"So? Why did you come to us?" Xu Qinghuan was confused.

What's the meaning? Call yourself a cheap thug?

Wu Yu didn't care about Xu Qinghuan's attitude and kept looking at Xia Yi who came out of the kitchen. Of course he had heard that Xu Qinghuan once defeated a senior senior student in a kendo class with one move, but this was not a big deal in his eyes. The proud captain of the executive department always looked down on those who relied on their clan background to get around in the student union. Among the playboys in his life, the only one he could admire so far was Xia Yi, and of course the man who smashed the god's head with his fist that night.

What a terrifying man that was, just one look made him want to kneel down.

Wu Yu has always regarded that incident as a stain in his life.

"I will not interfere in the war between humans." Xia Yi still had the same expression, but her dirty face and slightly curly hair burned by sparks on her forehead made her less cold.

"The people in the Samurai God Society are a group of monsters, not human beings! They started a war, and the academy has no choice but to fight!" Wu Yu advised.

As the captain of the execution team who performs tasks outside all year round, Wu Yu's only source of news about the school is the announcements issued by the execution department.

Xia Yi was relatively unmoved.

Xu Qinghuan brought out the cut fruit plate from the kitchen and placed it on the coffee table in front of the two of them. To him, as long as the two of them were not here to ask for compensation, it didn't matter.

"Eat, you're welcome."

Xu Qinghuan warmly entertained the two.

Wu Yu noticed Lin Yue's weirdness next to him. Lin Yue's body couldn't help but tremble whenever Xu Qinghuan came close, as if she had been avoiding Xu Qinghuan's gaze.

"How is your dad's health?" Xu Qinghuan was sitting on the sofa on the side, peeling oranges in his hands, chatting familiarly with Lin Yue about home affairs.

Lin Yue was like a student who was called on by the teacher in class. Without raising her head, she stammered: "Recovering very well." After finishing speaking, he seemed to realize that his answer was inappropriate, and added a thank you.

Although Wu Yu was surprised by Lin Yue's uncharacteristic behavior, Lin Yue's words also reminded him.

"You should know that Vice-Principal Lin was attacked, right? It is said that people from the Samurai God Society infiltrated this class of freshmen, attacked Vice-Principal Lin, got a pass to the ice cave of the college, and blew up the ice cave! "

Xu Qinghuan felt ridiculous and couldn't help laughing.

"Where did you hear all this gossip?"

"Don't you even read the announcements posted on the college's official forum?" Wu Yu felt impatient with Xu Qinghuan's frequent interruptions.

Xu Qinghuan gave Xia Yi a look.

I didn’t expect that the academy was so shameless, and blamed all bad things on the Samurai Goddess.

Wu Yu then thought about it, Xu Qinghuan had an unusual relationship with Xia Yi after all, and he could be used as a breakthrough point.

"Also, your roommate Wang Xichao disappeared mysteriously the night after the ice cave was destroyed."

Before Wu Yu finished speaking, Lin Yue kicked him and looked at Wu Yu with an ugly expression to signal him to stop talking.

Xu Qinghuan's face turned cold, and his tone became cold: "What do you want to say?"

"Wang Xichao, the academy now suspects that he is a spy sent by the Samurai God Society. After all, his father is also..." Wu Yu did not dare to continue talking.

The temperature in the warm room dropped sharply and was filled with strong murderous intent. In an instant, Wu Yu's back was soaked with cold sweat.

The school's medical building.

Principal Long, wearing a Chinese tunic suit, walked quickly down the corridor, followed by a young man with glasses also wearing black.

"News came from the European branch that the dens of the Samurai God Guild there have been cleaned out. So far, we have cleared out twenty-eight dens of the Samurai God Guild. During this period, we encountered a lot of resistance and let many people go. "The man with glasses reported mechanically.

The members of the Samurai God Society come from all over the world, and many of them are originally children of famous families. Naturally, these families will not sit idly by as the academy carries out plans to eliminate the Samurai God Society. After all, it is a matter of their family’s face.

Principal Long kept walking and nodded: "Very good. Have the demons in Japan responded?"

The man with glasses replied respectfully: "We have been blocked by a force, most likely people sent by the evil ghosts. During this time, Chiba Fujiwara, the head of the Fujiwara family, has been contacting you, hoping to communicate with you." Telephone."

Principal Long stopped.

"Tell them that I will go to Japan in person in a few days."

"Principal, this is too risky. After all, the war between us and the evil ghosts is about to break out." The man with glasses tried to dissuade him.

Principal Long waved his hand to signal him to stop talking.

"I haven't been to Japan yet."

The two of them walked outside the door of a ward. Principal Long stopped and the man with glasses also respectfully guarded the door.

"By the way, remember to tell them the reason for my trip this time."

"What is it?" the man with glasses asked.

"Let's just say that two of our students have lost contact in Japan."

Principal Long pushed open the ward door.

This room is too luxurious to be associated with a ward. It has a dedicated living room, bedroom, panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows, and 24-hour doctor and nurse care.

A thin figure was sitting on the sofa facing the floor-to-ceiling window, smoking a cigarette.

"It looks like you're recovering well like this."

Principal Long walked over to the man and sat down next to him. He took out a box of cigarettes from the pocket of the man's hospital gown and frowned.

"I never told you, this kind of woman is boring to smoke."

The patient living in this ward is Vice Principal Lin.

"I'm used to it." Vice Principal Lin smiled.

"How are you recovering from your injuries? I'm busy with a lot of things when you're not at school." Principal Long took out a hand-rolled cigarette from his pocket and lit it.

"I heard that you just came back from vacation abroad." Vice Principal Lin said.

Principal Long, whose lie was exposed, laughed twice and patted Vice Principal Lin on the shoulder: "Seeing that you are recovering well, I feel relieved."

"I asked the admissions department, were you the one who recruited me on Wednesday?" Vice Principal Lin looked directly at Principal Long.

Principal Long's smile faded and he nodded.

Vice Principal Lin spoke again: "I was injured by him."

"There are such rebellious students every year." Principal Long shrugged.

"It seems that you already knew that he was a god." Vice Principal Lin put out the cigarette butt. He was injured by Wednesday. As the vice-principal, he was once an excellent swordsman, but he had no ability to fight back against Wednesday. The suppression of his blood still remains fresh in his memory.

"Of course." Principal Long nodded.

"Have you already taken action against the Samurai God Society?" Vice Principal Lin asked.

"The Samurai God Society's dens have been cleared out in most places around the world, and their home base in Japan is still left." Principal Long seemed to be in a good mood, crossing his legs to enjoy the beautiful scenery outside the window.

"What a thunderous method. You must have been preparing for this day for a long time." Vice Principal Lin sneered.

"Don't worry, the perfect Evolutionary Pharmacy School will be developed soon. Yueyue will be fine." Principal Long stood up and said, "Hurry up and leave the hospital. I have asked the doctor and your injury has been cured long ago."

"Are you telling the truth?" Vice Principal Lin looked excited.

"When making a deal with the gods, the price paid is huge, and the rewards are certainly huge."

Principal Long walked to the door and stopped, turned around and said, "I'm going to Japan in two days. If I don't come back, you, the vice principal, can become a full-time employee."

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