"Xiao Shen, is your brain burned out?" Xu Qinghuan frowned, stood up and reached out to touch Shen Mengyu's forehead, but Shen Mengyu avoided it with a cold face.

"Shen Delu is my brother."

Xu Qinghuan stared at Shen Mengyu's face suspiciously. Although the man in front of him looked very similar to Shen Delu, his temperament was very different. The man had a straight back and was wearing a fitted black coat. He was unsmiling and exuded a cold temperament. , looking at the two of them coldly.

Xu Qinghuan took out his mobile phone, opened WeChat, and made a video call to Shen Delu.

"Xia Yi." Xia Yi nodded to Shen Mengyu as a greeting, and then continued to learn about Japan with her head down.

The video call was connected, and Shen Delu on the other side of the screen was sitting in the doorman wearing a security uniform.

"Hey Brother Xu, are you really going to rob a bank dressed like this?" Shen Delu waved to Xu Qinghuan. The whistle of a truck came from the other end of the video. Shen Delu turned around and shouted: "They are building roads inside, let's go." Simon, go to Simon!”

"Brother Xu, I haven't reached that point yet and found a God of Wealth who provides food and accommodation, but you, why didn't you find your girlfriend and instead started working as a security guard?"

"I did a divination for myself. The divination showed that the timing was not right, so I didn't go. I took advantage of the winter vacation to make more money. The college is currently building a building and is short of a security guard to watch the construction site. It costs less and is closer to the dormitory." Shen Delu smiled. said.

Shen Delu is also very crazy. Xu Qinghuan always talked about his previous job as a devil in the dormitory and boasted about his great achievements. Shen Delu just thought he was farting. After what happened that night, he learned about the relationship between Xu Qinghuan and Xia Yi. Because of his identity, he did not feel afraid at all to create a sense of distance from the two of them. Instead, he called Xu Qinghuan every day and encouraged him to work hard to help him achieve wealth and freedom. He also said that men should conquer the world. In the future, you will be the king of the world. Don't forget that my younger brother gave me the title of an idle official who has nothing to do and only uses money to show his prestige and does nothing.

Xia Yi looked at her phone to herself. Xu Qinghuan and Shen Delu were chatting on the phone, leaving Shen Mengyu aside for a while.

Shen Delu was filled with envy when he learned that Xu Qinghuan was going to Japan on this trip.

Shen Delu said, I knew you finally couldn't help but attack Japan. It's full of kawaii girls and bustling custom streets. Just wait for me. I'll resign now and go to Japan with you. Japan and we are a feud. , we will feel guilty when we go there.

Xu Qinghuan said, "You think too much. Look who is next to me." He turned the camera to Xia Yi, who waved hello to Shen Delu in the video.

Shen Delu was shocked and subconsciously lowered his voice and said, "Why did you bring this bitch with you?" Co-author: You didn’t go to Japan to promote Chinese culture but to travel? If that's the case, I won't get involved and be your light bulb.

Xu Qinghuan said helplessly that his home was robbed. A brave little thief actually ran into his home and stole Xiao Wang's gun and left a note. He and Xia Yi were going to Japan to catch the thief. He was taught a lesson and took on an academy assignment to earn some money to spend.

The two chatted non-stop.

Shen Mengyu just stood aside quietly, frowning slightly as he looked at the two people standing next to him.

They have no idea what the title of captain of the first execution team of the execution department means. There are a total of forty-two executive teams under the direct control of the college's executive department. The higher the number, the more terrifying the team's strength. Among them, the identities of the members of the first, second, and third teams are mysterious. In addition to the principal, vice principal, and director of the executive department, No one knows the identity of the members of the team, and no one has the authority to give orders to them. The most elite team performs the most dangerous and difficult tasks. Each member has experienced hundreds of battles and has excellent blood. They are the so-called pride of heaven in the academy. In front of them, most of the students are just children who have just learned to walk. They are the school’s backbone and trump card.

Professor Li Yi, known as the contemporary swordsman, was also a member of the first team during his tenure in the Executive Department.

And he, Shen Mengyu, became the captain of the first team at the age of twenty-seven. Although he was young, no one dissatisfied him. He did not go to school in the academy. Instead, he was directly sent to the Executive Department for training by the Shen family, an established divine descendant clan, when he was twelve years old. Therefore, there is no file on him in the academy system, and few people know that he is a member of the Execution Department except Xia Yi. S class except Wednesday.

Logically speaking, the Shen family of the Shen family would never be willing to send a talent like him to the executive department, and would train him rationally as the next head of the family. However, all the love and attention of the Shen family were spent on their grandson Shen Delu, and this unlucky person was left alone. The reliable grandson was messing around in the academy, and the Shen family seemed to have endless patience with Shen Delu.

Shen Mengyu was a little tired and sat on the chair opposite the two of them. He had just retired from the battlefield where the academy was wiping out the Samurai God Society in Europe. After receiving this temporary mission, he immediately rushed to Yinhai overnight and only squinted for two hours during the car ride.

Xu Qinghuan was still chatting enthusiastically with Shen Delu, and suddenly Shen Delu's words reminded Xu Qinghuan.

"Brother Xu, do you know Japanese?"

Only then did Xu Qinghuan think of business.

"I almost forgot to call you." Xu Qinghuan pointed the camera at Shen Mengyu opposite, "Look, this is the tour guide arranged for us by the college. He looks exactly like you and says he is your brother."

Shen Delu at the other end of the video was shocked and stammered: "Brother, why are you here!"

Under the gazes of the three people, Shen Mengyu slowly stood up.

"younger brother."

No matter how unreliable Shen Delu is, he is the future head of the Shen family after all. In front of him, no matter what status Shen Mengyu has, there is no rule of sitting back and answering.

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