Paris, France, in a hotel in the city center.

The tall, thin man with a feminine face opened the door and tiredly hung his coat on the hanger.

He sat at the table and reviewed the tasks of these days.

The phone in his pants pocket rang.

"Principal." The man answered the phone and said calmly.


The man hung up the phone, opened the laptop on the table, and after various complex identity verifications, logged into the college's executive department's webpage.

He opened his mailbox and displayed an email with the latest mission from the Execution Department.

The content of the email was very simple, so simple that he doubted whether it was a previous mission.

To put it simply, he will arrive at the airport in Yinhai City in China in three days, meet up with his two new teammates for this mission, and fly to Japan.

In order to deceive others, the executive department also signed up the three of them for a sunset red tour group.

The mission goal was not specified, but he was asked to try his best to ensure that his two teammates stayed in Japan before receiving further instructions.

The man has never received such a strange task, especially the words "try to ensure" in the task have never appeared in the task book. The tasks issued by the execution department in the past have always been short and clear.

He clicked on the mission attachment, which contained two photos and a eloquent description of the relationship between the characters.

The first photo showed a silver-haired girl looking coldly at the camera, and the second photo showed a handsome young man with a bright smile and a cigarette in his mouth.

"Xia Yi, Xu Qinghuan."

Even men who rarely appear in the academy have heard the gossip about these two people. One is a silver-haired girl who fought against a mysterious demigod before entering school. That incident caused a huge sensation around the world, and the other A guy named Xu Qinghuan is Xia Yi's rumored boyfriend and the first D-level student since the school was founded.

The man began to carefully read the character relationships and backgrounds drawn up by the executive department for the three of them.

It seems that the people in the execution department are also on the front line. I briefly mentioned the man's background in a few sentences. The tens of thousands of words are written about the relationship between Xu Qinghuan and Xia Yi. In the background, they were newly married. The young couple, in order to save money, chose a cheap senior tour group to honeymoon in Japan.

Details include how the two met, the layout of the wedding venue, how many times they had been in love, what university they attended, and what jobs they were engaged in.

The man sat in front of the computer, read this introduction with some interest, and closed the computer.

Then he walked into the bathroom, opened a video on his mobile phone, turned the volume to the maximum, then changed his clothes and rinsed under the shower.

The man who had taken a shower was lying on the bed. The girl's miserable screams and fierce and desperate eyes made him once again doubt the meaning of his existence.

You will definitely go to hell after you die.

He slowly fell asleep.

Perhaps because he was about to leave for Japan, he had a rare dream.

In the dream, he stood at the foot of Mount Fuji, and brilliant fireworks filled the night sky.

There was a girl beside him, but no matter how hard he tried in the dream, he couldn't see the girl's face clearly.

It was morning when I opened my eyes again.

The man packed his simple luggage and walked out of the hotel carrying a bag.

It was already noon after handing over the task to the local personnel of the execution department. The man casually bought some food for the two of them at a nearby bakery, and then took a taxi to the airport.

Paris is indeed a romantic city, and couples embracing and kissing can be seen everywhere.

When we arrived at the airport, it was still more than three hours before the plane took off, and we didn't successfully board the plane until nightfall.

The man was overlooking the night view of the city from the plane. He had been to many countries over the years, but he had been in a hurry and had no time to appreciate it.

What a lonely life.

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