The travel agency charges are cheap, and the accommodation is not much better. The bus stops at the entrance of a slightly remote three-story hotel. It is said to be a hotel, but in fact, it is more accurate to describe it as a hotel.

The owner of the hotel is a middle-aged man with a big belly. As soon as the bus stopped, he ran out from the front desk to greet the tourists. He chattered some Japanese that Xu Qinghuan couldn't understand, but he looked very polite and kept talking. bow.

The tour group cooperates with this hotel. The tour guide greeted the boss familiarly in Japanese and translated the boss's words in Chinese for the ladies and gentlemen. The general idea was to welcome all distinguished guests to come. If there is any lack of care, please let me know. You Haihan and the like.

The guests took their passports and checked in one by one in the lobby. It was said to be a lobby, but in fact there was only one cashier counter. The area was pitifully small. People like Xu Qinghuan and others who were at the back of the queue had to stand outside the door and enjoy the cold wind.

Xu Qinghuan took out a cigarette and lit it, his hands trembling with the cold wind.

"What the hell is this place? It's freezing to death." Xu Qinghuan cursed, and then said to Shen Mengyu beside him: "How long are we going to stay here? How much money did the execution department embezzle, so the commissioner can only live in this kind of place when he is on a business trip? "

Shen Mengyu answered in an emotionless tone: "This tour group's package is a three-day and three-night trip to Japan."

"That means we have to follow this crappy tour group for three days and three nights?" Xu Qinghuan showed a painful expression. This was completely different from what he thought of as a business trip at public expense. There was no luxury car transfer, no cute Japanese girl to accompany him, and even the accommodation was so simple.

"It should take less than three days. I have been contacting the person in charge of the college in Tokyo. Logically speaking, he should have received a notification from the execution department, but he has not yet replied to me." Shen Mengyu explained.

What Shen Mengyu did not tell the two of them was that the mission specialist and the local person in charge were contacted through a secret line of the Execution Department. In the previous tasks of the Execution Department, there had never been a precedent where the local person in charge could not be contacted, let alone The person in charge of this mission is an S-class person, which symbolizes top secret. It is impossible for the local person in charge to be careless enough to miss the commissioner's call. This will not only ruin his career future, but also very likely be punished by the Executive Department for dereliction of duty.

The academy's stronghold in Tokyo has most likely been exposed. It is very likely that the three of us were closely monitored by the demons as soon as they got off the plane.

However, Shen Mengyu was not worried. The task he received was only to bring Xu Qinghuan and Xia Yi to Japan. As for what he would do after arriving in Tokyo, there was no explanation in the task.

"Xu Huan, right? Your room is in 301."

The tour guide enthusiastically helped the three people check in.

Only then did Xu Qinghuan notice that the tour guide was actually not very old. She was probably an international student studying in Japan on a work-study basis.

In order to avoid attracting attention, the execution department arranged fake certificates for Xu Qinghuan and Xia Yi, although in a sense the certificates could be said to be genuine.

Xu Qinghuan received the room card and was about to go upstairs when suddenly the voice of the tour guide came from behind.

"Xia Shanshan, your room is also in 301, and your room card has been taken away by your boyfriend."

Xia Yi frowned slightly and turned to look at Shen Mengyu.

"What the hell?" Xu Qinghuan hurried downstairs. He didn't want to share a room with Xia Yi. How much money did the damn execution department get so greedy that they even had to share a room for a business trip?

The scene became awkward for a while.

"Is the reservation information wrong?" the tour guide asked in a low voice. Although this place was not a good place, it was the peak tourist season and all the rooms had been booked in advance. She just asked the hotel owner and there were no more vacancies.

"That's right." Shen Mengyu glanced at Xu Qinghuan and Xia Yi, reminding them not to reveal their identities.

The three checked in and climbed the stairs upstairs.

"Don't you read the materials handed out before you go on a mission? You two are a couple who have just received your certificates. You are coming to Japan for your honeymoon during the Spring Festival holiday." Shen Mengyu reminded in a low voice.

"What kind of relationship is this? Are the people in the execution department so smart?" Xu Qinghuan cursed. He did receive an email from the execution department before setting off. He thought it was about remuneration, but when he opened it, he saw that it was all densely packed. The fine print was turned off directly.

Xia Yi followed silently. She had a headache just reading the words. She only read the beginning of the email sent by the execution department. When she learned that her pseudonym was Xia Shanshan this time, she closed the document.

The execution department cannot be blamed for this matter. They have never sent such detailed mission materials to the commissioners in previous missions. Considering that this mission is special, the commissioners are Xu Qinghuan and Xia Yi, who have only been on one mission. Therefore, a detailed relationship and background was specially tailored for the two of them. After all, the unusual relationship between the two of them made a big fuss in the college, which even affected the executive department. They even introduced it thoughtfully in the email. It's a pity that Japan's mythical characters met two bad students who had a headache just reading words.

"Just treat it as an ordinary trip and have fun." After Shen Mengyu said that, she opened the door and walked in.

Xia Yi and Xu Qinghuan played a rock-paper-scissors game over the ownership of tonight's bed. Xu Qinghuan, who lost one hand, proposed to change to a best-of-three-game system. Xu Qinghuan, who lost another hand, once again proposed to change to a best-of-five-game system. Xu Qinghuan, who plays three games, shamelessly said that it would be best to win four out of six games? As a result, Xia Yi kicked him out of bed.

The room was small, and the bathroom with frosted glass door had no privacy at all. Xia Yi said she wanted to take a shower, and Xu Qinghuan said knowingly that I should go out for a walk.

When Xu Qinghuan was about to walk out of the hotel with a cigarette in his mouth, he saw the hotel owner holding bed sheets and quilts.

"Hello, is there anything interesting around here?" Xu Qinghuan asked in the tone of the imperial army commander in the anti-war drama.

The hotel owner was confused by his question.

"Mixi Mixi." Xu Qinghuan gestured with his hands with difficulty. He was a little hungry and wanted to find a place to eat. "Flower girl, where is the flower girl?" Seeing that he could not explain clearly, he wanted to ask the boss the tour guide. where.

"Hahaha, what kind of Japanese are you speaking?"

The tour guide who came down from upstairs happened to see this scene and was amused and laughed.

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