At Yinhai Airport, there are only five days left before the Chinese New Year. The airport is full of pedestrians dragging suitcases home and tourists taking advantage of the Spring Festival holiday.

Linjiang City, as a third-tier small city, does not have its own airport, so Xu Qinghuan and Xia Yi had to take a bus to Yinhai City next door. In fact, it's not that they can't fly to Japan like last time, but after experiencing the battle with Rocky at his peak, Xu Qinghuan's magic power has been exhausted. Moreover, this trip is different from the last one-night trip. They need to go The formal procedure is to stay in Japan for a period of time, and the college specially applied for passports and related documents for the two of them.

On the chairs in the waiting hall, Xu Qinghuan and Xia Yi were wearing thick down jackets, sunglasses and baseball caps.

"I thought the college would arrange a special flight, but I didn't expect that we would have to buy our own tickets!" Xu Qinghuan was lying on a chair, occupying two seats per person, frowning, obviously very dissatisfied with the college's arrangements. She flew abroad during the Chinese New Year. The air ticket was much more expensive than usual. Xia Yi paid for his air ticket in advance, but he had no intention of paying it back.

Xia Yi sat quietly in her seat and was searching for relevant information about Japan on her mobile phone. She didn't know much about the history of Japan, so she was supplementing her knowledge. The more she read, the more frightened she became.

Even though he was a brave man who had been fighting demons for many years, he could not imagine that someone could commit such a crime during the war.

Xia Yi pushed Xu Qinghuan aside with her arm and handed the phone over.

"What for?" Xu Qinghuan took the phone in confusion.

A video about a certain massacre in history is playing on the screen.

Xia Yi took off the headphones from her ears and put them into Xu Qinghuan's ears.

The video lasted about twenty minutes. At first, Xu Qinghuan thought it was just an ordinary video introducing war. He didn't care and said that war is so cruel. As a brave man, have you never seen such a small scene? As the video progressed, his brows gradually furrowed, his expression became serious, and he remained silent for the rest of the time.

After the video playback ended, Xu Qinghuan still looked at the phone blankly.

"What kind of devilish place are we going to?" Xu Qinghuan sighed with emotion.

In the rental house he rented, he watched a lot of Japanese animations and movies, some of which were about love and friendship, some passionate and some touching. Of course, he also watched the 18-ban erotic films. At that time, he was not yet Knowing the history of that country, I just feel that this country is really strange, so strange that it is divided. They can not only make simple and touching pure love movies and animations, but also allow the proliferation of the AV industry.

The first time he came into contact with the 18-ban movies, Xu Qinghuan was still living in a rented house. Looking at the pictures on the screen, he was surprised that there was such a place in the world that tortured women, and that some people would force women to film them. This kind of movie simply shattered the devil's views. When the devil regained his magic power, he flew to rescue the girls in the video as soon as possible. Later, I learned that these pornographic films are legal in Japan, and the actresses voluntarily participated in them. In this industry, Lord Demon King's three views were once again shattered.

Later, Xia Yi and I briefly took a one-night trip to Tokyo. When we were overlooking the entire city from Tokyo Tower, we really couldn't imagine that these people were actually the descendants of demons.

Xia Yi took back the phone.

"These people are demons!" Xu Qinghuan realized that what he said was inappropriate, and added: "We demons can't do such a thing!"

Xia Yi did not refute. In her war with demons, the demon army rarely killed and tortured civilians. Under the leadership of the new king, the demon army was more like a well-disciplined human army.

A thin man wearing a black coat walked up to the two of them.

"Palace Jade Wine." The man said the secret code lightly.

"One hundred and eighty cups." Xu Qinghuan subconsciously understood the code,

"Xiao Shen! You are healed!" Xu Qinghuan looked at the man's face in surprise. The familiar feminine and beautiful face was looking at the two of them indifferently.

"Two commissioners, I am Shen Mengyu, captain of the first team of the execution department."

The man introduced himself expressionlessly.

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