Early the next morning.

"Wake up, the tour group is about to leave." Xia Yi pushed Xu Qinghuan, who was curled up on the floor.

Xu Qinghuan woke up in a daze, rubbed his eyes, and felt dizzy.

He was lying on the floor of his hotel room, wearing yesterday's clothes and even his shoes, and covered with a blanket.

"Where are we?" Xu Qinghuan held his forehead with one hand. Shi Lin tried hard to recall what happened last night, but his memory was interrupted after receiving the flyer. He was obviously very conscious before that, so why did he stop filming after that?

After Xia Yi washed up, she walked out of the bathroom, pointed at the posters and albums on the floor, and mocked: "I didn't expect you to be star-chasing."

The posters and albums contain various photos of a Japanese girl wearing a kimono. The girl looks cute, her smile is even sweeter, her eyebrows are curved like crescent moons, and she looks like a energetic girl.

"Izayoi? Who?" Xu Qinghuan picked up an album in confusion, read out the name on it, and suddenly found a lace around his wrist that looked like an admission ticket, "What is this?" He asked I took off the lace and took a closer look, but unfortunately I couldn't read Japanese.

"Last night you kept shouting her name and slept with this in her arms." As she said that, Xia Yi picked up a humanoid doll as tall as one person from the ground beside the bed and threw it to Xu Qinghuan. The doll had an anime image of a girl printed on it. .

"I thought you were familiar with her." Xia Yi frowned.

"Don't slander me. My life style has always been upright." Xu Qinghuan stood up, seeming to dislike the smell of alcohol on his body.

"Where's the money! Where's my money!" Xu Qinghuan fumbled in his pants pocket and suddenly shouted.

He clearly remembered that he took out a stack of banknotes from the ATM last night, but now his pocket was empty. He looked all over and found only his mobile phone and the black card.

"What money?" Xia Yi asked.

"A lot of money! The stupid little devil stole it from me!" Xu Qinghuan yelled. The fact that the black card was still there made him feel relieved, but he was still unhappy about losing a large amount of money.

"Maybe you spent money on the girl in the custom shop yesterday." Xia Yi sneered.

"I am not interested in women." Faced with Xia Yi's strange look, Xu Qinghuan added: "I am not interested in men either! I am a man who wants to conquer the world, and I will not let little affection and little love stop me. ."

Xia Yi glanced at Xu Qinghuan and said, "We're leaving in half an hour."

"I'll take a shower first." Xu Qinghuan took off his dirty black down jacket, looked at Xia Yi who was still standing still, and said, "Why are you still standing here? I'm going to take a shower!"

Xia Yi hurriedly took the pink wig from the table and walked out of the room.

"Don't come in if I don't say anything!"

Xu Qinghuan was taking a shower in the bathroom. The glass-separated bathroom made him feel very insecure. I kept recalling what happened last night in my mind. I sent the tour guide back to the hotel, went to an ATM on the street to withdraw money, and prepared to stay in a hotel for one night. Then I met a man handing out a leaflet. The leaflet was printed Looking at the photo of the girl named Izayoi, he woke up on the floor.

Oops, I couldn’t really have been tricked into going to a custom shop after drinking too much during the holidays, right? Damn it, I spent all my money and can’t remember anything.

The facially paralyzed woman must not be allowed to know about this!

Just as he was thinking about it, there was a knock on the door outside the house.

"Why are you urging me? Didn't I tell you not to come in if I didn't say anything?" Xu Qinghuan said angrily.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." A girl's soft and waxy voice came from outside the house. Her Mandarin was not standard, and she smelled like a colonel.

Xu Qinghuan said happily that it was not Xia Yi, so she quickly put on her clothes, put on disposable slippers and opened the door.

A black-haired girl wearing a luxurious purple and gold kimono stood quietly in front of the door. She had a princess cut hairstyle. Seeing Xu Qinghuan open the door, she immediately bowed down and apologized timidly.

"Xu Jun, I'm sorry to bother you so early."

"Who are you?" Xu Qinghuan looked at the girl in front of him in confusion.

The girl showed a puzzled expression: "Don't you remember me? We had a wonderful night last night."

"Don't talk nonsense. How can a little girl insult someone's innocence out of thin air!" Xu Qinghuan was in a panic. He looked around in the corridor. When he saw no one there, he breathed a sigh of relief and waved to the girl: "Let's go, let's go!"

Xu Qinghuan closed the door and looked through the peephole. The girl in kimono was still standing alone against the wall and refused to leave.

"What are you going to do?" Xu Qinghuan couldn't bear it and opened the door again and said angrily.

"Xu Jun, have you forgotten what happened last night?" the girl asked.

"Last night?" Xu Qinghuan said heartily, are you the woman I made a mistake last night and hated for eternity? Why are the girls in Japanese custom shops so innocent, and they even come to me?

"I drank too much last night. If I did anything, just think that I was drunk and having sex." Xu Qinghuan, who knew she was wrong, turned around and walked into the room. She opened Xia Yi's pink suitcase and rummaged for her wallet, and pulled out a few coins. A hundred dollar bill was handed to the girl.

The girl looked at him doubtfully.

When Xu Qinghuan saw that she refused to accept it, he thought she didn't recognize the RMB and said: "This RMB is very valuable! According to the current exchange rate, these are about 20,000 yen."

"That's not what I meant, I was..." The girl wanted to explain, but was interrupted by Xu Qinghuan, who was afraid of others seeing her.

"Okay, okay, how much do you think is appropriate?"

In the room, three people, one man, two women, were sitting on chairs.

"That's how things are." The princess nodded.

"So you are an underground idol in Japan, and it was him last night..." Xia Yi pointed at Xu Qinghuan, who was bowing his head silently like a child who made a mistake, "He went to see your performance and spent money to bid on it. Now is my chance to walk with you.”

The Princess cut the girl nodded, picked up another poster on the ground, put it next to her face, and gestured at the two of them.

"I am Izayoi Yue."

Xia Yi turned around and laughed at Xu Qinghuan: "I really didn't see it."

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