, and she had lost her control over Xu Qinghuan. During the battle, he did not attack harshly, but Xia Yi tried his best to attack the vital point regardless of his moves. As a result, he was seriously injured, but Xia Yi was intact.

Xu Qinghuan was also angered and wanted Xia Yi to see how powerful he was. His body was healing rapidly, and his appearance became more like that of an evil ghost who had just crawled out of hell, with no human form at all.

As a demon king, he does have a way to absorb the power of other demons, but only if the demon cooperates instead of holding a sword to chop himself.

In the sky, two monster-like figures collided at high speed, and the huge aftermath caused the entire world to collapse.

Zhou Zhou opened his eyes suddenly, revealing a mouthful of pure golden blood. He elegantly took out a handkerchief from his chest pocket to straighten his appearance, and then picked up the dead spider that fell to the ground.

"Your death is worth it. I have mastered the weaknesses of the devil and the brave." Wednesday blew a breath, and the spider's body dissipated into powder, and the vague spider silk disappeared with it.

"The experiences of both people are very interesting, and their weaknesses are also obvious." Wednesday raised his glass and looked out the window with a proud smile on his face.

Xu Qinghuan suddenly jumped up from the bed, and without any explanation, he threw himself on Xia Yi, who had not yet woken up. He controlled her hands and feet, and was still muttering: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

The black-haired Xia Yi woke up unable to move, and the demonic power in her body gradually transferred into Xu Qinghuan's body.

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