The new year is approaching, and the first half of the freshman year has ended before you know it. Luxury cars have been coming and going in the college these days, and the young masters and ladies of the clan have embarked on their way home.

Xu Qinghuan leaned on the balcony bored and looked at the students downstairs carrying their suitcases home together. Everyone's face was beaming with joy, and it was inevitable that he felt a little bit disappointed in his heart.

He still had a home before. Although the rental house was small and the environment was poor, the landlady was always shouting for rent. It seemed like there was nothing worth remembering.

However, every year during the Chinese New Year, you can still eat hot dumplings with the bald store manager in the store. Xiaoyu will also take time to come to the store to pay New Year greetings and ask for red envelopes from the bald store manager.

Human beings are so strange. Even though it is an ordinary day, they still have to give it special meaning.

What should a person like me who has no home do?

Wang Xichao didn't want to go home either. His father had passed away and he was the only one at home. There was no point in going back.

Shen Delu was very happy. He had been looking at air tickets a few days ago and said he was going to a certain place to celebrate the New Year with his soul mate. This person who was always searching was unusually generous. Faced with a ticket that was several times more expensive than usual. She bought the ticket without blinking an eye. Xu Qinghuan sighed that human love is really great. You know, most people usually have to wait until the meal is over before going to the canteen to buy discounted leftovers.

Unfortunately, Shen Delu still failed to do so. Due to heavy fog, his flight was canceled and he was trapped here. To be precise, he was trapped in the dormitory of Xu Qinghuan and Wang Xichao. His roommate had already gone home and his dormitory key was I lost it before and never got it again in order to save money, so I took my suitcase and came to Xu Qinghuan's dormitory to borrow it.

The three men sighed and lamented about life in the dormitory.

"Why is this fog getting bigger and bigger?" Wang Xichao, who was lying on the upper bunk, stretched his head and looked out at the balcony.

"Where is the fog? It's obviously the smoke exhaled by Brother Xu." Shen Delu, who was on the lower bunk, coughed a few times, obviously choked by the smell of smoke. "I said, can you smoke less? According to research, smoking too much will Causing men to suffer from unspeakable secretions.”

Xu Qinghuan said without looking back: "You are living under someone else's roof now, so be careful what you say."

"But the fog is really ridiculously heavy." Xu Qinghuan said.

The heavy fog started yesterday. Most students were anxious to leave school for this reason. There was a continuous mountain road leading to the train station, and it was too foggy for vehicles to drive.

By the time Xu Qinghuan got up this morning, the fog had become so thick that the visibility was less than twenty meters.

Wang Xichao took out his mobile phone and checked the time.

"Hey, Xiao Wang has changed his mobile phone?" Shen Delu noticed that Wang Xichao's mobile phone had been changed.

"I don't know where he lost his old broken phone." Xu Qinghuan explained.

"It's so boring, why don't we come and fry golden flowers?" Shen Delu suggested.

By the time Lin Yue opened the door to the dormitory, Xu Qinghuan's whole body had been reduced to only a pair of large pants. Wang Xichao was not much better, with only one pair of trousers left, shivering from the cold.

"Are you playing cards with him?" Lin Yue looked at Xu Qinghuan and Wang Xichao as if they were fools.

Wang Xichao hurriedly jumped back to the upper bunk shyly and retracted under the quilt. Xu Qinghuan was fearless and stood up and scolded Shen Delu that there was something wrong with this kid. As he spoke, he reached out to turn over Shen Delu's sleeves.

"Every time I play a big card and you play a small card, you run away! If I steal the chicken with a small card, you follow!" Xu Qinghuan cursed, but did not find the hidden card from Shen Delu.

Lin Yue laughed and said, "I'm afraid you don't know his spell and you still dare to play cards with him."

"What's wrong?" Xu Qinghuan asked.

"His spell is called Tianyan, and it can calculate countless possibilities of things in a short period of time. You can think of him as someone who can predict the future." Lin Yue explained.

"No wonder you suggested playing cards, give me back your clothes!" Xu Qinghuan snatched the clothes that were lost to Shen Delu and put them on, while Lin Yue turned aside to avoid them.

"Isn't this boring? Find something to do." Shen Delu smiled apologetically.

"You are indeed quite boring. You actually use Tianyan to do such a thing. It would be normal if you went to Las Vegas to win money." Lin Yue complained.

Xu Qinghuan came to his senses and stared at Shen Delu as if he had discovered a rare treasure.

"That's right! We can go to the casino to gamble and use your spell to beat him hard! What kind of job can you do?"

Shen Delu shook his head and refused, "No, I never gamble, it will shorten my life."

"Then you were playing cards with us just now!" Xu Qinghuan said angrily. In his opinion, Shen Delu was looking for excuses not to make himself rich.

"What I'm playing cards with you for is neither clothes nor money. Things like money need to be obtained legally through one's own efforts. Gambling is not the right way." Shen Delu comforted Xu Qinghuan.

"Sister Lin Yue, are you here?" Wang Xichao asked.

Lin Yue took out a card, waved it in his hand, and said: "This is the pass for the college's ice cave. I found it on Vice Principal Lin's computer. Not long after your father... not long after your father's incident happened. Later, a mysterious container was transported into the college’s ice cave.”

"Are you interested in taking a look?" Lin Yue threw the card onto Wang Xichao's bed.

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