The Good-For-Nothing Demon King's Road To Killing Gods

Chapter 59 The God Of Lies And Trickery

Rows of transparent warehouses made of tempered glass store countless strange and eccentric collections collected by the college over the years.

"Snake and chicken beast, danger rating B, included on April 2, 1993." Xu Qinghuan read the introduction on the lower right corner of the glass.

Looking through the glass, there is a monster specimen as tall as a person, with the body of a lion, the head and wings of a rooster, and the tail of a snake.

Stored in a warehouse nearby was half of a huge octopus tentacle. The tentacles were covered with sharp teeth. Although it was only half of it, it occupied half of the warehouse.

"The Tentacles of the Siren, Rated Demigod, collected on September 4, 2001." Wang Xichao read the introduction.

The group of people looked around, as if they were visiting a monster museum. Each warehouse in the ice cellar contained corpse specimens of various mythical monsters. Xu Qinghuan even looked at a short and ugly vampire that looked like a mummy. It had no Death, Xu Qinghuan saw its fingers move.

Not only were there some monsters from Western mythology, they also saw fish with wings, birds with human faces and four eyes, foxes with six tails, and so on.

Xu Qinghuan was not surprised. After all, many of his subordinates looked stranger than these monsters in the past.

Wang Xichao looked carefully. He had only learned about these monsters that existed only in myths and books from class books. This was the first time he had seen them with his own eyes.

"The school has built an underground monster museum. I don't understand why it is so mysterious. We should let Mr. Wang, who teaches the Encyclopedia of World Monsters, take the students to visit." Xu Qinghuan complained.

Lin Yue was also shocked and speechless. Her father had never mentioned to her that the ice cellar under the college contained all of these things.

"I told you that Principal Long is an old pervert with a special hobby of collecting." Shen Delu spat.

"Oh, oh, oh, shit!" Shen Delu, who was walking at the front, suddenly exclaimed.

"What's the matter with you making such a fuss all day?" Xu Qinghuan followed impatiently. Following the direction of Shen Delu's finger, a middle-aged man had his limbs penetrated by extreme blades and nailed to the wall made of high steel plates. His breath was weak. , looking embarrassed, with a blue container underneath him.

Xu Qinghuan shouted along with Shen Delu.

"Jesus! Damn it, the college actually caught Jesus!" Xu Qinghuan waved to Xia Yi, "Come on, come on!"

"Jesus! That's Vice Principal Lin!" Shen Delu lay on the glass and widened his eyes, trying to see clearly what was going on inside.

"Oh, I wonder why Jesus is still wearing a suit." Xu Qinghuan said awkwardly.

Lin Yue heard the noise in the distance and immediately ran over, knocking Shen Delu who was blocking his position, and saw clearly the face of the man nailed to the wall.

"Dad!" Lin Yue's tears fell instantly.

Lin Yue jumped onto the container and jumped up on the container.

"Don't!" It was already too late when Shen Delu spoke to stop him.

Lin Yue instantly pulled out the broken blade stuck in his father's limbs in mid-air, caught his falling father, and returned to the ground.

Vice Principal Lin's limbs were bleeding from the wounds pierced by the blades. Only then did Lin Yue realize that he had made a fatal mistake in his anxiety. The four sword blades that could have barely stopped the bleeding were pulled out recklessly. There was no With any hemostatic tool, the only way back to the ground is by taking the elevator for two minutes.

"let me."

Xu Qinghuan couldn't bear it. He pushed away Lin Yue, who was about to lose his mind in anxiety, and leaned down to look at the vice principal.

"No death allowed."

Xia Yi, who wanted to step forward to help, stopped when he saw this.

Shen Delu wanted to say that Brother Xu was not joking now, and Lin Yue's father was about to die, but when he looked at Xu Qinghuan, he was shocked by his aura. He felt that Xu Qinghuan seemed to have changed at that moment. My knees felt weak and I couldn't help but want to kneel down.

When Lin Yue heard those three familiar words, her heart trembled.

"Okay." Xu Qinghuan gave up his position, walked aside and smoked a cigarette, and became the ordinary person again.

The wounds on Vice Principal Lin's body healed quickly, and Shen Delu's jaw dropped when he saw it.

"Brother Xu, your incantation is so awesome. Do you have to die as a surgeon?" Shen Delu was in admiration.

"That's not the case." Xu Qinghuan raised her eyebrows proudly.

When everyone was busy just now, no one noticed the silent Wang Xichao walking towards the blue container as if he had lost his soul.

He stood quietly in front of the container.

"If I were you, I would never open it."

A familiar male voice came from the ice cellar.

Wednesday, in a black suit, held a black umbrella and walked towards the crowd with a smile.

"How did you get in!" Lin Yue scolded. She touched her arms and confirmed that the pass was still with her.

There are only three passes in the school that are authorized to enter the ice cellar. There is absolutely no way Wednesday can break in here. Who gave him the pass, the principal? Or is it Director Zhang from the execution department? What is his purpose here?

"Beautiful young lady, you will get old if you have a bad temper." Faced with Lin Yue's question, there was no displeasure on Zhou Zhou's face. He stretched out his right hand and conjured out of thin air a stack of pass cards that were exactly the same as those in Lin Yue's arms. .

Under everyone's surprised gazes, Wednesday conjured up stacks of communication certificates and threw them on the ground casually.

"Please, the person standing in front of you is the great god of lies and deceit. Isn't it easy to copy this gadget?" Wednesday smiled extremely proudly.

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