A simple apartment.

A girl in a kimono is standing on the balcony singing the song for the evening performance.

The girl held her chin up and stared at the night sky.

There was no one on the street outside the window, or it could be said that there were no lights in the whole city, and there was a sense of lifelessness and depression.

The eerie red moon hangs in the night sky.

There was a noise outside the house.

A tall man in a suit opened the door and walked in, wearing a traditional Japanese nōgō mask on his face.

The girl was obviously dissatisfied with the man entering her home like this. She frowned and looked at the masked man: "If you don't learn how to knock on the door, I will let you stay here forever."

The masked man smiled nonchalantly and said, "I have brought you good news."


"The person we have been waiting for is coming to Japan." The masked man said, with unconcealable joy in his words.

"I know." The girl nodded.

"Why don't you look happy?" The masked man wondered.

"Help me arrange tonight's performance." The girl said calmly.

"Okay." The masked man made an OK gesture and turned around to leave.

"Did my sister cause any trouble today?" the girl asked.

"She has adapted very well now. But she has been looking for you." The masked man replied.

"I know." The girl nodded and waved to see the guest off.

"One more thing. The two people who will come with him this time are very special." The man handed over the folder in his hand, "You can take a look at it when you have time. The two of them should be Principal Long's trump cards. It is said that they Defeated Loki."

"Loki? You deserve it." The girl took the folder and looked through it.

"This silver-haired girl is so beautiful." The girl praised, and then turned to the next page. The man in the photo made her frown, "This man is quite ordinary."

"The woman's name is Xia Yi and the man's name is Xu Qinghuan. Their identities are very mysterious. We can only find information about them in the past two years. It's like they appeared in this world out of thin air."

"Is your information accurate? Why does it say that this guy named Xu Qinghuan worked in a convenience store for more than a year?" The girl frowned, "This silver-haired girl worked in a cake shop for more than a year?"

"The information is correct, it is probably the disguise of the two of them." The masked man said, "This is a common trick used by Principal Long."

"Okay, I understand." The girl closed the document, "You don't have to worry about these two people, I have a way."

The girl waved her guests off.

The masked man opened the door and was about to leave, then turned around and said to the girl: "I can understand your mood. If you keep a pet for a long time, you will inevitably have some feelings, but a pet is just a pet."

"You let him go once five years ago. Now with your current situation, I believe you won't be stupid again."

The door was closed and the masked man had left.

The girl was lying on the bed boredly, and occasionally heard the distant roar of monsters in her ears.

"Mengyu, that's really not a good name."

The young man in a black coat was holding a long knife. In front of him was a middle-aged Japanese man who knelt down and begged for mercy. While begging for mercy, he was protecting his six or seven-year-old daughter behind him.

The young man moved and picked up the little girl with one hand. At the same time, the long knife in the other hand stabbed the father from behind.

Although he covered the little girl's eyes, the girl already guessed what happened, and her helpless cries were heartbreaking.

The little girl struggled wildly in the man's arms, but the man reluctantly put her down again.

The girl threw herself at her father, who was lying in a pool of blood, trying to pull out the knife stuck in his back.

"If you want him alive, don't pull out that knife." The young man said in broken Japanese.

The girl glared at the man who killed her father.

The young man avoided the girl's gaze and left.

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