"Not all idols are as glamorous as those on TV. There are tens of thousands of Japanese idol groups, but most of them are underground idols."

In the hotel, four figures went downstairs together, and Shen Mengyu explained to the two of them.

"Is there an upper and lower level for idols? The hierarchy is too clear." Xu Qinghuan complained.

"Because these people are generally not famous, don't have many fans, and don't have the opportunity to perform in large venues. Most of them are held in basements." Shen Mengyu turned to look at the princess who was following at the end, and then looked at Xu Qinghuan: "You can I understand them as ordinary people who have idol dreams, but their status is not high, and some of them will be intimate with fans in order to sell records."

"Why do you know so much about Japan?" Xu Qinghuan asked doubtfully.

"Searched on the Internet." A flash of embarrassment appeared on Shen Mengyu's face.

He was embarrassed to tell the two of them that he had been sent to the Executive Department for training since he was a child. In his spare time, he spent time reading comics. He read Naruto, One Piece, and Inuyasha over and over again. These comics kept him company. After a bloody and cruel youth, he was once a passionate middle school boy.

Nowadays, he still searches for some news about these cartoonists when he is not performing tasks. Over time, his mobile phone often pushes him some entertainment news about Japan.

"Little sister, you really don't have to follow me, go home quickly." Xu Qinghuan persuaded Izaye to leave. He didn't like having a follower behind him.

"But you spent 2 million that night to take photos of today's companions, one million of which was used as today's companion funds." Izayoi explained.

"What do you mean?" Xu Qinghuan was confused.

"You don't have to pay for food, drink and fun today. The limit is one million yen. Of course, you have to pay for the money yourself." Shen Mengyu explained.

"There is such a good thing!" Xu Qinghuan's eyes suddenly lit up. He thought that although he was drunk, after all, he spent the money on his own, and it would be better to ask for it from this cute and cute girl. Coming back, of course, it would be a different matter if the other party is a big guy who picks his feet, but thinking about it, no matter how drunk he is, he will not spend a lot of money on a big guy who picks his feet.

Now that he knew that half of the loss could be recovered, Xu Qinghuan immediately strengthened his determination to go with the girl.

Xu Qinghuan immediately changed his face and enthusiastically helped the cute girl down the stairs. He thoughtfully told the girl to be careful when walking in wooden slippers and not to bump into each other.

The tour guide Wen Ting who had been waiting in the lobby on the first floor was shocked when she saw this scene. Xu Qinghuan supported a soft girl and passed her by and said hello to her. Xia Yi and Shen Mengyu came next Watch this scene with a blank expression.

Being so intimate with another woman in front of your newlywed wife? Is the newlywed wife turning a blind eye?

It's so confusing!

Just when Wen Ting was shocked, Shen Mengyu walked towards him.

"Hello, we need one more person on our journey today."

In the travel bus, the aunts and uncles were discussing the scenery along the way. Xu Qinghuan and Izayo Yeyue were sitting side by side at the back, while Xia Yi and Shen Mengyu were sitting on the other side.

Xia Yi turned her head pretending to be casual and peeked at the two of them. Izayoi Yue introduced the scenic spots along the road to Xu Qinghuan in substandard Mandarin. Xu Qinghuan seemed to be less cold and kept asking about Japanese food. The two of them sat in a very upright posture and had no physical contact.

"So the rumors in the college are true?" Shen Mengyu saw Xia Yi's thoughts and asked.

Shen Mengyu appears to be taciturn on the surface, with a look of keeping away from strangers. Only those who are familiar with him know that this man is actually very gossipy in his heart.

"What rumors?" Xia Yi asked coldly.

"Aren't you and him a couple?" Shen Mengyu asked.

Everyone in the academy stayed away from this S-class girl who could fight with demi-gods without losing. No one dared to ask Xia Yi to confirm those rumors. Even Wang Xichao and Shen Delu, who were close friends with her, only dared to Knocking on CP behind his back. Shen Mengyu didn't care about this at all, not to mention how many exaggerated elements Xia Yi had disclosed, even if it was true, so what?

"No." Xia Yi shook his head.


The two of them closed their eyes and meditated in the car, and the laughter of Xu Qinghuan and the underground idol kept coming from behind.

"Wouldn't bringing her affect the mission?" Xia Yi opened her eyes with an angry expression.

"Are you really concerned about affecting the mission?" Shen Mengyu asked back.

