A red Ferrari drove into Sunshine Home Community, and passers-by turned their heads to look sideways. Such luxury cars are rare even in the city center, let alone in this resettlement community.

The security guard on the door poked his head out of the window, and the Ferrari lowered the window. It was a girl who was beautiful enough to be a big star, and there was a handsome man sitting in the passenger seat.

"Looking for someone." The girl said politely.

"Okay...ok..." The guard quickly raised the bar to let him through.

The young man in the passenger seat frowned and looked at his surroundings.

"Vinegar! Give me the vinegar."

"This is soy sauce!"

"Plate, bring the plate!"

In the kitchen, Xia Yi was cooking vegetables in a hurry, with great momentum, while Xu Qinghuan was on the side. The exhaust ventilation in this old house is not very good, and the entire kitchen is filled with the choking smell of oil smoke.

At first, Xu Qinghuan thought that as a baker, Xia Yi's cooking skills would not be too bad. After all, she was engaged in catering work. Facts have proved that there is still a big difference between making bread and cooking. Xia Yi seemed to be a little obsessed with this. After returning, she insisted on cooking by herself. In the end, the two of them could only order takeout.

Xia Yi walked out with a plate of dark food, obviously failing again.

Xu Qinghuan was very supportive, saying that he had made progress this time, and then pressed the order button on the mobile takeout app.

There was a knock on the door outside the house.

Xu Qinghuan thought that his takeaway had arrived, and thought to himself, is the takeaway boy so efficient? You have to make it clear before placing the order.

Lin Yue and Wu Yu climbed the stairs that were in disrepair.

"Does Xia Yi live here? Could it be that the college made a mistake?" Wu Yu initially thought that based on Xia Yi's status, it must be not only a single-family villa, but at least a duplex in a high-end community in a prosperous area.

"In the admission information, this is the place she filled in." Lin Yue replied.

Wu Yu stopped talking.

"That's it." Lin Yue stood at the door of 601.

The sound insulation of the house was not very good. The two people standing at the door could vaguely hear the sound of cooking coming from the house, and could also smell the smell of cooking.

Wu Yu knocked on the door.

The door opened and a familiar male voice came.

"Your speed is too fast. I just placed the order..."

Xu Qinghuan looked at Lin Yue and Wu Yu standing at the door with a puzzled look on his face, then suddenly realized and his face turned cold.

"What are you doing here? I've already agreed that I don't have the money to compensate you. The blame must be borne by the foreign devils."

After the college's ice cellar was destroyed, he had been worried that the college would ask him to compensate.

Lin Yue and Wu Yu at the door were also stunned. The two first went to find Xu Qinghuan, and learned from a rather fierce landlord that Xu Qinghuan had quit the rent a few months ago before enrolling in school. Then they came to find Xia Yi, but they did not expect that the two of them actually lived together.

"What's wrong?"

Xia Yi heard the movement at the door and ran over.

Xia Yi was wearing white woolen pajamas and a pink apron. Her face was stained with ash from nowhere. Her signature long silver hair was tied into a homely ponytail, and the broken hair on her forehead was still burnt by the fire. curly. The right hand that had defeated gods with a sword was currently holding a spatula with some unknown black objects on it.

Lin Yue and Wu Yu couldn't believe their eyes, they were shocked and speechless.

"It's you." Xia Yi invited the two of them to come in, but Xu Qinghuan stopped them.

Xu Qinghuan closed the door and whispered in Xia Yi's ear: "We collapsed the school's ice cellar. They must be here to ask for money."

Xia Yi said expressionlessly: "It was you who broke it, it has nothing to do with me."

Xu Qinghuan was about to angrily accuse Xia Yi of being unjust. After thinking about it, he put on an indifferent expression, shrugged and said, "Whatever, I don't have the money to give them anyway. At worst, I'll kill them all and let this be over. They will regret in hell that they ever asked the devil for money.”

Xia Yi opened the door. Lin Yue and Wu Yu were about to speak but she interrupted them directly: "Do you want money? I think his contribution far outweighs the damage."

"What do you mean?" Wu Yu was confused by the unprovoked conversation between the two.

"Nothing, nothing." Lin Yue quickly explained to Wu Yu while giving Xia Yi a look.

That night, the college's underground ice cellar was not made public at the instruction of the principal. Not many people knew the truth. The reason for the disclosure was that the mountain collapsed and it was being urgently rebuilt.

Lin Yue and Wu Yu were sitting on the sofa.

"What are you two here for?" Xu Qinghuan poured water for the two of them as a master.

Xia Yi quickly brought the dark dishes on the table back to the kitchen.

Wu Yu's expression became serious.

"The war between us and the Samurai God Society has begun."

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