"What the hell? Is there such a god?" Xu Qinghuan turned to look at Lin Yue doubtfully.

He had already guessed that Wednesday's identity must be unusual, and he was not surprised even if Wednesday claimed to be a god.

God of lies and deceit? Sounds like a minor role.

Lin Yue said coldly: "Loki, the god of lies and tricks in Nordic mythology, the sworn brother of the main god Odin, is also the source of Ragnarok."

Her face was ashen, the other party was the main god in Norse mythology, and there was no way her group could survive.

The most important thing now is to inform the school to destroy the exit of the ice cellar and make sure this god is imprisoned here. She once heard her father say that the ice cellar has a self-destruction system. When activated, the bomb hidden in the elevator track will destroy all exits that can be escaped. All the doors in the ice cellar will be locked, and this place will become a place truly separated from heaven and earth. .

But there was no signal at all in this damn place and the information could not be sent out. Lin Yue forced herself to calm down and tried to say something to delay Wednesday.

At some point, Shen Delu sneaked and hid behind a wall, and ordered Tianyan to use all his strength to find a chance for his group to survive.

Xu Qinghuan popped out the cigarette butt in his hand and spoke first: "The king of liars, right? So you are the one who attacked us before?"

"Exactly." Zhou Zhou bowed slightly and moved gracefully, "But that can't be regarded as a sneak attack. I am very aboveboard."

"Why?" Xu Qinghuan asked again.

This question seems to suit Wednesday's taste. After the conspiracy and tricks succeed, most schemers will always talk endlessly about their own schemes, let alone Loki, who is the god of lies and tricks.

"That night, the Samurai God Society sent a ship to the dock to receive the goods. I killed all the people on the ship and prepared to retrieve the God's things. The appearance of the two of you disrupted my plan." Wednesday smiled, "Since then, I have been Watching you in secret."

"I wanted to kill you while you were in love and killing each other, but you!" Wednesday looked at Xu Qinghuan with excitement, "You really surprised me."

"I have been studying the source of your power, so I let the guy named Li Pei go and gave him divine blood. Who knew that useless guy almost died in the hands of the Night Watch team."

Wednesday took out a mask from his arms, which was exactly the one worn by the mysterious man.

"So I gave him the mask again, so that he could gain my power in a short time." Looking at the expressionless Xu Qinghuan on Wednesday, he laughed, "But I found that you two have become too weak! So I made the temporary modification I read the script and decided to let my puppet kill you, and then let him be killed by Wang Xichao who came over."

Xu Qinghuan and Xia Yi looked at each other. No wonder Li Pei's power suddenly increased to the point that it could threaten their lives.

Wednesday introduced his original plan energetically: "I prepared the eight-legged god Masleipnir and the gun of destiny Kungunir for him, so that he could appear in the grandest way and kill with his own hands what he thought The enemy who killed his father." When he said this, he suddenly stopped and turned to look at Xia Yi, "Unfortunately, I didn't expect that sister Xia Yi had a hand in killing Li Pei before Wang Xichao arrived, disrupting me again. script."

Wang Xichao stood in front of the container in a daze. He didn't know why he was also included in Wednesday's plan.

"I have a question, why Xiao Wang?" Xu Qinghuan interrupted.

"Good question!" Wednesday laughed wildly and clapped, saying with a wicked smile on his face: "But I just won't tell you, you, you, are so cute."

"Dear, the one we randomly arrived here is the sixth child. He will be invisible. Please look for him in the room." Wednesday's voice suddenly turned into a delicate girl's.

"It's you!" Xu Qinghuan exclaimed in surprise with an exaggerated expression.

Wednesday looked proud: "Of course it's me. I monitored all your online records and found that you are always searching for some weird things, such as talking ducks, Ultraman transformers, and dinosaur eggs, so I pretended to be a seller of wild gourd dolls and sent you a message, and you were indeed fooled."

Xu Qinghuan looked at the strange looks cast by several people and explained forcefully: "What are you looking at? I'm just a little curious." Then he looked at Wednesday: "You spent so much time selling me the invisible gourd baby just to laugh at me. ?”

Wednesday shook his head proudly: "Of course not, I'm not that boring, although it is indeed ridiculous. I coated the courier box with the dreamcatcher's slime, so I can use it to enter your dreams. I love you two. I used to be so curious.”

"That's not right. I understand that the boxes I unpacked are covered in mucus." Xu Qinghuan pointed to Xia Yi aside, "What about her? She also bought something from you?"

"I'm not sure about this either." Wednesday looked at Xia Yi.

Xia Yi turned her head to the side and avoided their eyes with a guilty conscience.

Xu Qinghuan shrugged and no longer struggled with this issue.

"last question."

Wednesday made a gesture of invitation.

"Since you know my identity through dreams." Xu Qinghuan's expression was solemn. The terrifying huge bone wings pierced the skin on his back and stretched out. Black and red scales grew all over his body, and his blood-red eyes burned with an eternal fire. of hellfire.

"Then how dare you appear in front of me!"

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