At four o'clock in the afternoon, on the flight to Japan.

In the economy class, most of the passengers were traveling during the Spring Festival holiday, including newlyweds on their honeymoon, families traveling together, and adults holding sunset red tour group flags.

Either because of the festival or the anticipation of this trip, everyone's faces were beaming with joy, but the plane was noisy. The crying of babies and the screams of naughty children made Xu Qinghuan very impatient.

"Child! Put your legs down for me!" Xu Qinghuan stared and frightened the naughty kid in the back row who kept kicking him.

When the naughty child saw the fierce Xu Qinghuan, he was about to cry, but was frightened by Xu Qinghuan's glare and held it back. The parents sitting beside him quickly apologized to Xu Qinghuan.

Xia Yi sat on the left side of Xu Qinghuan, put on headphones and closed her eyes to relax. Shen Mengyu sat on the right by the window, put on an eye mask and rested. Xu Qinghuan was left alone with nothing to do. He turned his head to Shen Mengyu's side and looked out the window. Look.

After getting on the plane, he felt a little uneasy and felt a tightness in his chest.

Xu Qinghuan kept changing his sitting position, waking up Xia Yi beside him. Seeing his pale face and fidgeting, Xia Yi asked doubtfully: "You don't get airsick, do you?"

"Vulgar." Xu Qinghuan replied without looking back. He can fly, but this does not affect his ability to get airsick. After all, the control of flying is not in his own hands.

After several hours of flight, it was already dark when the plane arrived at Tokyo Airport.

Xu Qinghuan swayed down the plane ramp holding a small flag with the sunset red tour group, wearing a peaked cap, and was surrounded by a group of adults and adults holding the same flag. They looked like ordinary tourists.

When the plane was about to land, Xia Yi went to the bathroom to complete her transformation. At this time, she was wearing a short pink wig and looked like an unconventional girl. After all, her silver hair is so dazzling that she might attract the attention of Japanese evil spirits as soon as she leaves the airport.

Shen Mengyu didn't put on any disguise. His identity was very hidden. Even the academy didn't have a file on him, and he didn't have to worry about being recognized by the Fierce Ghosts.

Because this mission is a secret infiltration, the execution department specially signed up a tour group for the three of them. Every holiday is the peak business season for travel agencies that deal with foreign tours. Most travel agencies have some connections in the local area and blend into this kind of tour group. least noticeable.

After passing the security check and picking up my luggage, a girl holding a sunset red tour group shouted in Mandarin among the crowded crowd in the airport pick-up hall.

"Those from the Sunset Red Brigade are coming this way!"

The girl had twin tails, black overalls with sunset red prints, and a small bee microphone with amplification function on her ears. She was half a head taller than the Japanese girls around her, and she was able to kill people in a crowded situation. Make a bloody path.

"Good boy, you are a heroine!" Xu Qinghuan couldn't help but praise the female tour guide when she saw her fierceness.

The three of them lined up along with the uncles and aunties.

There were more than thirty people in this tour group, most of them were elderly adults, and there were also some cheap young people. It seemed that the three young people Xu Qinghuan were not so out of place.

The female tour guide led the team to the airport parking lot and boarded a bus.

Xia Yi and Shen Mengyu put their suitcases away honestly and sat back in their seats without saying a word. Xu Qinghuan was bored and had no one to talk to, thinking that these two people were really boring.

Speaking of this, Xu Qinghuan suddenly missed Wang Xichao and Shen Delu, who usually made jokes together.

He took out his mobile phone. The signal had been restored, and there was a message from Shen Delu on WeChat.

Delu Facai: Brother Xu, you still have to be careful with this mission. After all, Japan is not our territory. The fact that the academy can send my brother means that the danger level of this mission must be very high.

Xu Qinghuan typed on the keyboard of her mobile phone.

In Conquering the World: Damn, they were so boring. Your facial paralysis brother and facial paralysis hero were so bored that they didn’t say a word the whole time.

The tour guide stood at the front of the carriage, introducing herself to everyone, constantly activating the atmosphere and introducing the scenery along the way.

All the aunts and uncles seemed to have a good impression of this young and beautiful tour guide, and they all liked her cold jokes. Some enthusiastic aunts asked who the tour guide was, and wanted to introduce her to someone after she returned to China.

Xu Qinghuan was not in the mood to care about that. Shen Delu didn't know why he didn't reply to his messages. He leaned his head on the glass window and looked at the busy traffic outside. The shops along the street were hung with conspicuous and exaggerated signboards. Some of the words seemed familiar to Xu Qinghuan. It's unrecognizable, it looks like something from an anime. On the roadside, men in suits and ties and girls with colorful hair, thin clothes and exposed legs came and went. They were in groups, carrying various bags in their hands, wearing cute makeup, and wearing thick shoes. Thick platform shoes, wanton laughter full of youthful vitality.

Xu Qinghuan admired the courage of these girls to show their legs in the winter.

Are these people the descendants of sinners who committed crimes that even the devil despises?

On the busiest commercial street in Tokyo, there is an inconspicuous small door on the side of the street, with a signboard with the three characters Takamagahara written on it.

The simple signboard and the unimpressive little door seem out of place on this street. After all, this is the most expensive place in Tokyo to rent, and every inch of land is very precious.

A young man wearing a suit and a black coat pushed the door open and entered. Inside was a long corridor. At the end of the long corridor were two elevators. The man reached out to verify his fingerprints, and the elevator doors opened.

The elevator descended to the negative first floor, accompanied by the sound of piercing music.

People on the ground in this commercial street would never have imagined that there was such a place under their feet.

In the middle of the first floor, there is a huge dance floor that can accommodate hundreds of people. There are decks of booths on the outside. There are seven or eight bartenders standing behind the long bar. Rows of expensive drinks are placed on the cabinets behind them. Famous wines.

Under the dim lights, a stunning singer in a red dress was singing in the middle of the dance floor, surrounded by drunken men and women dancing enthusiastically. These people came from all over the world, but most of them were black-haired and yellow-skinned. Asian.

The young man felt that the singer looked familiar, like the female star endorsing a big-name luxury product on the advertising screen in a commercial building outside.

The young man took off his coat and handed it to the waiter on the side. He crossed the dance floor and walked straight to the innermost box. On the booths on both sides, there were hot and dirty kisses between hormonal men and women, which made the man frown.

Pushing open the box door, a beautiful woman with a hot figure was kissing a man in a kimono. The scene was unbearable to look at.

The young man coughed twice.

The man in the kimono in the box pushed away the beautiful woman and said in less than standard Mandarin: "Su Jun, you are here."

Su Qingge did not speak, but looked at the woman beside him to leave.

The woman lifted her high heels, and when she passed by Su Qingge, she lightly touched the back of his hand with her fingers, which was obviously teasing.

"The commissioners sent by the Night Watch Academy have arrived in Tokyo." Su Qingge took out the scarf from his chest and wiped the back of his hands, then threw it into the trash can nearby.

The man picked up the wine glass on the table and frowned: "As far as I know, Principal Long and the Fierce Ghosts have not yet decided on a date for their visit, but they sent a small team to sneak into Japan. This is very unlike the old man's style. "

"Where's Master Baqi?" Su Qingge asked.

"The boss is always here and there, so this is nothing you and I should worry about." The man put down his wine glass, "Who did the academy send this time?"

"Xu Qinghuan, Xia Yi, Shen Mengyu." Su Qingge said the names of the three people calmly.

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