After visiting the scenic spots for a day, everyone finally got off the bus on an old street.

The streets are crowded with people, there are cosplayers dressed up as anime characters everywhere, and there are shops selling electronic products on the roadside.

Xu Qinghuan looked at all this with novelty.

"This is Akihabara." Izayoyoi introduced to a few people.

Akihabara is known as the holy land for otakus. It is full of shops selling games and electronic products. At the same time, it is also an electronics street. The adults and adults in the tour group are naturally not interested in games and come here specifically to buy some. Electrical appliances returned to China.

Shen Mengyu told the three of them that she still had some things to do, so she left alone. Xu Qinghuan asked Xia Yi if she wanted to go have something to eat together, but Xia Yi coldly refused. Xia Yi found a coffee shop to sit alone, while Xu Qinghuan and Izayo Yeyue went shopping happily.

It feels so comfortable to go shopping while someone is paying the bill. Xu Qinghuan has never had this experience since Wednesday's death. Although in a sense, he spent his own money, in the final analysis, he spent Wednesday's money on this trip. .

The two of them were strolling around leisurely. Xu Qinghuan wanted to try the snacks sold on the roadside when he saw them, such as octopus balls, taiyaki, and Dorayaki, Doraemon's favorite food. He bought them in the front, and Shiteyukiyaki in the back. Pay the money.

"By the way, I didn't do anything last night, right?" Xu Qinghuan took a bite of Dorayaki and complained: "Why is this stuff so sweet? Is this what Doraemon likes to eat?"

"Xu Jun was the most supportive customer, and the cheers from the audience were very loud. After the performance, you threw a large stack of yen on the stage, saying it was used to support my work." Sixteen Moon Night described what happened last night "As Shen Jun said, idols like us have very low income and little fame. In order to attract people to watch performances, we often have to go to the streets to hand out flyers, and some fans will also make excessive demands. "Speaking of this June Night, he looked sad.

"Then...did I make excessive demands?" Xu Qinghuan hesitated for a while and finally asked.

Shiliuyueye shook her head: "No, Xu Jun was very polite and even went on stage to help me canvass votes. He said that I worked very hard and asked everyone to buy more records and so on. I am the only one who can speak a little Chinese."

"Okay, okay, stop talking." Xu Qinghuan couldn't bear to hear the stupid things he did last night.

Suddenly, a familiar figure flashed across the crowd in the distance. Shen Mengyu, a tall and thin man wearing a black coat, stood out among the crowd.

"Shen Mengyu?" Xu Qinghuan asked doubtfully, pulling Shiliu Yeyue to follow Shen Mengyu.

"What is this kid doing so sneakily?"

Shen Mengyu walked into a shop selling handicrafts, and Xu Qinghuan and the others followed through the crowded crowd.

This is a small shop with a small area. There are a dazzling array of figures on the display racks. Xu Qinghuan also reads Japanese comics, and he knows many of those figures.

There were many customers in the figure shop. As soon as Xu Qinghuan stepped into the shop, a figure flashed behind him and pressed something hard against his back chest.

"It's you." Seeing that the person coming was Xu Qinghuan, Shen Mengyu put down the weapon against his chest.

Xu Qinghuan turned around and found Shen Mengyu holding a handicraft. He thought that it was the thing that was pressing against his chest.

"What you said was that you came here to buy action figures. I didn't expect you, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, to also like these things." Although Xu Qinghuan has read a lot of Japanese comics, he is not very interested in action figures.

Chen Mengyu, who discovered the secret, said: "A little hobby."

"せっしょうまる!" Izayoyoyuki looked at the figure in Shen Mengyu's hand in surprise.

Shen Mengyu raised the Sesshomaru figure in her hand and asked in surprise: "Do you also like to watch InuYasha?" After saying this, she realized that she was too stupid to ask this question. The other party was Japanese, and InuYasha was very popular. It’s impossible for the other person in the comic not to know.

Izayoyoyuki nodded, stretched out his hand and gestured, pretending to hold a knife in his hand and slashed at Shen Mengyu, shouting with great momentum: "ばくさいがExplosive Fang Slash!"

What Izayoiyuki shouted was Sesshomaru's ultimate move in the Inuyasha anime.

Shen Mengyu cleared her throat and said: "わたしは风(かぜ)です. FREE(じゆう)な风です."

This is a sentence said by Sesshomaru in the Inuyasha anime. The original meaning is "I am the wind, the free wind."

