At night, a group of four people wearing black combat uniforms sneaked into a building in the back hill.

"Do we really need to change into this kind of clothes?" Xu Qinghuan tugged at the collar of the clothes that were strangling, "The fog is so thick that I can't see your faces clearly when we are face to face."

"Brother, this matter has nothing to do with me. Why do you have to drag me along? I really won't betray you." Shen Delu followed at the end and said with a sad face.

He has no interest in what is hidden in the ice cave of the college. After all, it has nothing to do with him. He just wants to stay in the dormitory and have a video call with his soul mate, thinking about where they will go together after meeting. How could Lin Yue let him go if he was watching a movie in the restaurant? After all, being caught trespassing into the academy's territory was not as simple as being punished. Now that Shen Delu had learned of their plan, it would be a mistake not to drag him into the pirate ship. He can't keep his mouth shut, and with Shen Delu's temperament, there's no telling how many people will be blackmailed for hush money over this matter in the future.

The most important thing is that his spell may come in handy.

So Shen Delu forced himself onto the pirate ship.

"This fog is indeed a bit outrageous." Lin Yue, the leader, said.

The heavy fog had not dissipated for two days, and was even getting thicker. Lin Yue could still walk on the road normally when she went to find Xu Qinghuan and the others in the afternoon, but now she only dared to explore the road cautiously.


Shen Delu's wail came from behind. It turned out that the fog was too heavy and he hit a tree.

Dark night, thick fog, and deserted school.

It's very much like a horror movie.

At some point another one slipped in among the four of them.

Lin Yue swiped her card to open the door.

Since the door was always locked, the fog did not invade the building, and everyone's sight was restored.

"Damn it, there's a spy!" Shen Delu exclaimed, and walked away quickly. Unfortunately, the door was locked and could only be opened with a pass.

Several people turned around after hearing his words.

"Why are you here?" Xu Qinghuan asked the figure who sneaked in.

Xia Yi was wearing a black combat uniform. Her silver hair was tied up with a bear leather band and tied into a high ponytail.

"I asked her to come. After all, she is S-level. Even if we fail, the academy will not do anything to us for her sake." Lin Yue stood behind Xia Yi and put his hands on her shoulders. He explained frankly.

"It turns out to be Miss Xia Yi. Let me tell you, look at her back, so youthful and beautiful." Shen Delu walked up and said hello.

Wang Xichao also looked at Xia Yi with gratitude, and Xia Yi just nodded slightly in response.

"Put on a hood, there is surveillance in this building." After saying that, Lin Yue took out a black hood from his pocket and put it on.

"Then we will definitely be discovered by the security guards? Otherwise, we should forget it. It's not shameful for the prodigal son to return without paying for the gold." Shen Delu backed down again.

"The security guards in the monitoring room have been knocked unconscious by me." Xia Yi put on a hood and could not see her expression.

Xu Qinghuan looked at Xia Yi in surprise, his eyes seeming to say, can you still do such a thing? Where is your pride as a brave man? What's the moral bottom line?

It's not that he didn't think of calling Xia Yi before he came, but he always felt that Xia Yi would refuse or even stop him after learning about it.

Xia Yi understood and shrugged.

Five hooded men in black, who looked like they were about to rob a bank, slipped into the building.

Under the leadership of Lin Yue, several people got into an elevator.

After Lin Yue swiped her card, she pressed the elevator button marked with the letter S, and the elevator slowly sank.

Lin Yue took off his hood and introduced to several people: "The college's ice cave is 500 meters underground in this building. It uses nearly a thousand tons of high-strength aluminum and stainless steel to build this underground world. There is no monitoring under the ice cave. , after all, even the gods cannot break in here."

Everyone also took off their hoods like she did.

The elevator slowly descended for two minutes and finally stopped. The elevator door opened, and a heavy cold air hit. Fortunately, the combat uniform was very effective in keeping out the cold.

"This is why you are asked to wear combat uniforms. Wearing large cotton-padded jackets is not conducive to our actions." Lin Yue explained to Xu Qinghuan.

Lin Yue inserted the pass card into the card gate, and the black and white screen lit up.

"Verifying visitor identity..."

"Visitor: Lin Tiannan, visitor identity confirmed."

The sound of gears turning came from the mechanical lock on the heavy steel door, and the door opened.

"Let's go."

Lin Yue was the first to bear the brunt and walked in.

Not long after everyone entered, the elevator started running again, the door opened, and Wednesday walked out, wearing a black suit, a standard three-piece suit, with a bouquet of bright red roses on his chest, and a black umbrella in his hand.

His expression was rare and solemn, as if he was attending a grand funeral.

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