"But I like him better than the protagonist Inuyasha." Izayoiyuki pointed to the figure in Shen Mengyu's hand, "It's him, Sesshomaru."

"What weird things are you talking about?" Xu Qinghuan complained about the two people's middle-aged behavior in broad daylight, which made him really want to separate the relationship between the two. Fortunately, this is Japan, and their behavior is not strange at all.

He doesn't have a deep love for Japanese comics. He just watches a couple of episodes when he's bored after get off work. Naturally, he's not familiar with old comics like Inuyasha, but he's heard the name.

"You like Sesshomaru?" Shen Mengyu was a little surprised, "But Inuyasha is the leading actor, isn't he?"

Izayoyoyuki shook his head: "The male protagonist just has the halo of the protagonist. I still prefer Sesshomaru, who is handsome, strong and dedicated."

"It's a pity that he is a supporting character after all. His younger brother is the real protagonist. No matter what he does, he can't change this." Shen Mengyu looked down at the Sesshomaru figure in his hand with a gloomy expression.

"In the audience's mind, he is the protagonist. At least in my mind, he is." Izayoi said with a smile.

Next, the three of them visited several handicraft stores and comic shops. Shen Mengyu and Izayoi chatted non-stop along the way, from Inuyasha to One Piece, and also discussed whether Naruto and Boruto were unfinished. During the heated debate, Shen Mengyu also asked Izayoi Yue, a Japanese native, many questions, such as why Doraemon had no ears, where Yoshihiro Togashi's family lived, and so on.

Xu Qinghuan, who was following the two of them, was shocked that the taciturn Shen Mengyu actually talked so much today. With his handsome and feminine appearance and tall and thin figure, he had a cold temperament and a look like everyone owed him two hundred dollars. She has enough expressions to walk on the catwalk and become a supermodel, but she is a fat nerd who is obsessed with comics and figurines!

A stern man in a black coat and a petite kimono princess-kiriya girl with a soft voice.

Looks like a perfect match.

Soon it was time for the tour group to gather. Izayoyo said that her residence was in this area and that she would not go back with them within a five-minute walk.

She bowed and thanked the three of them, claiming that she had spent a great day. She prepared gifts for the three of them, and gave Xu Qinghuan and Xia Yi a pair of couple bracelets. When she handed them to Xu Qinghuan, she whispered in his ear Something happened.

She handed the other bracelet to Xia Yi, and then said, "Pink hair looks good."

Finally it was Shen Mengyu's turn, and the gift Izayoiyuki prepared for him was an Inuyasha comic signed by the author Rumiko Takahashi.

Under the afterglow of the setting sun, the girl stood in the crowd and waved goodbye to the three of them. When she smiled, her eyes were crescent like crescent moons.

Xu Qinghuan sat in the car seat blankly, pretending to glance at Xia Yi casually, thinking about what Izayoi said in his ears.

"It's not easy to meet someone you like. Don't let her run away."

Shen Mengyu suddenly stood up from his seat, quickly got out of the car and ran to Twelve Yue Ye.

"We may not meet again, but I still thank you very much for liking Sesshomaru." Shen Mengyu handed the Sesshomaru figure in the shopping bag to Izai Yueye, walked into the car without looking back, and left A girl with a stunned look on her face.

The vehicle drove further and further away, and the girl in kimono disappeared into the vast sea of ​​people.

"Shen Jun, some people will also like the supporting roles."

The girl looked at the figure in her hand meaningfully.

"What's wrong with the two of them?" Xia Yi asked Xu Qinghuan next to her in a low voice, looking at Shen Mengyu who was sitting beside him in a daze.

"I don't know. We were discussing anime and Sesshomaru and Inuyasha along the way. I don't understand either." Xu Qinghuan had no time to care about the two of them, and he was in a mess.

On the second-floor balcony of a sea-view villa in the Maldives, a blond man wearing beach shorts and with a figure like an ancient Roman sculpture was leisurely enjoying the sunset with a wine glass. A group of hot bikini beauties were opening a car next to the swimming pool on the first floor of the villa. queue.

The cell phone on the table rang.

"It's not fraud, it's not fraud. I have to say it several times! Your bank has to call and ask for such a small amount of money!" The man hung up the call.

Looking at the sun that was about to set, the man was obviously in a good mood.

"My foolish friend, the trick is far from over."

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